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A series that improves with time
3 April 2023
This is a great movie. The 2 hours flew by I'm actually a person that prefers 90 minute movies. I like that even when watching the Luther series they don't drag it out like a lot of series do. They start out to tell a story and if it takes 4 episodes, 6 episodes they get it done. This movie was a great story, great action (If somewhat unbelievable circumstances) and a great villian. Although I say every time I see Andy Serkis, immediately think "My precious" (lol). I highly recommended for date night movie or just a watch at home alone with yourself. There is violence there is no nudity. I'm already ready for the next installment.
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The Grudge (2019)
Hard pass!
3 January 2020
The Grudge was the biggest piece of crap I've seen. It makes Slenderman look good. There were two scenes that I know were supposed to create tension and the audience just burst out laughing. Straight trash, I wouldn't even use a free movie pass to see it.
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The Witcher (2019– )
A definite watch, great series
23 December 2019
Netflix has done it again. I never even heard of The Witcher until today at 10:30 a.m. and I have already been binged the first seven episodes and only paused to offer this quick opinion before watching the eighth and final episode. It gives me a feeling of The Lord of the Rings saga, as well as Game of Thrones, throw in some 1980s Conan the Barbarian movies, and then round it off with the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion & Devil May Cry (Xbox). Looked it up on the internet and wasn't surprised to find out that it was based on a series of books and games. Henry Cavill is absolutely perfect for this role not just his physique but also his stony expression which in other roles may fall flat but works perfectly for this one. He has an annoying tendency to say "Hmm" a lot, reminiscent of the grunting from Sling Blade but after a while it becomes part of the character, you actually expect it. This a really captivating series and I definitely recommend it for anybody that likes any of the above material that I mentioned or that just really enjoys a good sci-fi/ fantasy/monster genre show. 9.5/10
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Harriet (I) (2019)
I wanted to love it, but was disappointed
1 November 2019
I went in wanting to love it, ended up just waiting for it to be over. The best part to me was the closing scene and the written adlibs after. I really don't like disparaging works that show the history of Blacks in America, as our stories need to be told, but I was very disappointed. The lead did not evoke any compassion in me, and the villain was very unconvincing. Think about it, 12 Years a Slave and Django had you side-eyeing the actors that played the slave owners because they emoted so well. The lead villain, Gideon Brodess, God Bless him, didn't pull it off IMO. The fact that the best performances were the supporting cast, Leslie Odom as William Still, Clarke Peter as Harriet's father, Omar J. Dorsey (no spoilers as to role) and Henry Hunter Hall (no spoilers as to role) doesn't bode well for a film. Maybe the fact that they made Harriet 24, 25 instead of a mature woman? Maybe it was the dialogue that was written a bit "slick" for the time period? Maybe the inconsistencies with what was presented vs reality? Even Janelle Monae was just so so for me. Although I do not work in Hollywood, when there are that many failures within performances and only the veteran actors shine, it may be the director. I dunno, but I was disappointed. I would still support the film because we need Hollywood to know we want our stories heard/seen. Maybe if Viola Davis' project had gotten support, her version would have been better. She was going to star in and produce a biopic on Harriet Tubman for HBO, but it never happened. I would give it 5/10 stars.
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Countdown (III) (2019)
Actually pretty good for PG 13
25 October 2019
Great times when a movie completely surprises you by being good. PG 13 horror movies tend to be mediocre but #Countdown was really good. A bit more to the plot than the trailers implied. Witty (snarky) dialogue and a great group of unknowns, with two great veterans dropped into the mix, Tichina Arnold and Peter Facinelli, whom I didn't even know were in the film. As a teen movie, everyone is gorgeous *eye candy* but the twist in the movie gave it more depth than anticipated. Two peripheral characters added an unexpected comic appeal for a "horror" movie. I think the Happy Death Day franchise has spun off a new genre "com-horror" maybe? Anyway, on a regular movie scale this is maybe a 7? but for the PG 13 horror rankings, a solid 9. Great date movie, as there is no nudity, or a movie to see with a group of friends for laughs and jump scares.
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I enjoyed it and recommend it
24 October 2019
#MotherlessBrooklyn has the authenticity of a period piece like Road to Perdition combined with the corruption & intrigue of The Departed. Writer/director/actor Edward Norton paid homage to the classics in this movie. Featuring an All-Star cast, there was no way he could lose with the characters' performances. I think that is the one drawback of the film, with such a stellar cast he had to give everyone time and the movie boasts a runtime of 2:24 minutes. A bit lengthy for a crime drama/who done it because there will be slower portions of the film. However, it was never boring and the dialogue is spot-on with the snappiness of Sin City but it doesn't come across as a caricature. A very entertaining film and please don't be emo like me and cry after the opening scene.
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Legacies (2018–2022)
Very surprised at how much I like it
15 June 2019
I watched VD but as soon as the Originals came out I jumped ship. Vampire Diaries was a little too teen drama for me the Originals was more mature. I was very skeptical about Legacies and it until it came on Netflix I had no intention of watching it; however, I binged it in 2 days. Great show, love the character development and it is actually somewhere between VD and the Originals in that it can appeal to an older audience as well as a younger audience. I think it's a solid show.
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Stephanie (I) (2017)
Great thriller, deserves higher ratings
9 June 2019
I enjoyed Stephanie. It was a great thriller. It wasn't the same cookie-cutter horror movies that we normally see filled with gore or a remake of anything. It was excellently performed and the movie was perfectly cast.
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What Men Want (2019)
Solid comedy great cast
7 February 2019
First of all I really think that IMBD should remove the ratings of people who acknowledge they haven't even seen the movie, that's really not fair. It's a solid comedy and I generally do not even like comedies. The movie was very well cast and everybody just delivered. It's a fun time.
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Spoilers! I recommend this movie
24 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
#AssassinationNation 9/10

SPOILER ALERT!!! Yes I'm posting spoilers because 90% of the people that read this aren't going to see the movie anyway. If you are planning to see it, good, I highly recommend it! This is not a movie about teenage angst, which was the impression I got from the trailer. Ten minutes in, when I saw Bill Skarsgard, Anika Rose and Joel McHale, I got really curious, why would they sign on to this little indie teeny bopper flick? 15 minutes in when I realized one of the lead characters was transgender, I was reeled in. This movie is about America. How our society is being overrun by "mob mentality" and how those who realize it is wrong, choose to sit quiet and literally let people DIE rather than stand up and risk the mob turning on them. This movie is about America and how misogynistic it is, how intolerant of ANYONE that is Different from what "they" deem to be normal. Who are "they" you ask, glad you did. "They" are White Males, who assert their power & privilege and turn a blind eye to their own wrongdoings. They persecute others for doing the same things that they do. When they are caught in the wrong, i.e. in this movie when the hacker exposes personal information, they don't own their faults, instead they seek to villainize those who exposed them...sound familiar? OMG this sounds racist but it is not, if you know me, you know I'm not a racist but these are the facts that America was built upon. If a woman is assaulted by a White man, she did something to deserve it and she is vilified as a whore while society seeks a way to "save" him. If someone is not a standard heterosexual, they are demonized and attacked, while straight White men justify all of their immoral, sexual proclivities with "We are Good People". Parts of this movie were painful to watch, I literally almost walked out twice, just the brutality but also the frustration because this is our reality! Some of the staging was really "in your face" but by the end of the film I realize that they had to exaggerate to get the point across, to get me to see how I too buy into the stereotypes. At the end of the day/movie, the person who was revealed to be the real "villain" was, of course, a White male teenager. When asked why he did it, he responded "For the LOLs". I love the empowerment of women in this film, I love the strength shown by the Black characters, I love the fortitude shown by the young man pressured by his football team to do the wrong thing. This movie is excellent. It is time for the White Men of America to realize that they are not superior to any other sex, race, religion on this earth.
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I definitely recommend!
13 July 2018
Sorry to Bother You is phenomenal and will surely become a cult classic. No spoilers but although it was clumsy in some spots the satirical take on current events will leave you with your mouth wide open...Additionally, it will make you think. It makes both a political and cultural statement. I highly recommend. No kids grandparents either!
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Kings (2017)
Waste of Talent & Time
8 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In the credits this movie was dedicated to a young man, I would guess someone that lost their life in the riots and this was NOT a good memorial. This movie was all over the place. It appeared that Halle Berry was channeling the character from Monsters Ball??? I mean dazed and confused should not be the only emotion one can emote. If this was based on a real person, I wonder how they felt portrayed in such a manner? It was completely unbelievable that children would be in the care of such a person. The story line was all over the place. I think the film was to be a coming of age and experiencing first love in the midst of the chaos of the race riots? Just way too much going on simultaneously while not pausing to fully develop any of the ideas. I went into this film excited to see the experience of the riots (and the buildup) from a regular family's point of view, this was highly disappointing and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
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Marvel knocked it out of the park
3 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I definitely am pleased with how this film developed. I loved the first Avengers movie and was okay with Age of Ultron but this was a home run. Now that the majority of the characters have origin movies, it is like watching a group of friends work together. The dialogue was rapid fire and on point. I am a huge devil's advocate type of person so I see Thanos, the villain, almost as a tortured hero, sacrificing all for what he deems to be the greater good. I know that a loto of people were mad at how it ended but come on people, we knew going in there was to be a part 2 so that had to leave off somewhere. I highly recommend this film. It can be a date movie, solo viewing or group outing. Well worth the money and I am ready for the next installment.

FYI not sure if there are really any spoilers but better safe than sorry!
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Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther is must see Entertainment
19 February 2018
Ryan Coogler has got to be one of the best directors out right now. Not only is his work phenomenal but his movies are cast to perfection. I think the phenomenal appeal of this movie, besides the fact that you can take your entire family because it's kid friendly, is that you don't have to be a comic book reader to follow the movie. It is good as a standalone, therefore you can take a date, you can take your parents, you can take your kids or you can take your comic book club. I thoroughly enjoyed it and recommend it for all races and ages.
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Absolutely Riveting
20 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I give the film 10/10 because how often do you go into a film, already knowing the story and the ending and yet remain engaged throughout the entire film? I expected Josh Brolin, Bridges & Connelly to be great, they always are but Miles Teller is stand out. He was amazing. Very riveting and realistic depiction of how the Granite Mountain Hotshots came to be and the events leading up to the fateful day that claimed the lives of 19 of the 20 member team. I had no idea of the extremely physical nature of terrain firefighting versus structure. Additionally the toll it takes on the lives of the firefighters and their families. My Dad was home almost every night, these guys, during fire season are probably gone 90% of the time, traveling where the fires are. There was not a dry eye in the theater at the climax of the film. The music, editing, dialogue, scenery and special effects were phenomenal. A must see movie. God bless our First Responders and prayers for their families.
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Fan of the books, Fan of the movie
4 August 2017
The Dark Tower was something that I have waited (what seems like) eons to see. Idris was absolutely PERFECT as Roland. Jake was well cast, also. Matthew McConaughey, while statuesque & well prepared, was not what I felt The Man in Black embodied. I think that Vince D'Onofrio would have brought Walter to life, IMO. He would have needed a crash diet but as a thespian I think he would have excelled in the role. I think the person who choreographed the fight scenes in John Wick had a hand in this film because Idris/Roland's fight scenes & shooting battles were SPECTACULAR.

I think there were certain references in the film that people who have not read the books might find confusing, yet at the same time I recognize that they had to incorporate more action in this first movie then was actually in the first book or people would doze off. This was the first film adaptation of a Stephen King novel that I felt technology was in step with King's imagination. The special effects were on point. For me, I give the film a 10/10. I have waited forever for this and I so want to see the entire 8 book series play out on the big screen. HOWEVER, I do feel that the last 90 seconds of the film deviate from the persona of the Last Gunslinger, Roland Deschain, son of Steven & Gabrielle Deschain, and last of the Line of Eld. I worry that this character break may turn some people (those who know the character) off.. I totally recommend if you are a fan of the series. I totally
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The Originals (2013–2018)
I enjoy the show and recommend it highly.
5 February 2014
I think that the VD series has kind of become "Twilight" for TV with the love triangle around Elena and all of her manifestations. I love that The Originals is allowing all of the characters to be stars in their own right and storyline. It also helps that all of the characters are "adult" for the most part. I was a bit uncomfortable w/VD because the teens the show was about seemed highly unsupervised and sexual. The Originals is well worth the watch. I love how Klaus has been expanded and become more multi-faceted. The characters are more complex but understandable, all of the actors are attractive and play their roles well. And the action scenes are great!
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