
44 Reviews
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X (II) (2022)
Absolutely Garbage
22 July 2022
A24 used to be a studio that you knew you were going to get an amazing experience, but in the last 6yrs time, they have gone down hill and have turned into a degenerative trash company.

This movie is absolutely horrible and terrible.

I think this might be the straw that broke the back for me with A24.
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Catastrophe & utter Failure from beginning to End
23 June 2022
This series has so much promise but was completely destroyed and ruined

It does not stick to the original cannon for episodes 4 - 6, and it wonders off into absurd territory

I am severely disappointed with what they have done with such a classic and beloved character and I wish they would have stuck to the original plan and made a Obi Wan Kenobi movies years ago like they were supposed to

The director for this series was not good and did not respect the lineage that was set before

Such a HUGE LET DOWN to say the least.
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Should not have been made
24 March 2022
This film failed on every level

I was not able to stay focused through the entire movie because it was so pointless and the story made you want to hate everyone in the movie

So why would you want to watch a movie where you hate all the characters ?

I only watched because it is nominated for Oscars, and even then I debated turning it off so many times because I was going out of my mind trying to finish it

Acting, directing, dialogue, everything, everything was just awful

You honestly could not pay me to watch this movie again.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
What the Hell Happened ?
11 February 2022
This show had so much promise when Boba Fett made his initial comeback in the later part of season 2 of the mandalorian

But it fell flat on its face for the entirety of the 7 episodes, with 2 episodes barely even featuring Boba Fett at all

I can't believe they pushed this season in place of Season 3 of the Madalorian in December 2021

There was way too many elements of this show that did not feel like Star Wars and that did not fit into the Star Wars Cannon, and that were so childish & unnecessary & pointless

I honestly felt like I was watching The Last Jedi or Rise of Skywalker with all the things that simply did not belong or fit into the Star Wars Universe

I really hope they don't make a 2nd season of this show and can learn from their mistakes.
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Collective (2019)
Not what I was expecting
16 April 2021
I was very excited to see this and was familiar with the tragic fire that took place in Romania

Unfortunately this documentary couldn't seem to establish a proper narrative or find its direction it was trying to go and resulted in a very long jumbled amount of footage that I felt was very poorly constructed and put together

It barely touches on the fire and the victims and families, and instead focuses on politics and back alley big pharma deals being reported on by a sporting newspaper

It uncover a lot of corruption in the Romanian government and health system, but offers no conclusion or cohesion and no aftermath at the end

Powerful topic and subjective matter but so badly done and executed.
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Land (I) (2021)
Needed More to It than What it Gave
5 March 2021
I was excited for this movie and thought the it would offer more than it did.

There's no back story to any of the characters and you are left to fill in the gaps yourself, which, for a movie like this, is not a good thing and I think will turn the audience off and away from it.

The scenery is stunning and is a saving grace for this film, but, again, could have shown more and made it into more of its own character with different execution.

Overall I'm not disappointed I watched, even if it was an online screener from the studio, but I did not enjoy it as much as I was hoping and thought I would.
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Pleasantly Surprised
8 February 2021
I admit that I was not familiar with the original story this movie is based on, so I had not really cared about seeing it when it came out before

Having seen it now I am very glad I decided to watch it, as the premise it is based on is very interesting & intriguing, and also has so many undertones of what is happening currently in the world

It is dark & ominous at times, as well as moving & uplifting

The Overall message is very heartfelt & endearing & something to take not of
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Preview is Entirely Misleading
7 February 2021
I saw the preview for this movie and I was intrigued to see where it would go

Now that I have seen it, I feel like I was fooled into thinking there would be some kind of pay off if I just kept watching

Sadly, there was not, and I all I'm left with is disappointment and a waste of 2hrs

How this movie got nominated for any awards is beyond me

Normally I would say to watch for yourself and come to your own conclusions

But for this movie all I can say is steer clear
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What a Let Down
15 January 2021
This has so much potential to be an amazing psychological thriller, but overall was so watered down and just didn't deliver.

It didn't go dark enough and barely scraped he surface of the seediness it was giving off.

I also would have liked more back story to the characters and at least some flash back scenes.

All in all I was really disappointed with the mood set in the film and would not recommend to anyone.
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The Fight (I) (2020)
14 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this documentary 1 Star, not because I think it is poorly constructed; although I do feel it could have been much more powerful if it had more substance into both the lawyers represented in it, and also the subjects.

But because I vehemently disagree with the ACLU representing groups whom use hate speech; arguing that everyone is protected under the 1st amendment.

I strongly oppose defense of any speech or rhetoric that dehumanizes someone based on the color of their skin.

I support the right to free speech, but not at the expense of demonizing and demoralizing other ethnicities for no reason.

I think the ACLU is partially responsible and complicit in what happened in Charlottesville in 2017, and subsequently should shoulder partial blame in the death of a protester during those events.

Words matter, and the context of those words carry real world implications and consequences.

Because of that; I feel the ACLU was reckless and irresponsible for its defense of hate speech, and should re-evaluate whom it chooses to represent and what the wider spectrum results could be in correlation to choices in their clients actions.
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Decades later sequels really need to stop !
24 October 2020
Why wait 14yrs time to make a sequel to the original film that was actually really funny ?

This film & it's "plot" are so horrible & have no substance

The original film was brilliant because it was all real

This movie is completely staged & everyone is in on the joke & is a prop

I was honestly really wanting to like this movie & it's politically energized satire & undertones

But it did not deliver & left me really let down & disappointed

Hopefully SBC will make another good film someday, but I'm not holding my breath...
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On the Rocks (2020)
SO Mis-leading
24 October 2020
The trailer makes this look like it is going to be some fun, whimsical movie centered around Bill Murray's character and Rashida Jones character going around NYC trying to catch her husband in the act of cheating on her

In reality, that part of the movie last about 10mins and goes absolutely nowhere !

The rest of the movie has a few laughs from Bill Murray, but that's it

The "plot", if you can call it that, leads up to a "got cha" moment and then falls completely FLAT on its face, and then the movie just ends

Honestly, Coppola has gone so down hill from her beginnings with Virgin Suicides, Lost in Translation & Marie Antoinette

When her and spike jones were together, she was brilliant, because he was helping her with everything; screenwriting, Premise, soundtrack

Ever since she left him for the singer in Phoenix, all she does is make boring movies that have no real substance or actual character and then adds phoenix's music somewhere in the movie, which is so cliche & kitchy

Just sad because she had so much potential, given the family she comes from and all the connections she has because of it

I do not recommend this movie at all.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Don't let the few negative reviews discourage you
16 August 2020
I don't know why there are a few people hating on this show so far.

This show is really fun and heartfelt, and sucks you right in immediately.

At least that is the effect it has had on me.

I liked the small commercial feature they did for the EPL last year on NBC Sports Network, or whenever that was, with Ted Lasso managing Spurs (although I always root against spurs).

So I thought it was another spoof when I saw a trailer for the show, and was amazed that they made it into an actual show.

Excited they did and looking forward to what the season brings and hope it continues for future seasons !
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Ted Lasso: Trent Crimm: The Independent (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
Keeps Getting Better
16 August 2020
If apple had released all the episodes at once, I would have binged through the whole season in one day.

Definitely addicting for sure.

Very much anticipating the next episode !
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Ted Lasso: Biscuits (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Special Director Zach Braff
16 August 2020
Was pleasantly surprised that Zach Braff directed this episode.

Definitely a step up from the trailer and felt more conducive to the overall feel for the show.

Obviously this show is not meant to be based on reality in the EPL, but more to give you a small look at the characters navigating through a fictional EPL Club.

Juno Temple is brilliant in this show.
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Ted Lasso: Pilot (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Better than Anticipated
16 August 2020
Trailer does not do the show justice and might be discouraging to some.

I really enjoyed this episode and was glad I had 2 more episodes available to stream.

I am big English football fan, and I liked the small references to the EPL.

I'm pretty sure this show is based on Crystal Palace from the EPL and is partially filmed at the grounds.

This is a feel good show for sure, and is much needed during these trying times.
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Failed to Deliver
26 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit, like most things that get hyped in the media that have gotten me excited over the years, this "Documentary" really failed to deliver anything other than a self congratulatory inside joke that no one in the room gets or understands.

Which is a HUGE shame, because Spike Jonze is an amazing Director, and the Beastie Boys are an Incredible band.

But so many things in this get flossed over, and do not actually Document, or explain anything.

There are no interviews, no back stage footage, no anecdotal stories from other musicians.

Just the 2 surviving Beastie Boys on a stage for a couple hours, reliving the past in fast forward, while the rest of us are waiting for something that we can connect with and feel like there is a message hidden somewhere.

Let me save you the trouble.....

There isn't.

I so desperately wanted to like this, and I had been anticipating it coming out, Esp since the whole world is locked at home in Quarantine right now, and there aren't any new movies coming out anymore.

Not any good ones anyways.

All in all, if you are a Beastie Boys fan, and can find someone who has Apple TV+ and will give you their log in info, then definitely check it out and make your judgement call.

Who knows, Maybe you'll see something really cool I missed, and the joke will be on me in the end.

But I Seriously Doubt it.
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Hillary (2020)
Watch for yourself
6 March 2020
You can already tell that this is going to be a controversial documentary based on the polarizing contrast of supporters vs non-supporters

My advice is to watch this and determine your own idea of how you feel about it, and her altogether
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Self Righteous & Overindulgent
2 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie due to the cast, and the fact that I usually love movies about real life scenarios, even if totally depressing & miserable.

But, the story of this film was so lackluster and emotionally manipulative, and it left me feeling that I had been robbed proper insight into what I just witnessed.

I felt like it intentionally had a "man vs woman" feel to it, and never had any kind of balance to it, nor did try to meet in between.

And how in the world is Laura Dern even considered a supporting actress when her screen time is less than 10% of the movie, let alone enough to be nominated for numerous awards ?

All this movie does is show 2 people who have given up on each other, and no longer believe in trying, who mutually make a decision to not make it messy with lawyers, but then the girl, based on the recommendation from a stranger/co worker, goes off and gets one anyway, making everything incredibly painful, awkward, and least to mention - EXPENSIVE.

Save yourself the trouble and just go talk to literally anyone who has been divorced, and it will be far more insightful and entertaining than this movie.
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Honeyland (2019)
Nature vs Nomad
16 January 2020
This documentary really tugged at my heart until the credits rolled.

I would have given it a perfect 10, but, and without spoiling anything for anyone whom hasn't seen it, I found myself, at times, wanting it to end, because there were several moments that were just so sad and heartbreaking, that the grief it made me feel was so real, I almost couldn't take it.

It's so intimately shot, that you feel like you are right there in this remote world, witnessing moments that are so sweet, and tender and organic.

You really feel like you there and are apart of it.

The way the Beekeeper woman was in tune with nature, and her cherished bees, was so captivating to see.

And she loved her mother so much, whom was badly wounded and ill, with all of her being, taking care of her, day in, day out.

Then the Nomads move in next door, and everything changes, and the balance that the beekeeper has worked & fought so hard to obtain, slowly gets shattered and abolished.

It shows how destructive humans can be when they only care about themselves, and treat everyone, and everything, around them like they are above them and like they own them.

This is nominated for 2 academy awards, and I hope it wins at least one, as it absolutely deserves to do so.
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1917 (2019)
Beautifully Shot, but Historically Inaccurate
8 January 2020
I enjoyed this film, but not as much as I was hoping I would.

There were a number of things which took place that absolutely would not have happened during WWI, or any war for that matter.

The acting is superb, and the dialogue is well written.

The cinematography is amazing, and the visually are stunning.

It is slow paced, but not in a terrible way, yet also not in a great way either.

It's right in the middle.

I recommend seeing this movie and deciding for yourself.
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Don't Believe the Hype for a Single Second
8 January 2020
I know I am not the only person to say this, but what the hell has happened to QT and the way he makes movies ?

And how in the world did this win for best screenplay and best picture - comedy, at the Golden Globes ???

Brad Pitt winning best supporting actor at the golden globes I can understand, as he & Leo were the only redeeming qualities that this movie had.

And why make it as long as it was ?

Over 2/3's of the movie could've been taken out and the pace would have worked much better.

But that storyline and the plot are just total garbage.

How people are praising this movie is beyond me.

To each their own I suppose.
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What the Frick Happened ?
21 December 2019
I never thought I could dislike a Star Wars movie more than the Last Jedi, but low and behold, JJ Abrams has taken Star Wars to a whole new level of Mediocre with Rise of Skywalker.

Nothing about this movie feels like a Star Wars movie.

Nothing about this movie feels like it is the same universe as episodes 4,5 & 6, which set the ground work and blue print for what Star Wars is, and should feel like.

Nothing about this movie has any continuity to the previous films preceding it with 7 & 8.

I really tried to go into this movie fresh, and with no biased ideas about how upset I was after what Rian Johnson did with the last Jedi.

But Rise of Skywalker makes The Last Jedi look like it is a masterpiece, compared to the garbage that was oozing it's way out of this one from start to finish.

I admit I have been a Huge fan of Star Wars all my life, and it is a big part of my childhood, Teens, Young Adult & now Adult years.

So perhaps I am holding onto that feeling I got from the older films, which made me believe in this galaxy, far, far away.

But honestly, on every single level, this movie is trash, and does not deserve to be the last Star Wars movie ever made with all the characters I love, and have cherished, for a life time.

I am Severely disappointed to say the least at what Disney, Cathleen Kennedy, Rian Johnson & JJ Abrams have done to Star Wars since it's buy out of Lucas films Ltd.

Here's to hoping that somehow George Lucas is also completely upset with what they did to his beloved characters and stories, and decide's to seek permission from Disney to make an episode X.

Wouldn't that be something !?!?
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Fair Portrayal of what actually took place
12 December 2019
I enjoyed the movie, and thought it was done quite well.

Sam Rockwell steals the show absolutely, and is the reason to see this film.

Overall, it's a solid movie, and I recommend it.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 4: Sanctuary (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
Absolutely Pointless Episode
2 December 2019
This episode did not feel like the 3 previous, and it felt like I was watching a day time soap opera placed in a galaxy, trying to resemble Star Wars.

The narrative was useless, the dialogue did nothing to move the overall story forward.

It was filled with so many lame, obvious movie cliches and 1 liners, that I could not take it serious.

2nd Howard to direct something Star Wars under Disney; 2nd Howard to fail utterly miserably at doing so.

I respect the Howard family for what they have contributed to cinema in general, but they have made it painfully clear that they do not belong anywhere near the Star Wars Cannon or Universe.

I really, Really, hope that next weeks episode gets us back on track with better judgement and better writing & directing.
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