
6 Reviews
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Platonic (2023– )
Not exactly cohesive
2 June 2023
It's okay; not terrible, and occasionally genuinely funny.

The script leans quite a bit on snappy banter (including when the characters are texting at unrealistic, overlapping lightning speed) and imo Rogan just isn't up to the task. In any case, some of it feels forced.

The direction has a tendency to gloss over or press forward in tone and pace in a way that often feels a bit careless and not cohesive. I'm sure some people didn't notice or mind what I perceived, but different strokes, eh?

And... generally, it again just doesn't feel cohesive. Subtle, genuine moments smack into exaggerated moments crash into trying-too-hard moments. And none of it is original, markedly creative, or even all that witty.
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Andor (2022– )
Loving it
21 October 2022
This is my favorite of the Star Wars shows so far.

I did like The Mandalorian quite a bit; but I thought Kenobi was half as good as it should have been (some really cheap writing/narrative choices); and Book of Boba was utterly forgettable.

What gets me going in a show like Andor is good writing, tight & meaningful dialogue, interesting characters/situations, and dynamic intrigue. The actors are all excellent (with a few slightly LESS excellent) in expressing these believable characters in believable circumstances.

There are flashbacks which inform the characters; there are slow scenes which give room to grow and breathe; and then the energy unwinds and spring into action. Sometimes very quick action!

We also have the best intrigue and insight into the Empire and the Rebellion - both in daily dynamics as well as larger political maneuvering. There's no 1-dimensional hackneyed good guys and bad guys here; nuance, depth and balance are constant.

If you find it slow, boring, needing to check your phone 20 times per episode, etc.. then this sort of pacing, writing and character depth just isn't for you.

It sure is for me!
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The Sandman (2022– )
Starts good, meanders from there
1 September 2022
Interesting concept and world-building, as is typical of Neil Gaiman. The production design is fine, nothing to complain about.

Some of the writing is really good. Helped by good actors.

HOWEVER, some of the writing is mediocre at best. Made wooooorse by bad actors. And uninspired direction.

The show starts well, and some of the first 6 episodes are excellent; tight, engaging, intriguing, thought-provoking.

Later on, it just drags. Some of the actors carrying the second half of the season are just not good. Any moodiness and tension is lost from their drab, surface-level portrayal of the emotions and character arcs.

Oh well.

I'd give it a 7, but the disappointment of bad casting choices for a show with such a pedigree brings it down to a 6.
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Cheeky, wacky, gory, light on its feet, and FUN!!!
16 August 2021
If you're into it, this movie is an incredible amount of fun.

Jokes abound, some cute, some clever, some dumb, some bizarre. Most landed for me.

Dialogue zips around, and with such a goofy group of characters, it gets pretty surreal.

None of the arcs or plot points are overwrought; each main character gets their own nice trajectory.

And it feels like a comic book. The mise on scene is playful and creative without ever distracting from the narrative. The main villain is ridiculous, yet totally worthy of a comic book. The characters all have moments which feel like they were yanked from the pages and respectfully inserted into the movie.

And if you're invested, the poignant moments land in an authentic way.

If you're attached to grim, world-shattering epic DC movies, this might not be your cup of tea.

It's a great popcorn flick with a touch of pathos tucked in.
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Subpar execution, mediocre direction
9 January 2015
I'm an overall fan of Jim Carrey. Imo, "Liar, Liar" is the pinnacle of goofy, saccharin delight that is Carrey's comedic sensibility. "Liar, Liar" also doesn't take itself seriously, doesn't preach, and has a lot of spark amidst itsl Hollywood arc.

Now, take everything I just said, and subtract 90% in each category, and you have "Bruce Almighty". This film might appeal to those who are interested in the perplexing morality tale or specific theology this movie entertains. It might appeal to those who think Carrey's comedy can do no wrong. Whatever; next time I'll just put on Liar, Liar or The Truman Show.
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Seeking authentic moments
26 August 2013
This movie rides a fine line, asking the viewer to decide for themselves what is authentic and what is absurd. Would you be content with escape, denial or empty coping mechanisms if you knew there was no point, no future? This movie asks us to consider the reward of becoming disillusioned (seeing your illusions for what they are), of accepting the world and life exactly as is, and of being okay to reject the inauthentic. When you've let go of all that is fake and contrived, only the real remains.

That being said, Seeking a Friend won't be for everyone, and it's certainly not a movie to necessarily do well in the theaters, nor be favorably reviewed. As some viewers have mentioned, there are no special effects, the movie shifts tone at will in the main characters' surroundings, and Carrell and Knightley are not a likely match. Well, these are exactly the aspects that are most authentic to me! The characters felt real, I believed each of the plausibly absurd scenes, and I understood the bond and commitment these two unlikely heroes make; of course, all this is made possible by the heartfelt, soulful performances of the leads, as they capture alternating phases of detachment and passion, sacrifice and redemption. I do have a couple of issues with details and messiness in the screenplay, but nothing major.

Don't watch Seeking a Friend for the effects (there are none to speak of), don't expect sustained gripping drama; let the scenes provoke some thought, allow yourself to laugh, smile or chuckle a couple of times, and enjoy the quest for authenticity.
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