
5 Reviews
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WarGames (1983)
Sci-Fi and blew my mind after 34 years!!!!
20 May 2017
OK...I have never watched that movie before, call me a retard or something, but I just finished watching that movie for the very first time ever few moments ago...You know it's a brilliant sci-fi movie when it still gets you on the hook even after more than 3 decades, when the ordinary sci-fi loses its touch within 5 years max! As far as I am concerned, this movie was the very first to plan how the machines may write the end of this world themselves, the first one to predict that a global hacking war can lead to a whole country being shut down completely; regarding hospitals, traffic, police, army, communications, everything! I loved the movie...It would be great to watch it right now with all that hacking stuff going around! 9/10...Amazing!
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Don't Breathe (2016)
Utter Suspense
1 May 2017
I was really bored when I started watching this movie and I just wanted to kill some time. I got hooked up after the first 15 minutes or something. The director put hell of an effort into this movie, and the 4 main characters played their roles in a very good way, especially Stephen Lang, who was simply brilliant. You start by feeling bad for this man, and then you end up feeling absolutely different! The movie is great and would steal your attention, mind and thoughts and let you sit there helplessly as the characters move inside the house. Nothing in the movie is cheesy or lame or nonsense... You would love it...
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Here Alone (2016)
The walking dead...Not the series...but the game
1 May 2017
This movie is one of the greatest zombie movies ever made, the movie doesn't contain much violent scenes or blood, because this is not the main goal here, the main goal is about the human souls and how they may survive such world. How they may forgive, forget, find reasons to live and fight, and move on! It resembles the walking dead-the PC game not series-where you don't always fight, you rarely fight actually, but it's a matter of choices, decisions and taking actions, which is so much harder than just fighting physically. If you are looking for a violent, full of blood movie, this is not for you, but if you really are trying to live in such world, and see how it's like, then I totally advise you to watch this movie. My rating 8/10... P.S I really advise you to read the review written by the director here on IMDb before you watch the movie..or after..your call!
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The Mist (2007)
Who said people in distress would stick together against what's threatening them?!
21 January 2017
What would you do when you get entrapped in a huge store with another hundred of hopeless scared "nice" people in a small village where you live, surrounded by something unexplained, inhumane, unknown, and then someone comes up with the "perfect" explanation for everything that's happening to you, asking you to follow "their instructions" in order to survive?! When it goes down to what you cannot understand, when it comes down to fear conquering all the common sense, conquering your mind, invading all the sane neurons, when the mist takes over, blocking not only your vision, but your thinking ability and rationality, when the fear has the upper hand, when it feels like the apocalypse, how would you behave?!

Each one of us can perceive what he sees uniquely, would you try to have your own way, and redefine the right and wrong even in times of distress, or follow the "safe" one, another one's explanation without even thinking about what it takes, what its repercussions are, what would it take from you to survive, what you would have to do?! Will you unleash the primitive creature inside of you to "protect" you, starting killing and sacrificing everyone around you, or would you stand tall and face the "nonsense" blocking your way, threatening to kill you, along with almost everybody else by its side?!

"The Mist" also known as "Stephen King's The Mist" as it's based on the 1980 novella by SK, provides you with a non-stop (126) minutes of elevated heart rate, trying to figure out what's wrong along with the entrapped one, thinking about what you would do walking in their shoes, the movie has a lot to offer if you like analyzing ones' motives and characters, you'll find that movie a piece of art. Beside its Nightmarish ending, which wasn't the original one by SK, that movie would make you spend nights thinking about it, leaving a taste in your mouth that lingers for few nights.. And these are the movies which stay with you for a very long time, influencing your life..

"The story is less about the monsters outside than about the monsters inside, the people you're stuck with, your friends and neighbors breaking under the strain." — Said the director, Frank Darabont on The Mist... Who said people in distress would stick together against what's threatening them?!
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Really Classy
13 March 2014
Simply majestic ... I didn't expect to see an Egyptian movie of that quality nowadays. In fact I lost hope of seeing one a long time ago .. The casting is amazing and reflects the great effort done by the amazing young director -Amr Salama- who created a wonderful movie and showed clearly the two different societies living in the same country , Egypt. The plot is creative and discussed the two most complicated problems in Egypt nowadays which are the Religious Persecution and the Sexual Harassment clearly thorough out the movie .. Though the reality is quite depressing yet the movie tried to focus our attention on it in a nice way ... The movie also shows the various degree of civilization and the mentality of the society in Egypt .. The main character which was Hani who was suffering from inability to fuse with the surroundings in the new school whatever he did in a way similar to the life of the director/writer as he mentioned before .. That movie has restored my faith in the Egyptian cinematography again and has given me hope that we may see a lot of Egyptian movies of the same quality soon ... My rating 9/10
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