
11 Reviews
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The Western is not dead ! It is spelled E-A-S-T-E-R-N.
24 September 2013
Action ? Yes. Comedy ? Yes. Adventure ? Yes. A mix of all three and much more than that. In the midst of a war (reminder, of course, of The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, the truly classical western, maybe the best of them all) the three main characters have a different agenda.

I will not spoil the pleasure of find for yourselves what the jackpot really is, but I must tell you that is all about getting rich, the common theme to this genre.

But there is a twist. The Bad is a martial artist expert and The Ugly becomes The Weird, responsible for the comedy accents of the movie. The Good is, just as in the original, a bounty hunter, but the similarities stop here.

Because the action scenes are fantastic. There are no flying ninjas nor superheroes, and all this type of scenes have more realism than the old westerns.

If you are tired of clichés and want a breath of fresh air, I highly recommend you watch it.
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Stallone is back... to making good movies !
24 September 2013
Since Cobra, I don't remember being so pleasantly impressed by Sylvester Stallone. Ever ! Even all the stars in The Expendables could not impress an action movies fan like Bullet to the Head could.

On the other hand, Walther Hill and Steve Mazzaro's music are the ones responsible for a 7,5 stars being rated by me with 10.

The dynamism between Sylvester Stallone and Sung Kang, manifested in the lines and in the punches (physical AND metaphorical) reminded me of the wonderful inspiration behind Lethal Weapon or The Last Boyscout. But with a twist. In Bullet to the Head, there are TWO lethal weapons.

I would say the acting is quite good and the premise, very interesting. And if the two stars above weren't enough to make it a classic action thriller, Jason Momoa had a VERY good idea of accepting to play a role in this film.

Clearly one of the brightest rising stars in action movies, Jaso Momoa impressed me even in Conan. I know, I know... An aging franchise, maybe obsolete. But maybe this is the reason Momoa resurrected it.

To conclude, a Walter Hill classic.
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A Company Man (2012)
The cruel, cruel relationship between employer and employee...
24 September 2013
From the very start to the end this is yet another example of the Korean way of making action movies.

On one hand, a lot of bloodshed and fighting (not to be misunderstood, the action moments are very well chosen) and on the other hand touching moments and a gentle exploration of the characters. For me this is quite an interesting recipe and a breath of fresh air from the clichés of the "classical" action movies.

Enough generalizing. Just thing about it: how would you live, if every morning you would punch your card and than head into an office in which you would get an assassination mission. Business as usual, right ? Well, have you thought about it ? Good. Now let's guess. What would a man with no family and the desire to head another way. A man who had his taste of blood, who satisfied his inner need for violence. Wouldn't he try to make a connection with the real, human world ? Wouldn't he try to befriend someone trustworthy ? Well, if you do want answers to these questions, watch this VERY interesting movie. One more thing. Hope you're not a vegetarian...
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Can history be changed ?
24 September 2013
What if, repeating the question, history could be changed ? The premise of the film is more political fiction than science fiction, yet if you get at the end of the movie you can see it can be easily labeled as a SF movie.

That being said, let us talk about some aspects of the script. Some of the users objected that is "too" patriotic. Since when does patriotism stand for something reproachable ??? Well, some might argue that the "bad" guys must have a different accent or language. Well, in this case they are wrong. For the script is trying to be more accurate then many of the political thrillers around.

On the other hand, Jang Dong-gun has yet another role completely different. Just to mention My Way, Tae Guk Gi or Typhoon. Let's think about it a minute. Is this the mark of a great actor ? It surely is.

Great music. Why great ? Because it amplifies the dramatic moments very well.

As for the rhythm of the movie, it's no surprise. It helps you to embrace the characters and also to be taken in by the story.

By the way. Although it CAN be considered an action movie, IT IS NOT. I believe it to be a drama with action moments and pigmented by SF accents.

Another useful and interesting comparison, on another level, can be made with My Way. A completely different outcome of the dynamism of the two main characters.

Enjoy !
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Why ONLY 8 stars ?
24 September 2013
First of all, because the movie is well below the level of drama Jang Dong-gun is capable of expressing. Although the story is gripping, the moral conflict resolved by the main character is very interestingly expressed, the movie is (in my opinion) more of a commercial one than a film reflecting an idea or sending a message.

The second reason (and the minus in stars) is represented by the relatively useless comedy accents. Why ? Well, because a movie with so much bloodshed can never be a family movie.

Well, the 8 stars are indeed deserved. I regard the film as being a necessary bridge between western and eastern movie industries.

On the other hand, the story, although not very deep, being constructed around the idea of honor vs/and humanity, is easy to follow in a good sense.

But let's face it. If you truly enjoy the idea of East meeting West, watch Red Sun. Watching Charles Bronson and Toshiro Mifune in the same moving picture is a precious treat.
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Poongsan (2011)
Look beyond
23 September 2013
You might be inclined to read the reviews and get a conclusion from them. Please, don't.

First of all, because within the movie lies an idea that you won't be able to guess from other users and it would be best it you took the time to watch the movie.

Rambo ? No. Terminator ? No. Guess again. This time is about a man who, consciously or unconsciously, tries to undo something done by the cruel history. That is the one only hint. Scouts' honor !

Fairly well acted (could've been better) and an interesting rhythm of the script.

On the other hand, the ending is kind of expected, but at the same time the more dramatic.
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Typhoon (2005)
Unexpected gem
23 September 2013
To be honest, I found out this one looking for Jang Dong-gun movies.

To my surprise, it seemed to be more than the average terrorist flick, although some of them stand out, Traitor and The Kingdom for example.

Jang Dong-gun plays yet another role completely different from those in My Way, Tae Guk Gi or 2009: Lost Memories. And it plays it so fine, that it eclipses (almost) all the other actors. It brings the necessary touching part of a man troubled by his past, in such a way that decides to take revenge to the ultimate level: against a nation.

And although the ending reveals the same human side, the feelings provoked by the film remain. You wonder, based on the ripple effect, if history takes a sudden turn sometimes what the effects would be on a long term. 20, 30 or even 60 years. Do those who decide the a nation's way think of the long-term effects of their decisions ? Maybe this movie can make them think again.

From this point of view, I can't stop remembering the two versions of On the Beach, who I think pushed the right buttons and prevented the Nuclear Holocaust from happening.

That being said, I do believe this movie is a wake-up call, in more than one ways.
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My Way (2011)
You chose the word. It really is epic !
23 September 2013
I would start by comparing it to My Way. But I give you two reasons why this movie is better.

1. It's not about two brothers, but about two rivals, coming from two very different nations, brought closer by the love for sport.

2. Their journey seems to be more like a rite of passage.

Let me tell you this. The psychological study of the characters reminded me in one episode of their journey of The Way Back. But My Way represents a step further. As the two main characters start off by being rival children, become mortal enemies and the brother-like friends, some of their friend become enemies. It reminds me of the equilibrium between Yin and Yang. It's constantly changing, fluid, but the two must always complete one another.

This dynamism is present throughout the film and makes you so drawn to it, that you never seem to notice the passing of the time.

All in all, it's truly magnificent.

Arguably (one of) the best war movie ever.
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Brother vs. Brother
23 September 2013
Wonderful. Magnificent. A political debate transformed or transmuted in a battle between brothers. Great idea.

Well, the first word that comes to mind is GREAT. What could've been better ? I really don't know.

Jang Dong-gun and Won Bin play two brothers who from the best brothers become mortal enemies. Now, could this be a summary of the film ? Far from it ! The script takes you with the two brothers. You laugh, you cry with them, with duck the bullets with them, you check and recheck your position with them. Slowly, bit by bit, you see as your brothers.

Well, if I were to write all this movie made me feel, I would spend all night and well pass the 1 000 words limit. The music, the atmosphere, the characters, all support the two great actors in transmitting the touching message to all viewers. Is it fair that two brothers be separated ? What if you extrapolate the idea ?
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does it deserve the rating ?
23 September 2013
Well, I would say maybe. Why ? Because the rating reflects not objectively the true qualities of the movies, but more precisely the impact made on the audience.

Given the fact that it's not made in Hollywood, I would say the almost eight stars are quite fair. STILL...

If you are a Won Bin fan, you definitely will like it. Comparing it with the role from Tae Guk Gi, you can see that this IS a good actor.

Far from me to compare this movie to Leon, Man on Fire etc. Why ? Because the story here (labelled by some as unoriginal...) is one very different. Totally, I might say.

No spoilers, I promised to myself. Well, how can I explain better any other way ? Let's see...

A past paced thriller close to the end, a drama at the beginning and a dramatic thriller as a whole. The motivation is what differentiates it from the two movies named above. From flashbacks we learn what triggers he reaction and the dramatic transformation undergone at a point.

I agree more with the user(s) comparing this movie to History of Violence. Because of shocking transformation of the hero.

Some might be unimpressed by the final battle. One against so many ? Well, even in that scene there is a reason (more likely, two reasons) for the clarity of the path chosen by him.

The ending ? Hmmm. I do hope this is but a bridge to a second movie with the character.
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The Colony (I) (2013)
Why eight stars ?
23 September 2013
Well, because of Laurence Fishburne and Bill Paxton.

The second reason is that the script is far from many allegedly SF movies in a good sense. I mean there are no genetic modifications in the "bad" characters, there is no "good" character with delirious mystical ideas, although there are a bit too archetypal...

Without spoiling the surprise, the one word that comes to mind, regarding this film is DECENT.

You might think of "The Thing" or other psychological thriller in the "cabin fever" genre, but this is a quite film.

Don't expect too much and you'll be pleasantly surprised.
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