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The Fall Guy (2024)
I can not believe it.
27 May 2024
Two of the nicest actors in Hollywood been dragged to do this movie, and I for the life of me I do not know why. I like both of them, plus Hanna as well - but what an awful script. This movie was written by either an 11-year-old or the cheapest AI software out there. It has no logic, no coherent text, no real plot and no resolution. I can not believe such a movie was allowed to happen. Maybe it is a sign of the times, where brains no longer function anymore. Abort, abort, abort.

I hope that someone will come out and explain why was this movie granted a budget (obviously high budget) and why such cast was assembled. For what? I need answers.
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Argylle (2024)
The film is fun, the cast is great, but the lead....
11 March 2024
I was not expecting much from this film, but the casting was so good I had to see it through. It is an old fashion run & hide spy movie - but again, quite fun! I did enjoy most of it.

However for the life of me I will question the lead cast. I do not find Ms Bryce Dallas Howard interesting, charismatic or entertaining. She is certainly the weakest part of the movie. What a shame. Why was she cast?

Well the only answer I have in my mind is that someone in Hollywood is trying to promote her - as they always do - and give her some parts.

The film is actually a solid 7/10 but I was not able to ignore the lead, thus 5/10 seem to justify the rating better.
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Chrissy Judy (2022)
Beautiful Art House movie, completely unexpected
17 July 2023
Sometimes you get nice surprises in life.

I watched this film without watching the trailer or knowing anything about it. I was immediately charmed and captivated by the wonderful storyline & acting of Todd Flaherty, Wyatt Fenner and everyone else.

Friendship and the loss of it is the main theme of the feature; but it is so much more then that. One truly get the sense of Gay New York and the surroundings; You get to meet different types of people; the daily life and the occasional life; the ups and downs, disappointments and eternel search of what can life be. And all of that beautifully shot.

Congratulations to Flaherty for creating a real story, a touching story, that I am sure many people will find attachment to. He is obviously a seriously talented writer, director and actor.

I really enjoyed this film and I hope you see it too.
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The Minister (2020– )
Captivating TV Show from Iceland
18 November 2022
I wish more people would watch scandi shows regularly.

This show is a fine example of a tight script accompanied with fantastic acting - in particularly the lead, he is truly amazing - and an amazing setting of the island itself, Iceland.

Again we see the power of good writing. Icelandic TV RUV in cooperation with the other 4 scandi TV channels - SVT (Sweden) NRK (Norway) DR (Denmark) and YLE (Finland) served us with yet another masterpiece.

I would definitely watch more Icelandic film and TV in the future. I enjoyed the wonderful Icelandic language as well. It gives the story an air of being from strange, far away land which is an added bonus to the plot.

Go and watch this - it's good.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
The Crown season 5 - not great anymore..
13 November 2022
It is sad to see such a once great show on it's knees, but that exactly what happened to The Crown season 5. It is rumored that the Queen - who was watching the show religiously - asked to see season 5 before it was aired. I do not believe she would have approved of her portray in this season.

It seems that the casting for this season has not been as successful.

First and foremost, the Queen herself, portrayed by Imelda Staunton was an obvious mistake. Ms Staunton does not give the 'feel' of the Queen as Claire Foy & Olivia Coleman did. Staunton's Queen feels cold, remote and somewhat negative. An absolute casting mistake.

But the casting mistakes continues with the Duke of Edinburgh (Jonathan Price) - a faded and weak portray of the actual authoritative and strong present of the Prince Consort, and Prince Charles (Dominic West - never found him to be a good or interesting actor in any role) who seem to be more annoying and strong headed than the usual.

The only good casting I can point out is of Princess Diana (Elizabeth Debicki) who manages to truly transfer the vulnerability and emotional complexity of Diana. Debicki is quite fabulous a my 3 stars goes to her.

The story line is what it is, but yet again I get the feeling the show - as a TV show - has run out of steam. Sadly.

Watch it - but with caution - don't expect to be mesmerized like in the other 4 seasons.
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For All Mankind: Stranger in a Strange Land (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
I am a fan of the show but
17 August 2022
I am a fan of the show but the last episode 3.10 was ridiculous even for sci-fi. It was good for a while but lost its way towards the end of the season 3. What a pity.
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The Orville: Twice in a Lifetime (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
Wow. I can't believe I am going to write this.
10 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 3 of The Orville has been surprisingly disappointing.

Season 1 was very entertaining, while season 2 was a blast. I loved it.

The 3rd season, so far, has been slow, lackluster and repetitive.

The cast looks tired and unenergetic. There is no "umpff factor" anymore.

And as a person who was waiting 3 years it is so sad to watch.

I am writing this review of episode 3.06 because this was the worst of all. Sure, we all like time travel episodes, but the cavalier way it was handled was poor to say the least.

Basically, apart for being uneventful and rather predictable, the crude and rather harsh way the Malloy plotline was pulled out of his timeline was - to me - heartless and mismanaged. It was down right cruel and unjustified.

It would have been much better resolved if the whole family was allowed to board, or at the very least have Malloy chase the team in 2025 to return - leaving his family intact, and allowed to live on.

The ending of the show was terrible, seeing Malloy agreeing with that harsh verdict. That was probably the worst.

I am not sure I will be seeing the rest of this show.

I am done.

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Three Months (2022)
Troye Sivan can't go wrong
25 February 2022
Sometimes charisma is everything. And Troye Sivan has that in bundles. He is just so suited for the screen, and a good actor too. A great singer for sure.

The film was very pleasant to watch. I truly enjoyed it, plus the bonus of seeing the great Ellen Burstein and Louis Gossett jr. - great cast.

I hope to see more of Troye in films, as well as music. He is such a huge talent.

Go see this movie. You will enjoy it.
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Surprising Gay Themed Film from Australia
31 December 2020
I watch many gay themed movies, and to be honest I was never too impressed with what Australia has to offer in that field (compare to say, Brazil, France or French-Canada). But this film is different.

The subject matter is - surprisingly - a post-gay marriage dilemma, which involves adopting and raising kids as a gay couple.

In some countries - such as Spain, Canada, USA & Israel in particular - gay adoption or surrogacy is not a new topic. However, in Australia it is, I feel, it is still a 'hot potato' issue, especially after watching this important film.

I have to note that the actors in this film are very well casted. It's unusual to see two very attractive, mascular, straight acting guys playing a gay couple. They were very well placed and it helped the movie a great deal to bring this topic forward. (note - I admit I did not expect such intensive and convincing intimate scenes - it was very refreshing and honest, certainly from an Australian film).

I would highly recommend viewing this film as it is relevant and very well executed.
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Sweat (2018)
What's the point here?
29 December 2020
What's the point of sexual encounter without real sex? no penetration?

Two good actors, but very disappointing result. Bad decision by the director of this.

failed movie.
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Tenet (2020)
What a mess. Oh, yeh, It's Christopher Nolan.
6 December 2020
Christopher Nolan is not the worst director in the world. But as a sci-fi one, he competes with the likes of Michael Bay. Even Michael Bay makes more enjoyable movies. This film could have been so much better; but without character development, the story is rashed and the bad cinematography did not help. What a mess!
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Take Away (2002)
Why oh why?
30 September 2020
Sadly, I don't like this actress Philly Abe and I have no idea why Todd Verow is stuck on her on so many of his features. She is not good nor interesting on any level. The strange and bizarre attraction of underground gay cinema creators to eccentric, erratic, unattractive or remotely interesting kind of women is a great mystery to me.

I find every single scene with this woman - over what seems to be an endless run of features with her in Verow resume - boring, pointless to a point of destructive. I just don't get why he continuously uses her and in the process ruin his otherwise interesting and provocative work.
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George Dare must be the worst director in history!
31 August 2020
This could have been a nice little erotic gem.

Instead, the director (George Dare) chose to infuse the most important part of that film - the erotic encounters of his lead - with weird red double vision which becomes smaller and smaller on screen.

Basically, this feature is nothing: there is no text, there is no sex, you can't see anything. Zero. Absolute zero, what a missed opportunity, because the lead and other actors were quite attractive.

Very silly person made this film. Do not bother to watch it, as I have done so for you.
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Watchmen (2019)
The Big Cringe.
1 August 2020
So much money spent on this.

But where was the story? where was writing? and what does it actually all mean?

I have watched a mishmash storyline of a very doubtful plotline. I cringed most of the time with some horrifically bad acting, bad lines, unnecessary camera tricks, in short: a catastrophe.

I have no idea why this pile of manure in nominated for 26 Emmy Awards (what!!?) but it seems the members of this particular academy have all taken leave of absence from their from their minds.

Yet another millennial nonsense. Don't bother.
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The Revival (2017)
No. Just No.
4 June 2020
This is not an uplifting movie. What seem to be a good interesting romance between two gay men in a christian background turned into some kind of hellish nightmare.

This is not! the sort of film I would expect to see in 2017. We need to move on from the tragic gay storyline into, dare I said it, greener pastures.

Despite the very good leads in the film, the typical gay meets tragic end is problematic. This should have had a better ending. Truly disappointing.
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The Acrobat (2019)
A Classic and a new way forward for all following gay themed films
13 May 2020
I had the opportunity to view this remarkable new French-Canadian film and it left me wanting more. I was totally taken by the intensity and sexual tension between the two main leads. A careful, even at times subdued performances created a sensually charged atmosphere and I was captured by it instantly.

Without giving away too much, I would say that finally we have reached the age of honesty and truth in gay filmography. At times I did not believe I was actually seeing such level of intimacy from the leads. It was a completely new experience for me. It was not cheap or sleazy affair. On the contrary, I felt the characters as if I was in the room with them. To be able to take one's viewers right into the scene takes a lot of talent from the director and the actors. it is a unique achievement. Simply put, I believed them.

I hope that we will see more of Yury Paulau - a new discovery of this feature - and Sébastien Ricard - who is a seasoned actor with many titles which I venture out to find now.

Rodrigue Jean, the director, made a courageous, honest film and I applaud him. Needless to say I will be looking for his previous and hopefully future work.

Go and see this film. You won't be disappointed.
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After Class (2019)
This is not a comedy.
20 February 2020
This is not a comedy.

This is a rare and honest look at the Millennial / Gen Y & Gen X. It is disturbing to say the least, and shows modern liberal American society in all it's dark glory. It was hard for me to watch this film, because I actually wanted to hit (yep) some of the characters in the movie for their over sensitivity and detachment from reality.

In real life - as Gen X will hopefully soon learn - there are no safe spaces. The only coherent character in the film was of Justin Long - a decent human being being forced to the corner by literally everyone around him. It is shocking to see how the liberal academia are behaving now. and I feel this was a good representation of what is going in colleges and universities around USA at the moment (Berkeley, anyone?).

Gen Y & Gen X had it too good now for too long. Their entitlement and self importance is over shadowing any effective processes that can be achieved - if given the chance - at any college or university classroom. These kids are unchallenged because of too much emotional safety regulations some pompous academics decided to implement in schools all over America. I always considered myself to be a left-wing liberal before understanding that I am actually now being moved to the center-right by these people. Young Americans are being thrown into smaller and smaller social groups, branding everyone else as their enemy for some reason. Yes, social media and smartphones have a lot to be blamed for, but not just. It is their parents and sometime their grandparents who forgot somewhere along the way that kids need to be constantly challenged intellectually in order for them to develop a meaningful and proactive life choices. The safety net that the liberal left has flanged across America will come tumbling down one day in such a crashing noise that we will probably feel the tidal waves of it until the end of this century.

10 years ago, when I became vegan, I thought I was doing the right thing, in line with my generation. Now I feel that the liberal-left agenda has been pushed too far. Only time will tell where it leads us.

This film is disturbing mirror into current American social trends. It is recommended viewing, if you have the stomach for it.

Justin Long is one of my all time favourite actors, and I would basically watch any film he is in. I am grateful to the writer / director of this film, Daniel Schechter, for giving him the opportunity to shine in this role,
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8 Days (2019)
OMG What a terrible show!
10 April 2019
I was looking forward to see this show. But I actually had a shock to view one of the most horribly executed show I have ever seen, I have expected more from the Germans - but that was not a feast of the eye or the heart. I was very disappointed from the lack of connection to the characters and how unsympathetic they all are. Basically I wanted the meteor to come already and get rid of all of them. Yes, it's that bad. Sorry.
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At First Light (I) (2018)
Better than I was expecting
25 January 2019
I wasn't expecting much for this movie. I started to watch it thinking I would skip parts of it, but I soon realised this is a very well made film, and was more interesting than I gave it credit for. The actors were good, and it very enjoyable. The end scene left room for a 2nd part, which I hope will be made.

Good film. Watch it.
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
What a delightful surprise!
24 January 2019
I happen to start watching Schitts Creek by accident this month. I admit that the first season seemed quite nice, quite funny, but not much beyond. However, I am so happy I continued to watch it through it's 4th and wow!! it has matured into one of my favourite comedies ever!

First and foremost I would like to give respect to one, Mr Dan Levy. What a revelation. Certainly my personal discovery of the year, Daniel feels me with absolute joy and laughter every time I see him on screen. He is definitely one of the best comedians and writers out there today, and I hope he will receive much more praise in the future, because he deserves it.

The variety of the writing on the show (Levy & Levy) is astonishing. The show continues to reinvent itself and stay fresh throughout. The cast is perfect, the acting is superb, and the intention is true and very convincing. Compare to American comedies, this Canadian show is a true diamond, and shows how comedy should be written, acted and produced. Simply a master class on how to create an original new comedy and sustain it's positive progression which each and every season.

Schitt's Creek is also responsible to one of the best ever LGBT storylines and love entanglements I have ever seen on TV. It's delightfully and naturally performed, an absolute joy to watch!

This show is genius. do not miss out on it!
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Ideal Home (2018)
Truly enjoyed this film, it's well written and the cast is great
1 July 2018
I didn't know what to expect when I started watching, but I was drawn in very quickly. Set in Santa Fe - brilliant idea - and a typical gay couple behaviour, not trying to be nice, just themselves, getting a 12-year-old child by surprised. Others said it was a comedy, that they have laughed... but I did not laugh, just smiled from time to time, and it was good enough. The story and acting are good, believable, and it kept me interested throughout. In a time of so many bad movies produced, this film is a little jem of rationality and good sense. Really liked it, and I hope you will too.
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Nice movie, good role for Whitney Cummings and Toby Kebbell
23 February 2018
I liked this movie. It was interesting and entertaining.

This was a good role for Whitney Cummings. I always so her as a comedian, but she manages to explore other acting abilities which I did not see before. A nice surprise.

The main romantic interest between Kevin and Julia works very well. The only problem: I wanted to see more of it, and less the other couples. It is regrettable it was not explored more. In fact, I would have liked to have seen this film just with the main story line, explored properly.

The Vergara / Cole storyline was particularly dull and disappointing; I wish they would have just cut it out from the film. The others were good enough, mildly entertaining, and casting was good (especially Marsden / Punch, which worked well).

Beanie Feldstein is always entertaining, and it was good to see her again.

To summarize, good movie, very watchable. I liked it.

p.s. I am also a man! ;-)
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Spoiled Young Americans Millennials Tell The Story Of How Hard It Is To Be Living In A Privileged Society
16 February 2018
Oh, My.

Where to start. A bunch of young, good looking, men (mostly) find the path to true happiness: getting rid of all your stuff and live like a (rich!) homeless person. Wow. Wonderful, isn't it?

This 'documentary' is nothing but 100 minutes long self masturbation. It is so boring to watch these well-to-do Americans - to most intolerable nation on the planet - doing us all a favour by not buying the latest iphone or fashionable clothes.

I have no idea what is the target audience of this nonsense, but it would be really funny to revisit these pretentious idiots in 20 years - after they will 'get over' their youthful ideology and just like their parents and their grandparents will settle in suburban America, picket fence and all.
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Mind wonders why is this film ever was made
29 January 2018
I really question the mindset of Hollywood producers sometimes. In their persuit for a perfect script they neglect one important point: why would people actually pay to see this?

They employ current, popular actors, the best cinematographers, the best directors est. but the question remains: who would want to see such an awful, distorted film anyway, which commits the greatest sin of all: WHAT'S THE POINT OF IT? This film makes no sense, has no moral value of any kind, and teaches us nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Farrell and Kidman must have been high to accept this job, or in real need for some extra cash, because for the life of me I cannot fathom any reason why would they agree to take part in this drivel.

Please do not see this film, even for free. You may consider yourself warned.
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Not the sequel we expected, but still..
22 January 2018
I will be brief in this review, as others here already posted much of what I thought about this sequel.

It needs to be said that the original from 2007 'The Man From Earth' is one of the best, most provoking thought, ever created. I would also like to add that the original deserved more notice from the general public, although it had gathered some following since 2007.

Saying that though, it was obvious it would have been near-impossible mission to recreate the high standard of the first film script and acting. But the fans of the original had high expectations.

Visually, the film looks like a low budget feature, which is understandable. It also seems it was made quickly (not enough shooting days) and the sound & music are quite low standard.

The plot though, I find, could have been more interesting with better actors and less of a typical college American attitude, which is always an eyesore. The young actors, apart from Sterling Knight (Philip) were too amateurish and the screenplay given to them quite embarrassing at times. I would have loved to have seen the likes Jesse Eisenberg and Anna Kendrick in these roles.

The scene between David Lee Smith (John Oldman) and Sterling Knight (Philip) was good, but was simply too short and too quick. This scene should have been the centre point of the whole film, and should have been explored more.

All the running around and pointless drama were completely unnecessary.

Many aspects of the film were not explored in full: John Oldman getting old, How did he end up with Carolyn (Vanessa Williams) and there were many questions unanswered.

In the hands of a really good scriptwriter this could have been really good, but as the others say, it was not the sequel fans expected. I still gave it a 9/10 for the effort, and hoping that with better budget, the producers will bring on board better writers. Let's hope!
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