
2 Reviews
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humorous and thought-provoking
23 November 2015
First off, I found this film to have a rather lighthearted and feel- good nature to it, while at the same time, dwelling upon the issue of interracial marriage, which is something not usually done by mainstream films and possible considered taboo in some circles. Compared to other French films I have seen, this one had a somewhat "American" feel to it, similar to many of the romantic comedies churned out by Hollywood in the last decade or so. With that being said, it didn't feel as uniquely "French" as I was expecting, as a film like this could possible be made in any western country that has a fair share of diversity. Of course, that just makes it all the more relatable to non-French audiences.

I found many of the characters interesting as they all came from differing backgrounds, and it was intriguing to see how they would clash and interact with one another. I do feel as if the film focused quite a bit more on the relationship between the daughter who was to marry a black man, as opposed to the other three daughters married to other men from other minorities. I wish the ratio of time focused on each of the daughters was a bit more balanced and that the marriages of the other three daughters could have been fleshed out more, such as by detailing how they fell in love and how the fact that the were not of the same race made an impact, positive or negative, on their relationship. Instead, the film consisted of scenes of the husbands making rather crude, stereotypical remarks at one another without going into much depth of the actual cultural differences. In other words, the film may could have gone a bit further with its premise, which was indeed promising.

either way, it seemed like the film did a decent job of navigating through a subject that many may find to be touchy and even controversial. It injected just the right amount of humor without being too offensive, and it was able to make its point.
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Family Guy (1999– )
Season 5 Predictions
15 August 2005
Since the new FG episodes for season 5 will start airing next month, does anyone have a heads-up on any news about it? Like what are some of the episodes' plots about, are any new characters introduced, does Peter finally get a job, and most importantly how many episodes will be in the new season? I found that season 4 was too short with just ten episodes, and I think they said when they revived the show on fox they ordered 35 episodes to be made. so 35 minus the ten from season 4, along with the movie(3), that leaves 22 never-before-seen episodes to be aired.

If anyone does the details about all this, please let us know!
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