3 Reviews
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Bushwick (2017)
Failed to live up to promise
29 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While I felt that the acting was good and the feel of a realistic situation was actually excellent the film was ultimately a depressing commentary on trying to do the right thing. The really good guys (Stupe and Lucy) save loads of people and wind up dead. The wastrel sister survives. Then that's it. End of story. No actual conclusion other than lots of killing. Do we assume the US survives even though they appear to be doing sweet nothing to help their citizens? If the residents of Bushwick weren't armed to the teeth they would have all been slaughtered. Maybe that's the point of the film. It's an NRA advert?
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Bosch (2014–2021)
Just a great series
5 August 2021
The characters are really well drawn, especially the police ones. The dialogue was clever and pertinent. The storylines kept faith with MC's books although modified. We had a sense of loss when it finished. It's good that there will be a spinoff, but we'll miss some of the actors that will not transition.
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The Great Detective (1979– )
Lovingly remembered
6 February 2014
We came across this series on Arts & Entertainment when we lived in the US in the 1980s (I don't think it aired in the UK). Once we had watched one episode we knew that we had to watch the rest of the series. The characters were realistic and the stories were well written. Each story was understated and provided a pleasant antidote to the more typical 'in your face' American series of the time. The series treated the audience as adults who didn't need to always be led by the hand through the plot. The lead character was Inspector Cameron, played admirably by Douglas Campbell. Inspector Cameron was a reader of characters and clues in the Sherlock Holmes tradition, but in a gentle Canadian way. The series still gives us a lot of fond memories 30 years later.
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