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why didn't I go out clubbing at Saturday night rather than me watching this movie
10 October 2022
One of the worst change up direction of franchise this movie is a joke this is not what you think it is, like if you loved Sniper movies or first 1 like me and you think this is gonna be a serious movie this and that it's not. How in earth writers & directors know about Sniper (1993) and rest of franchise what it's about.... they don't know abustle know what Sniper all is about it's not Comedy this isn't Bruce Willis Red franchise or Chuck TV series because this is what it's trying to be like. I loved and liked all other Sniper movies out their like 1st film was Amazing it started out a serious action-thriller Military film the direct to DVDs movies were good in my opinion they were fun fast paced straight forward fun movie franchise I can't believe how far it went from 1-8 great last ones were Sniper Ultimate Kill (2017) then to Sniper Assassins end (2020) film were 2 good last ones I have done Sniper marathon after I finished with Sniper Assassins End. Because Sniper franchise the genre of movies isn't Comedy with comedic score music in it it's never silly but when I watched this movie straight from start it was a serious film then 5 minutes later with

opening credit title with Animation playing comedic music I was like what the heck???? This is getting weird later threw out movie it became a comedy-spy movie everything in film the looks and feels cheap about this movie. Some of terribly mediocre actors, cheap photography, but most annoying of all, there is NO thrill or suspense whatsoever. Even the few action scenes look laughable what's even more laughable is when Main character is spotting on room from hotel room building looking after his Team when you find out when camera zooms back villains are at same Hotel building at roof top above where Main character is spotting, I threw my arms in air going like is this meant to be joke seriously???? It's like writers or director must be fan of Marvel movies because nowadays everything is a joke with Marvel movies with overtop silly comedy well sadly to say everything was putting in this stupid silly overtop comedy, I found it extremely distracting they play it during some scenes and some of action scenes I am like God this movie is hurting my Brain cells A SNIPER MOVIE IS NEVER A COMEDY never was. I never ever will know why they changed up movie franchise what did they change it up into like a comedy???? Sniper never was comedy what's next for Sniper sequel for 10th movie it is gonna be a horror movie???? Then 11th it's gonna be SC-FI film because with this movie if you watch any previous movies of Sniper films 1-8 films there aren't comedy goofy in it it was always an action, thrilling suspense straight forward action movie that's all it was. For first time a First Sniper movie in franchise without Tom Berenger or Billy Zane in the cast THANK GOD because if they look into this movie or if they in it... it will look worse because after movie is finished filming, they watch this movie they will look shame of themselves for being in this movie I am not kidding your main character rest of others including tough guys are bit comedic as well like your previous 8th movie character Lady Death (Sayaka Akimoto) she was a cold blooded character quiet, silent Assassin type but now she is a comedic even your main character Brandon Beckett (Chad Michael Collins) you followed him since in 4th movie was a series character learning how to shoot a sniper then threw out other sequels Brandon going through missions from 4th film to 8 his character you take seriously but in here he is a joke just made him look like embarrassing & silly like a joke. Plot follows this guy who is a human trafficker who is with other villains were planning to kill those porn star girls witch you feel sorry for like you hate those villains so bad, and this guy Simon (Toby Hughes) who is one of human traffickers saves 1 girl Mary Jane (Jocelyn Hudon) but he can't save all other girls but only 1 like he if he knew other guys will kill other girls then save others leave door open for other girls to them let out before villains kills girls witch, they

did I don't like seeing Dead girls from start of movie you feel extremely sorry for girls. Brandon Beckett (Chad Michael Collins) from previous 5 movies in this it's his 6th film he is at London spying at woman then he catches Bad guy that's all made it soo totally random. So then next day Gabriel Stone (Dennis Haysbert) who appeared in Sniper Legacy & Sniper Ghost Shooter appeared in this 1 which made him think wished he didn't appear in this movie, fires Brandon for because of some reason so now Brandon goes rogue, teaming up with his former allies Homeland Security Agent Zero and assassin Lady Death who now works as a waiter so what do they call her Lady Death one of waitress accepted her resume from her previous job her been Assassin killing people from past to been a waitress??? Anyway so Team goes uncover the corrupt agent and take down the criminal organization because there is a crooked federal agent is involved in a human sex trafficking ring and entire movie and characters were stupidly silly comedic playing comedy score music like you hear from Red films or Oceans 13 or Chuck TV series with that comedic music in it. Action scenes were eh nothing to special expect there were moment where Zero shoots guy head Multiple times then when elevator door opens 2 people screamed not series way but funny way, I was like what the heck. Rest of movie nothing was exacting or made like to like movie and villains were just laughable, just laughable they get a Sniper a Sniper villain who is a useless, gutless Sniper spotter who misses targets, takes a longtime to shoot Sniper who has no experience main villain can't get other guy to shoot Sniper???? The actors/characters were not convincing in their roles at all they are there for paycheck. The writer and Director, Oliver Thompson should really find a different career path because he hasn't never Directed movie in his life only 1 movie he was also producer from previous Sniper movie Sniper Assassins End, which was much, BETTER movie then to this crap at least Director & writers taken 8th Sniper film aka Assassins End seriously and he gets a green lit he ruined this movie so bad completely horribly bad, what makes him think turning this a 9th Sniper movie into a comedy with comedic music which was too loud and out of place... it's laughable it's laughable film you won't take this any seriously like other Sniper movies if you think Sniper direct to DVD sequels were horrible Bad!!! Then watch this tell me what is better I am fan of Sniper films I am a huge fan their weren't a comedy aka comedic type Sniper films had action, thrilling suspense movie toke itself series it may not be greatest franchise 1-8 but its flawed that I can easily Deal but with this flawed 9th worst film was very extremely overtop director to me never watched every Sniper movie out there and to know what it is about what kind of genre it is he was producer from 8th movie previous 2020 movie if you think that's Bad then I will prove you wrong this movie is never a series movie, it's comedy with comedic music witch it will make your ears Bleed, characters acting like goofy and silly & dumb overtop actors don't want to be there you can tell it, movie doesn't have any Sniper scenes only for a bit but not entire movie and movie is called Sniper and it doesn't have any brutal Sniper kills in movie, this feels like a low budget goofy silly overtop Mission Impossible film like Ghost Practical that had some little comedy but in sametime movie taken itself series. With this movie made your lead that you followed in 5 movies you taken him seriously and now to this movie made him look like an idiot completely like other with characters and villains witch they were forgettable thugs Human traffics. There's nothing wrong in movies with Some humor but this overtop humor this is like my theory writers or director taken notes from Marvel movies they said let's make our own Sniper movie 9th movie into a comedy witch it will make it different??? Just because it's different doesn't mean it's good. Music, I will say it again... it's so bad make your ears Bleed. Unfitting I don't know why went for Red or Ocean's Eleven direction What's with the loud music everytime there is action scene? 90% of the time the music background does not jive with the scene on screen people if you see Sniper franchise and you're a fan like me please avoid this Dumpster crap. Wasn't expect an Action/Comedy movie. The Zero Character from previous 8th Sniper film not a good fit. Too goofy against the quality of characters. Nice guy, but Sniper franchise portrays precision. This doesn't.

The ex-Yakuza fighter Lady Death (Sayaka Akimoto) was such a Badass from Sniper Assassins end made her into a joke into this movie. Like in movie where they found this nerds computer guy who is nerds completely offering guys, a soda at end of movie credits main character and others standing their enjoying soda Lady Death goes like I... want.... Fanta toke her 20 seconds to say and finish full line and rest of characters talked like that I don't know what to explain in this review if you see seen you will get what I am saying it will make you want to turn off movie go out do something else. I am like this is writer's and Director stole ideas like Marvel movies goofy stupid overtop comedy films. Avoid this movie please its worst of worst go back watch all Sniper movies 1-8 end from their avoid this garbage trash film I will be curious what will they do with Sniper movies and how many will they make it up to Sniper 15???? Anyway, I rather go out clubbing go out have fun get girls go at Dance getting to know them me getting lucky would be more entertain then to this movie.
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Section 8 (II) (2022)
what a waste.... just what a waste of cast and movie
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With this movie it felt like it was waste of time a time waster movie I like Director who did The Night Crew, AWOL-74, Vigilante Diaries, Paydirt didn't mind those movies I like his low budget movies and I love typical action movies where your main character goes out for revenge, I love that in many movies what was completely waste was having a cast in 1 movie all Expendables actors like Dolph Lundgren who was in Expendables 1-4, Mickey Rourke was sadly just in 1st movie, Scott Adkins just in 2nd Expendables they were in this movie I thought oh if it's gonna be Scott & Dolph again like previous movies 2021 Castle Falls, Universal Soldier 4, Legendary, Expendables 2. But sadly, this random actor witch I don't find him as badass main actor Ryan Kwanten I don't picture him as an action star at all he is not bad actor, but I just really wished main stars would been either Scott Adkins or Dolph Lundgren as lead star would been better because they are known for the real action hero like they are more known actors they have more experience in action movies then to Ryan Kwanten I thought this movie was just eh at times I thought sadly this movie could been better it didn't need a younger guy as lead role pretty much Scott Adkins just 46 years old and is Ryan Kwanten 45 so why can't Scott Adkins just could be lead role??? If they want a younger lead hero

who can handle action scenes better, who could act better in action movies Adkins, Lundgren has a lot and tons of experience in action movies right under their belt they could been leads. I thought action scenes were fun to watch I thought Ryan Kwanten does alright he is not worst actor he does fine in movie but I just don't buy him at all it just made me really wished could been Adkins or Lundgren as lead role because I can buy them, they are real action hero's real action stars type not Ryan Kwanten you know. I thought Mickey Rourke was good in movie he had only 3 scenes of movie sadly he didn't had a scene with Lundgren or Adkins witch that was sad to be honest not just a waste but a waste of some iconic acting talents and a waste of those used action stars as cameos in this movie. What's even more sad that Scott Adkins and Dolph Lundgren produced this movie, with unfortunately disastrous results. Even if they produce movie why doesn't Dolph direct this movie like Castle Falls starting Scott Adkins again???? I never understood why the in heck they produce it for what reason. If they only had stuck to a 100% action movie and IF they had replaced the lead actor Ryan Kwanten with one of the other great actors (Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke, Scott Adkins) but hey if they wanted younger guy hire Adkins simple as that, movie will disappoint you at times sadly to say because they were just used in couple scenes Lundgren was movie but not as much but I would say he has more than Adkins and Rourke I am not kidding you at all. Story is good simple action generic movie about Jake Atherton (Ryan Kwanten) a former soldier a warfighter in Afghanistan. Jake general Tom Mason (Dolph Lundgren) was his kinda close friend, but they just work together as Team years later on Jake works at Mechanic store and owner of that store is Earl Atherton (Mickey Rourke) who has only 3 scenes of movie which makes me think it was shot all in 1 day. Jake bumps into trouble with Cartels, Fresh (Robert LaSardo) who has been in many movies then next day Jake finds his wife & kid Dead he went out for

revenge killed everyone at Bar and Fresh Robert LaSardo had a short role after that Jake went to Prison Tom went to visit him askes him for offer or to help or something Jake refuses it 1 night, he gets kidnapped what it turns out to be he is recruited by a shadowy government agency called Section 8. I thought time and time movie was just watchable then somehow it got to stupid point where you find out later is Dolph Lundgren character is bad guy then he fakes it teams up with Ryan character because Section 8 has gone corrupted so team is turning against Ryan character you have main sexy villain chick Liza Mueller (Tracy Perez) who is villain kills Tom Mason (Dolph Lundgren) character witch I thought it was just stupid didn't need to be killed off at stupid reasons and fight scenes weren't best at times if your curious about Scott Adkins character made him like a amateur like it's his first day to be Assassin he has his own action scenes witch that was good shoots guy runs away gets in a Ferrari fantastic shot, then tries to kill Ryan Kwanten character he disappear threw out entire movie comeback at end of finale fight scene between Ryan & Scott character met Scott it suddenly took a lot of time, and he was close to losing the fight and fight scene was just terrible. I think they have skimped a bit too much in combination with poor choice of actors was very missed placed witch it should been Adkins or Lundgren or Rourke for pressured action that resulted I thought it was a watchable movie what it turns out to be in a failed rather than a watchable film it's a 1-time watch then you forget about it that's it i rather pick it up for $3 dollars on Blu-ray or DVD of it then keep it for collection for Dolph or Adkins that's pretty much about it.
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this trash sequel should have got Erased before it was Reborn
8 August 2022
I could not finish movie it was just that crap, Who in heck asked for this crap dumpster movie???? Who asked for this sequel/reboot crap??? This movie was just hard to sit threw, hard to watch in it because it's that painful film director, writers, producers are that LAZY because they can't do their own thing like script, characters direction nothing else they just cut and copy paste with story and characters in first Eraser (1996) with Arnold Schwarzenegger that was a great fun action masterpiece movie that was insane film. But this????? Who asked for Eraser sequel??? With nobody actors copyed everything from first movie if you seen first movie you know what I mean like opening credits where it shows main character sitting on dark room with prolife pictures of people him having guns on table while camera goes to side playing dark music, stealing same lines from first movie you have just been Erased they said it more in this movie then to first 1 I am not kidding you at all, doing samething like what Arnold character does just like in first movie like covering people identity's, faking people deaths, everything you see first movie.... does it here 100% of this movie is samething all over again and again like first movie does. Only thing it's different is that 4% like today we got all those technology smart phones, modern film with great cinematography, different storyline as well I am surprised they didn't put EM-1 Railgun the X-RAY sniper in movie or plane scene in this I doubt they could not afford that in this low budget crap. And storyline is same but just bit different like.

It is based on U. S. Marshal Mason Pollard (Dominic Sherwood) witch he is a terrible actor very boring wooden witch he has no personality nothing of him that's his name rhymes with Sherwood aka Wooden acting boring look didn't deliver any badass in movie. Who is specialized in engineering the fake deaths of witnesses that leaves no trace of their existence. With the technological advances of the last 25 years. His character does everything samething like with Arnold does if you seen first movie he does little bit different where he uses soundspeaker system to confuse bad guys and wears mask like if he was Frankenstein like in Death Race that's all director is that lazy can't make lead character different but he copy's Arnold character to Dominic character??? Seriously???

With this girl (Rina Kimura) Jacky Lai who is a a crime boss' wife who's decided to turn state's evidence who works for either FBI or US Marshalls samething happens like first movie with Vanessa Williams where she had to be a undercover to Investigate EM-1 Railgun like with this one Jacky had to be undercover to this crime boss later on her cover is blown then Dominic gotta product her and cover up and Erase her identity. As the two flee to Cape Town, South Africa, with a team of merciless assassins on their trail, Pollard discovers he's been set up. Double-crossed and fueled by adrenaline, he needs to be at the top of his game, or he'll be the one who's erased. Permanently. That was only different thing about this movie is storyline but rest of 100% is samething villain McKinley Belcher III character is like James Caan character does samething if you seen first movie you know what villain is gonna do samething with James Caan I can't write this review without spoilers because it's a samething everything you see in this first Eraser does exact samething thing.... like in first one with Alligators in this film you have a Hippopotamus only 1 like they can't get 4 or 5 of Hippos?? Villain had 7 guys but one of them can't be eaten but you only have 1 guy got eaten by 1 Hippo. It was lame thing that scene was soo lame CGI of Hippo was Horrible it's 2022 they can't do better with CGI Animals then to first movie 1996 Eraser Alligators scene weren't best looking but at least that scene was much better then to this movie they ate some of bad guys seeing Arnold kill one Alligator at least something happens and delivers entering and fun to it . Action on that scene but with this scene with Hippo was killed and ate 1 guy and lead character didn't do anything with Hippo like what Arnold character had little fight with Alligator and killed it that was much more of badass then to this movie it copyed everything like end of movie does samething at end like I said if you seen first movie you know everything will happen in this and lead villain dies different way that's fair to be honest but nothing was

different in this movie. They can't make anything different I seen better direct to DVD sequels like Hard Target 2, Death Race 2-4, Undisputed 2-4, Man with Iron Fist 2 many other movies that were better then to this movie they were different they didn't copy samething like with this movie, copying samething everything that was in first movie does samething in here... action scenes to be fair it was enjoyable but sametime it didn't save movie. Nothing else was good about this trash sequel Dominic Sherwood as your lead hero is a rubbish actor, Sherwood aka he can't not share anything in this movie, can't deliver badass witch he is not, he can't deliver presents or humour or anything he is rubbish trash wooden actor that's why his name is Sherwood because he Shares wooden acting even a block of wood shares a better personality then to this trash actor. Speaking of director would produce & write movies like Fast and the Furious (2001) Skulls, Rollerball. But his directing sucks expect for Deep Blue Sea 3 that was very different and not copyed like 1st or 2nd because 2nd Deep Blue Sea was copyed like 1st movie then he directed 3rd movie witch he made it differently I don't know how in heck he made Deep Blue Sea 3 differently??? But to this trash sequel like he was soo lazy and Desperate begging for money and work for other new movie decided to write direct to DVD movie Eraser with lazy ideas stealing everything from classic action blockbuster hit Eraser 1996 with Schwarzenegger make his own I bet he needed money and too lazy what to write next his track record of his movies sucks expect for Deep Blue Sea 3 witch I thought it was mediocre film like a 3.10 film not worst everything he has done is worst like Quarantine 2: Terminal, The Quiet Ones never seen it, WWE movie Blood Brother witch I thought that was a time waster, Deep Blue Sea 3 time waster not worst movie then he is out of ideas to make his own idea movies or making direct to sequel films with his own ideas he decided to steal everything that was from 1996 film if you watch this movie fully witch I didn't only half of it everything was Erased this movie will Erase your time off and this movie should got Erased before it was Born... people go watch 1996 Eraser with Arnold Schwarzenegger film witch was much better written, Directed, acted, action scenes were held better to this dumpster crap this was lazy and copy paste first movie from start to finish just to had little different story that's it and little different final scene of how villain got killed if you don't understand me watching that stupid ending scene. It's just Samething But Different Toilet. One of the worst Direct to DVD movies I have seen in past years i rather watch Hard Target 2 above this crap.
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Castle Falls (2021)
it's just a worth watch of a fun slaright forward action-thriller film
5 May 2022
I really wished this movie could been better, more action more of that epic like Die Hard Situation short of type of movie but sadly it never happened. Surprised that Dolph Lundgren got back into Directing films his very last one film that he Directed 2010 Killing Machine aka Icarus that was his very last time he Directed film then threw out years and years past he was just doing movies as always. But I was wondering to myself when will he Direct film again then years later this arrived Castle Falls has been a very long waited film this was production, film had shot for half a day (March 18, 2020) when it was shut down by Birmingham, Alabama's public health department because of coronavirus-imposed shutdowns. Filming resumed on October 28, 2020 for 17 shooting days.

No wonder why I have waited for longtime for this I thought this might come out 2020 but it didn't I was hoping and waiting for it but then it got released. I have met those 2 actors Dolph Lundgren and Scott Adkins I am a huge fan of those 2 guys huge Die Hard fan of those guys love them I grew up with Lundgren cool looking Deadly action star loved Lundgren so much I have watched and own every movie in my collection in my mid teenage days, Scott Adkins as well first time won't be forgetting first time I have experienced Undisputed II and III got my ass kicked out Couch and I will not be forget first time amazing experience when I met Dolph Lundgren back in 2015 and Scott Adkins in 2017 won't be forgetting that at all. Makes me more of Die Hard fan of those guys and like those guys even more. Now with this film wished it could been better what I mean by that like epic action film like with Skin Trade that Dolph almost Directed that film as well I wished Castle Falls could more and more epic crazy action like Die Hard in a construction building type could done more to film with action, poster with that building doesn't look anything like that at all with that building on that poster is not in movie, you might think it's epic action film that's what I wanted as well

theirs a lot of things that Dolph could done in this movie have more henchmen, more villains staff like that like in Die Hard and have loads of henchmen going after Lundgren and Adkins while they are holding Bags that has tons of money in it wish could went to that direction but hey who knows maybe because they could not do a lot during Pandemic I would not have a clue why. I thought story and way how characters are written is very good but not great I wished their moments in movie could been better make Adkins more less of idiot like where he sees his friend got killed then he screams look I know it's shocking to see your friend die with group of Bad guys or when he finds money he counts them rather then just taking it and leave building but if he does that movie is over and also making Adkins like an underdog as well wish that didn't let him down too much that's what I understand his character but I wished it was written that way and I really wished Dolph could done a lot of things in movie like I said before theirs more and a lot of things to do in movie but hey I guess that's all Dolph could do for movie that he directed. Story plot follows Mike Wade (Scott Adkins) is a MMA fighter wanted a chance to fight and get into it but he fails he gets ass Beaten by another fighter, look I understand that but I wished that was written better rather then making him like an Underdog eh then he goes out finds a job as a Demolition crew to destroy old Abandoned buildings scheduled to be Demolished. (Dolph Lundgren) Richard Ericson is an Prison guard that has a sick daughter funny enough that was played by his actual daughter Emily (Ida Lundgren) willing to do anything to pay for his daughter's cancer treatment he could not afford therapist that is taking care of his

daughter he was gonna lose house, and also worse part is his daughter could die without therapist doctor or nurse to take care of so Richard went up to prisoner asked him what he knows about money in that Abandoned building. While Mike is working he finds 3 bags of money when he finishes his job he goes back in their finds it counts money while Villains arrive to building coming after for samething as well Deacon Glass (Scott Hunter), James (Kevin Wayne), Kat (Kim DeLonghi) they know money is in that building, Richard goes in building meets up with Mike you have good fight scene of both of them between Dolph and Scott just like fight scene in Universal Soldier Day of Reckoning, like other awful film Legendary. They both team up they must survive and escape building before it it Collapses. I thought action scenes and fight scenes were handled pretty well like with any other movie, Fight scene between Scott and Dolph was very good I loved it I thought this movie could been better, could done more with it, but its a short tighter paced film for 1 hour 30 minutes of kicking ass action film slaright forward fun film theirs not much you can say about it I think this is a much better movie with Scott Adkins and Dolph Lundgren film Legendary (2013) witch that was much terrible film then to this film, I thought this was Watchable, but ultimately a generic action thriller witch I could accept easily but movie could done better. Dolph really knows how to use Adkins on screen & the two have worked together many times before Expendables 2 but they didn't both appear in a scene together and with Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning they both have a scene together a fight scene, 3rd time they

both appeared in Legendary witch I thought it was awful film much worser film but I thought this film Castle falls is better movie but not great or Fantastic but it's film I would see all over again because it's short and simple, slaright forward & also Dolph shows he's a decent action director that has sprinkled his movie with drama & feeling. Yes Castle Falls is a low-budget B-movie really but a damn good one & it never out stays it's welcome with it's short running time, so yeah a damn good movie in my opinion. The look is of course pretty sharp looking as filmed with modern cameras but the story, style & characters feel old school. Poster with him wearing sunglasses was false advisement idk why. But I thought this was a fun slaright forward action movie give it a look it's worth of watch a fun slaright forward action movie it's a B movie don't expect anything big in this movie, don't expect anything with huge massive explosions and big action, their is action but not very huge like for explame like Die Hard or Skin Trade or Expendables or John wick movies don't expect that any bigger.... give it a look if your a Die Hard fan of action or Lundgren and Adkins or if you aren't fan still check it out see what your opinion is because that's all I can say.
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Ambulance (2022)
it's great film fun slaright forward, Intense, Thrilling film not to miss you will regret if you miss out this movie
15 April 2022
I can't believe it, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT this movie didn't sadly get enough praised, I can't believe and how bad this movie got buried and it only made $33 Million Dollars sadly :(( this movie was such a fun slaright forward, nice and creative film, Action was well made, gore, creative, fun it keeps you edge of your seat, massive explosions, crazy nut car stunts. It didn't feel like a movie felt like a video game. It was fun experience seeing this in movie theatre. It was soo good seeing this in theatre it had only 5 people in theatre I DON'T understand and never understand why this movie doesn't interested People??? I think this movie came out wrong time, wrong place I really wished this film could been released sometime this year mid 2022 like July or September??? Or somewhere because I think they were seeing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 that came out made more money sadly in Box Office and this movie sadly flopped it finished 4th in Box office wished it didn't land their but hey it's not first film that flopped that I loved and liked. But hey movies out their like with Superhero films witch sadly makes money I liked The Batman I enjoyed that, but with others I am done and sick and tired of Superhero crap that's why I think Marvel to me is now trash and Boring and just lame. And comeback sequels makes money. But with different movies like this don't

make much money heck look at Sleepless great film, got buried, last year 2021 Nobody didn't make much money because of Godzilla vs Kong. But still, I highly recommded seeing this movie don't look at price movie is much more important than seeing it and judging of your opinion is better then reading critics and looking at money at Box office. Critics has a fair choice it got 65% I can't argue more but it's still highest. It's not biggest flopped film but it just flopped in Box office sadly. One day down road people will be burnt out with Superhero films because now they are just all over place they are getting boring, just too many of it, forgettable, and just eh I am done with Superhero films I am just burnt out. But with Different movies like this it surprises me with action intense thrilling film that just keeps you on and on wondering what is gonna happen next now it's not just typical Michael Bay movie it's not just explosions, Car crashes, action.... it has story, characters, thrilling, intense moments just you want to know what will happen next that's what moments are in movie it's well made, it's very creative like staff you never seen. Story follows 2 Brothers Danny Sharp (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Will Sharp (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II)

who is an ex-Marine who has sick wife and healthy kid tying to afford Hostpal bill that he could not afford it he goes up reaches out to Danny, his adoptive brother and a life-long criminal for him to plan to Rob Bank on that day hell has broken loose it was just Chaos heavy duty police officers, going after Robbers then when they shot the cop Officer Zach (Jackson White) EMT got him they pulled him in Ambulance truck, suddenly The Brothers hijack an Ambulance with EMT Cam Thompson (Eiza Gonzalez) a hottest gorgeous Tremendous chick known for TV series From Dusk Till Dawn, Baby Driver, Alta Battle Angel, Fast and Furious Hobbs & Shaw, Cut Throat City, Bloodshot many more she is I reckon this is her best role I think it is she play's a tough rough Badass Medic I can picture her as real Medic, because I have Dated Spanish chick 3 years who is Nurse she reminds me of her a bit that's why lol I can picture her real life to Eiza Character. She is tough character I liked how she delt with annoying character EMT Scott (Colin Woodell) witch he was annoying has hell he plays her partner. I loved how tough she is, how strong female character she is it felt like she played a real Medic I am not kidding how she acted felt real it almost her best role I didn't watch movie because of Eiza Gonzalez But she did hell of job. Anyway, back to plot Jackson on board, who is treating the injured Medic got him while Brothers Hijack Ambulance they are on run from Cops it almost felt like Grand Theft Auto almost entire movie is just Brothers are on run they Hijack Ambulance

truck, with Cam while treating Jackson. Entire movie was soo thrilling, Intense, cinematography was Fantastic, Cop chasing scenes chasing after Ambulance was soo nuts so much cars crashing, flipping around massive crash's, massive action not just ACTION it was soo thrilling because theirs only 1 Medic Cam tying to save Jackson White a badly wounded cop who needs to go Hostpal for treatment but can't because you got 2 Brothers Hijacking Ambulance and they are on Run away with cops so thrilling and Intense keeps you on edge. Makes you wonder what is gonna happen next. Michael Bay isn't just falling into his regular routine and camera angles; he's expanding on them. The use of sport drones to get adrenaline pumping shots is unlike anything I've seen in a major feature film, and it's some of the best action I've seen on screen in years. He has done great job with Action, Camera work, location, Intense, Thrilling was soo Neat, very Neat and clean with how he delt with action, how he delt with story, Thrilling he delt that so good in movie I wish someone could brought up this idea including me with this back of day it just simple story, simple thing for movie to be made, just expect thrilling and Intensely movie pumps you up your energy level goes right up threw roof just like with The Rock, Armageddon, Bad Boy films, The Island, Transformers 1-4, Pain & Gain, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, 6 Underground how action and thrilling and intense and watchable how he makes it just like his other movies but nothing like this with Bank Robbers Hijacking Ambulance with 1 Medic, with 1 Injured cop Bad Wounded and while cops chasing truck while 1 Medic is trying to keep injured cop alive.. how thrilling and Intense it was once you watch it.... You will be stuck your seat will be glued and stuck movie won't let you go from Start to Middle until at end. I thought Performance was well done Jake Gyllenhaal I liked Jarhead, I loved End of Watch Incurable movie great performance, Southpaw great movie I prefer that then to Nightcrawler I liked Nightcrawler, but I preferred him in End of Watch and Southpaw and this movie. I saw his recent Movie The Guilty on Netflix film great performance. But how he handled this movie was just great his acting was crazy he play's Bad guy he play's crazy guy goes nuts; his acting was very good in this movie just nuts what else can I say. He done a great job and how he handled role, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II did great he play's more of Good guy then to Jake. Jake play's goodly and Badly more mixed of both. Both of those guys are Bad guys kinda like

From Dusk Till Dawn but without vampires. Action was nuts very crazy keeps you fun it doesn't keep you bored. All 3 actors just gave an hell of Adrenaline rush performances. Michael Bay delivers with a 2 hour and 20 min chase sequence. Giving an adrenaline rush direction with the film never slowing down until the credits. The action sequences are a thrill ride. The cinematography putting you close to the action and chase was awesome. Especially with the insane camera angles. The music score is great. The film taking the chases around L. A. was exciting. To me movie has taken ideas from John Q meets The Town meets Speed I don't know if that's true or not but theirs a movie came out not very long ago it was 5 years ago another movie like this was called Bus 657 aka Heist with De Niro, Dave Bautista, Jeffery Dean Morgan, Gina Carano many more similar to this movie that movie came out 2015 not to long ago but that had intense thrilling moments keeps you on and on but it didn't had action like in this movie because this is Bigger budget then to Bus 657 aka Heist. It is a great movie. Movie Deservers Better, Deserves a better rating as

well it needs more money at Box office for this movie. There is 1 flaw with movie with character that is unneeded Fag character that was played by Keir O'Donnell FBI agent was eh rubbish character, he didn't do nothing just chasing Robbers and he was friends with Jake character??? That could been Garret Dillahunt as Captain Monroe chasing and being friends with Jake character Daniel all you need is one character chasing Robbers that is Garret Dillahunt that's it movie didn't need Keir O Donnell character in movie he didn't do anything, he wasn't part of it. Could just used Garret Dillahunt that's it simple. But enough said go and see this movie or else you will regret missing out this flick it's soo good and fun action will keep you in watching it don't obey reviewers, don't even listen to negative crap what they say about this movie just GO and watch movie simple as that.
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Uncharted (2022)
I Wanted to hate movie but I just couldn't, I enjoyed it
21 March 2022
I have been waiting for this movie for longtime ago since for 2 years but now here it is, film has been in re-writes about 2 or 5 times now and this is how they landed apparently they were gonna cast In the early stages of production, Mark Wahlberg I am like was he gonna be Nathan Drake??? Witch he looks like Nathan Drake see look I don't hate Tom Holland as actor he did a good job as Drake but Mark looked a lot more like Drake or Nathan Fillion from Castle TV series their is a short film Uncharted just type in YouTube UNCHARTED - Live Action Fan Film (2018) that stars as Nathan Fillion witch he should been Drake in official Uncharted movie or Mark Wahlberg. But Tom Holland to me I think his far too young I mean Nathan Drake is like 30's or 40 years old?? You DON'T need a younger character why does movies nowadays they have to cast a younger guy.... it can be an older guy doesn't have to be younger character.... I have no issues with that but in times you gotta cast a person in any age that suits for role. Tom Holland did a good job it wasn't over top I enjoy him as Spiderman but end of day I can picture Mark Wahlberg or Nathan Fillion as Drake and apparently Robert De Niro??? I am like was he gonna be Sully??? Is that is that would been perfect or some older guy can play Sully I can picture like Mark Wahlberg as Drake or Bryan Cranston as Sully?? That's my casting choice and also Joe Pesci???? As what character funny Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci in Uncharted movie makes it look like

a Gangster Adventure movie weird cast choice but I would be fine with that. Nathan Fillion even says interview that he loves playing Nathan Drake he loves Uncharted I reckon they should of given him as Drake as role he looks a lot like Drake as well. Film was planned since 2008 when first game came out same year that Max Payne, In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale, Far Cry those film didn't successes in that time and in past you had other films based on games came to life but some of them weren't that successful. That's when it all started then David o Russell who did Three Kings, The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle many others he had Interest of doing Uncharted film he was approached by a fan of the Uncharted series who asked whether he had considered Fillion for the role of Nathan Drake for the upcoming film due to the high number of requests for him to fulfill the role. Russell was unaware of the interest in Fillion and who he was and seemed to quickly dismiss the idea. I am like???? What was he unware of??? Seriously all fans

wanted Fillion as Drake and he had power to do anything what was he thinking if he cast Fillion as Drake film might BOMB??? Then that's when Nathan Fillion would then later go on to do a short Uncharted fan-film 8 years later, featuring him as Nathan Drake to positive reception I bet that David O Russell regret dismissing idea if short film of Uncharted had a positive reception I bet he regrets idea of saying to himself dam if I cast Nathan my film would been success??? Idk why he dismissed idea for. In a interview back in 2010 with Mark Wahlberg stated that Russell was currently writing the script and was excited for what he had in store, hoping to shoot in the middle of 2011. "I'm obviously in whatever David wants to do but the idea of it is so off the charts, Robert De Niro being my father, Joe Pesci being my uncle I am like okay Mark your not part of

Goodfellas lol its adventure film not an Gangster film. Mark said It's not going to be the watered-down version, that's for sure. On May 26, 2011, it was reported that Russell had departed the film to direct Silver Linings Playbook. So Russell left then some producer Neil Burger among with other producers has been written. They have been re-writing the script from scratch. They think it's gonna be cool crazy adventure film. Making sure the story supports those elements and also makes us connected to the character. They trying to make it perfect as they could. Suddenly Burger dropped out to do in 2012 to do other film that wasn't based on game, based on novel series Divergent and that film came out 2014. Studio hired the husband and wife team of Marianne and Cormac Wibberley to rewrite the film. In an interview with IGN, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg said they were asked to write the film multiple times, but declined all of them and many and many other directors muptlie writers were planning to do Uncharted film but many of them dropped out because other projects??? I am like jeez what was point of getting them involved like writers, producers, directors a lot of them were in project and they dropped out I am far out what was point of hiring bunch of directors, producers, writers involved they dropped out for other projects when they had to stick with one movie. Even In an interview with Game News Official, Nolan North, who voiced Nathan Drake in the video games, stated that he believed that fans did not want an Uncharted film because of how long it toke, muptlie re-writers of film worried if would Bomb, then years later Ruben Fleischer who directed 1st & 2nd Zombieland films, Gangster Squad, Venom and now this movie. Studios must rejected so many directors and writers, producers over 1 director won movie for project. That toke so many years until they found right one. And I thought movie in my opinion I had fun with it I give it 7.10 because it I thought film was watchable, it was fun, fast pacing, I thought their were moments in movie that was like game, their were a lot of creative staff in movie it wasn't just lazy ideas. I thought cast like Antonino Banderas did good job but wasn't his best role or best villain he played I rather see him in Assassins he was better villain in that movie then to in this, I really wished he was Main villain I would of liked to see Mark and Antonio have

a showdown together or a scene together. Only thing is I really wished Antonio is main villain, but lame boring villain is (Tati Gabrielle) as Braddock??? If anyone doesn't know Braddock their was 80's decent action movie called Missing in Action started with Chuck Norris played as James Braddock I am like laughing my ass off I am like they must stolen that name from that movie because I can't think of any other character in any other movies or shows that named Braddock. To myself I have been playing Uncharted games I finished 3rd one I am up to 4th game I started 4th game before I saw 4th movie. Film has taken from bit of 4th game, 1st, bit of 3rd but rest of it is a back story so that's why Tom Holland is younger Drake and younger sully as Mark Wahlberg. Story starts off Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) works at Bar he is been a very Charming person but sametime he pickpockets wealthy patrons to people at Bar meets Victor "Sully" Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) at Bar a fortune hunter who worked with Nathan brother Sam tracking treasure hidden by the Magellan crew. Sully and Nathan go to an auction to steal a golden cross linked to the Magellan crew, where they meet Santiago Moncada (Antonino Banderas) I loved Antonino Banderas I extremely loved Desperado my favorite movie of all time and I liked other Antonino Banderas movies out their but recent staff I loved security, Acts of Vengeance is a lot better then to his role in this movie. But he did it for money he didn't even care about role he played. He plays a role like A ruthless treasure hunter and the descendant of the Moncada family. He was wasted in movie of nothing role I really wished he was main villain instered and written better. So Drake and sully go out to steal cross they are on run so they went to travel to Barcelona, where the treasure is supposedly hidden, and rendezvous with Sully's contact Chloe Frazer (Sophia Ali) I can see any chick playing that role, depends witch actress play's Chole but Sophia Ali did fine in movie, she has another cross same cross that Drake and Sully has because crosses are key to hidden doors if you watch movie you will understand what I am trying to say. Action scenes are fun to watch they weren't forgettable because if you play game you know what action scenes they are I thought action scenes were fun to watch, it was enjoyable to see movie based on game came to alive. Surprising you have voice actor Nolan North in movie 1 scene he was very under used I am surprised they didn't hire voice actress who play's Chole

Frazer, next to Nolan. That was funny scene that was surprising. For me 7 out 10 because I thought in my opinion it was close to game, movie didn't all over place, it was slow or boring or far, far too long, it wasn't forgettable in my opinion like I said if you played games you get formula and feel to it when you watch movie if you haven't played games I suggest play games then watch movie. I even played 4th Uncharted game before I saw movie so I can get pump and feel out it and it was like games in my opinion. I highly recommded movie if you love Uncharted games it's either you go see it or you don't some people didn't like it for

reason because they are Die hard fans of games for myself I am fan of games I started playing it when movie got announced back in 2020. In my opinion movie was time waster it was fast paced like 1 hour 56 minutes short film I just didn't mind it I wanted to hate movie but I couldn't I didn't think it was worst. The movie tries to incorporate as many references to the games as it can, while covering as much ground as it can. I thought cast is little bit missed placed originally Mark Wahlberg was gonna be Drake I wanted that then you have De Niro or Bryan Cranston play's Sully but movie wants to be an origin type that's why they are still young in movie. But missed placed cast doesn't take me out of movie, I wanted to hate it because if movie is nothing games or cast misplaced or forgettable but I couldn't, for it's 7 out 10 just for movie, action, fast paced nothing else really for me to say.
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Most dumbest horror film I have seen in this Generation
26 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie will piss you off slaright away for you to press dislikes button this has unlikeable characters, actors are just horrible choices of actors to pick is like lead girl Sarah Yarkin terrible looks, terrible acting just boring bland girl she is her acting is like Box like an empty Box just saying what is is in Box??? Just empty Box that's her acting I thought she was just boring look, boring actress nothing to her personality theirs nothing to her character at all it's maybe that's how she is written. I thought movie was too rushed and trying soo hard to be a Nostalgic as it can be like 2018 Halloween that movie is done better then to this garbage film. Also stupid silly script, if you extremely loved Texas Chainsaw Massacre original this is related to that but you will be raged and pissed off with film completely out raged like you wanna destroy this movie until it doesn't exist story follows Nearly 50 years after Leatherface's killing spree in 1973, in the very first Texas Chainsaw Massacre young entrepreneurs Melody (Sarah Yarkin) and Dante (Jacob Latimore) Melody's sister Lila (Elsie Fisher) and Dante's girlfriend Ruth (Nell Hudson) travel to the abandoned Texas town of Harlow, to auction off old properties to create a trendy, heavily gentrified area. While inspecting a dilapidated orphanage. Group found this house it belongs to this old lady Ginny When she claims she has papers to prove she still owns the property then in script you have this political thing like making white people are racist she calls Dante N word so making Red necks like a racist I understand she is a racist but this movie is becoming like a pollical like white people are racist this and that in movie. An argument breaks out, briefly interrupted by a silent and towering man from upstairs. Ginny then collapses from a heart attack and is rushed to hospital in a police van with Ruth as passenger witch wasn't good idea for her to go. After

while they were driving, Ginny passes away dies Leatherface gets angry kills cop, van crashed then for some stupid reason her rips off Ginny face off wears it then he goes off for killing spree. You have characters doing stupid decisions and stupid choices like Ruth is front passenger seat next to Dead cop you could taken his gun, taser or something to product you and she takes all time to think what is her next move this and that when do I get out off van while Leatherface ripping out Ginny face off, she speaks in radio calling for help, in scene you have Sally Hardesty (Olwen Fouéré) she is actress that replaced Marilyn Burns that actress sadly passed away in 2014. Sally heard Ruth calling out for help that on radio when she did that she was seeing where Leatherface samething she turns around she is behind her drags Ruth, kills her I am like??? If you taken gun or something if you gotten out of van and run like hell in cornfield but no because writers make her like idiot. Leatherface is back for killing spree Sally heard Ruth calling for help, then that's when Sally goes out for revenge. And theirs nothing to her character at all she is not much in it to say like when you watch Halloween (2018) Jamie lee Curtis character was used better and not wasted or overused doing stupid choices at least she was used better in Halloween (2018) not wasted. In Texas Chainsaw Massacre series (1973) if your fan of first movie you will be raged of what happened to her character and how stupid directors or writers made her she wasn't part of movie she was just over used and she did nothing in movie nothing at all, theirs no backstory about her theirs no update to her character she just works in farm killing pigs, sluaghting pigs that's it no telling backstory of what happened in 1973 or showing her what is update with her character she is important character in film franchise. Like director or writer didn't even update her character... just have one survivor character have her not part of movie over used for nothing.

And you have a scene where she goes in room where Leatherface really is she points shotgun she wants him to remember what he really did to her friends and want him to remember her name?? I am like does Leatherface give a crap about what happened 50 years ago??? Just shoot Leatherface he leaves room and she did nothing but crapped her pants. Just director and writers made her look like an idiot making her doing stupid choices, stupid silly choices just makes me wanna laugh even more. Then Sally got killed off got lifted up by Leatherface while Chainsaw is stuck in her stomach throws her where garbage bags are like where this movie belongs to and she doesn't die just yet after chainsaw goes right threw stomach, she encourages Lila to pick up shotgun and shoot Leatherface to average her??? Film will kill your braincells of how pointless this movie really is this film didn't needed Sally at all she was just overused and did nothing in this movie made her like idiot her trying to kill Leatherface failed so it toke him for 50 years to kill someone that she got away with in first movie she is a survivor and now she is Dead of her stupidly I highly doubt it Leatherface pats himself in back of how happy he kills last survivor because he got really upset when she got happy and now 50 years he extremely happy theirs no survivors from past. And script was just how it was written and how it's made is just silly and stupid written and felt rushed movie felt too rushed and overused like they written sally in silly stupid way making her character like a clumsy old lady doesn't know how to shoot, other characters make stupid decisions I thought Dante was unlikeable prick he is of his character so why should I have respect for his character. Script was soo stupidly written like scene where group of people in Bus pulling out their phones recording it as live stream and saying don't do anything or else you will be canceled???? When I heard that, that line in movie doesn't make jack sense in script what so ever is someone in this movie is part of cancel culture witch made me to hate movie even more, stupidest thing for group of people not thinking to escape they were banging on windows, until last survivor in bus, opens window gets cut on half by Leatherface. I am like early ago why didn't rest of people opened window and escaped?? Rather then banging on window when theirs NO help Sally toke like minutes later after Bus Massacre. Most stupidest line in movie you will be canceled so what??? That's gonna stop Leatherface??? That line in movie was lazy, poorly written before all Massacre happened why didn't Melody warn everyone theirs a killer?? Why didn't she help people to help open windows for them to escape??? But no nothing just kept your month shut until idiot says you will be canceled??? I liked that scene in Bus killing Cancel Culture people witch is a funny scene made me laugh so hard, love that scene because no one likes Cancel Culture I do understand. This movie is like lazy, lazy writing, lazy poster, lazy script, stupidest silly lines and dialogs like cancel line witch made me so pissed off killing off and overused original survivor character, then thrown her into garbage bags are that's your final original characters. This movie felt rushed, too overused, unlikeable character like Dante I hated him so BAD, this movie is political like White person is against black person rather then just sticking to character and story??, making characters looking like an idiots, making stupid choices, movie wanted to make a Nostalgic type but it wasn't enough Nostalgic, Halloween (2018) was much more Nostalgic then to this movie. And showdown of this movie is just short, overused, rushed, theirs no effort in this movie at all David Blue Garcia director of this movie made 1 movie in this career this is his 2nd movie it's soo bad poorly written because of this movie horrible director that's how you can tell he made this movie like trash stinks like crap. That's why you don't hire a director who made only 1 movie in his career that tells he shouldn't

never write movie not even in million years. Got not the heart nor the soul of Tobe Hooper's original movie. One of those modern movies adaptions that will fall quickly just like how this movie quickly failed. Film, wasted tons of pure potential. Delivers nothing but an awful result, being useless and nonsense for all the duration. The 1974 movie left a sense of pure fear and gruesome. Insulting to the viewers intelligence to Die Hard fans, I am not fan of Texas Chainsaw Massacre I liked 1st and 2nd, remake was best in my opinion people if you want see something new just go remake (2003) Texas Chainsaw Massacre starting Jessica Biel at least she is hot looking girl, a very strong lead, good looking lead, at least she makes better choices and how she defends Leatherface much better in

this movie then to Melody or her Lila even Jessica Biel character can kick the crap of those sisters anytime of day, anywhere tie their hands on their back up feet at least Jessica Biel looks like a girl, looks like a Brave Badass and how she Defeated Leatherface was 100 times Better and how she acted was better at least remake had imagination and did a lot different with this Ninth Chainsaw Massacre film looked cheap, actors looked boring and bland nothing to their characters lead girl is like wanna be look like Ripley from Aliens butch type she just looked BORING like empty box that's her performance, script was rushed, god awful, movie rushed, killed off final survivor Sally her character was too overused, at last thing is, this movie has ZERO imagination. If you want Imagination and creative go and watch 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Sequel with Dennis Hopper or Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) remake and pretend this movie didn't happen.
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Scream (I) (2022)
7.1 Rating IMDb??? Please do me a favor for me... AVOID this Garbage
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked 1-3 Scream films I thought their were very good olden days horror films I grew up with. I thought first one was just better start fresher classic horror film by Wes Craven and noticing Easter eggs from any other Horror film fantastic, 2nd and 3rd I liked but now I can deal with those sequels now. I thought sadly movie sucked, ruined half way threw old characters are just props now I know it was to do something different but it brought NOTHING different on table, it was one of worser sequel then to 4th film at least 4th back in 2011 witch I knew movie would suck I didn't see it until at this year before 5th was released, 4th did suck so many reasons. But at least you have comeback with old characters that's its it simple as that before Wes Craven Died, even if Wes was a alive made this movie exact sameway he can't save this movie or at least he would bring up a different idea. Everyone likes and loves this movie is because it's a Reunion from first film, it's a Nostalgia witch means bringing back the past from first film that's why everyone loved it then somehow in trailer got 4 stars???? 4 stars for this crap I don't know how in earth this made so much money in Box Office, I don't even freaking how in earth this got pass???? What was soo Great about this 5th film?? It felt too rushed, story felt very rushed, it was lazy suspense, lazy ideas all it did was just a redo from first Scream film all over again with all this Reunion expect you have characters Related from first one that's it. Their was no shocking moments expect. Believe me you won't be surprised about this sequel at all. Story does still follows from 2011 4th Scream film Tara Carpenter (Jenna Ortega) was home alone staying at Kitchen as always then a strange phone call happens then she hangs up gets threat text messages, if she doesn't pick up or hangs up her friend will Die then she got attacked by Ghostface and she survives I give

that credit and it is something different to table to that because in every opening of Scream movies at start of film they just Die but at least in this one made it different Tara Survives, you have an older estranged sister Sam Carpenter (Melissa Barrera) finds out that in files or Boxes she Discovered that Billy Loomis from very, first Scream film is her father Sam then tells Tara that Billy is her biological father after discovering the truth years prior, which resulted in their parents separation and why Sam became estranged from her.

She's been dealing with hallucinations of Billy Loomis witch she sees him in her vision anywhere in mirror looking like same character from 1st character but expect he aged a bit doesn't look any younger at all... you have other characters that were related to character Randy from 1st and 2nd film Mindy Meeks-Martin (Jasmin Savoy Brown) and Mason Gooding (Chad Meeks-Martin) as in they have Uncle Randy you have relatives from Randy those characters I never cared about, you have Wes Hicks (Dylan Minnette) related to other character from Scream 4 as the son to Sheriff Judy Hicks (Marley Shelton) from 4th Scream becomes Sheriff now in moment you will be surprised what happened to them in half way of movie that was something different. You have Richie Kirsch (Jack Quaid) as boyfriend to Sam character, Amber Freeman (Mikey Madison) known for Once upon time in Hollywood plays the Susan "Sadie" Atkins one of Charlie Manson killers play's in this movie. You have original characters back Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), Dewey Riley (David Arquette), Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox) back in film but they don't appear like in middle of movie they are just sadly used and wasted like props. Your lead character is Sam Carpenter with her boyfriend trying to find out why is Ghostface is after her. In this movie is just stupid it's like what is happening nowadays scene where you have Randy Niece Mindy talking about requels, sequels like Terminator, Ghostbusters, Jurassic Park everything you name. You have Dewey back but not in good way he play's a loser, living in trailer, has a put on weight has put on gut, so writers just made him like a loser you have 1 scene with him and Gale, you have that score song from 2nd scream film Hans Zimmer theme from Broken Arrow film staying as Nostalgic as it can

you will be Disappointment what happened to Dewey he gets killed off completely he doesn't survive I am like??? You didn't need to kill off Dewey just to shock audience other characters survived stabs a lot of times they get brutally stabbed like you thought they were Dead already but they weren't new characters can live they got stabbed a lot of times but Dewey nah he has to Die off to shock everyone because they out of ideas?? That's different??? Just because it's different doesn't mean it's always good, you want something different for this 5th crap make Dewey as lead and Sidney as cameo kill off Gale have Dewey go out for revenge... that's it simple that's different or kill off Sidney if your out of ideas Directors or writers... I reckon it shocked enough when they killed off Wes Hicks and Sheriff Judy Hicks that was shocking she got more times then to Dewey. Threw out film you have same house, same place like in first one house party, samething someone goes by themselves in basement to get Beers, you see miles and miles and miles away

Amber Freeman is the Killer I saw that miles away from beginning of movie I knew she was killer of how shifty she was and how she was acting staff like that I knew she was killer, I knew Sam boyfriend is killer before they got to House from first film. It's tattooed to Amber head killer she looks like a freaky killer. You have same moments where Mindy is sitting and watching first Scream does samething like what Randy does look behind you, while Ghostface slowly comes behind Randy but it does that Mindy I doubt Scream 6 they will kill off Mindy or Chad in next sequel.... and movie ends sameway like 1st film did, same jump scene with jumpscene then play's roll credits showing actors names with footage from 5th film. Unbelievable how ruined it is, how lazy it is even title is Scream why don't they call it Scream 5 now it's Scream and Scream ??? If someone is new to watch this franchise they don't even know witch one is witch??? To start with it would be funny if someone starts to watch this movie then person gets surprised this is sequel from past 4 movies... very lazy suspense, lazy character direction, using original characters from 1-4 as cameos as props sadly to say.... if you loved Scream franchise your curious about this movie DON'T EVER SEE IT at all just ended with 3rd film witch is perfect ending and it didn't need no more Scream films after 4th film or 5th film just best to end it with 3rd that's it... if you hated 4th film don't even think about seeing 5th film reason why i wanted to watch it is because i was curious i had free time, and also i was out for friends so yeah saw it for free... even i was lucky don't even spend a dollar until it's out on Netflix.

7.1 i wish that was joke.
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to be honest I enjoyed film but I wished it was done a lot better film
29 December 2021
Its about time to have Resident Evil film that is true to games, to have characters based on games, it was traditional made movie takes place in 1998 just like in game. I had fun with movie it was almost like games but with flaws too many flaws in film but sametime I just enjoyed it for time waster at end of day because is very short running time is 1h 47m its short film to hangout and kill some time off. And it had a lot of vibes from games, and also it had a vibes from John Carpenter like sub texts like headings of film is like John Carpenter films like you seen from The Thing, Escape from New York, The Fog something like that was very traditional well made liked idea of film atmosphere of Raccoon city looked very original looked like you seen in game or any other horror films very well done for that I enjoyed action and horror scenes it had Protanal but in sametime It has a lot of flaws that kinda killed movie it was difficult to hate film for I wanted to hate it but it wasn't actual that bad their are worser direct to DVD films like Alone in the Dark 2, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Double Dragon, Assassin's Creed, The King of Fighters those were the worst movies that were based on games seriously the worst I ever saw. But I thought this was so bad but sametime it's average time waster not something you wanna watch it thousands of time.

Story follows In 1998, Claire Redfield (Kaya Scodelario) returns to Raccoon City, to visit her brother Chris Redfield (Robbie Amell) warn him about Umbrella's experiments, revealing Ben Bertolucci as her source of information, There are rumors of poison in the water. The company had actually leaked the virus into the town's water and it's turning its inhabitants. Chris heads to At the police station, the STARS Alpha team meet with Chief Brian Irons (Donal Logue) who explains that the Bravo team went missing while investigating a death at the remote Spencer Mansion. The Alpha team, composed of Chris, Jill Valentine (Hannah John Kamen) Richard Aiken (Chad Rook) (Nathan Dales) Brad Vickers, Albert Wesker (Tom Hopper) is sent to the mansion by helicopter to investigate Spencer Mansion. Also you have William Birkin (Neal McDonough) is the lead doctor in the experiments that he has failed he plays a lentic scientist. In sametime you have Leon S Kennedy (Avan Jogia) who doesn't look anything like Leon character looks totally different, looks total nothing like Leon S Kennedy Character in video game he is missed placed in movie. So then scene where entered in Spencer Mansion sadly you don't get to see much of it just hallway, some of rooms, piano where Wesker play's it then wall book shelf opens theirs secret passage way, while they discover the mansion is overrun by zombies. But they missed a lot of things in movie a lot of it in Spencer Mansion their is a lot of things to discover and it's enough for 1 story for 1 movie because this reboot is smashed with 1st and 2nd story in 1 movie witch it was frustrated because 1 scene shows spencer Mansion and 1 scene shows in police station idk who could thought that's better idea??? I thought that almost had idea but turned out to be stupid idea because it's enough for 1 movie and 1 story in Spencer Mansion seriously their are plenty of things to do in 1 movie for Resident Evil is in Mansion then you can do Resident Evil 2 in police station, I thought Leon S Kennedy actor who played him was horrible and

looked nothing like Leon S Kennedy if you they can't find a proper actor for Leon then don't put Resident Evil 2 story in movie just put first film... I thought Leon is eh didn't care for him but he was terrible and he looks nothing, nothing like Leon S Kennedy. Then you have scene with Claire teaming up with Leon witch is good fun scene original not best in police station you don't see a lot of police officers I thought scenes might show police officers are under siege against zombies but nope you don't get to see that part of movie like in game. Specially are things they missed the most this is where flaws starts they are have totally missed important character is Barry Button he was part of game in first Resident Evil 1998 he was supposed to be with Chris, Jill, Wesker, rest of others they totally forgot Barry Button?? Movie felt weird and too different they seriously can't find any actor who can play as Barry Button?? I can see anyone who could play as Barry Button. In Spencer Mansion you a scene with team when They were discovering the mansion is overrun by zombies but not creatures not Hunters or lickers you do have lickers but in police station not in Spencer Mansion. But funny enough where was Mr. X because character Mr. X was in main villain in Resident Evil 2 funny to say where are all those police officers are at?? In Police Station where Leon works at... where is rest of other police officers weren't they be at under siege against other zombies?? Chaos all that in movie?? Why is just Leon at Police station while Chef Irons is packing up his staff and says Leon is on his own, you do see police station but not much of it just front hallway and some rooms that's about it sadly to say could been Assault on Predict 13 with Resident Evil type in sequel not for this movie, this movie could had been in 1 movie in 1 place is Spencer Mansion that's it then in sequel throw everything in police station I reckon director or someone who works in movie says 1 story, 1 movie is not enough for 1 movie?? Well if anyone says that is an idiot. It's true if you play 1st game, 1st Resident Evil it was enough for 1 story for 1 movie in Mansion?? But sadly to say 1st and 2nd story are smashed in 1 movie kinda failed that idea then where does Mr. X fits then?? But guess what he doesn't appear in this movie sadly say. Sad thing is in this movie that film looks cheap, it felt rushed and hustled CGI isn't best it looked cheap like something you see in SC-FI channel, I really wished they could got Proper budget, Proper director because Johannes Roberts who directed 47 Meters Down franchise is overrated director that's issue I don't make fun of Paul WS Anderson Resident Evil franchise but at least his films has budget, money, customers right actors for characters but sadly it's not a really of real Resident Evil film wasn't true to games sadly to say. But Johannes Roberts kinda killed film because idk if he

knows too much about Resident Evil game franchise if he does then why is actor who played Leon is totally missed placed doesn't look like anything like Leon. Where was creatures?? But hey maybe it's low budget movie if he doesn't have budget for it then don't do movie I really wished it was Proper budget, Proper cast as Jill, Leon, Wesker, Proper director Jill Valentine hasn't done nothing like badass in movie and plus Jill doesn't have long curly hair she has short hair to her neck with hat on top, Wesker needs more hair, Leon is not Indian doesn't have long hair or beard, Leon had blonde hair, had hair like John Connor in T2, that's Leon S Kennedy character. Creatures I really wished it would have looked better designed better, really wished they just put a story just in Spencer Mansion it's enough for 1 movie for 1 story in Spencer Mansion just like in games. Then you have police station in Resident Evil 2 for that story. Director doesn't know how to do suspense and intensely in this movie in games at Atmosphere in Spencer Mansion is silent quiet like Afield Hitchcock movies, or like Silent Hill with no music in background, or camera ankles when you entered rooms nothing like that in movie it's like

director didn't have a enough time to finish Resident Evil games decided to rush this movie, witch movie felt like it's rushed and didn't had a proper budget of film no proper CGI effects on creatures. There are times of CGI that come off terrible with dogs, Creatures became sloppy, it makes you want to watch the early to mid 2002 Resident Evil because those practical effects was utilized better well in 2002 didn't had a best CGI that's all they had back of day that was like what 20 years now jeez makes me feel old now lol makers of this movie can't do better??? It's 2021 with

better technology but they can't do better like right now comparing with effects in 2002 see with story the way how it's written, the way how it's made felt very rushed because for next sequel for Resident Evil film where is Mr. X is gonna fit in?? He was in sequel in 2nd game so how in earth did this story fit with Leon and Claire in Police Station that's where Ada Wong fits in, that's where Mr. X appears but nope you don't see Mr. X in movie that was disappointing. I really wished it was different director no Johannes Roberts terrible director, kinda ruined this movie, rushed too much of this movie really wished it was James Wan or Alexandre Aja direct to this film they know how to do horror films nowadays. I found "Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City" to be enjoyable, of course I did, especially with all the elements and scenes from the games, as it was pure nostalgia it was easy to watch and plus it was about time to have actual Resident Evil film with characters and story like game but with some missing pieces in it, it's not perfect film it's not greatest film of year it's just fun dumb time waster that's about it but I really hope that for sequel a different director replaces Johannes Roberts. I never liked him but I can take artist of out of movie and enjoy film a lot easier. Doesn't direct sequels if he does who knows if I like it or not. This movie was in production in 2017 they had all time all time in world, time, days to write and direct this movie and finding proper budget, but some how film felt too rushed shouldn't delay it a lot longer because the more you take it time movie will be prefect if you rush it would be good as you version it.
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who Let director and writers to make this movie like a Circus where it doesn't take itself seriously
14 December 2021
Seriously who could thought this movie can get a worser and worser??? When movie got delayed during COVID I knew I was up for this movie I knew I wasn't excited and pumped for this then when trailer came out it did nothing for me nothing at all, the movie and humour was just over top stupid rather then making an R-RATED Venom vs Carnage film because Carnage is evil character, evil looking creature he is and plus a serial killer killed a lot of victim's?? Yeah that movie is for kids who would thought making Carnage PG-13?? Would be good idea?? I love to know who?? You know what everyone you might wanna show Natural Born Killers that's like me making Natural Born Killers with PG-13 that would lamest, laziness, dumbest film of all time in film history like this movie, rather having a dark, gritty, sinister, gore film it is like Disney cartoon film that could been made in 90's. Seriously inserted making Carnage evil character they made like comedy like if this movie was parody like scary movie type this like parody this movie was taken nothing series. The director Andy Serkis is actor known Lord of Rings that's play's little monster Gollum who says my Precious like if Venom was his Precious?? But he made movie like Circus it makes me wanna hate Lord of Rings even more even with this movie I hated everything about movie, it lost so much potential in movie so much it lost it in more then 100 yards, Andy Serkis is terrible director to me he doesn't know nothing to Carnage character nothing at all oh he looks evil but let's make it PG-13 so if Venom is R-RATED it would flop well let me give you a list Deadpool 1-2 was such successful, Logan, Suicide Squad 2, Joker, Netflix Marvel series like Daredevil, Punisher, Jessica Jones I know their aren't box office hit because they are TV series look at success they had. But Venom sadly you had so much things to do with R-RATED but nope let's have PG-13 Circus film, with off-screen kills witch is lame, lame jokes, none of staff I found funny expect for at end showdown let me tell you something this sequel hasn't changed for bit since past 2 years (2018) Venom film sadly to say Tom Hardy character still play's a loser, play's a dumbass type. Only thing they changed was

more of rememberable villain was Carnage that was it people love it and like it because of Carnage is in movie wow... this movie is forgettable as well next day you will forget this movie slaright away. Story follows detective Mulligan (Stephen Graham), contacts Eddie Brock/ Venom (Tom Hardy) to speak to Cletus Kasady / Carnage (Woody Harrison), a serial killer who refuses to talk to anyone other than Brock following their interview a year prior. After visiting him Cletus goes in Lethal Injection death sentence he turns into Carnage is because before execution he bitten Eddie finger Red Blood turned into like Venom that's how he turned like one. Another character Frances Barrison / Shriek that plays by Naomie Harris I didn't recognize her until I looked cast. Her character didn't do much nothing in movie all she does is screams loud makes your eyes bleed like movie does. This movie is such a waste, waste, waste of Venom a waste in a terrible film if it's written better and if it's R-RATED

it was low level of violence it had (PG13 and all that), do not expect this to be any better don't expect R-RATED please don't if you do your gonna be very wrong about this. Making Tom Hardy single again. Apparently, things didn't work out between him and Anne (Michelle Williams) like in first film wasn't was new Chatty Cathy Venom we had to endure. Here is this sinister, brain-eating, alien symbiote that wants to be a comedian ALL THE TIME. It was flat out amazing how much Venom talked, and not in a good way. Then Venom leaves Eddie body jumps to everyone at streets he goes to party he does a speech to party does a microphone speech about Eddie doesn't want Venom no more??? Making him like cry baby... see I think nowadays Marvel is dead to me superhero films are dead too me very dead flat dead just like with this movie. Look I understand in comics has humour in Venom character I understand you can have Levity that's Fine But not over the top comedy like in 1st and in this movie there's a FULLY blown chaos comedy. There are a difference between levity and a full blown comedy childish comedy trash like you see in kids movies or cartoon films just like since Batman & Robin (1997) takes itself nothing seriously I don't get why people defend film??

I expect a Venom movie to have Venom actually fight bad guys and at times be vicious. Not for it be a 'long, unfunny episode' of The Odd Couple. Especially one with Carnage in it. If you expect something different to this sequel well let me tell you something theirs NOTHING different in this sequel don't expect R-RATED gritty violence, don't expect dark perfect script, perfect writing I wish that was but it's not it's full on childish film. This movie is called Let their be Carnage let me tell you this theirs no Carnage in this movie. Their is name Carnage in film but not actual no movie like he goes around kills people show him as that creature going for rampage, film title is called Carnage but theirs no Blood that he does in film, no Venom does Mic-drop like kids film. If you wanna see Carnage without creature all that even it's played by Woodly Harrison go watch Natural Born Killers in 90's film he play's like Carnage but he doesn't turn into creature Carnage but he play's a serial killer that shows more violence more things in it him playing butcher and he butchered girl family.. that should been in this film if people are

defending those 1-2 Venom films they are completely wrong 100% Carnage should never be PG-13 film at all he is evil, lunatic, psychopath character, scary looking guy, something more like sinister type but no you have comedy type of character in movie. Unbelievable I saw this movie for free thank goodness I didn't pay for it at all I didn't pay for first one I saw it with friend 3 years ago I got to see it for free I will never spend a ticket to see movie give my money away to go see Venom in big screen reason I saw this movie is because I saw it for free at my friends place and I wanted to see Carnage in film that's it. Theirs big issue when Venom is PG I don't understand why they can't make Venom R-RATED make that R-RATED but because it's PG-13 because it wants to be related to Spider-Man films so let Spiderman be PG-13 have Venom, let have R-RATED Venom to be on it's own rating of film.. but nope it can't because that's not fair at all even title is called Carnage PG-13 dumpster crap director is god awful he needs to go back to his crave go and direct more 50 other lord of rings crap. Sorry for long review but this is how much crap this movie really is.
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Not Bad I Kinda like this movie more then first one
27 October 2021
If you expect this is be more of horror film, well.... it's more action then to less horror in it if you expect more horror like first one ah your got your ass tricked. And yes I liked how this movie has taken to different direction but still don't understand Blindman is now good guy even he was a evil scary psychopaths' person but hey in this movie now he is good guy forks just avoid first film just watch this so you can pretend he is good guy our

anti hero. I remember I saw first film in theater 5 years ago back in 2016 September I remember brings back those days first film was great experience and it was different it was scary as well but at end of day I enjoyed it, it was 8.10 I liked the way how it was shot, suspense was thrilling at edge of your seat and it was scary as well but end of day it was a one time watch forgotten all about Don't Breathe (2016) until this come out I had watch 1st and 2nd movie. They don't connect to each other strange how story does follow up after 14 years with invasion from 1st film. But hey I wish it was just new story that has nothing to do with 1st film this sequel has nothing to do with girl Rocky (Jane Levy) with her younger sister on run after 1st film ended. This story just follows. Blind Man (Stephen Lang) who lives with a adopted 11 year old girl Phoenix (Madelyn Grace) that was found from street, her parents died that her birth mother died in a fire in their old house. You have a woman that is friends with Blindman, Hernandez (Stephanie Arcila) that looks after Phoenix. Witch later on you feel sorry Hernandez character sadly wish she was more in it or they could switched her character role to another character to another Mexican guy that didn't decide to hang out with thugs he lives, I reckon Stephanie character should off had switched characters Later on night you thugs former marine thugs Raylan (Brendan Sexton III)) is a main villain he is known for Black Hawk Down, Session 9, El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie. They break in house for some reason that I will not spoil film I am writing this review without spoiling it. Main villain wanted to break in his house nothing like first movie hide and seek type just because he is Blind. I like suspense is a lot more better then to first movie in my opinion. But then you get a lot of brutally action scenes pretty fun to watch, wish I saw this at theater but during lockdown this film was gonna show back in August, but sadly it's gonna slaright to 4K,Blu-ray, DVD I saw this on fast tracked from theaters you can get it from

YouTube you can watch it from their I payed 25 bucks for rent. Sadly never got to see this at theater I was pretty upset for that but hey it's government dog move sadly had to miss out Black Widow, Suicide Squad at theater would been amazing and sadly more upcoming movies from theater I hope they will let unvacated people go as well. In this movie you have lots of brutal scenes Blindman goes full on action taking guys one by one with guns, knives brutally way it has tons of action. The cinematography and editing are once again top notch. Action is brutally fun to watch but still their are so many plot holes in film, so many of them it felt weird. I understand this film is different but villain we suppose to hate but now he is a anti-hero we have to like him it's like director and writer wanted to do something different rather then just doing samething like first film or just chasing Jane Levy character. It's hard to like our main character is because if you haven't first film, you go

and watch it then you watch this movie hours later it's hard to decided to hate or like character their a lot of bad things about this Blindman he is not saint just like what character Money said just because he is Blind doesn't make him a Saint that character has a fact, only bad thing about Blindman he is Isolating Phoenix is reason because he doesn't wanna lose another daughter because he lost one he doesn't have much freedom sadly to say but I wonder if Phoenix finds out what he really did to all bad things he did in first film I wonder how franchise will go from 3 or 4 or 5 depends on how many will they make?? I really enjoyed sequel it would been fun to see it at theater but sadly it didn't show it because we were in 6th Lockdown, I don't want to be Jabbed just to see a movie its my body, my choice and sadly this year it's been worst just been staying strong, staying humble, this all thing will be over soon sadly I won't see those movies in theater hopefully maybe in December hopefully won't be

too long. But with this movie 6.10 reason why I didn't give it a higher rating because it's better movie I liked action it was fun to watch this and that but it's too strange with Blindman being bad to good as anti villain being a old man Daredevil type or Blind John Wick type lol but I don't know its strange weird but sametime it doesn't put me off movie reason why I put 8.10 for Don't Breathe (2016) because it was different it was suspenseful completely it was more of a horror, but with this sequel I had fun with everything but theirs so many flaws to this movie and it's strange in sametime but I prefer this film a lot more better then to first because at least it's not campy film, at least theirs more to see and seeing Blindman kicking butt so that's why I enjoyed it I can watch first film for horror film but with second film I can watch it for action then less horror I am more of die hard of action then to horror but reason why I gave this a 6.10 just too flaws on story, character direction and making Blindman into a good guy so are meant to forgive him I don't but I rather watch this more then first film I am not kidding look give this movie a shot if you stuck at home with Isolation crap just take a deep breathe and just watch film don't think, don't say, just breathe watch film just give it a shot... I still highly recommded this movie even it has flaws.
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Only way you can enjoy this movie is not to take this movie seriously anymore you just enjoy it for fun
6 September 2021
I saw this film back in theatre back in May, but all sudden I have been taking breaks from writing movie review's. And yes I didn't hate this movie at all F&F franchise hasn't been taking it too seriously anymore since 5th film Fast Five hasn't been taking too seriously anymore it's gone over top witch I like that movies are escapable to get out of reality but yeah film has gone bit too far when they went to space that was too far ahead I agree it was but for me it doesn't kill movie. So what if they went to space? This movie was never about street racing anymore but you casuals keep yapping and crying about it. A lot of people are saying when it will be about racing? Never because F&F franchise has gone to different direction right now believe me it could go back the way it was before maybe but I don't believe that they gonna go to different direction just like with this movie. My only issue is with film biggest one is when they are bringing back characters from dead like Han (Sung Kang) character witch made Fast 7 now pointless doesn't make me to hate movie not kidding at all because every new F&F movies they will always set up story that includes John Cena playing Dom brother??

Come on now Dominic never mention he had another brother or told him about his father death was accident because my brother killed him never was mention in first movie when he brought Brain to garage to show his Dodge charger 1979. Didn't mention nothing this back story origin story about Dominic younger brother Jakob played by John Cena where was his other brother Vincent?? That is missing part of movie where is Vincent younger brother of Vin the one who got killed off Fast Five?? Why wasn't he their in first place in origin story? That's how writers messed up. I like back story origin story of Dom past and showing his father that was played by (JD Pardo) Jack Toretto, now that actor is known for Mayans TV show surprised to see him playing Dom father. I like traditionally staff they used old classic style like

universal logo sign from 90's style from opening film it was original at start but they show some flashback scenes witch I liked something bit different rather then doing a prequel movie of F&F origins witch that would waste of space. Story follows In the present, two years after the confrontation against cyberterrorist Cipher that was Fate of Furious (2017) Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) and Letty Ortiz (Michelle Rodriquez) living in a peaceful life at a quiet place at village. Dom is retired and raising his son Brian with his Letty. Roman Pearce (Tyrese Gibson), Tej Parker (Nathalie Emmanuel), Ramsey arrives they bring up with news that, shortly after capturing Cipher (Charlize Theron), Mr. Nobody's (Kurt Russell) character plane was attacked by rogue agents and crashed in Montequinto, Central America. Dom agrees to help them after realizing Jakob is involved that is (John Cena) later on you find it's his younger brother surprised that other brother Vincent didn't mention nothing about Jakob character in previous F&F that was confusing as F. You have Mia (Jordana Brewster) hottest chick back last time she was in F&F movie was Fast & Furious 7 witch she doesn't get to do much but in this movie she joins team she kicks ass I am like?? Since when does she kick's ass and learn how to shoot a gun? She never did it from previous F&F movies but you know movie is unrealistic and they can make characters to do anything. But it was something different for her character Mia rather then just acting

like girly who doesn't know how to fight and does that but hey you got Jordana Brewster to kick a lot of asses in movie. I thought John Cena was alright in movie but I am not biggest on John Cena as actor I use to be fan of John Cena back in WWE but then that's when he messed up industry people got tied of him when he became really famous I have nothing against John Cena him as actor his okay but I prefer Dwayne Johnson, Dave Bautista, Steve Austin but John Cena is alright actor I can handle him fine but they could just got John Cena character as villain because him as unknown brother makes so many mistakes because he never was mention in F&F movies. Bringing back Sung Kang was bad idea completely because they just made Tokyo Drift, Furious 7 just pointless their was no point of bringing back Han they just stop bringing back characters from previous F&F characters that got killed off just leave them their and make new characters that's all. Charlize Theron she is doing my head in, I am sick tied of seeing this boyish haircut

style rubbish haircut style. Witch she looks like a butch style what's with her silly haircut looks?? I am just getting sick and tied of Charlize Theron wannabe looking like a guy, Butch haircut style. She has short Blonde hair she looks like wanna be Justin Bieber haircut type jeez would someone tell Charlize Theron to stop having Boyish haircut it doesn't even suit her it looks like one of hair dressers put a bowl on head and cut around haircut she must have bad taste of hairstyles nowadays I liked when she looked like a pretty girl and now she looks like butch. She will be other F&F movies can they just throw her off cliff bring new villain to movie. F&F is meant to unrealistic film escapable film witch I was fine with. Action scenes, new car models everything like that was great I thought action was really watchable it was fun entering never got bored out of it I fun moments tons of fun I love escapable moments movies can get away with it easy. But when they went to space was just over top silly first of all Sean (Lucas Black) and Earl (Jason Tobin) and Twinkie (Bow Wow) they were street racers now suddenly they are now engineering scientist Roman and Tej went in car that is design a rocket ship car they threw to space. That's your scene forks that's why you don't take this F&F movies anymore you just enjoy it for fun ride. If your die hard fan of F&F films. Also you have cameo people random forks like Cardi B was in it for 5 minutes, Michael Rooker like if he is playing role from Rowdy Burns from Days of Thunder, Martyn Ford was in movie as cameo, little role of Jason Statham made a cameo at end of film, Don Omar, Shea Whigham, Kurt Russell appears in film for little bit, UFC fighter Francis Ngannou You have tons of familiar faces in F9 jeez so many actors fits in 1 movie all together too many to name in list as goes on. I thought it was a fun dumb film to watch I was surprised I didn't hate it at all found it a fun movie I am die hard of F&F movies I never get sick and tied of them at all We all know the franchise has evolved, if you don't like the direction it's gone in, don't bother watching them. They're never gonna be going back to old school F&F films is about street racing, stealing VCR's they are not going back to that it's not about street racing anymore, F&F films has gone to new direction people still think oh F&F

films has gone to new direction now people still thinking it's not gonna be going back to old street racing films. This franchise has changed (2009) Fast and Furious 4. Action will keep you on spot doesn't get you bored at all I reckon if you love F&F films your die hard fan of it don't expect for this movie to go on seriously direction this film has changed like I said 9.10 this is one of my favourite films of this year and yes I liked this movie enough said.
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it's just fun dumb time waster film but it has it's issues
12 June 2021
Imagine Expendables mixed with Dawn of the Dead in a heist film style of zombie apocalypse group of Mercenaries going to Las Vegas for Heist. Sounds like great idea with cast that I luv is Dave Bautista I always loved Bautista I always have back in WWE days in his prime and him in MMA as well him in movies witch I loved most of his direct to DVD films like House of Rising Sun, Wrong Side of Town, The Scorpion King 3, Guardians of Galaxy, Hotel Artemis, Final Score, Stuber and many of other films he did but with this film I have been waiting for 2 years since 2019 I have applied extra for this movie but sadly I haven't got applied. But I was soo hyped for this movie a lot I always have searched up for this when will it come out and trailer as well but then about time when movie got released about time I saw it last night it was fun film I enjoyed it the cinematography, cast worked very well expect I didn't like Raúl Castillo in film I thought he was terrible in movie, his acting is soo bad they should hired other actor I can see anyone playing his role any

Mexican actor can play his role I liked Omari Hardwick known for his main role TV series Power James ''GHOST'' Saint Patrick did well in film I don't know if you didn't notice Ana de la Reguera from power as well are both in this movie, Theo Rossi known for Sons of Anarchy as Juice is in this movie but his role is wasted completely thrown out I really loved Samantha Win character sadly he role didn't last long her character was bad ass loved her role wished she kicked more ass. Hiroyuki Sanada known for Mortal Kombat reboot as Scorpion, Wolverine, Sunshine, Twilight Samurai is in this film as well you get few big names but not everyone you not know Tig Notaro who replaced Chris D Ella in film they had to use a lot of CGI to cover him up to her witch it looked very well CGI, I will be curious of how much money did that make. I would say Army of Dead is better movie then to Dawn of Dead remake I didn't hate Dawn of Dead remake but at least this movie at least as tons of crazy action, tons of crazy gore, tons of crazy action if you get bored on weekend this is your ticket but their are things you may not expect when you watch film and yes I have to spoil this movie because if you were waiting for this movie, you are soo curious to see it well just to be clear things in movie that you will expect will happen and other things may change the way you don't how it turn in movie

story plot is very simple Following a zombie outbreak Scott Ward (Dave Baustista) living in a hidden area with survivors including his daughter Kate Ward (Ella Purnell) witch I thought she was annoying but sametime she is pretty as well, they live in a quarantine camp Scott works at Diner a Casino owner Bly Tanaka (Hiroyuki Sanada) hires Scott Ward and a group of Mercenaries gives them a job to steal $200 million from his casino vault before the military destroys the city with a tactical nuclear strike. I don't know why do Mercenaries like Vanderohe (Omari Hardwick), Maria Cruz (Ana de la Reguera), Dieter (Matthias Schweighöfer), Lilly (Nora Arnezeder), Martin (Garret Dillahunt), Marianne Peters (Tig Notaro), Mikey Guzman (Raúl Castillo), Chambers (Samantha wins) that's your army agreed to do heist to steal $200 million dollars look I understand it's money but your in a zombie apocalypse well their is jobs but your not getting paid to do anything because world is

destroy its full of zombies walking around earth, use money for what just to have it their??? To buy what?? Theirs nothing to buy unless it's something worth buying but what is their to buy earth is destroyed. Anyway Mercenaries accepted job because it's money worth about $200 million they go outside of city to go Las Vegas to do their Heist one of characters gets killed one by one other character Chambers (Samantha Wins) didn't last long in movie sadly I wish it was someone dies first instered of her. Her character was badass she I wanted to know more about her entire film is just Mercenaries running shooting zombies, you have 2 main villain zombies 2 Alpha's one is woman and other is man most powerful zombies rest is just army of zombies their army vs Soldiers. I thought I had tons of fun with rest of movie having Mercenary's running around, Dave Baustista going around shooting zombies, action was very well made entire film, but in sametime I thought their was most silly scene in movie is when Scott close relationship Maria Cruz I like scenes of them

2 I was hoping for them to be threw entire movie but sadly she gets killed off in a stupid way she was carrying gun zombie comes out of elevator twists her neck around I am like??? You got gun with you why are you soo shocked about yes it's zombie shoot it!!! Jeez most stupidest scene ever. I loved how Bautista gets in full rage slamming killing zombies stabbing them in necks ripping them apart it looked sick. Threw out entire it kick ass then when you get to end of film it's cliffhanger leaves like this Baustista character Scott Ward gets bitten but main villain zombie Alpha Male fighting in helicopter I like that scene just like in Rambo II where Stallone fights with big Russian guy in Helicopter looked sick and fun in a final showdown. Then he gets bitten he kills zombie I am like isn't Katie gonna do anything to help her father no she watch's it just like if she is enjoying WWE seeing zombie and Bautista fighting each other. So end of movie everyone dies every character that you love will die and Bautista that turns into zombie and he dies witch your lead character dies that sucks I hated that bit of movie, and Katie Ward is only survivor in movie, then Omari Hardwick is survived for some reason he walks with money travels to airport buys private jet I don't know why and where was he planning to go?? To New York to buy his club back called Truth like in power, he is alive but later he will turn into zombie. That's your movie guys end of movie where Dave Bautista aka our lead character gets killed by his daughter witch it is sad and it sucks because I wanted just to be him and his daughter and his close friend Maria

you think at end oh Dave character will live but movie leaves you with disappointing ending at end of day ending was just silly and dumb in Dawn of Dead remake at least has ending where you do you think characters survived or not leaving fate unknown but like this ending just boring idea that killed movie thanks Zack Snyder even he doesn't care about his fans why should I care about this movie a lot I enjoyed for dumb time waster just see Dave as lead kicking ass he did similar movie like this but it wasn't zombies it was war and war on politics that was called Bushwick similar ending like this film. I don't know how in earth how Zack Snyder agreed to this ending, I don't know how in earth he writes his movies he made Dawn of Dead remake great movie but he f*cked up ending of this movie even worse, now it made me think wish if Bautista was in Suicide Squad 2 as Peacekeeper but John Cena toke that role and Dave dropped out for Army of Dead witch I don't know why but it's silly ending that will either make you Disappointed because every character makes at least one dumb decisions, Zack Synder I don't know how you toke this film seriously I rather have other director to make this movie, this film went on series then it turns out to be joke at end if your soo hyped for this movie like me you will be maybe disappointed that's why I written this long as review because I had to honest I can't love a movie where theirs some missing few screws I enjoyed film the idea, cast, Bautista killing zombies, fun ride i had but ending is problem that your gonna have that's why I gave it a 6.10 give it a look and decide that you like it or not that's all I can write.
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it was just hard to sit threw this movie
26 May 2021
Now I like Nicholas Cage not a die hard fan but I am more into Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Van Damme, Seagal, Willis, Snipes, Chan, Statham many more action stars, Nicholas Cage is a great actor when he is in action it's brilliant sometimes with him and in different topics not so great like with Wicker Man and many other direct to DVD movies sadly I reckon Drive Angry, Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance, Mandy, Kill Chain were the last movies I enjoyed but rest of recent work sucked just like this film I loved Con Air, Face/Off, The Rock, Snake Eyes, 8mm, Gone in 60 Seconds, Windtalkers, Lord of War, Ghost Rider 1&2, Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, rest of that sucked until he did Drive Angry witch I think it's most underrated film one of last films I enjoyed then when he comeback to cinema release he did Ghost Rider Spirit with a Vengeance that's it for me it's was end of line I think

Nicholas Cage films were over for me. Then years later he did Mandy (2018) hey wanna film like this but it's Nicolas Cage, Raging killing cults is miles better then this movie here, then Kill Chain I enjoyed then you got this worst crap film that everyone enjoyed??? I thought this movie was nothing to me look I understand Nicholas Cage is mystery character he is quiet drifter all that I totally understand but besides that this is a campy movie it takes place entire film. Nicholas Cage did good in movie nothing to say about his performance, but I thought cute hot Mexican girl Emily Tosta she did fine in movie I liked her character she wanted to burn down abandoned family entertainment center I like girls with tough personality character but she can't hold this movie up sadly to say, I hated this kids song it's playing all over again, I thought other characters were annoying other kids and Sheriff hated that I love silly horror like this movie but I am not into animatronic mascots horror type because I

think it's silly but I enjoyed Nicholas cage beating crap of those animatronic mascots I really do it was funny, but their wasn't enough of that action I wish their was guns in involved so Nicholas Cage and Emily Tosta shooting blowing those evil animatronic mascots up I wanted something more out of it but it wasn't I like I hate campy movies where movie it takes one place nah problem is movie is too generic and it felt cheap, keeping Nicholas Cage quiet was just weird director wanted film to be like Pale Rider meets Freddy Five Nights cool idea but I don't know movie wasn't for me. Film was Boring, slow and changed just enough to avoid copyright to Freddy Five Nights I am surprised that they haven't sue director or writers of this movie for copyrighting that idea for this movie expect it's not called Freddy Five Nights. I thought most stupidest idea of movie is that group of people that were owners that were satanic ritual to transfer their souls into the animatronic characters witch I thought it was stupidest idea ever dumbest idea how about someone made those animatronic were built to kill people designed animatronic that's idea I prefer, and it's hard movie to sit threw never liked it expect when Nicholas Cage kills animatronic that's was about it but rest of movie sucked I highly not recommded seeing it unless you risk it and see it for free I don't know why people liked this movie it's wasn't for me it sucked.
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Spiral (2021)
film brings something new to the table but film felt like timewaster
19 May 2021
At least this film is far better then Saw III to Jigsaw I got sick and tied of seeing rest of saw films best so far was first Saw (2004) film was best one in franchise not best as Seven (1995) with Brad Pitt & Morgan Freeman film. Saw II I can deal with it was more of time waster movie same goes with this movie but rest of other saw films were pointless, story plot direction doesn't know where it wants to go that's how Saw films started to be very sloppy could ended with 4th film but no they want go aheading continuing milking killing franchise

with characters getting kidnapped, I get sick and tied where main characters can't save other characters from traps not even 1 person gets saved they always keep dying that's how saw franchise got pointless with this new Spiral Saw film was alright that's all I can I wouldn't saw it's great or fantastic but I would say it's Interesting movie, also it brought something new to table it was different Saw film it's not repeat all over again you don't have to watch Saw 1-8 movies just to get to this movie I am series all you have to do is notice Easter eggs in movie noticing evidence from previous saw films that's all you need to know when you see movie but lucky you don't have to see 1-8 films just to get to this movie especially because Chris Rock Playing something new a different role a different character in a series film if your curious about him he does well he play's as very well lead character he did great wonderful performance to see him in a series movie I rather see him do more series roles. Rather him doing comedy his usual style. But his style in this movie with series role was great wish it wasn't saw film. Samuel L Jackson did great in movie as always nothing to say about him he has been more then 1 movie. The cinematography in this

really stands out in this compared to other saw films. It doesn't have that ugly coloring to it like with all other Saw films their cinematography looked like ugly filter in Previous saw films it's about dam time for proper Cinematography hired better cameras and made it look perfect it didn't look like a cheap film or cheap TV movie type it looked like film had a budget previous saw films I know it has low budget I forgive that but rest of franchise looked like movie made for TV cinematography crap. Story is simple it follows Det. Ezekiel "Zeke" Banks (Chris Rock) is who a is a cop who the film wants us to believe is a good cop, the best cop. He has a new case that their is a new copycat killer from Jigsaw is doing samething like what other Jigsaw has done making traps making people playing their game, An criminal mastermind unleashes a twisted form of justice in Spiral, wanted to make a terrifying new chapter from the book of Saw. So beciallsy it's copycat killer wannabe Jigsaw type. Marcus Banks (Samuel L Jackson) play's father of Chris Rocky character witch he wasn't in it much but he did fine in movie I liked scene with them 2 talking about life and their grandfather all that witch made scene more watchable I rather see that done in a better movie not in a saw film sadly it did happen. Cops are going around investigating about copycat killer. The traps weren't too special I liked trap from last scene of film but rest of others weren't too interesting, and thank god stop bringing back John Kramer/Jigsaw I got sick and tied of him he died one of saw films then they keep bringing him back and again and again for back and fourth just like with Jigsaw it made nothing different that's why my ass got saw from watching Saw III to Jigsaw witch it did my head in, thankfully he doesn't comeback in this movie of Crouse he did die in one of saw films. I don't really hate John Kramer (Tobin Bell) but I just get sick of seeing him when he already died in a saw film but it wants to show what happened before and to explain it witch they should kept him alive and kill him off in last saw movie that's it plain and simple. I always liked John Kramer's iconic voice I thought new voice of killer sounded like a sounds like he's reading lines for a documentary series it didn't sound terrifying at all like previous Saw films this one doesn't sound scary at all if your curious about if they use same voice that John Kramer sounds like terrifying voice they don't it's new voice, but I absolutely hated this new voiceover they chose for the killer, it sounded god awful like something they toke from parody film. This movie had potential They just need new writers for this film, it's same writers from previous Jigsaw film Predictable film in franchise which was easily predictable but less than this film somehow. Nothing has changed when main character tries to save people from traps in

this movie director or writers never make main character to save others character in this movie witch makes our lead character look weak and makes it look pointless it's samething all over again and again they end up dying in traps and our lead character just doesn't save no one they just ended up dying like all another Saw films witch makes it pointless can't just have 1 or 2 people to be saved and escaped from trap no one has ever been saved because they all characters gotta die. At least woman can't be saved?? In movie I liked her character and her bad attitude she didn't need to die, also it's main character not actually figuring out any clues and never saving anyone like I said before it's repeating samething like other saw films I am not kidding. I seen in many times in movies when main cop drives a muscle car I don't mind that at all I don't care it's movie not reality film I love it that way you don't see that in real life often but only movies fantastic love it. Also their is lazy writing very lazy writing, The traps make no sense at all, if

your curious about creepy puppet even it's copycat killer wouldn't killer would use a creepy puppet or is it because it would been same without John Kramer Voice?? What got me into this movie is because when first trailer came out it reminded me of Seven (1995) film a lot like Seven but it's on it's in saw film sadly I wished this film could been on it's own rather just being in a saw movie just like other crime film called Resurrection (1999) they toke idea of Seven (1995) film director of Resurrection did it on his own he didn't want to do sequel of Seven call it Eight he did it on his own film doing this film could just taken idea of Saw mixed with Seven idea not make it a saw franchise is still great idea call it Spiral that's it not a saw film I wish it wasn't related film not call it saw call it just spiral that's it full stop it doesn't have to be a saw movie. I think this was originally going to be an original film called Spiral but they just want name recognition and just shoehorn in all the Saw nonsense into the script at the last minute because those movies make money, if I was in same shoes as same director I would make studio to take risk rather then just call this Spiral the book of saw witch it didn't make sense at all. The Saw franchise is just Predictable but this film is not that Predictable as other's but I thought it's one of those movies it's just time waster, just to kill time off I saw this movie for free with cinema voucher ticket, I was curious about film saw it, it was more of time waster this director Darren Lynn Bousman maybe had time off wanted to make a saw film like Seven (1995) toke idea but made it for Saw franchise he is director who did Saw II and III and Saw IV rest of other movies he did I wish they could got different director, different writers, just to be fresh and come up with better ideas. This film had idea but for my opinion it was average 4.10 IT'S NOT WORST SAW FILM like with other Saw films, it's one of those time waster films. Just wait until it comes out on Netflix or something it's not worth it seeing it at theatres unless you see it for free like I did.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
when movie ended I felt like I wanted to watch it again
10 May 2021
I didn't just love movie because of Statham or action I thought Statham character, story, the back and fourth style like scenes go present and scenes goes back to past to explain what happened in story before this happened and that happens if you get what I am saying, it's very smart writing, very intense grim heist revenge film Statham character was a cold Blood scary guy he is not really of bad guy kinda but not in psycho or bad way but Cold Blood guy when something goes wrong like he doesn't take any crap from anyone his character has a mystery background type so that's why you know he is Cold Blooded person like you say to yourself dam not the guy you want to mess around with

Statham character he is cold blooded mysterious guy witch you know when you see film. Jason Statham is perfectly fitting for the role of mysterious H., a character with dark past a very Cold Blooded person and blurred present. Again, it's not just Statham action film performance like with any of another films, since here action mixed with dark thriller for the most part prevails, like with Den of Thieves type not just action I wouldn't mind if it's full on action film, but it mixed with thriller but in perfect way when you watch movie it makes you sit their knowing you want to know what is gonna happen next you don't feel bored, you don't get bored while watching this movie, once you

watch it, film will hold you to start to middle to end. Think of shortened edition of Michel Mann's 'Heat' rather than just black comedy Snatch or Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels, and you'll got some understanding of what it's all about this film had little lines to laugh at but it's not black comedy type not overtop comedy movie Starts like action-comedy, but then getting more and more dark, as new elements of the story introduced, it leaves you cold note to side that tells you this movie film never messes you around no joke, this movie is far better more cold blooded then to dragged across concrete no joke. This film is a remake from a French film cask truck aka Le Convoyeur (2004) this film was gonna be called Cash Truck but then changed with a great better title then stealing it from original French movie Wrath of man better title so people don't know this is a remake from French movie until you searched this movie. Some reviews say the story is predictable but I disagree don't ever pay attention to reviews they are just taking full of crap they don't know what they

want from films nowadays if you listen to them your been fooled by idiots who can not rate their movies nowadays saying this is awful this is eh film just trust yourself your instincts just watch film even without listen to critics they just love to fool you around. Story follows The plot follows H (Jason Statham) a cold blooded and mysterious character working at a cash truck company responsible for moving hundreds of millions of dollars around Los Angeles each week. H surprises his co-workers in his first day of his job when he unleashes precision skills during a heist against other thugs The crew is left wondering who he is and where he came from. Soon, the marksman's ultimate motive becomes clear as he takes dramatic and irrevocable steps to settle a score.

But it's not just a heist film it's also holds a revenge story witch it just doesn't hold heist film but it holds with revenge in it as well. The The plot has multiple twists and the characters too develop. And cast besides Statham cast was just perfect like (Josh Hartnett) as Boy Sweat Dave known for Black Hawk Down, Wrong Man aka lucky number 7 and many more film he is in I thought he left Hollywood didn't want to anything with Hollywood but now he cameback in few movies including this film as well he did fine in movie but yet again he is not much in it, also you have (Holt McCallany) as bullet in film he been in a lot of movies like Gangster Squad, Bullet to the Head, Losers, Jack Reacher never look back, Mindhunter series. His character did fine he play's as H Partner even he introduce him in movie but no chemistry together it made me wish it Josh and Holt role would been switched to Josh role let Holt have Josh role that's what I prefer but I would rather see Statham and Josh together then having

Holt McCallany as Partner I don't know that's just me. You have so many other familiar actors soo many faces like Jeffrey Donovan known for Burn Notice, Scott Eastwood aka Clint Eastwood son, witch Scott Eastwood played with Statham in Fate of Furious AKA Fast and Furious 8. Eddie Marsan known in many movies he has been in like Ray Donovan, Atomic Blonde, Deadpool 2 many other staff his been in, Andy García I am like dam cast is packed and didn't see it coming I thought cast did well even they weren't part of movie very good cast choice just I wish I wanted to see someone play's Raúl Castillo witch he is terrible actor. Rest of story witch I will never explain because if I do it will spoil review watch film it's so worth of it for your time, worth of paying to see to see a fun action drama, thriller heist-revenge flick it's totally worth seeing Kept me on the edge of my seat.

I was very surprised guy Ritchie was back into directing films with Statham in this level I reckon this is the best one he did look I liked and enjoyed Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Revolver but then rest of films didn't care for Sherlock Holmes 1&2, didn't care for Man of Uncle, King Arthur Legend of Sword crap witch I thought it was worst movie I have ever in theater most boring film ever then I said to myself where has Guy Ritchie gone into what kinda movies he is making today??? Then what makes him think to make remake Disney crap Aladdin I am like jeez then never ever cared about Gentlemen. Year later he did this I am like far out this is much better, better guy Ritchie film working with Statham :) putting smile in my face him and guy Ritchie is back in this better film. I reckon Guy Ritchie smashed directing this movie did a phenomenal job and Jason Statham does not disappoint with his tough guy personality as character. Let me tell you something you can never

go wrong with Statham never go wrong his movies are great, fun to watch a lot of times he play's different characters like in this movie I reckon he should do action movies and sometimes roles like this Cold Blooded character like in Mechanic or 13 movie he has done he kinda played bad guy those films but in this one is different. If you go wrong with Statham then your idiot what else can I say 10 out 10 flick go and see it or else your gonna regret it for listening to negative critics what they say about movie don't watch trailer, don't even read negative reviewers just watch film as blind date, blind folded.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
great fun slaright forward film of FLAWLESS VICTORY
25 April 2021
I have been waited for reboot for longtime, that's what I really wanted a reboot but cast in my mind didn't come true I thought this would be million dollar film but Mortal Kombat was only $55 million dollar budget film with no famous actors expect for actors I know is Joe Taslim known Raid Redemption, Fast & Furious 6, The Night that Comes for Us is his best role in that film but he is only actor I know is in this movie and actor who play's Scorpion (Hiroyuki Sanada) Wolverine, Twilight Samurai, Sunshine, 47 Ronin many more films he has been in. But rest of actors weren't famous in it and also I wish this reboot

would have got bigger budget, better actors look acting wasn't issue actors weren't issue it's about getting actors right not getting actors for explame Jax was far too small for his role they should got Michael Jai White again because he was in web series Mortal Kombat or Mike Colter as Jax or Terry Crews not Mehcad Brooks his far too small for his role Jax is meant to be huge not small guy with Muscles anyday anytime I would say Michael Jai White would whoop Mehcad Brooks ass anytime, I thought cast was just misplaced including with Sonja Blade (Jessica McNamee) known for The Meg that's it I know from her they should off got another actress for Sonja Blade that is Amy Johnston she is not that famous she is martial artist and a stuntwoman I think she can do all her fights and stunts all herself that would been amazing if you seen Lady Bloodfight, for Kano Josh Lawson is breaking law of his character does do justice he doesn't have metal plate on his face he is far too small, story doesn't tell how he got the laser eye. I wanted cast to be much bigger sadly wasn't. That's little issue with film, but sametime your not here for story your not here for Oscars your here to see fighting, Flawless Victory, Gore, characters I thought characters of how they look with costumes all that looked great I liked look of Sub-Zero with mask all that it looked very well made costumes. Action was slaright forward full on gore and

also villain characters were good looking like for Milena, Shang Tsung, Kabal they looked good didn't look to fake with their costumes I thought that looked good, movie didn't look cheap but what made it look cheap is having actors that is not known expect for actors who Scorpion and Sub-Zero and Sonja that's all I know from them, idk hiring very cheap actors expect those actors I mention that I know. Cast could been better, Cinematography all that looked great, fight scenes perfect shot not original but gore looked great HARDCORE R-RATED looked great for film as always, action was fun to watch I thought this was fun and enjoyable had tons of laugh's, tons of fun in movie your here for fighting, crazy insane gore witch it was fantastic look for film that what made me to like movie I had fun with it could not dislike movie I enjoyed it storyline follows MMA fighter Cole Young (Lewis Tan) known for Den of Thieves, Wu Assassins, Deadpool 2, Into the Badlands. Cole Young is character that wasn't in game but that's idea they toke from Resident Evil Paul W. S Anderson film where he made character Alice Milla Jovovich character that wasn't based on game. That's all idea from movie and Cole Young didn't care for that all I care about is film and other characters and action didn't care for Cole Young I wanted Scorpion to lead instead of Cole Young witch that character didn't do anything for me but his not bad actor but it's just that his character didn't do jack crap for me rest of them did not Cole Young character he lost fight in MMA witch I thought you could off have done something to get out of choke but anyway it's movie Sub-Zero is after Cole Young, as you know Jax (Mehcad Brooks) saves Cole Young tells him what is going on then Cole Young seeks out Earth's greatest champions in order to stand against the enemies of Outworld in a high stakes battle for the universe. Threw out entire film was insane gore, great fight scenes full of action it was just a fun movie. Constantly throwing jokes and insults at other characters. Probably one of the funniest, self aware movie characters I've seen but rest of other jokes were not funny they were too over top witch some little jokes didn't make sense for movie.

There are also weird editing jumps in the movie, one moment you're looking at characters interacting and in the next you're looking at something completely different. The movie suffers from a few of these, but see what happens if you get a director that never ever made movie Simon McQuoid given director first foray into the world of movie making, and they should got a different director Maybe Paul WS Anderson who made original film or Chad Stahelski or Gareth Evans someone knows Mortal Kombat very well who made previous amazing action films not having someone who hasn't made a single movie or who hasn't made a action movie before Simon McQuiod is his first film James Wan?? I don't know 50.50 depends what his idea is they toke so much time with project and how did they go with this idea why could they just go with different idea for movie just have simple idea of having Scorpion as lead role then have Cole Young as not lead just character in movie that's it could have switched opposite idea. Funny thing in movie when you have Milena in movie she is villain where the heck is Kitana how can we have Mileena without Kitana?? Because if her sister Mileena is in movie where in all time is Kitana?? Theirs a bunch of actress they could Ktiana Gal Gadot but I bet they can't afford her she is too expensive she better be like actress Talisa Soto she was soo hot in 95 Mortal Kombat film better found actress someone like that she looks like exactly Kitana if you look at game and her in 95 film that looks like her. But seriously having Mileena in film without Kitana doesn't work really because then in next film what would Kitana do? What is her character then? She would mention about her sister and what just have Kitana on her own not have her with Mileena?? Jeez writers or director been sleepwalking while playing game that's what it is you can't have Mileena and Kitana together in film that works if you just have them 2 together fighting but just having Mileena looked very odd too my opinion when you watch trailer of this movie or anything like that don't expect too much or else it will be a letdown don't

expect everything in this movie, I can't wait until they get Johnny Cage in sequel I wanna see Scott Adkins as Johnny Cage having actor who has experience in martial arts don't have actors that are non experience in martial arts just like with rest of cast expect for Joe Taslim I want a cast that is martial arts it's not meant to be actors who has experience or performance this is meant to be fighting film with actors who has martial arts experience not having non experience actors who don't know martial arts oh we are gonna train them it's not point the point is having martial arts actors like Scott Adkins in movie suits, he can perform he is own stunts having actor who is martial artist it's better to have Experienced martial artist then to have non martial artist for sequel to have Scott Adkins as Johnny Cage would suits in Mortal Kombat movie not because of Martial arts, because he look like Johnny Cage, has same fight moves, has humour of Johnny Cage but anyway this was fun movie I highly recommended to see at theaters it's fun experience also just let you know they do play theme but not original theme sadly they play Mortal Kombat 2021 Theme Song Techno Syndrome type not original I reckon original was better theme.
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The Unholy (2021)
look it's not bad movie, but it's worth watching
19 April 2021
I don't see why its a bad movie everyone said it was worst film ever, don't watch it look I gave it a shot I liked it I seen worse movies like this for explame The Devil Inside, Last Exorcism were worst films The Last Exorcism is like this movie but a lot more different I rather say this is a better movie then to Last Exorcism, people say oh that's good movie I don't understand why?? But my opinion worth of sticking to this movie rather then watching Last Exorcism crap I thought this movie was well made I thought Jeffery Dean Morgan did well as main lead he did great job in movie as lead I always loved Jeffery Dean Morgan you can never go wrong with him he is a great actor as well always loved Losers, The Courier, Bus 657, Rampage, and him as Negan Walking Dead show I also liked his character that's what made film for me worth watching it wasn't just that it was more I liked story and direction they went threw, it was fast pacing and it wasn't that of bad movie it did have flaws but I handle better then those stupid ratings nowadays. I liked creative staff in film camera shots, the way how it was filmed it was creative very shots, special effects the look of demon was very well done funny enough this film was shot last year. On March 14, 2020, filming was suspended because of the COVID-19 pandemic. When filming resumed, due to CDC guidelines there could be no more than 10 background actors on set together at once, forcing director to use "the same people in five different places I doubt it was tough to film during COVID-19 while it was happening last year I hoped everyone was saved during filming a horror movie that has something to do with faith and religion during COVID-19 hoping everyone to be safe.

Story follows an a disgraced journalist Gerry Fenn (Jeffery Dean Morgan) he is also a drinker and specially he drinks and drive witch makes him more disgraced and also he got people fired in agency for some reason because he staffed up look his character is kinda of d*ck for being a disgraced character but it's not like you wanna hate him or say I hope his character does die no you like his character but sametime he is nice person clamming as well. Gerry hopes to revive his career visits small new England town to investigate about this girl allice (Cricket Brown) is a young 18 year old girl with hearing impaired witch means she is deaf as word comes to her after supposed visitation from Virgin Mary she prayed to her everytime then a miracle thing happened to her is now she can hear, speak then when she had a power to heal people she starts performing miracles. She makes a crippled boy walk, heals a man of emphysema, She says that the Virgin Mary talks to her. Gerry has his doubts and thinks that it might be a different Mary talking to Cricket-one that might not be a virgin, perhaps? That's when the Bishop Cary comes to town to verify Cricket's deeds. Gerry investages more about it he starts asking questions like phenomena are in works of Virgin Mary or if it's more sinister that's what you find out in this movie and also her uncle, Father Hagan (William Slather) did

fine in film he does what he does in film. I thought this had many flaws CGI and jump scenes weren't the best at all and many more witch their is too many to explain so many punching holes on movie but what made it enjoyable is Jeffery Dean Morgan as lead he does fine in movie he has Morgan fits his role perfectly. He brings a bit of sarcasm and just charisma to the role. I feel like he would be this photographer. Elwes is actually solid here as well. I like that at first he seems like he could be good, but there is something there you don't trust about him witch other side of his character is a disgraced journalist I thought jumpscenes just don't care about it at all jumpscenes if it scares you that's fine but I thought 1 scary scene scared me rest of it didn't. Talking about cast I read somewhere apparently Jordana Brewster was gonna be in movie but somehow she didn't appear witch it was strange it didn't say if she dropped out or left role or couldn't go out state because of COVID-19 I was wondering what character was she gonna play?? Was she gonna be Dr Natalie Gates as (Katie Asslton) role to me I think that would be her role it seems like it she is 40 years old now and and Katie Asslton is 42 years old make sense but I would prefer to have Jordana Brewster in movie as Dr Natalie Gates I don't know why but I think because I know Jordana Brewster from Fast and Furious franchise and many more films and shows she is known more like Lethal Weapon show, Dallas many more. Director Evan Spiliotopoulos director of film is his first film but he is more of writer for movies then a director I mean it's his first film not his 10th or 20th film but I thought it wasn't his best but I thought he did great job making film but writing and ending was just so many punching holes in film he made storyline of film fun ride and it had so much potential in it but in sametime it's time waster film I wish it was a Netflix film rather then a cinema release this is a type of movie you will see it at Netflix, and theirs not much to movie as well finale wasn't huge wasn't big huge but I think because of COVID they couldn't spend too much time for movie that's why it goes for 1 hour 1h 39 minutes I am suspired why finale of film wasn't huge. For my rating is 6.10 nothing to special or exciting about movie only thing is enjoyable is Jeffery Dean Morgan that's all it is and for poitrinal storyline and for horror type of genre.
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I enjoyed it but in sametime movie has too many punching holes
5 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to love this movie, I wanted to put it on my top 10 list of films I enjoyed film it was fun to watch it was getting to point movie doesn't drag it along like Godzilla (2014) but theirs no plot in this movie witch is good because you want just Godzilla and Kong kicking ass each other not 3 hour plot movie with more human and less Monsters this is mix it shows Humans and Monster both together and no one, no one wants a slow build up it's just too slow and boring I agree from that, that's what film is theirs no plot or storyline that's good but film itself characters humans were boring their was nothing to them and also in character directions were pointless just priceless and pointless so much plot holes and useless things that what killed movie for me I deal with it but I can deal with so much plot holes I can't deal with this movie but In sametime I enjoyed this movie I had fun with it, it's fast paced something happens in film not a long drag 3 hour or 10 hour Avengers Endgame I just wanted a fast paced film with tons of battles and destroying action that's all your their for if your Godzilla & Kong die hard fan I loved Kong Skull Island, Godzilla King of Monsters more then this

sorry to say too many plot holes like for explame. Maya Simmons (Eiza González) character was pointless and unneeded so has to be other villain in this movie you have 1 villain in movie that is Walter Simmons (Demián Bichir) look i love Eiza Gonzalez she is hottest Mexican girl I love she was known for From Dusk till Dawn TV series, Baby Driver, Altia Battle Angel, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, Bloodshot, Cut Throat City and many more movies she is in her character was just pointless because she is sent to join with in team with Nathan Lind (Alexander Skarsgård) and with Dr. Ilene Andrews (Rebecca Hall) to know what's going with Kong while he is ship theirs twist of film is she turns bad she is their to kill Kong I am like okay do you think at end of film she is their to kill Kong with her team A top-tier Apex Cybernetics executive oh she has to be daughter with main villain Walter witch was pointless she didn't need to be villain you know what she could been?? Just goodly having other villain to kill Kong was pointless movie just needs 1 human villain 1 villain monster that's all you need for this movie but she is their to kill Kong we all know that Kong is not gonna die in movie we all know that's not gonna happen but something has to happen in a very stupid way we all know Kong was not gonna die at film by Maya Simmons character unless if Peter Jackson King Kong written this movie then she would have won but her character wasn't needed at all their that was point it's not just because I am saying oh she is pretty and hottest girl I am trying to say she was pointless and unneeded what was point of having her entire half of movie to have her as villain and to kill Kong when his not gonna die in movie oh we need someone to try to Kong well you know he doesn't die in movie, described her role as a "very smart woman behind a company." She also described the film as "slightly comedic." González noted having enjoyed the fact that her character was a Latina woman with a high position within a company, and not forced into a stereotype I am like yeah was that smart of you trying to Kill Kong when you can't kill Kong with a ship with 50 cal machine guns is that smart??? I didn't need her character in movie at all I don't know how Eiza agreed to this movie and script and how did it make sense for her for this movie?? Who knows anyway in this movie all you need is 1 villain and 1 monster villain you don't need 2 villains in movie all you need rest of cast to be goodly you don't need to make Eiza as villain and don't need to make her as villain father just make her as lead or just cameo just being a good girl character whatever you wanna call it because her character in this movie was pointless and useless

and human actors were just boring nothing to them expect I love Eiza Gonzalez her character doesn't have to be bi*ch she but her character was but I don't blame her it's writers anyway. I thought main actor Alexander Skarsgård was just horrible bad acting horrible he is like a blank piece of paper that's his acting only movie I enjoyed was 13 (2010) but he is not main role in that movie but him as lead role in this movie was just crap acting and boring he is boring as a blank piece of paper they could used many other actors or just have Eiza Gonzalez as lead have a female that's something different or just have Kyle Chandler as lead like in Godzilla King of Monsters have him and Eiza Gonzalez team up together and then other character Rebecca Hall as Dr. Ilene Andrews A Monarch anthropological linguist witch she was nothing to her character at all she was boring and has terrible horrible acting but have her as cameo but just have Kyle Chandler and Eiza Gonzalez has lead. But no it has to be different role for different actor I don't mind that but casting is missed placed I thought some of other actors were just annoying as hell that what toke me out of movie even more and character direction like with Eiza Gonzalez not just her but other character direction was pointless does every new Godzilla sequels has to be different main actor??? Pointless

other plot hole of movie title doesn't relate to movie IT'S BATMAN VS SUPERMAN all over again this title should been called Godzilla & Kong because if theirs no winner well their was a winner in film but it's not winner winner but you have this main villain monster Mechagodzilla attacking city and killing people billions of people and then Godzilla and Kong is now teaming up even Godzilla won fight against Kong theirs your answer she when you make a VS movie like Alien VS Predator and Freddy VS Jason their was a winner they DIDN'T TEAM UP TOGETHER its one winner hates other challenger that's it not Godzilla and Kong teaming up after fight it's called Godzilla vs Kong they fight one wins, one goes down not they fight then you have other villain monster coming in they team up pointless just pointless human characters pointless having Godzilla and Kong battle each other pointless just so much plot holes see this title should be called Godzilla & Kong that's when you think they will team up together if it's VS one has to win and other has to lose but one wants that, no one has guts to do that sadly to say but in sametime I enjoyed film I never got bored, never got sleepy, it was a on going movie it was just fun to watch and never cared for actors just their for Godzilla and Kong that's all human actors you wanna say forget them your just their for action, monsters, and for fun, and for battle that's all you their for to see this movie I thought music choices were annoying as hell you will hear stupid dam lousey music in film like Elvis Presley music so many other annoying music in movie killed it that's what threw me out of movie, trailer of this movie just wants you to bring you in wants in exactly what I said you understand it, in other hand I enjoyed movie for fun for fun EPIC battles. CGI and sound was amazing but would have been nice to hear some of the original Godzilla theme and cinematography was great and Great action sequences I had with it but sametime to deal with punching holes in movie is something I can deal with but I can't deal with Godzilla (2014) film that's my opinion but this movie 6.10.
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Boss Level (2020)
once you watch this film, it's gonna be a fun ride with full of non-stop action
13 March 2021
I loved this film soo much saw it 2 weeks ago loved this film to death this was one of my favorite movies of all time I enjoyed it ignore stupid critics they don't know what they want they hate on great action movies like this?? what did they expect something out from this?? an Oscar give me a break this film is for die hard action video gamers fan this is what film is about tons of tons crazy action I would luv to own this movie on Blu-ray or 4K luv to, so guys give this movie a shot please do stop listening to critics like what they know, sometimes you gotta explore things just because critics hate it doesn't mean you should hate it too if you are interest in film go and see it trust your

instincts I just see films see if I like it or love or hate it that's me nowadays I just judge whatever I can choose. but in other hand this is a BOSS LEVEL: A Radical Action Riot Stuck On Repeat just like Groundhog day, Its john wick, edge of tomorrow, kill bill & taken all mixed into one fresh, funny action movie with occasional funny one liners. great casting, the pace of movie can be improved for certain slow scenes. style of repeat with tons of silly action it's non stop action like video game I love non-stop action movies full on kicking ass this is your ticket to see this movie never miss out theater or else you will regret it acting performances were great, script was simple and smart writing of film very smart writing and it's perfect for this budget film. cast is fantastic Frank Grillo, Mel Gibson, Michelle Yeoh and also Ken Jeong is in it as well he did great in film he is not much in it but he was funny I reckon all cast did a great job and it was fast paced 100 minutes film I highly recommded seeing this movie. my expectations were more than met. Dialogues, execution, sentimental value,

characters and action scenes. There is nothing I hated, and more importantly, nothing I would never change my opinion on this film I will always love this movie this film is for die hard action fans. I have seen Frank Grillo in a few movies he seems like a bit of a B-Grade Action Movie Guy - boy was I wrong. My opinion never changes and I am happier for films that way. greatly such that you should greatly see other great films and show he is in like Purge 2&3 Kingdom TV series, Demonic, Wheelman, Point Blank and now with this film great film it's one of greatest films he ever did in his career in my opinion he delivered an outstanding performance. Grillo character is a blasé deadpan attitude was very funny - after all he is a guy who was just over it, starting each day, dying, rinse and repeat, that's main character our lead guy I love characters like that I highly recommded this movie with him in it he also worked in Mel Gibson in other film called Edge of Darkness 10 years ago now with this movie it's sold flick with them 2 in film, and now with Mel Gibson he is barley in film he is in it he does what the does as in acting he does great job in this film I got pissed off with Dragged Across Concrete, Force of Nature, Fatman sucked as hell now with this movie is brilliant he play's villain was very good, a typical Action Move Antagonist - some of the other quite unique characters maybe be somewhat clichéd, but still very funny. but don't expect Oscars please don't expect what critics say because they are full of crap big freaking time they don't help me at all that's all I can say. don't expect this to 100% in rotten tomatoes and plus this film in box office made over $349,449 in box office very good this must be in top success films in 2021 look I am reviewer but at least I tell truth about this movie is great if you love action films, non stop, fast pacing, tons of laugh's, this is most fun experience to see it at movie theater it's fun experience if you miss out you will regret it big time I am a reviewer, and a reviewer had done this who really loved film go and see it or else you will regret it big time you will say to yourself man I wish I saw this in theater well get your ass up and go see this movie... if you hate actions and then theirs something very wrong with you....
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it's film like Die Hard in a School Education if John McClane had a granddaughter
31 January 2021
If you love films like Die Hard well this is something different Die hard in a school shooting scenario it's worth watching, but I wish this was a bigger action film and a theatrical release cinemas release but sadly wasn't, I thought this film had a lot of guts and big huge balls to wall idea to make film like this because nowadays their are school mass shootings they never had touched idea like this before never I can think of another movie did something like this called Toy Soldiers but that's different style of film that's it nothing like Battle Royale if that's what your thinking of you may think it's Die Hard idea mixed with Toy Soldiers type mixed with this film. it's very well done, smart written, this is something what don't have those type of films very often because of

real life school mass shootings. I could be very wrong, very wrong but I think movie is giving everyone message is Run, Hide, Fight if you were in this scenario if you were what would you do? exactly run hide, if you have option to fight go and fight. I think it's trying to motivate people to know what to do if your in this scenario I mean look film is unrealistic but it gives you idea to survive I mean I know and I understand movie is realistic but it's trying to give an idea it won't be in same scenario like movie but in real life if you were lucky you weren't caught by shooters you gotta do something that's what movie is trying to tell you I mean look lead actress Isabel Zoe Hull (Isabel May) has uses her wits, survival skills, and compassion to fight for her life not everyone has that but if your only one or with someone you gotta do something at least to survive. I thought this film was well done very done, I lead it's in high school

type of movie in a Die Hard Scenario with a teenage girt very nice combation and very ballsy film and had a lot of guts to do a film like this I mean it feels like it's real life but I don't live in America if I was it for me movie would feel unrealistic because in many levels if you watch film it gives you an idea to in real life what to do is run, hide, escape or fight if you can that's it but when you look at film it's different when you watch it, it's hard to explain and don't want to spoil it really. storyline Zoe Hull (Isabel May) is a student has a father who is an ex-marine Todd Hull (Thomas Jane) known for Deep Blue Sea, Thursday, Punisher, Hung TV series, is the one who teaches her how to survive uses her wits, survival skills, and compassion to fight for her life to save day from shooters and to villains aren't special aren't rememberable I wish villains would been better but they weren't you got Chris Jelick (Britton Sear), Kip Quade (Cyrus Arnold), Anna Jelick (Catherine Davis), Tristan Voy (Eli Brown) were shooters not much of villains I wish their would be more villains in film more of henchmen make film more bodycount for Zoe Hull to kill shooters but she does but their weren't many I wanted to this to be more of fun action film full on but it wasn't. and other actor who plays sheriff Sheriff Tarsy (Treat Williams) known for Deep Rising is in this film he is their and their not much. why the

hell was the rotten tomatoes score so bad, honestly critics just care about the agenda and not about the actual story, because it was written well and acted amazing, trust me you'll love it don't believe Rotten Tomatoes at all they are full crap. Critics won't like it because it provides virtually no political commentary and places all of its value on the importance of courage and doesn't focus on the broader issues at play besides the ubiquitous issue of self-obsession and social media infamy. Conservatives would like it more if they had touched on the issue of nihilism, but again, this movie isn't for the right or the left, it's for everyone. it's fun movie it has fun action and it's thrilling at right at edge of your seat. The way that this movie addresses school shootings, but in a way that can take you through the experience not just by showing you. it's fun movie that makes you think and is well done. Life is full of hard choices. Who should we admire. That is a big theme of this movie. This is worth your time, but not for immature viewers are comparing it as real life well it's giving you an message if you are only one in this scenario to run and hide I don't understand why the haters hate this film for? I bet directors, writers, producers and studio agree to make this movie without giving a F if critics hated this film or liked film but film didn't do well sadly but film was very ballsy director, writer had guts to make this film I like different idea that someone never made movie like this besides Toy Soldiers.
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The Marksman (2021)
it's nothing that special it's okay film for time waster
28 January 2021
I love Liam Nesson he works in action films great I enjoyed Taken 1-3, Unknown, The Grey, A Walk Among the Tombstones, Non-Stop, Run All Night, The Commuter, Cold Pursuit, Honest Thief now with this film it's less action in trailer it shows more action then to actual film not kidding at all, it's more in trailer and Less in actual film with less action film and more of a bland, road-trip style drama style on run. and yeah story is same topical thing Jim (Liam Nesson) A previous member of the Marine Corp Jim struggles with alcohol, and is unapologetically atheist, which I found interesting for a character in a

mainstream film, a Marksman expert. he was just driving aheading home and suddenly he found a boy Miguel and his mother Rosa, were on run after her brother told her to get out of dodge, one of cartels are after them because they know where the money is hidden, Rosa dies she tells Jim to take her son to Chicago to be safe Jim expected her offer he does it he accept it now he is on run to take Miguel and product him and take him to Chicago. they are on run to get away from cartels that wants Miguel. that's topical film as olden days now if you watch trailer and think oh it's action film full on 1 hour and 48 minutes well it's not, it has less action more of drama sadly I wished this film to be better I wanted what I wanted movie to be more action but trailer has more action then to actual film, that's what begged me for threw out film. I enjoyed Liam Nesson and kid Miguel Their scenes together were quite touching and they got to know each other the chemistry between those 2 were good. The script is good not greatest script but script is fine nothing is bad what I

notice. it's worth checking out if you love Liam Nesson in action or drama films this is worth it but when you watch it don't follow my opinion, make up your own mind if you like film, I liked it but at end of day it's time waster film not something I would want to watch everytime this film could been a Netflix film not an cinema release that's what I really wish for because it's not full on fun action it's drama-thriller bland film it's not bad film to watch I thought it was enjoyable for Liam Nesson and for film, when you see trailer don't expect for full on action like Taken and such it's more of thriller-drama their is action couple of scenes but not much until at 3rd act of film at final moment their is action scene that's it don't expect this to be action film.
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Bad film that's all I Can say nothing else is good about this film
24 November 2020
I am Die Hard fan of Scott Adkins even I Met Scott Adkins 3 years ago, he is a very person but I don't understand what's with his career that he chooses to be in this crappy films today sadly like with Incoming, Abduction worst of worst No Surrender, dear god now with this film it's like Scott Adkins has to pay bills to just to collect money get this film role that he never cares about, this is the worstest film with Scott Adkins I have ever seen. this is most baddest film I have ever seen don't expect Scott to be lead role or to be anything he is not Yuri Boyka as cruise ship welcome board type no, who would make a teen romance drama mixed with loosely based on brothers that blew up Boston Marathon Bombings I am like what kinda idea is that? how did this piece of crap got a green light for? waste of money, waste of time, waste of cast time, waste of time writing this film, waste of time for Scott Adkins simple as that if you watch this film it's gonna such biggest time waster that is not worth of your time believe me or not don't watch the film just for Scott Adkins I was curious about what the heck is this film all about? this film was filmed back in 2016 because I saw imagines and film set it was originally titled Altar Rock so if this was shot back in 2016 what toke so long to release it? I wasn't waiting for this movie and pretty sure if this never got made I would said who cares I am waiting for Accident Man 2 and more Undisputed films and other projects that he is doing. other cast main young actors India Eisley known for Underworld Awakening, she did fine in film what can I say you enjoy little nudity scene with her in film that was most surprising thing I saw in film what else was surprising

story follows that during Boston Marathon Bombings happened while opening scene you have Scott Adkins sitting at Bar with his long hair like in 3rd Undisputed film or him in triple threat I am getting tried with him with long hair sitting at bar like he wants to kill someone but no red flags when they see him? then in present day Tillie Gardner (India Eisley) her parents got killed at Plane crash then she lives in with her step family with 2 lesbian mums?? I am like weird then she meets Niko (KJ Apa) then you have this romance together then you have Marco (Scott Adkins) playing terrorist then you have this twist where you find out it's his brother, so then you have Agent Richard Cantrell (James Remar) he is FBI agent that wants to find Scott Adkins character take him down. the script, set up of story is surely to blame more director I loved Romeo Must Die, Cradle 2 the Grave, Exit Wounds, DOOM but sadly never got to make a another bigger film he made Maximum Impact then to this bad film

I can't believe it because I wish this director could make another big film again but sadly he is getting slaright to Video demand crap but hey director Andrzej Bartkowiak made his another worst film of all time like with Maximum Impact but jeez I wish he could make another big action movie not like this topical crap. I don't know why this scene has to do with Boston Bombing why can't this film be a different storyline. Imagine the brothers behind the horrific attack in Boston, throw in sappy scenes of teen courtship, a puppy, lots of girls in bikinis witch I like that but I wish that was in a different movie, The FBI, wooden acting and set it all at the beach. This is beyond cringeworthy. I can't even understand who or what type of audience wanted this type of film?? this is a joke full of it. you have fight scene with Scott and James Remar scene nothing to special scene end of day this is the worst film I have ever seen in my life this is other worst Scott Adkins films ever made of all time just like among with Incoming and Abduction worst films ever made including this film as well
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Open 24 Hours (2018)
its watchable I enjoyed what it was
18 November 2020
Decent Horror-Thriller film at least it's way better then Burn (2019) where film takes place only at Gas Station but Burn is more of Thriller but that film is not worth checking out at all it's dump if you want a better film same topical style of Burn (2019) film, watch this at least I Liked main actress Vanessa Grasse I can buy her as badass at least I like her character then to that main character from Burn (2019). I thought film holded up pretty well done made and set up of story liked suspense is pretty good film keeps you thinking what will happen next. also it's a small budget film it felt like this film could hit to theaters in 2018 on that time so it would been something in box office maybe just saying,

this isn't first horror film that takes place at Gas Station theirs a horror film called Splinter (2006) that toke place in Gas Station but that wasn't a horror style like this film it was more like voracious Splinter parasite that transforms its still-living victims into deadly hosts creature horror film but this is more like serial killer kinda like It reminded me of character main villain wears a rain coat with hoody on style I Know What You Did Last Summer but without hook. The plot sounded fairly basic and without seeing the trailer I was essentially heading into this one blind. I was pleasantly surprised and not disappointed at all with the turn out to be good film not greatest film of al time but it's worth watching for time waster not a film I want to see all the time but it's good movie what else can I say? story follows Mary (Vanessa Grasse) who got out of jail, After setting her serial killer boyfriend on fire she starting to have paranoid delusional she is seeing things that aren't real, she has a very supportive friend Debbie (Emily Tennant) I thought 2 girls did fine in film you don't see a enough of their chemistry together but they both did fine. you also have Bobby (Brendan Fletcher) known for Freddy vs Jason, Rampage Franchise is in this film as well he plays fine as well in film. did a decent job has become synonym

with horror films. then you rest of film is gore, a lot of suspense keeps you watching to end of film it's fast pacing I mean, it's main lead is a youngster and so it's made for adolescents but it goes way further than other teen horrors. It starts rather easy and slowly and the viewer is tricked by the fact is it a delusion or real. And so this flick moves further between the two and delivers suspense, creepy moments, jump scenes didn't care I hate Jump scenes don't scare me nowadays with horror films you don't need jump scenes nowadays it makes it look stupid in my opinion and even rather gory moments. The red

stuff is all over top but I like that, I can buy this lead actress chick as badass more then to other Thriller Burn that lead actress sucked. this lead actress has more guts then to lead actress from Burn (2019) Tilda Cobham-Hervey at any day, anytime she can whop her ass no matter what. give this film a shot it's worth watching if you love slasher horror films I am not big on slasher horror films but this is good movie that's all I can say if you love horror slasher films.
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good film worth watching I like it but it's not great film
19 October 2020
It's been awhile since 2018 trailer come out I was alright let's check this movie out then waiting, waiting, waiting then year later 2019 I was like where's movie? has this came out yet? I don't know if this was true or not but film is been on hold for awhile this was in production in 2017 and film would been in shot in 2017 between 2018 because in December 2018 Ethan Hawke joined in cast I am like? yeah film is in hold for awhile because RZA changed his mind with script and cast I am not kidding if you see the very, very first trailer that came out Jul 23, 2018 to this film Ethan Hawke is not in cast in trailer where it was introducing the actors in film? so that means RZA changed his mind, changed script he said let's put new character that is Ethan Hawke that's why I had strange feeling I am not if that's what it looks like to me he re-shot movie then he decided to do it but anyway during this COVID-19 I wish I could of saw this movie in theatre but could not during COVID-19, theatres weren't open I decided to buy Blu-ray on eBay just see a new movie in 2020 saw it on Saturday night I wanted to hate film but I could not I just could not hate it for some many reasons. it's well scripted performance was great, not all actors were wasted they were all barley in it the only actors that are only wasted is TI and Terrace Howard that's it you can't have all actors part of movie but hey fair thing. I got to say this is a good movie, it's worth watching because of characters our lead guys in film I enjoyed I enjoyed it for cast of film thankfully they weren't wasted. Getting into story of film (Shameik Moore) Blink and 3 of his friends living in New Orleans Blink is an Artist and as you see opening up of movie theirs a reading graphic novel that Blink has written and drawing and has Illustrated very interesting to have character who loves art soo much, Blink gets married and has 1 daughter.

Then suddenly their is a Hurricane Katarina is rapidly approaching New Orleans after National Disaster, Blink and his friends are Desperate for money to pay their bills, pay their own rent basically they don't wanna up like bums so they try to get jobs Blink tries to get a job in art industry then somehow he didn't get job and FEMA not helping financially. Blink decides turn into local ringleader he offers his friends an opportunity to mob a local casino and they accept it. so they end up robbing every single store or anything you name in town to own money and get out of town. Lucinda Valencia (Eiza González) known for From Dusk Till Dawn series, Baby Driver, Alita Battle Angel, Fast and Furious Hobbs and Shaw, Bloodshot in this film she play's as cop she gets a call from Jackson Symms (Ethan Hawke) who is a is a councilman wanting to get business back in town after the hurricane. saying the casino is been robbed I think it was his casino then in threw out film Lucinda is investigating going threw cases finding those robbers and now she is not villain or bad cop at least she helps with Blink she has connections with him and helping out, if you curious about 'Cousin' Bass (T.I.) character he is their and their doesn't get too do much he gives Blink and his friends job then something turns out to be wrong he play's boss of his gangs then they were on run then Blink goes to his grandfather or his dad house that is (Wesley Snipes) Lawrence who is their and their in movie not much he play's old man who is just nobody who hasn't done well in school all that he let's Blink and his friends to stay in his house. I love Wesley Snipes great actor, great action star I haven't seen him since Expendables 3 (2014) in theatre then he cameback then lands back to slaright to DVD films sadly but then he gets back up in theatrical film not a direct to DVD film. and The Saint (Terrence Howard) is the big honcho mob boss at the top of the food chain he does alright in film but not much to say about Terrance Howard because he wasn't much in film what can I say he was only in 2 scenes in film you have scene with him and Blink with his friends that's about it he doesn't do much he does what he does in film, surprised I saw Tyron Woodley plays as the loser because he is a UFC fighter he recently lost in UFC by Coby Covington surprised cameo in film that no one saw it coming if you watch UFC you will be surprised who is in movie. also what I also liked is amazing looking I liked the use of the graphic novel to illustrate the world that the protagonist lives in. The actors made the movie realistic. Perfect camera angles. This movie keeps you engaged throughout. Showed passion, love, and tugged on your emotions. Enough action to maintain your attention, happy moments with situations that keep you guessing. Ignore the reviews it's good movie it's worth seeing filmi would top RZA as director then to Spike Lee Ultimately it is akin to a Spike Lee joint in that it doesn't pander or avoid difficult topics. There's a lot more to admire here than the reviews or ratings indicate! RZA just keeps it simple when he does his movies i will look forward to any RZA movies that anything he does this is highly recommend worth of look of movie 7.10
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