
37 Reviews
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Some critics already said it...
2 October 2023
What made the first engaging to watch is villains. Or more precisely antagonist.

Then the cast, that clicked right away.

This... This is like recycle the world built in the first and try to pack in with action in compact format to composite for the lack of everything that made first good.

I am not talking about visuals, casting, cgi, animation and etc. That's all on par with first but about any meaningful substance to the characters.

You are thrown into boiling pot and by the end of the seasons it stills, and things get stitched together, no longer is about, why do you so randomly introduce this blank character be it on good, bad or neutral side. What's with the main plot drive, it's lamest.

With first you had Dracula, you had mob, you had his wife burned on stake, let the world burn.

In this one, they try to make more complex but all they do is sluggish build up that's really just convoluted, version of - > rich bad guys - > corruption - >dominate - > peasant equal lifestock.

Monster behind it all from Eastern Europe. God forbid it's from France where its all happening.

All in all really disappointing season and they are just milking on success of first.
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I figured out finally..
8 September 2023
This movie barely deserves to be rated above 4.

Marvel fans complain about how, ever since the end game marvel cinematic universe suffered and yet they rate this so high.?

It doesn't have plot, it's a, whole bunch of nonsense, it's hectic and unorganised, jokes got lamer.

You have great show like Moonlight down voted to ashes but you praise this? Okay, seriously what is wrong here?

This is movie that makes Ultron and Captain Marvel master piece. Heck Invasion did more for phase 5 betterment.

This movie is just so over the place with the most uninspiring main direction. Really? Where is the character building? Why are you trying to monopolise on Rocket. Guess what? No one cares about his past the present.

You had to go back and just re-invent wheel. I am going to be straight. New generations, need to get it it together, this getting dry and tiresome.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Star Wars "experts" need to chill
8 September 2023
This show is monument to Ashoka that started from animated TV shows, and finally got her own dedicated place but most of all, to Star Wars Rebels crew, another animated show that sparked some of the best story lines and characters.

The cast is faithful to characters that were built as we know, the plot is giving something we wanted for the long time ever since Star Wars Rebels concluded with open end. And keeps the spark of this milked franchise.

It has literally everything, simple overarching goal to follow, action and good casting. Purposeful plot.

So what is all this rave about? It's not a flop as last Mandalorian season, they continue to build "New Republic" place in aftermath of previous tribology but smarter,

The only reason why rate this any lower than it really is resonable, is because you don't like the character and see main cannon characters.
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One Piece (2023– )
Why is this rated only 8.5
5 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This adaptation is love letter to One piece anime. This is how you do live adaption, or maybe this is how you do it for rest of the world who didn't grew up watching anime and getting around clichés and quirks of it.

It pays respect to it's roots. The show is faithful to manga, witty, quirky and right amount of everything but especially for western audience.

It has gore, it didn't butcher character concepts, actually, I can't believe how actors portrait them so well. And best of all, production is isn't cheap.

This is so good it's a, crime and I want to see it more coming (and by the looks of it, they would be crazy not to, since it broke streaming records set by ST or Wednesdays)

Do mind though, this is live adaption faithful to original source, hence it might not be your thing but it's so good that it is a crime.
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Excellently executed finale
17 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
People review bombing this episode are ridiculous.

First of all what did you expect. Characters like Raymond don't get happy ending.

Second, it was neatly delivered and very emotional. I actual felt it. Not just blankly watched, actually felt sad, that show had to end. That's it, no room for spins off, movies and so on. But most of all I did feel it when our all time favourite died, even though he chose that. In the end the script is strong and meaningful.

However, season 10 was obviously a filler to build up the momentum to this very moment. And frankly, now when I seen end of Blacklist, I just wish it never had final conclusion, this is one of those times when it would be nice to have open ending, because I truly enjoyed the show after we were done with Megan and her drama queen arc.

If there is something I regret is that there is to many unresolved plots, some finished abruptly because we reached final conclusion but most of all, they should have got ridden of Elizabeth much sooner and not tie plot around her in ways show became steep downhil only to die out with a big bang.

And that's a sole reason why I give this episode 9 and overall my final conclusion of series.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Newcomer to Adam's Family
6 January 2023
I heard about it before but haven't watched movie or animated adaptations, mostly because I was never interested.

What actually picked my interested was the setting of the TV show and the whole mystery thriller approach (in a way I thought it's going to be more world building oriented)

Now here is the thing, I like the show for most part but towards the finale, everything felt like half measured and rushed to an ultimate disappointment final climax.

Why build all that tension and plot around supposed 'destined' nemesis, only to have it handled so poorly.

The second season really needs to address this. The show had a strong start and then mediocre attempts to keep you engaged, for me at the very least started everything to fell apart somewhere after the episode 6.

Now, there is a lot of promising material lay out for season 2and the character building and characters have not disappointed but this show is not all about that, it has overarching plot that needs to be handled better.

Another thing is the whole we have all this supernatural beings and casters, but we are not sure how to handle them, as in trying to keep everything mundane, while undeniably dance at the edge or magical.

It just doesn't work. Second, we need more context of the world around. Like, more about outcasts and normies, how exactly do they come to live together in some sort of neutral agreement and etc. More about Nevermore, the show totally missed the spot there.

I get it, majority watch this as plot around one of their favorite family members, that is makeshift Elena Sherlock, but seriously though it won't hold for long and the show needs more subsistence if it is to continue with more seasons (and it has potential, as far as producer's imagination goes really)

For me this was fun to watch for most part but it left conflicted and not so much engaged. At the end, i didn't really care about unsolved mysteries, it didn't grip me to hold my breath until the next season, for no other reason than how awful last two episodes were and how sloppy 'curtains are down' reveal wasn't handled (not to mention cliche)
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It's really hard to put a finger on this
1 October 2022
Previous Thor movies were not by any means great, heck you could say only one of them was good and that was just before whole infinity climax mess.

But they did play critical part in building plot and character, and so does this movie.

The fact is, Thor is practically now independent entity of main MCU cannon. The way I see it, before we get anywhere near where this new stage is going, it's more of a comic relief then serious plot.

My issue is that they tried so hard to make "modern" Journey comic alike. Feeling but with a movie cannon instead of comics, resulting as many pointed out, really really lame jokes and wasted potential.

Performance, production and overall CGI aside, the entire plot was like a side show, just to change a direction and somehow invent purpose of keeping Thor as part of universe, and maybe some small part in the main cannon.

The whole Jane and Thor love saga, got it's conclusion a way, it was lame and crafty way to put a final touch. Now the question is, are we going to stop pumping 70% of video tape, lame jokes and actually focus on building stronger plots and characters?

I really love marvel and I sticking with it, for that reason alone, I am no where near diehard fun, hence I am losing interest with each new installment rapidly and this new trend needs to stop.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
Either going to love it or hate it, in between doesn't exist
31 July 2022
I am on really digging the show side of camp. The last two shows, this one and Moon Knight, really delivered refreshment MCU desperately needed.

But what I really like about this show, is how bluntly it rubs the nose with what not so ancient Europe power greed did and consequences, and of course show is going to get review bombed - because hey, Geopolitics.

The thing though, this was really very experimental and obviously poorly received but at the same time it hit the spot and revealed a creative directions MCU is going for .

Kamala is easily one of the more developed MCU characters, along with Steven/Marc. The plot though, definitely suffers from some crisscross and last minute editing, and the pacing is unbalanced.

On the brighter side, visuals and overall artistic vibe was probably one the best delivered blends so far in MCU (so unlike, Marvel I got to say. They took liberty to departure from what we are used to in MCU)

Half way through, you can already tell this wasn't meant to be 6 episodes format series, and that can be hard felt, when you come across holes in the story.

Nevertheless. I was amazed at this show focusing on more crisis in a real world than just the noisy ones, and boy was I glad LGTB was absent from it all together - proves the point, it doesn't need to be forcefully shoved just for sake for it, everywhere.
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MCU Fan base doesn't know what the good is anymore
19 July 2022
Upfront, I am sorry. Well not really. If someone takes this personally, good, because even my small voice should be heard.

This show is literally the only one that directly deals with consequences of endgame that don't concern just an individual or a small pocket of broken MCU that is a result of the Avengers:Endgame (because universe is literally broken)

In fact, it takes advantage of two characters that were always sidelined and put them in a big picture, on global scale of the current state of MCU.

So reviews, saying the story is inconsistent are die hard fans that wanted Chris Evans, or some replica of him back in the show. And that's exactly what didn't happen, the way the community wanted.

Hence review bombshelling. I am late for a party, however, despite some flaws and being overshadowed by blaze of characters which have no place in MCU anymore (actively and I am not talking about comics), it's very decent foundation and deals with topics, other recent MCU shows and movies are afraid to explore.

Bottom it's worth watching and it's undeserving underrated, especially considering the quality of cast (Anthony and Sebastian rock-hard., but hey people want more of freakishly overrated and tiresome humor, such as Spiderman No Way Home, which I find to be utter mess)
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What a nostalgia mess
19 March 2022
After I've finished watching the movie, I tried hard to understand, what is this hype all about?

MU is getting increasingly bland and worse, since the End game and the direction it's taking to make itself too serious, while at the same throws washed out style of humor everywhere, is becoming tiresome.

First... The entry, the beginning was one of the worst I seen in an movie for longest time.

The attempt to build up the atmosphere was forceful and draggy, to a point It was itching to forward the entire interlude.

And the speed the plot built to a point where it managed to somewhat finally shape into something solid was agonizing.

I won't talk about CGI effects or action scenes, that's defacto for MU movies and starting to think, the whole sale point lately.

But good lord was the core of plot messy, dull and uninspiring piece of work. Who writes this scripts?

The only reason why this is not lower is the ace they pulled and brought into the movie some redemption in form of what all previous movies have done better... And with it some essence.

But even that was spoiled with blamesy of stupid jokes. Seriously, if you are going to continue this, you need to change the way you crack jokes and stop doing it in every single situation with exception where you remove permanently someone from MU movie universe.

Essentially this was clumsy done hard reboot to change what they done in previous movies and stir more towards the Amazing Spiderman...

I am really disappointed with execution and bewildered at positive reactions to this movie, when this would be butchering at the scale of what Hobbit movies have done to source material...
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Masterfully done adaption
19 November 2021
The show is done really well doing heavy lifting where the source material is lacking and sticking to it faithfully.

It goes without saying that fans of saga are going to be pleased and feel rewarded. And I think that's where issue with people giving low ratings lies, they expected thus to be streamlined for masses, where as it targets the book's audience (i.e they expected more of GoT)

Which leads to the fact that plot is developing at slower pace but unfolding in an ever more exciting reveal. The characters are slowly build up but steadily (everyone who read books, knows it took forever to get to a point where you feel they got established, in a show it's done better and that's one perks of it)

The world building will draw you in and acting is really done well. As well as CGI and other effects of sort.

All in all I am really hyped for season 2 and feel like the waiting paid off.
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Titans (I) (2018– )
If feel just wrong, how quickly the potentially snowballed downwards
16 August 2021
Many already mentioned in their reviews, this TV show really shinned in season 1. It was it's own boss. Mature, filled with grit and ruthless consequence setting, of what usually we saw far produced as animated for younger audience.

It retain that brutality and it remains quirky, because of how it handles DC universe but start snowballing down somewhere in season 2 and it only picked up from there.

As of season 3, I feel like two different crews handled the writing and scripting. I like it still but I can't deny the fact that what once I would call really good, is now decent.

Mainly due to identity fragmentation and sloppy attempts to maintain the original vibe. The last season only began, so perhaps many of us draw conclusion too harshly, but it usually does go this way and not the other way around (gets better)
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Loki (2021–2023)
Potential is there but the format is too short
28 July 2021
Disclosure: Yes I know there will be a second season but that's not the excuse for 6 episode format, which the biggest problem of this TV show.

I don't know what's with the trend lately to cut seasons into a rushed chunks of high quality production and think that will make up for everything.

First of all, everything fills rushed. Everything is happening too fast. The villian is lame and it might have not been, if some effort was put into setting up the background for his big reveal .... instead we are getting 2nd season around him - just lame.

The plot is full of twists, that twist itself in comical and unsatisfying *pop* way. To clarify, they build a wrapper of tension and uncertainty. That builds up expectations and theories, that go down the sink with the reveal and feel so underwhelming.

Actors are doing what they can, no complaints there but this is not a comic book, you need to let things settle with the time and not just go through material like it's a rolling book and pages are flipping.

It would have been great but overall it's just okay and the only reason I kept on watching is of course. Tom Hiddleston. Owen Wilson and promising Sophia Di Martino.

Bottom line cast was strong, production was on par with movie production but the plot and pacing is the hog of the show and I am not all that excited to see what comes in 2nd season, especially because of the unfulfilling cliffhanger that marked season finale.
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The closure on this franchise was forced
22 July 2021
I am very disappointed. In terms of production value it's on par of the entire saga, however, you can't help but notice that entire movie is just sequence of rushed arcs.

What's more, the pacing itself doesn't give you time to even get the feel of the events that unfold that are supposed to have heavy emotional impact - and why is that downer? Because they are all around the character all of us either grown to love or hate.

*The way they handled is like you wipe a stain from the table as an after thought. It simply isn't given it's own time window to develop and have a desired impact

The story itself is mediocre and the way it is trying to conclude and tie the entire saga is clumsy attempt at the best. Not that there weren't some neat moments and things... but

But the problem is, and I believe I am not only one, through the entire movie due to everything moving in a blur, I was emotionally distant and at certain points very bored.

And to add to all of what I mentioned, they have introduced new concepts that would be meaningful if they were developed over the course of sequels rather than just hack them into less than 2 hours movie track.

The ace though,, is the ending. If I already found so much to dislike before I even got to the ending (for which I hoped it would conclude in satisfactory way saga), it didn't fail to disappoint me how much worse the movie can get.

All in all, this is what we get and there is no way around it, alas I am under the strong impression that this movie doesn't do the justice to the saga and came out as rushed mixed bag of unfinished concepts and makeshift ending.
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An ok movie that suffer from typical USA moral cliche
7 May 2021
This movie started average and ended beyond that. Which is a shame, cause somewhere in the middle it really was showing a promise for more.

The main problem about this movies is fake, empty and overused US military agenda and it ended at the same time in a typical cliché way.

The truth star of this movie, performance and otherwise is the actual scapegoat in the end.- Anthony Mackie. And I just wish he was given more screen time and spotlight, then the rest who were there just wasting the time, not even being able to bring the dramatic situation to life.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Intriguing show but the soap drama that started at middle of season 3 is became quickly and progressively irritating
3 December 2020
Let me be clear, this is another one of why is Elizabeth Keen in this show anymore? I am at season 4 episode 5 and I already feel urge to just stop watching the show because of one of the most irritating characters I have had displeasure to see across multiple shows I watched recently. This character makes my blood boil so much that I can only say this happened once or twice, ever.

While she had part in show for a season 1, I just can't put my finger on why they had to go through season 2 the way they had. In all seriousness I almost quit watching the show half way through season 2, but even then she wasn't the problem, it was the plot. Then second half salvaged that and I would have been happy if it ended at first half of Season 3. but noooo. They had to make soap opera out of such unique criminal thriller and overshadow great characters, lose focus of what made this show great and overcast the weakest ones.

And I am at season 4, raging about this. And I had to google if I am only one, but I can see that Keen is generally the most hated character and I didn't bother to read why (spoilers and what not) but I will say this, last few episodes of Season 3 were so refreshing and the show had such great dynamic and appeal that I really don't get creators of the show, taking the direction they picked at Season 3 finale and onwards.
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It's engaging and fun to watch - also it's very underrated.
10 October 2020
I am trying to wrap my head around lately about many reviews. Shows like this get underrated heavily, while apocalyptic trash and reality junk gets huge ratings and overexaggerated hype.

I will keep this short and brief, there is more of the caught spirit of Fast and Furious then last few movies. It gets almost everything done right:

  • Voice overs
  • Main propagandist (since this is animated show, some of them are a bit too childish for me but it's done right which is main reason I give 8 )
  • CGI is cool and smooth
  • Colorful and everything is so well represented, it's really outstanding looking animated show.
  • Main plot is what you would expect from tv animated show like this, we are in for:
  • cool car models and wild races
  • unrealistic action
  • light hearted plot, enough to keep your attention while episode is rolling

But most of all it's really one of those things you just want to watch to wind down, have fun and chill, with some neat jokes (they are cracking jokes all the time but from time to time, humor just falls short for me - another reason for rating 8)

And also there is character development, plus the pace of the show will pull you in keep a grip around you, from the start to finish in Fast and Furious fashion.
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Great conclusion, with tearmoving closure moments
1 May 2019
This movie deserves all the praise it got, for the epic finale of original crew it delivers. The CGI and acting were masterfully integrated, sync and complement each other, rather than try to composite for lack one or another.

The movie stays true to it's constructed formula, that gradually built up since first Marvel movie. And with it all the puns, setting, and it's own original concepts that differ from comics a lot.

The highlight of the movies though, are very moving individual moments and scenes, that will melt even a stone heart. And some very unorthodox actions moments, that I cannot mention here, because it would be a spoiler. Speaking of that, I still can't come to conclusion if I should be amazed or in shock, of how crazy that looked like.

Reason why I gave this movie 9 and not max rating, is because of pacing. In some parts. it felt a bit off, but it picked up very quickly and from that moment on, the screen will have your undivided attention, I can guarantee you that.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
It had such promising start and then snowballed to mixed bag of nothingness
16 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
My title might sound a bit dramatic but to tell you the truth, this show has so many twists, turns and it the end finale of first season didn't even feel like finale at all. To make matter worst, show had lost charm for me, that it had for the first 5-6 episodes.

To jump to the case, I have not read any of books but I know that show doesn't follow them to the page anyway. In fact "fans", who made this show possible, had made number of different changes from the start, diverging from books lore considerably. This didn't bother me when I started watching TV show but now I wonder, would it be better if they didn't take so much freedom upon themselves and instead stuck more closely to the original lore ? Thing is, I don't know what to make of this show anymore, it turned from mature show about Magic academy and mystery that surrounds "magic land", to brutal and full of gore, absurd and often bizarre mess.

They even went so far to tide "sex" to magic and indifference between genders.Yes, that's right, being bisexual in this show is actually normal and apparently to cast some spells which require great energy, you have to bed someone, because that way you draw considerate amount of energy. This is just one of the example,how "sex" is used in the show.

The characters, omg characters are ... I don't even know how to put it. Relationships are handled in such a way, that I don't know what to think, whoever wrote a script was "alone".

Somewhere amidst the season, show stopped being about what it advertising and turned into TV show called supernatural only it's not as half good. Magic is poorly laid out in this show, it's really the most disappointing part of it.I can get into details but it would take to much space and I don't feel like writing it.

In the end, show had few moments but as it got closed to finale, it simply didn't feel so good as initially did. Will I watch second season ? I doubt it, maybe only if I don't anything better to do but in all honesty I have no desire to do so, I also had skipped most of what I wanted to write, in order to keep this review as short as possible but in nutshell, what I want to say is stay away from it, unless points I made don't bother you or you are true fan of books.
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
Huh and here I though there will never be TV show with pirate theme worh watching
26 March 2016
Title isn't phrase way it is, to reflect my thoughts or opinion but as a message to newcomers, who haven't followed Black Sails from beginning.

I will admit show have had rough time at beginning, for some people it was mess, mixed with violence and sex, for others it was utter disappointment. Disappoint because, it was very much about intrigue and internal affairs, that surrounded one small province. To make matter worse, they introduce a lot of characters at once, without plot build, heck it wasn't until the very end of first season, that we learned about main protagonist.

It isn't just about characters, it's also about a plot, bigger picture and so on. Everything has fallen into place from the half of second season and real, ultimate, plot is revealed at the end of the season 3. There aren't any hidden mysteries, all cards are on the table and season 4 is ready for one "big bang finale" Purpose of what I said so far is, that season 1 is setting, which unfolds slowly, season 2 is there to shed light on some parts of show which meaning evade viewers and brought action, breath life into characters and most of all it set much needed basis for season 3 to follow.

Season 3 is where everything starts to fall in place, pieces of puzzle, that had us wondering why they existed in the first place and deepen the plot, so prepare for bumpy ride.

I said what I had to say, it's up to you to make a decision but If I were you and have doubts, I would still give it a try, because after all what do you have to lose ?
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Colony (2016–2018)
This show is underrated and under-appreciated
18 March 2016
Title says it all and this got me scratching my head and asking myself, what the heck people want anymore. When I take a look at shows like The Shannara Chronicles (which I finished and don't even ask me why I had do so). with higher ranking, while show had lower production quality or most recent The 100 season, I don't think audience really knows itself.

To cut to the chase, don't be fooled by low ratings of this show because it's TV show with carefully crafted plot and characters.Characters are designed in the way that you are going to like them or hate them, or even find idol among them. Casting crew is good, I have to say that acting is really decent.

Plot is unfolding slowly, by the end of season you have basic grasp of what is going on, since everything is still wrapped in the veil of mystery but what's really important is that plot is strong and rich. Also, it's lightweight, meaning there aren't mysteries under mysteries that will bore you to death while watching a show.

Action is present but it's nothing fancy, CGI generated, it's actually as humanly as possible, show is more about intrigue,crimish orientated.Simply put it's classical thriller.

I highly recommend everyone to give this show a shot, if you are looking for thrilling and enjoyable TV show.
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Limitless (2015–2016)
Fine example of how TV show can evolve from average to excellent
17 December 2015
As title says, this show was off to your average TV show, with plain plot, an average cast and you know, all other things that we had seen by now. To plot was center around NZT drug and one propagandist, while efficiently ignored other characters, their side of story.

It was washed down crime TV show with main character who is on NZT and only real plot was around NZT for good half of show, with little side tracks, that consisted of solving crime cases and throw backs to Brain story. That was for first half of first round of this season, however from episode 7, show evolved considerably.

They learned that if they are going to pull, second season or at least get full season rundown (which happened and i am so glad they pulled out), they need to grow bigger, risk more, start thinking outside of box. Oh, boy they did all of that and last episode of first round - episode 11 is result of all that.

I didn't go into any specifics , I wrote this review in general perspective, because until the season ends, there can't really be any objective based review, it's simply too early for any final thoughts . That said I really urge anyone to give it a shot because it deserves it (being #2 most watched show on CBS should speak for it self).

Edit 1: With a show one episode away from season ending and having watched part one of finale, I have to say, hands down to a team, you had done incredibly job.

TV show had become everything I hoped for, when they order full seasons, I laughed, felt sad, confused and etc. They explored multiple characters, their agenda, motives, feelings, experimented with risky directions and so on.

However, ultimate thing that really shines is how every peace of story, every peace of puzzle has fallen into place and I don't have words to express how much I recommend this show, so stop reading,go ahead and watch.
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Most underrated movie of the year so far ....
12 September 2015
I didn't watch movie immediately because of ratings it got and well reception of comic readers, given that I am comic reader too.So, imagine my surprise when I actually liked this reboot much more than I expected.

Whole point of reboot is starting a new, fresh, loosing tides with old ways and this movie does exactly that. I am not sure how I feel about breaking well established cliché that Sue and Joe are twins and fact that Human Torch is black man but it worked well in the movie, personal problems with aside.

This is the best movie for FF4 up to date, let's not kid ourselves, that previous movies are better.They league away from it, in fact they are plain terrible.This movie is superior to previous movie both in acting and plot, it takes the best from comics and it's own script and turns it into very decent movie.

Now negative feedback comes mostly from, unsatisfied comic fans, who are mad that movie doesn't follow comic lore to the letter.Well let me tell you little secret, FF in MU (marvel universe) is second rate group of heroes, they were never main cannon and in fact those comic series had very few memorable issues/ arcs.Further on subject FF received so many comic reboots and it never lasted long, so to fans of series, I have to say this, chill for the love of god and stop acting unreasonably.

Film has issues, it's not error free.First it tries to be a bit more than it should for a new entry or fresh reboot.It can get a bit tedious at some parts and there wasn't much room for character development, still there were some memorable moments.

My verdict is that this movie did great job into breathing fresh life to already mediocre heroes and it opened new opportunities.Comic fans will mostly hate it,some like me will love it but don't let their clouded judgment decide for you, while new comers who never read comics or heard about FF4 before will like it.
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
So here is a recap, now when it's finally over
31 August 2015
This show had many upsides and downsides, it started average ( some will say beyond it) but it build up slowly.However first 2 season are the weakest links in chain, simply because they are plain boring.It kind of feels like they didn't know in which direction they want this show to head among many other problems like (simple,predictable plot, not so enjoyable characters.....) Fortunately things change with season 3 and show had taken turn for better.There were really some nasty turns in plot, which lead to viewers wanting more,though show remained predictable from start to the finish.You won't see any confusing twists, you will immediately know if something good happened until the end of episode it will get x3 times worst.

Biggest grudge I have is that they were afraid of taking risks with major characters, sure they were often in deeds but like in fair tail take come out, mostly unharmed or even unharmed, non of them died,well not until final episode in season 5 but I can't consider that character "major", he did play major role but then producers ditched him in old school kind of way and he became ... well I will leave that to you to decide, however he got decent ending scenario, kudos to producers for that.

As I was saying all Mayson's survived expect one member of family which can't be even consider as member but more like very close relative and as "character" she got her scenario, which was awful and unnecessary (not really, it partly was because they had to glue hole in plot somehow).

Ending is ... how should I put it, average American TV show ending, it's really average, there are few moments in final episode but mostly it will leave you disappointed and with feeling, I had seen this coming miles away. All in all it's not bad TV show, however it's hit or miss TV show, also given recent sci-fi shows (Dark Matter ... ahem ),it deserves rightfully mark 7 and a chance, seriously give this show a chance if you are into sci-fi.
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Pleasant surprise
2 August 2015
I will be honest, I didn't know what to expect when I went to watch this movie with a friend last night.I didn't even bother to watch trailer nor my friend, so I went in blind and was blown away by this movie.

Now before I really start, I will say that I had doubts about this movie being victim of "re-living old fame". Just one of those with "big names" and little less to offer, oh boy how wrong was I.

This movie is almost everything I wanted it to be.It has nice balance between old classics (James Bond movies... before Daniel Craig Daniel Craig , before they became Bourne "wanna be" ) and modernized style.It's filled with action,top notch acting, it just trills with atmosphere of those old spy movies which I watched as a kid from the opening to end.

Also big deal in this movie is humor.It's so well placed and actors really breath life into jokes, you will laugh like crazy.When we are at actors they really shined in this movie,I wish that I had seen more of Ving Rhames, though.

This is something you shouldn't miss if you are into this kind of movies and like Tom Cruise.
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