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Grey's Anatomy: Let It Be (2005)
Season 2, Episode 8
Ridiculous treatment of lady wanting to save her own life
11 November 2023
This isn't a review of the episode per se, I'm just gobsmacked at the treatment of the lady wanting the preventative surgery! Is this because the episode is 20 years old or whatever? SURELY people aren't actually this ridiculous these days?!

The bloke feeling like his wife was selfish for wanting to avoid an 85% chance of getting cancer - just because he wanted bio kids/is worried about her mood swings and libido. What an A*SHOLE! And then Derek/Izzie also giving the woman a hard time. It seriously feels unbelievable, like I can't believe anyone would feel the woman wasn't 100% doing the right thing - nevermind being so open about disagreeing with her even if they did. The fact it was implied that it was genuinely a silly mistake, and Addison was unreasonable for going along with it, just... actually I am going to rate the episode low as a result because it's just so flipping ridiculous. I'm a bloke btw.
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Geordie Shore: The Reunion Finale (2022)
Season 23, Episode 10
Goodbye Geordies
5 January 2023
Nothing spectacular, but this was a decent end to the show. This finale/reunion series has done a decent crack at making it feel special; a big reunion party, a holiday, time back in the house and then one last get together. The only thing missing is Gaz and Vicky - obviously not the shows fault but it's a massive shame they didn't come back. I understand Gaz's reasoning more than Vicky's. My impression is that she's always felt she was better than the show, which is unfortunate.

Not a criticism of the show, but something that's always frustrated me is how everyone lets Nathan get away with being such a manipulative attention seeker. They seem to love him but he comes across as vile.

I wish Scott had been in this series more too, he was arguably the show's strongest (and hottest) cast members - so it was a shame they didn't get him out to Portugal/back for the finale. Ant's final storyline about him feeling rejected during his recovery was a high point, and his return in the finale was a big moment. Lovely kid.

Anyway, Geordies we'll miss you. It might be the right time to hang up the hot pants and put away the shot glasses - but I've enjoyed growing up with you.
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The Predator (2018)
Don't understand the hate
11 August 2022
I'm 35 so too young to have been around when the first films came out, but I've always liked them.

This movie is the first one I've wanted to rewatch, multiple times. Am I dumb enough to find it entertaining? Maybe.

But I genuinely do not get the hate! It's a really fun movie. It's great escapism. It's much more fun than the others, but I suppose it's quite a tonal shift. Maybe that's it?
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Dune (2021)
Amazing. But don't go in blind.
27 February 2022
I really enjoyed this. I haven't seen the Lynch version or read the book, but intended to before seeing this. I knew it would be heavy/hard to follow without.

I didn't get chance but I did read a 'what you need to know' article, which helped greatly. I understood the warring houses element, the emperor's underhand reasons to move the House Atreides to Arrakis, the Bene Gesserit etc. It was just enough to follow and fully embrace what was going on.

My friend on the other hand, did not. He opted to see it afresh - and he ended up discreetly loading up IMDb 30 mins in as he had no idea what was going on. 2 lads next to us left about an hour in bless 'em.

I think this is telling that if you have some knowledge of the story - it's a brilliant film, but it lacks enough exposition for total newbies to the franchise. Not saying an opening scrawl was necessary but more than just the Duke's small conversation with Paul prior to their leaving for Arrakis, about the political dangers.

Oscar Isaac was a dream. My favourite character by far, and would've loved to have seen more of him. Swoon. Chalamet was good, as was Ferguson.

The 'voice' was really fun and intriguing, I could've done with a bit more of that. The big battle scene 2/3s in was amazing but I'd admittedly not quite followed who was attacking until it was over. Suspect that was my own fault though.

I think with more exposition and a *little* less vision time, instead having a *little* more of the cool stuff (the voice, the hunter-seekers) would maybe have helped the feeling of fatigue towards the last 40 mins. But I can't wait to watch at home now, and read the book before Part 2 is released.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Good but not GREAT
14 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love the franchise and I'm always a glass half full kind of guy. So.... I liked it, but there's lots I think could have been done better. Not that I know anything, but as a fan I'd have liked some things:

  • One of the killers barely has any screen time. We know barely anything about them. It feels like they added them as one of the killers last minute; and I feel like they could've easily fixed this.

  • The new cast are decent, I'm a huge fan of Tara and hope she becomes the final girl if the characters continue. I love how I expected her to be the first kill thanks to clever marketing. My one gripe with the new characters is they're so flippant! Even after Tara almost dies, the next day they're all bantering about it. And it carries on - the girl twin even regularly jokes about people probably being dead. It's not the suspense I want from Scream ha. Again I think this could've been easily fixed but maybe it was intentional? Commentary on Gen Z?

  • The legacy characters felt very much like an afterthought. I get it wasn't *their* movie though so maybe this isn't a big deal, but we obviously all love them. Maybe the marketing should have not really had much of them to manage expectations as if they're just cameos. Then everything on top turns out to be a bonus.

  • I feel like something could have been done to feel different. At one point I thought one of the killers was going to die halfway through (with Dewey in the hospital), and was like wow this is new/finding out one killer then maybe trying to piece together who the other is. Just something fresh. But nah. I know they're sort of remaking the original, but still.

  • Lastly, it felt like not many people were killed....? Like... 3??? Only 2 being proper characters.

And I DID enjoy it, so just to balance it - here's some stuff I loved;

  • The twins. I'm chuffed they survived, but maybe more gravitas for the girl twin next time ha.

  • Wes Hicks, I enjoyed him. I wish he didn't die. I enjoyed his Mom too - that was prob my fav scene.

  • Them coming back to Stu's house from the first movie.

  • It's probably a good thing one of the legacies died but I'm still gutted by it ha.

  • I was glad Randy's sister was back.

All in all it was good, but I think even as a die hard fan I may be realising that if there's no updating the formula - it might be getting a little stale bah.
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15 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Booked the day off to see this today as did NOT want to be spoiled ha, and it was totally worth it.

If anyone is curious, and hasn't seen it yet - yep Toby and Andrew are back. Their 'revelation' was actually really cute, and not what I'd expected before going in (still wasn't convinced they were 100% in it - but I did think it might happen when Holland fails to catch MJ, one of the others sweeps in and gets her. Spoiler - they're in way before that). One really nice surprise was the amount of Toby/Andrew we had. It's made me miss them. Their banter was cute af and it was nice to see emotion from their own films being brought into this movie.

One criticism I have, or an unfulfilled wish I suppose - is that I wish we'd have had more insight into their current lives, beyond what we'd seen. We get a hint from Toby that him and MJ are still together but I wanted more ha.

I think as I was watching it I realised it's literally only the audience that this is exciting for; the characters have absolutely no reference to each other so there's a lack of 'surprise' if you like - between each of the SpiderMan/any other character. This could've potentially been resolved by having supporting characters like MJ for Toby or maybe Aunt May for Andrew. Maybe not them, but some way for the characters to interact in a way that wasn't as complete strangers. The villains don't give much of that.

Another thing that wasn't my fav, was the villain story. It wasn't terrible AT ALL, but I just didn't get why Tom was so adamant to save them from dying; when he knew they were villains. I know he doesn't want to kill, but it seemed weak to assume he'd be that invested when he obviously just needed to get them back home. And it also was a bit confusing after all the excitement of T&A's return, what the 3 SpiderMen had agreed to do. I sort of had to guess as it was happening.

The ending was brilliant, in my opinion. There was real emotion with Zendaya and Tom - and it opens up the next movies with some real questions. It could even close the Tom era, if that was the way they decided to go/Holland didn't want to return.

I don't think anyone will be let down by this movie, even though our expectations have been built up to be absolutely enormous. It delivers. Maybe not as you expect but that's probably good as well as less so.

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Shameless: The Hobo Games (2019)
Season 9, Episode 11
4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show, and I this episode wasn't awful. But the entire way through it was clear this was leading to a very VERY unfair outburst from Lip to Fiona.

When he said 'someone waved a bottle of vodka in his face' I had to pause it. Someone who a) didn't know the guy, b) didn't know he was an addict. This was on top of the DCFS visit, which was again in no way Fiona's fault. When Debbie was having the visit they had the full family in on making sure it seemed safe for Franny, but Lip didn't even MENTION it to Fiona and then has the cheek to be angry at her for it?

I love the drama on the show but it felt so out of character and SO unfair. To me it feels like really really lazy writing - unless in the coming episodes Lip is seriously reprimanded for the way he's treated her.

No doubt they'll forgive each other in the coming episodes, before her exit - but that then makes this feel sort of redundant? I actually felt so angry at the end that I wanted Fiona to just tell him to F himself and leave there and then. He can then suffer knowing he drove her away with his ridiculous, sexist actions.

Also I really really love Veronica and Kev but them not being a part of the Gallagher storylines is really rubbish. It was at its best when everyone was more involved in each other's lives.
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Horrific and unfair judging
16 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why Ru is coddling Karen and Art, but it makes for awkward, uncomfortable viewing.

They were by far the weakest (Karen made ONE BALLOON ANIMAL. It was like Michelle wanted to destroy her for it but then got the nod from Ru that it needed to be only a moderate critique).

Elektra wasn't the most polished queen but if it goes on performances/looks in tonight's episode then she should've made it to next week.

Team Kita, as she is the only one left to root for that doesn't deserve to have been kicked out.
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Superstore: Maternity Leave (2018)
Season 4, Episode 6
Too depressing
23 April 2021
A strength of this show is when it highlights the struggles the working class often face. This episode sort of took it to another level though, with Amy having to work 2 days after giving birth. I actually couldn't finish the episode, as the way the other characters were more interested in trivial things/hardly seemed to acknowledge the horrific situation she was forced into made it really depressing. Cheyenne's pregnancy was handled way better; Glenn actually cared. This time he seems to just be so indifferent. It genuinely feels like she's in a nightmare, the way everyone's just going about their own thing.

The fact it has made me so angry at the American system is probably a sign that the episode did its job, but it was too depressing to finish. It's definitely not a good idea to watch it straight after the previous episode which was unbelievable enough (as if INSURANCE dictates whether or not you can go to a hospital to give birth.)

To any Americans reading this; I'm genuinely so sorry any of this is even a possibility. It's absolutely barbaric.
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Funny Boy (2020)
Highly recommendable - Great movie
22 December 2020
I plead ignorance to what happened in Sri Lanka, prior to watching this movie. I understand if people are disappointed if it wasn't Tamil people playing the parts. But I'm SO glad I ignored 95% of the reviews on here. This is a good movie. People are rating it so poorly because of politics (as I say, they may have a point but that's not *my* point).

I'm confident the majority of 1 star reviews are written by a few people with multiple accounts. It's a shame, as if I had listened to them - and avoided the movie, I wouldn't have learned what happened. I am now (because of this movie) more aware and have since read up on what happened. That wouldn't have happened without this movie.

But anyway! I was gutted when this ended, and it made me feel plenty of emotions. I got angry, I got upset when I related to the little gay boy so much, I laughed at the brazenness of the sparring kids, and I mourned what happened between the two people.

If like me you're looking for a movie that will make you feel and make you think - I'd definitely recommend Funny Boy.
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Ignore the hate
23 November 2020
I don't get the hate AT ALL!

Is this a 7? No. But it's not remotely worth all the hate everyone seems to be giving it, in my opinion. I was going to go to bed but ended up putting this on, and it kept me up. It kept me guessing, and I was surprised more than once. Whether or not people are judging this based on the TV show I don't know, but I'd never seen that. There were decent actors, the cinematography was nice to look at, the storyline was good and I would definitely have watched a sequel. It's not an Oscar winner, but it was a jolly romp.
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