
14 Reviews
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House of the Dragon: Rhaenyra the Cruel (2024)
Season 2, Episode 2
I wanna love it, but ep2 didn't hit the same at ep1
25 June 2024
First half of the ep drags on and on. It has some pacing issues. Wish they showed more of the Kings revenge on Blood/Cheese.

Lots of yapping this episode with some moments better than others. Found myself scoffing & laughing with a buddy whilst watching a lot of the dialog arguments in the first half.

GoT s1 dialog seems leagues better compared to what we get in HoD (right?)

Seems like Otto and Daemon the only ones that got a clue on each side and are being pushed away by their leaders.

Amazing locations, settings, cinematography.. but the universe sometimes seems a bit empty especially after ep1 and showing the wall/starks. I get its about the main characters and the 2 houses but something seems missing.

Find myself wishing more characters had screen time and we knew more people.. but then you meet some new characters and instantly wish you hadn't.

Yes I might be repeating some points from another reviewer, but didn't think anything lower than a 7 is fair.

I wanna love the show. It was the only thing I could think about all day after ep1 hype!

I gave ep1 an 8 but think this was 6.5-7.5 grade for what it could of been. Just my opinion, hope ep3 slaps us all upside the head and gets to more spice melange and payoffs!

Summary: idk, i wanna love it but ep2 isn't doing enough compared to ep1..

PS: Brighten some of these shots! Didn't we learn anything from GoT?!
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30 March 2021
Rewatching the DC films for the Synder Cut of Justice Leage.

Found the extended cut on HBO and ended up watching both at the same time with the original muted. Pausing when needed lol

The extended is WAY better and adds to the movie.

Didn't seem to long or anything.

The extended cut should of been the original all along!
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EP3 Really gets the ball moving and is less 'ZZZ'
29 March 2021
Yes ep. 1 & 2 had a lot of detail, tedious, 'edgy themes/audio' and a bit sleeper..

EP 3 of the doc series really shows the amount of time that lapsed from the start of series. The audience starts getting some answers and progression! And many things to think about

I found myself pausing and looking stuff up numerous times.

Deeply saddened by how vile some people are.. .. While shooters livestreamed their actions some people actually still sent supporting messages in the livestream & many were worried their site '8chan' being taken down.


Its a documentary so of course you have to keep the creators agendas in mind.

-Regardless I did learn a lot of new things and for that I'm grateful.

~~Will update upon watching ep4-6~~
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Q: Into the Storm: Disinformation Is Real (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
3rd episode really showed a lot..
29 March 2021
This part of the series really shows the amount of time lapse put into this documentary. You really start getting some answers and progression with the people already included in the doc.

I found myself pausing and looking stuff up numerous times.

Deeply saddened by how vile some people are.

While shooters livestreamed their actions some people actually still supported & many were worried their site '8chan' being taken down.

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The Grinch (2018)
Some of these 'jokes' oofta
27 February 2021
If you are an adult and watched this, some of the jokes and 'loads' were not exactly PG lol
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Biohackers (2020–2021)
Could this be the NEW 'German DARK' ?? Eh..
20 August 2020
Ep 1 REVIEW: (Final review below!) German show with English dub. Similar to 'Dark'. I don't think it can deliver on the same level. I mean Dark was amazing <3 It has a different feel and more of a teen/college type of show!

The acting, writing, isn't the best lets be honest, but its not unwatchable. I'm not super into any of the characters which is a little worrisome from the 1st ep.. There is some mystery/suspense to whats going to happen. That and the bio tech/futuristic hook to the show has me wanting to continue! It's only 6 episodes and I just finished all my other main shows. I'm bored and will probably finish :D

UPDATE: Binged watched it all after reviewing ep1. 6 eps at 40 minutes a piece. Short season and makes it much easier to wanna get though! I give in total a 7/10. Hard to say much more, don't wanna spoil anything... It didn't have crazy made up bio 'magic' or superhero type abilities. It was made to be more believable show! Like most TV Finale's there was a cliffhanger which strongly shows a continuation. Probably 2-3 seasons, the classic Netflix special :D
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Biohackers: Arrival (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Dark 2.0?!
20 August 2020
German show with English dub. Similar to 'Dark'. I don't think it can deliver on the same level. I mean Dark was amazing <3 It has a different feel and more teen/college type of show!

The acting, writing, isn't the best lets be honest, but its not unwatchable. I'm not super into any of the characters which is a little worrisome from the 1st ep..

There is some mystery/suspense to whats going to happen. That and the bio tech/futuristic hook to the show has me wanting to continue. It's only 6 episodes and I just finished all my other main shows, I'm bored :D

UPDATE: Binged watched it all in the morning. 6 eps at 40 minutes a piece. Short season and makes it much easier to wanna get though! I give in total a 7/10. Hard to say much more, don't wanna spoil anything. It didn't have crazy made up bio 'magic' or superhero type abilities. It was made to be more believable show! Like most TV Finale's there was a cliffhanger which strongly shows a continuation. Probably 2-3 seasons, the Netflix special :D
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Westworld: Crisis Theory (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
Loved Season 1. It wasn't always going to stay like that..this is Syfi people!
4 May 2020
Everyone loved season ONE <3. We all had to know that season 2 wouldn't be the same but..

..Season 2 was really confusing with the time jumps, Bernard, ect

And yes, Season 3 is a bit of a set up for S4. AND took 2 long years to come out ;(

But you can't just go from S2 to S4 and skip everything that occurred in season 3 lol. There was a lot of new stuff, characters, and 'real wold' problems we didn't know about previously in Westworld.

No I didn't enjoy S2-3 as much as the 1st season & they crammed a lot of cliffhanger moments into the end of the finale. But it is still a good SyFi show and I'm invested in what S4 has to offer once quarantine is over and the show can continue production!

Season 1: 9.5/10 Season 2: 8.5/10 Season 3: 9/10

Just my opinion ;)
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Went in sober, had one hell of a trip
14 November 2019
I felt like this movie took off years of my life xD
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Midway (2019)
6.8 overall score? Ya sureeeeee
10 November 2019
It's at least a 8.5-9... And I'm not even really into war movies. Midway was straight to the point. Never dull and quite intense. Not to much character development or romantic crap, which worked out nicely. Good acting. Very pleased to see in theaters!
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
How was this green lit?
7 October 2019
I wanted to like this. I've seen all the DC shows in the last few years but this is one I can't continue even if I was paid too.

3/10 is being VERY generous.

The screenplay alone is TERRIBLE. Characters aren't relatable at all, not to mention the acting is very sub-par. Once you get deeper into the first ep things become so predictable.

I'm all for inclusiveness but its 2019 and this show trys to go all out with straight, bi, lesbian relationships.. and somehow misses the mark on every level. Almost nobody seems to be pleased at all, which is very telling.

Ruby can do her own stunts and get injured all she wants. The action doesn't make up for the rest unfortunately.

Just watch it if you must but be prepared to want an hour of your life back!
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Unbelievable (2019– )
9/10 rip the hard drive
14 September 2019
Last time I binged watched an entire Netflix series in one day was Stranger Things season one way back!

This show had amazing acting, very believable! Probably the best part!

There was good amount of mystery and what the "whole truth" actually was! I find myself comparing this to Chernobyl in that regard!
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Another Life: Across the Universe (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Drama Drama Drama
25 July 2019
Title says it all!

As someone who is really into space, my favs being Interstellar and The Martian, this is totally unrealistic from what you would expect from the crew. They are supposed to be experienced and work together on whatever mission they are given. Yet here everyone is in their mid 20's and wanting to pick an argument/fight with anyone for close to no reason. Some of the reactions of the crew and scientists on Earth are a bit exaggerated & over the top.

Loads of space "crashes" and "bumps" that felt the same. Really hope they mix it up, already stated to get old, and this is just the first episode.

Space and the settings looked good! No real complaints there yet.

Looking forward to where this goes with the Aliens!
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Feels bad for the prequels :(
20 May 2019
Seasons 1-6: 9.5/10 Season 7: 8/10 Season 8: Not Today
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