
3 Reviews
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Dumbed Down to the Max
23 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
(I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum) I really don't know what to say about this film.

As someone who absolutely loved the first one and went into this one desiring to love it as well, I was extremely disappointed and just incredibly confused. I have a number of issues with it, but let's get into the first one.

Tone: Not every film in a series/sequence needs to maintain consistent tone, I get that. But the first film has always stood out from other animated movies, because of its serious tone and mature themes (children and adults can enjoy it). This movie feels like a different franchise entirely. It lacks all the high stakes, emotion, and seriousness of the first film. Consider just a couple moments from the first film: the plane crash scene, the scene where Mr. Incredible threatens to kill Mirage, the scene where Buddy gives his "it's bigger, it's badder" monologue, the scene where Mr. Incredible realizes his fellow supers are dead and is then absorbed by black slime, or when Elastigirl considers that Mr. Incredible might be having an affair when she finds a white hair. Any one of these scenes is more complex, emotional, and interesting than the entire Incredibles 2 film. The second movie lacks any sense of stakes or seriousness. It felt like the most dumbed down version imaginable. The first film was so smart in its approach and dialogue, and the characters felt realistic and intelligent (the fight between Elastigirl and Bob when he comes home late). This film has lost all of that completely. For example, the scene where Elastigirl is talking to the sister and says "are you asking the believer or the cynic?" was possibly the most cringe-worthy, out of place dialogue I've ever heard. Like they were trying to intellectualize a moment so hard it just felt forced. Even the color scheme of this movie felt jarringly different and so saturated, like the colors were turned up to the max. The first film had a color story that made sense: it's grey and depressing when Bob is working, explosion of color once you get to Nomanasan. There's a development of color that is both metaphoric and makes sense. This film's color story felt childish, which would be fine if it was just a children's movie. But it's apart of a franchise that's first film was an iconic masterpiece with mature yet fun themes, and in that respect it is seriously disappointing and difficult to watch.

Plot: Most predictable plot ever made. As soon as you see it, you know the siblings (sister) will turn out to be bad, and that she's controlling screen slaver. And of course Elastigirl finally gets her turn to save the world and Mr. Incredible + family will have to go save her (a reversal of the first movie that at first seems creative then becomes almost too predictable). And I have major issues with the villain. They are literally fighting people who can be calmed down if they just remove goggles.

Characters: What happened with the characters? They were all dumbed down versions of themselves. Even that scene with Dash where he can't pronounce decimals, which was supposed to be family friendly and cute, was just irritating and felt dumb for his character. Elastigirl was over the top to the point where she didn't feel like herself. Bob was the... same? I guess, but had zero development. Violet, who I get is going through her angsty teen thing, is okay. Even the minor characters, Edna aside who was fine, like the guy who helps them relocate each year was off. In the first film I appreciated his seriousness and matter of fact style, which appeared cold but you could tell he actually cared. Even he felt crazy different.

It actually hurts me to continue critiquing this film, so I'll stop there despite the many other issues I had with it.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Worse than Batman v. Superman
4 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Trying to keep up with the plot of this movie is like chasing a moving train. Except even when you think you've caught up to it, you're not sure you want to get on board.

As someone who went into this movie with tempered expectations thanks to negative critical reviews, yet also hope it would have some redeeming moments due to the overall positive IMDb user reviews, I can honestly say that the critics may have won on this one.

Suicide Squad has a number of issues, but is not a total loss for comic book fans. The performances by the actors is not what stops this film from being a success, but it doesn't stop their characters from going in the wrong direction.

1. THE PLOT: The plot was pretty much a mess. This was a common complaint about the Batman V. Superman movie: the plot defied logic and had too much trivial sub-plot due to the amount of characters. Suicide Squad runs into a similar problem. I feel like they compensated logic to simply include scenes that would satisfy comic book fans, however it's at the sake of the film's success as a whole. Nothing is ever explained that you want explained. And somehow the movie is a confusing blend of predictable yet unclear. I found myself constantly asking "Why wouldn't you just do____?"

2. Not enough screen time for the other squad members: The rest of the squad (Other than Harley and Deadshot) are not fleshed out well. And the movie's feeble attempts to add background, dimension or complexity to the characters fails, with flashbacks and random monologues that don't elicit any sort of empathy from the viewer. I found myself easily not caring about the squad or its success at all. (Example in point 6)

3. PACING: I think the attempts to flesh out the characters failed also because of the way the movie is paced. It's about 2 hours, yet feels like a 30 minute movie. Scenes jump around quickly and what they do choose to drag out (flashbacks amongst other things) may be fun to watch but is unnecessary.

3. Overuse of Music: A little more nit-picky, yet nonetheless something I noticed. Now I'm for every character having a cool theme, and soundtracks are great but... Suicide Squad utilizes loud, distracting, CONSTANT music... over dialogue, over key scenes.... music accompanies everything. Or at least that's what it felt like. Don't get me wrong sometimes it works.

4. THERE ARE NO STAKES INVOLVED WHEN YOU'RE FIGHTING MONSTERS MADE OF GOOP: I worried about the antagonists of this movie when I saw the trailers. None of the fight scenes have any real tension or meaning, because of the type of monsters they're fighting. Faceless, CGI, magical goop.

5. Uneven Dynamic of Power: This is a big issue I have with the movie. A lot of the characters seem extremely unnecessary and frankly misplaced, due to the disparity of power between all of them. In Batman V. Superman, people worried about how Batman would stand next to Superman, Wonder Woman and Apocalypse. In Suicide Squad it just felt wrong that a girl with bat and a guy with a boomerang were even within two feet of a guy who can breathe fire and a woman who can tear a hole in the sky. You simply don't believe Harley, for example, is needed in the group, which throws the logic of the film out of wack. Or that her bat can rip apart monsters, when Waller's bullets don't pierce them or Katana's sword. Not sure if this is a popular opinion, but the thought definitely occurred to me.

6. Katana : Out of all the characters in this movie, Katana's character was the biggest wasted opportunity (Boomerang is a close runner up). I'm not too familiar with her character in the comics, but I've looked up a couple strips and she's speaking English. THEY FREAKING SUBTITLE HER IN THE MOVIE. She can't even communicate with the damn squad. She could have been a character that could bond with them and be pretty cool, but she's reduced to a non-English speaking, body guard. And the film's attempts to humanize her couldn't be more ineffective. I had hoped this character would be utilized stronger and better.

7. The Joker : I never thought I'd say this in my lifetime, but this film should not have included the Joker. He should have full gotten his own movie or only been in certain scenes. Jared Leto does a great job, and he's definitely a scene stealer. In fact, I could see people leaving this movie thinking he was the best part or the only redeeming quality (Which in my mind is actually Will Smith), but I did enjoy watching the Joker. But his appearances made no sense in the context of the plot and felt fairly forced and random. I was expecting complex schemes from him or maybe an interesting sub plot, but that's not what I got from the movie.

8. Still Fun to Watch : The movie with all its faults is nonetheless fun to watch at times and the performances aren't bad. There are particular moments that I think are done well or include nice cinematic details. Batman v. Superman is overall a better film, but Suicide Squad is definitely more exciting.

In conclusion: It was difficult to keep this review fairly spoiler free, but I think I did it. Suicide Squad may become your next "guilty pleasure bad movie" film, but I think the average viewer will definitely find the film to be subpar. I did, and I hope this review helps you.
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
Watch the first season, then stop!
20 June 2014
10= First Season 5-8= following seasons Heroes pulls you in right from the get go. It is exciting, addictive, witty, intricate, and visually stunning. The first season is hands down a masterpiece in television. The writers actually wrote the first season as though they were not going to do a second season. Thusly the first season can stand alone, and has a well though out ending. While the second season is interesting enough, it is nowhere near what the first season was. The truth is that after the first season, the show steadily spirals and goes downhill. This was extremely noticeable to me, simply because the first season was amazing. The characters are relatable, dynamic, human, and you care for them. My favorite quality in most of them is their intelligence. I hate characters who make dumb decisions just to move the plot along, and in Heroes the characters are smart. It is especially interesting because while the story does involve some saving and heroic acts (as they grow into their powers), initially what draws you in is the process at which they begin to understand their powers. I was glad to see that the 'heroes' were normal everyday people and were from all over the world. They all begin to connect in their story lines, and they discover they are not alone. The powers are portrayed beautifully on screen, and the first season is addictive and exciting. The first season never loses momentum till the end. I don't want to give away anything, because the show has many twists and reveals, part of what makes it so enjoyable. So my suggestion is to watch Heroes, and if you don't want to be disappointed in the shows depressing turn after the first season, stop after you watch it. Because the first season is most definitely worth watching! (It is currently streaming on Netflix)
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