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Harlem (2021– )
I'm Binging... But...
17 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
These women are so cringe. I was starting to like the gay character, because I thought she was strong and together, but she's just as messed up as the other three.

The one that's in the Get Out play is so messy and frankly she needs to go get a STD test.

The one with the mama, she's also a hot mess, she needs to figure out herself and get a real job, instead of depending on her mama.

And then the whole Ian/Camille relationship just isn't working for me. She's immature and messy and a hot mess. She has zero gravitas as far as being a PhD or teaching younger students or even considering that she have tenure.

And Ian just isn't doing it for me. They were adults 5 years ago and they couldn't figure it out. Why are they going to figure it out now?

The only one that I feel for is actually the very sweet fiancee. She didn't deserve the way she was treated, but at least she found out that Ian is not to be trusted or depended on.

I'm up to episode 9m so hopefully by episode 10 she realizes that she was lucky. And Ian and Camille can go and be messy together and argue and break up and get back together... whatever they're doing.

I'm still going to finish watching the show but the acting is really subpar. I was actually had on episode 9 while I was doing something else and it just sounded like everyone was in a room reading their lines with no voice inflection or anything.

The humor is way too crude and sometimes veers into slapstick. And these women are just too old to be this messy. They are well into their thirties and look every year of it and just need to stop trying to act like they're in their early twenties.

The actresses need a better script. They also need to up their acting chops. And here's looking at the most experienced once. Her acting isn't any better.

I'm being entertained while being annoyed and rolling my eyes at every messy situation.
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See for Me (2021)
Didn't Work Because of the Lead
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We're supposed to be rooting for her at the end? Are you kidding me?

She was an awful human being. She was mean nasty rude. Were they supposed to be portraying her as being feisty and independent? It didn't work.

Then on top of that making her obnoxious, they also made her a thief.

Then they try to sort of placate the audience by a silly exposition explaining the money was stolen anyway. Sorry, two wrongs don't make it right.

Nothing at all was realistic in this movie - it was almost impossible to suspend disbelief.

I mean she's bumping around the house with a light on on her phone which why wouldn't need, because she's blind and talking as loud as possible. Like put earphones on her. Turn off the phone flashlight and have her whisper. Simple enough to let us know she had earphones on and we can hear her through her earphones through movie Magic

Then at the end it's so laughable that they try to make her into some sort of heroine, who has overcome and triumphed over her blindness.

Like ], no, she got a cop killed over money. She killed a whole bunch of people. The cops would have to be idiots not to suspect her, blind or not.

Silly movie, but it killed an afternoon.
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The Apology (II) (2022)
As a true crime aficionado..Loaded with spoilers
31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I knew what was up the minute the minute he arrived and when he refused his coat, I turned to my husband and said, he's got a gun in his pocket.

Having watched true crime confessions on YouTube and been an ID addict for nearly 20 years, whoever wrote the script had him sounding exactly how abusers, child predators, and sociopathic narcissist see themselves.

When he "confessed" the first time, I again turned to my husband and I said, that's not what really happened.

What really happened was he purposely drove by, knowing that the child would be coming from school. He had it all planned, including having the blanket with him. And of course she didn't kiss him or kiss him back. He had planned all along to rape her. And of course, then he had to kill her so that she couldn't tell.

It takes 6 to 7 minutes to strangle someone. Sit still for 6 or 7 minutes and see how long that is. That's about how long someone's been holding on to someone's neck and then claims it was just an accident.

I didn't mean to, it's not my fault, she made me do it, he made me do it, see what you made me do? Why'd you make me do that to you?

Took a little while for there to be action. I think my husband was a little bored at the beginning. But soon the action begins.

Is this a great movie? No. But it's decently acted and they hit the nail on the head in their betrayal of people who abuse and who prey on people for their own selfish needs and wants.
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Deliver Us (2023)
A Hot Mess
31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Starts off kind of interesting, but we've all seen this kind of stuff before - about devils and demons and the Catholic religion...A nun claims to have immaculate conception with twins.

One twin is evil the other one is the messiah. The Priest who has no regard for his vow of celibacy - has a pregnant girlfriend - is convinced to go to the monastery where she's staying and see whether or not this is true.

The other priests there have some sort of plan to abort the babies and kill the evil one, so the nun and the priest and an older priest all escape together and they go to stay in a sanctuary provided by the bf priest's girlfriend. The place belonged to her hunter grandfather who near the end of life started having visions and making really creepy paintings.

Now this is what happens. The older priest that escaped with the young priest starts to go nuts and ends up stepping into a trap that was left by the grandfather in the woods and gets eaten by wolves.

The girlfriend comes back to the cabin splashed with blood because something is happening in the village because the world is coming to an end it something.

Later she and the priest boyfriend go to the factory that she owns and she ends up getting shot and she dies.

Meanwhile, the priest and the nun have been having simultaneous dreams of both of them getting it on and they're supposed to be some sort of divine union like Mary and Joseph.

Everybody is seeing visions of I don't know who and the babies are whispering to them and the evil one is telling everyone to kill the other baby and, he being the devil will give them riches beyond life.

The boyfriend priest keeps every now and then just passing ou and no one seems to notice that he's doing that and no one asks him about it. And we never find out why he was passing out.

Oh, he also has an injury on his side, you know where Jesus Christ was supposed to have been stabbed and, of course, it miraculously heals on its own. And he also has long hair and a beard... Hint, hint.

So he starts to lose his mind and he attacks the nun and he kills a couple of cops. One cop just sort of stands there while he's killing the other cop and then decides maybe he should pull his gun. Both die

So right now we're near the end of the movie and he's killed both cops by stabbing them in the head with some long spear thing and the nun is running through the woods to get away from him with the two babies in a basket. Overhead looks like we're having an eclipse of some sort.

Now she's come upon a cliff that's over some water and we're about to see what's going to happen next because the bloody boyfriend priest is coming to kill the evil baby.

She talks him out of it and they go back to the sanctuary and they get it on.

Oh and there's a one-eyed guy who's been chasing them and then I don't know what happened to him... he just disappears.

The End.
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America At War with Itself
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First, I want to say I love apocalyptic movies, because I feel a lot like the main protagonist - I don't particularly like people.

I think we're awful and we're awful to each other and we're destroying the planet, which we do not benefit it in any way.

Areas where people have left nature come back rapidly and takes over.

Ever notice how quickly a house deteriorates when people leave it? Well that's how quickly nature will come back when we leave it.

Anyway, I don't think this movie was about other countries attacking America (although there are some hints/discussion by characters that other countries may backing some of the factions that live in America, which want to attack it and rebuild it in their own image).

I think it's primarily about the division in America and as one character points out, you do first use the media. In reality we're using social media. In the movie media/communications are being disrupted.

As one character explains - without my phone, without my ipad, without the internet I am useless. I am a useless man. We're so dependent on our phones and our computers.

Many of the characters express their fear not only of the unknown but of what to do in the case of an emergency. They want someone else to explain what's going on to them and to tell them what to do.

So, first you take away the means of communication, then you instill fear and confusion, and then you attack - in this case people will attack each other. They'll do the work for you

America's a big fat bloated lazy sleeping giant that thinks it's democracy is invincible and that coups can't happen here. But it's been happening for quite a long time, it's just been in slow motion - that's now speeding up!

This is one frightening movie!

There are several things in the movies that should have been delved into a little more or things that were touched on and then never addressed later so you wonder what was the point.

Alhough, this movie is almost two and a half hours long it really felt like it should have been a series.
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Beauty Queen Murders: Stalking Beauty (2013)
Season 1, Episode 3
Drags Out for 4 Episodes
20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Never heard of this case. They interview the ones who lived.

The main focus was on one person who was only 16 at the time. Christopher Wilder released her, after kidnapping her and holding her hostage for a week.

This may be odd, but I found her, even though she was a victim and I believed her story, not particularly likable.

She came across older than her years. And in a way didn't give much in detail. She was recruited to lure in another girl. Claimed she mouthed "sorry" to her, but the other lady doesn't mention that.

Anyway, I had a hard time with her going into a crowded Mall and recruiting another young girl, knowing what he would do to her.

This young lady was also raped and tortured with electrical cords and was taken out into the woods to be stabbed and left for dead.

Oddly, the other young lady who was the longer kidnapped victim just didn't seem to be curious as to whether the other young lady was dead or alive.

Now maybe a psychologist can explain that she knew how to shut off her feelings and the cops would say that you did everything right because you lived.

But maybe it's her matter of fact demeanor, but I didn't find her particularly sympathetic or likable.

She made zero attempt to save herself but she does take care to explain that he constantly had a gun on her and a knife on him and made it clear that he would shoot her if she did.

It was a point when she was in a restaurant and he allowed her to go to the bathroom by herself and I was just thinking, why didn't you just flip the table on him when you came back and started screaming and running he's a killer he's a killer.

Maybe that would have gotten her shot or other innocent people killed - I don't know. I know, I'm being critical of a victim. And I'm sure she's been asked multiple times, why didn't she fight back or why did she do this or that. The other young lady was also asked those questions. So maybe it's not fair to ask them.

Stars are reduced because this production really didn't have anything entertaining about it, if I can use that word. Kind of blah. I don't think I'll watch any more episodes.
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Spacey Unmasked (2024– )
Being acquitted of sexual assault...
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
.... Isn't the win that Spacey apparently imagines it is. I believe the men.

Apparently, they were somewhat traumatized by his advances, but the fact is, yes, they kept going back.

Several admit that they kept going back, because they were hoping that they could, in the end, get something from it until they realize that there was no quid pro quo.

The stories are eerily similar and a lot of the things that he said to them is what predators often tell their victims - it's no big deal, it's okay that I have my hand where it shouldn't be. This is a lot of what Harvey Weinstein told his female victims.

Kevin spacey's sexual abuse is pretty skeevy if I can use that word, seemingly devoid of anything resembling pleasure.

And so I'm hard-pressed not to imagine that he was repeating childhood experiences where someone violated him and didn't care anything about him and his feelings.

His detachment recounted by nearly all of the victims seems to be pathological. So he's either a sociopath or such a deeply damaged person, emotionally, that he continues to reenact....something.

By his brother's account, they were abused and at least the older brother was sexually abused. And like a lot of cases like this, mom did...nothing.

Yeah, so I believe he did sexually assault many males and the fact that he was acquitted just meant they didn't find him guilty under the restrictions of what the law requires, but that doesn't mean he wasn't guilty.

I see a lot of comments are being downvoted and I don't know if those are Spacey fans, but I am/was a Spacey fan because he was a good actor. But I don't let that blind me to the fact that, where there's smoke, there's fire

I've always known he was gay, it was so obvious. I can understand why an actor would deny being gay but most of the parts that he played were never really leading man parts. IDK

Anyway, like a lot of people who reject their own people and then want to come back when they get their wake up card, Kevin Spacey has not been embraced by the gay community.

He ruined his own career and it's really creepy to watch interviews with him when he talks about being an example and elevating the next generation, all the while sexually assaulting people; and much like predators Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby, he used his money and power to go after people, they knew they could use.

Anyway, the industry and the victims alike need to stop protecting these predators - go to the police, report what you know, stop going back in the hopes that you'll get something from them -you won't.

They don't give a damn about you.

High production values held my interest. I found the men very believable.
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Hangman (II) (2017)
Awful! Al Pacino Must Have...
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
... Needed money for his cable bill.

OMG, where to start?

Script was awful and nonsensical. Made little sense. We had no idea who the killer was and he had no connection to anything that happened before (except the murders). No hints. No red herrings. Just some random dude. There was no twist and the reasons for the killings were silly and over the top.

No suspense. No intrigue.

Really bad ending. The lines the actors had to speak were g-d awful. It was like the hack scriptwriter was copying grade B movies about hard-boiled cops and detectives from the fifties.

Al Pacino attempting a Southern accent! OMG! Why? What did it add? The movie isn't even set in the South! Like I said, really bad writing!

The young actress couldn't act and had zero reason to be there. The script actually had her attacking a suspect! WTF?! This alone would have gotten her off the detail. No cop investigating crimes has time to protect a civilian.

Her backstory was silly and ridiculous and didn't have the dramatic impact one silly scene was supposed to have. But she got to cry. (eyeroll)

Then like a lot of crappy movies, they try to use music to get the audience to feel something that should be come in the acting and script!

Urban should never attempt to act ever again in his life. He was even worst than the female and Al Pacino phoning it ino pay his cable.

Skip this awful not mess. I rarely give one stars, but I was actually insulted by how craptastic this was!
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Room 203 (2022)
Slow Slog
9 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Taking me forever to finish this slow slog of a movie that making little sense.

I'm guessing someone cast spell on an apartment, but the title calls it a room and two friends move in. The building is creepy and so is the landlord. The pay in cash and don't ask for a receipt, which was really scary.

Something evil lives in the walls or in the room-apartment next door.

One girl has substance and issues. A necklace that comes through the wall if you're dumb enough to stick you arm you in an oozing hole in the wall.

In the prelogue we see that the necklace causes a girl to immediately freakout and kill herself, but druggy friend put it on and she starts acting weird and somehow a music box figures in.

Anyway, the other girl is taking journalism in college. She spends most of her time blabbing to anyone who'll listen all about her friend's drinking and drugging problems, because everything is about her or she has no sense of privacy.

Druggy and blabbing friend go out. Druggy picks up a guy, passes out because she does drugs, and someone stabs her one night stand but apparently he doesn't bless or die because there's no blood or body the next day.

I'm not making any of this up.

College student starts dating a guy from college, who learns about the gross oozing hole in the wall.

They research a little and find other residents of the apartment-room have gone missing.

They make out.

College girl has bad dreams.

I don't know what happens next because you can't see the screen and I'm only halfway through this movie. It's been 40 days of constant rain and there's no end of sight.

... Of this movie or the rain.
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Matriarch (I) (2022)
Held Our Interest
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie opens with the bandside of a naked man going into a marsh and drowning himself. We have no idea who, when, why, or what.

We cut to...

The protagonist, unlikable from the getgo. Everyone is unlikable, except, the supervisor, who knows the main character is abusing drugs and wants to help.

We get one throwaway line that leads us to believe her tolerance of a drug-abusing employee may be because her own daughter died of an overdose.

Anyway, daughter goes home to mom and we soon know why she's such a hot mess and not particularly likeable. She pretty much tells mum off and explains mom and her upbringing to a tee.

Anyone, brought by a abusing narcissistic parenting will probably be triggered - so warning.

I glean that mom did the entire gaslighting, it's your fault, you make me treat you this way form of narcissistic parenting. Forced the daughter to learn piano, to be perfect, and called her fat and disgusting, so daughter abuses drugs and is bulmic.

Anyway, earlier on we see the daughter basically die after an alcoholic, cocaine binge when her heart seizes. Black ooze, much like the marsh water, oozes into her mouth and she wakes, but not before dreaming of a mother eating her baby's face.

She staggers into work, insults her boss about the death of her daughter, quits her advertising job and calls mom, who had called earlier to her job. She hadn't seen it spoke to her in 20 years and has told people, her mother was dead.

Back to creepy English village where mutilated dead animals lay decaying on the side of the road, a couple is in a car makingout to the death, and adults are mean and nasty.

Enter an old friend who seems to be spying on her. No one has aged except the friend, whose mother died of cancer and whose father is the village vicar. A bitter man of faith in his God, wife dead of cancer. The daughter had it but was miraculously cured.

He's bitter because the people have turned from his god and we suspect they are worshipping something else.

Mom keeps drugging the daughther and attempted to drag her to her dead husband's old greenhouse. But the daughter wakes and mom runs off.

I won't spoil the story. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but you do want to know what the heck is up with that village and Mom~

Anyway, it appears worshipping anything doesn't really bring satisfaction or desired results and worshippers are in the same position as secular people - you live and you die and that's about it.

No one and nothing is coming to save you! Gods are selfish and only in it for the worship of themselves.

The End!
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True Story (I) (2015)
Neither Actor...
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
...really pulls this off. I've seen them in other films and they are decent.

Jonah didn't have the gravitas and Franco didn't pull off creepy or chilling well enough.

Jonah just look like that fat dumb kid in third grade that believes any outlandish story you told him. He just walked around with a blank look on his face, his mouth hanging open.

Sorry Jonah, I really liked you in The Wolf of Wall Street and even your first comedy - I think you played an irreverent babysitter? Loved you in those.

I mean maybe you were portraying Finkel the way he actually is. After all, he claims, he believed Longo. In which case I apologize and you got dumb and gullible down in an Oscar-worthy performance!

I've seen other films where real-life killers were portrayed and you got the sense of how people would believe them, but Franco just made me scoff, like, what idiot would believe any of this guy's bs?

I doubt that's what the scriptwriter, director, and actors were going for!

I'm watching this in 2024 after I happen to come across the third Chris of the family annihilator infamous trio of Watts, Coleman, and Longo.

Watts and Longo famously tried to blame their wives and Coleman tried to setup his murders (wife and two boys) as the work of a stalker (he was the stalker).

All 3 of them were immediately suspected. All 3 wanted out of financial obligations and two of them had gfs on the side. Both Watts and Coleman had awful parents who hated their DIL and seemed to care less that their grandchildren were taken. And didn't have the sense that god have them to hide those facts when speaking to the public. They were nearly as despicable as their two sons.

I was unable to find any YouTube channels that covered Lingo to any level of satisfaction and so decided to watch this movie.

Anyway, back to the movie. I rented the DVD from my local library. I'm a true crime fan and currently this movie is streaming only on MAX.

Others complained this movie had no payoff, I disagree. All along even if you never heard of Longo, you know his story is implausible (your entire family is murdered and you're 7n Mexico? Oh! Come on!)

Finkle pretending he believed Longo on any level, puts his entire credibility (aren't good journalists supposed to be natural skeptics, hence the impetus to search out the truth?) just screams liar, liar, liar pants on fire! A couple of references are made in the movie about how great a journalist he is - never heard of him and I've been reading the Times for years!

The most chilling performance in this entire movie was by the actress playing the wife Felicity Jones. At first I found her annoying but there wasn't a lot of for her to work with except staring off in the space and taking showers.

And I couldn't for the life of me understand why she wasn't berating her husband about spending so much time with the murderer and even believing it.

But that one scene when she confronts Longo was well worth it and well played.

For me the one thing that was really lacking in this movie was giving us any kind of meat to work with as to what drove any of the characters.

I still think this is a movie that's well worth watching. The director took a different approach than the customary one in dealing with these kind of True Crime cases and he held my interest.
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Them: Are You Scared? (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
Worth Watching
30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This review is for the first three episodes. I watched the first two episodes with hubby, but I don't think he was as into it as he was with the first season, so rather than wait for the next time that he wants to view this I'm just going to go ahead and binge it.

So far this isn't quite as good as the first season was, which just gripped me by the throat and wouldn't let go. The first episode I watched I was literally shaking before I turned it on and I had to get a glass of wine to calm my nerves. I kid you not!

I literally could only handle one episode a week, because emotionally it was just more than I could handle.

While with this one, I'm binging it, because,it is holding my attention and I certainly want to see where it is going.

While the season was found to be quite terrifying not only with its story but also with the music and the direction and the acting it was just awesome in my opinion, this one isn't as scary as much as it is simply a bit of a mystery and who's doing what and you really want to know where it's going.

I'm hoping this has a twist to it and that is not as obvious as it might seem in the first three episodes as to who the villain is - in in this case - is it the aspiring actor or is it the cop or is it both?

The title of this series is Them. And that could be black people/minorities or it could be white people or it can be the cops. Because everyone's got an Us and a Them and am Us versus a Them.

The series is also like the first season in exploring race and racism and bigotry and how we see things through our own filtered lenses.

I think despite the fact that it's not as gripping as the first season, it's still good and worth watching.
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Kept Out Interest
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't particularly scary. A bit of a slow burn. However it kept our interest and thankfully this is captioned and in the original Spanish.

I don't like shows that are dubbed in English because the English is always flat and it doesn't really express emotions correctly.

Anyway, I liked the cinematography and production value. I thought it was really good. The acting was fair. I found that, mostly this just kept my interest rather than being frightening. It wasn't particularly scary, but I did want to see where it went. I also liked being able to see different parts of Mexico and something other than "bandidos" or "bad hombres" or drug cartels and other stereotypes.

My understanding is that this movie is based on folklore?

My husband and I watched this together and we both enjoyed it.

This is not a ringing endorsement, but if you want to see movies made by directors from other countries, you can add this one to your list.

By the way this is very similar to another movie where the entire population of the world gradually loses its senses.
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Here's My Problem...
19 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't like the author character, Rebecca. Once again, a white woman becomes the center of a story about the murder (or any story) about a brown or black person.

I don't care about her angst or problems. I'm not interested in her insertion into the story. I'm interested in the story of the kids involved and the child that died.

So I'm rolling my eyes. First at the character's willingness to lie so easily - To the housemother who said, no, you can't talk to underage girls in my charge and then her sitting on the girl's bed cross-legged, smoking, and giving themcigs like she's one of them.

Give me a break!

No, you're exploiting them for a book. Rules actually apply to you, too.

Then she goes to the police station. Lies again easily and inserts herself into a murder investigation, again for her book.

I actually dislike the character more than I dislike the girls and I don't like snotty teenagers, especially ones who bully and murder.

I know this is a character, but she's written in a very typical way in a trope that I'm finding really annoying from so many other movies throughout the years.

There she is lying, removing someone from a murder investigation. Like, WTH? I hope she gets charged with obstruction and kidnapping for removing a child from police custody without parental knowledge that she has no relationship to.

The arrogance and confidence that nothing will be done to you!

Very poor and annoying writing in my book. Isn't she supposed to be the hero of sorts by writing about this case? Well, make her less glib, unethical, and annoying and globbing on to the pretty little white girl.

Where were the writers of color? Why is this white-centered in a story about child of color who was brutally murdered in real life?!
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Carol (2015)
Gave This a 7, Not Sure Why
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe it was the cinematography, because it sure wasn't the story, which was long slow and boring.

It was like watching everyone on too much Xanax. There was no excitement. The one lesbian love scene was tame and boring.

I didn't know it at the time that this was a Patricia Highsmith adaptation of one of her books of the same name. I saw this in an artsy fartsy theater in a hoity-toity part of town and maybe just because of where I saw it. I thought it deserved a seven.

Anyway, there was no high. There was no low. There was no tension or suspense. I'm not even sure what the attraction was between the two characters as the Carol character was cold and didn't really seem to be particularly interested in the younger protagonist.

I remember reading, maybe it was a critics review, about the big lesbian sex scene and I thought well maybe it'll pick up at that point.

That sex scene couldn't have been more boring, if it was missionary style with the lights off, between a, impotent minister and his frigid wife of 50 years.

I'm leaving this review after seeing the movie several years ago, because apparently there was a reason why I gave it a seven but I can't remember why I would do that, because I remember being completely bored the entire time I was watching this movie 0 waiting for something to happen and it never did!

Again, it was probably the cinematography and the ability of the movie production to capture the style of the time.

This is one of those adaptations based on books written by gay people who were born in the early part of the century or in the 50s who remained in the closet and so when they wrote books or created films, the subtleties were well hidden, supposedly, from the mainstream public; and because of that, all sexuality, tension, thrills, storytelling, what have you, remained completely buried and in the closet and just meh.
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This Netflix Doc fills in Some Blanks!
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This case is well-known to me and, yes, I've seen the JCS channel on this.

I've also watched Investigation Discovery ID and other true crime channels on tv about this case.

This is what's good about the Netflix documentary: You get to hear from the detectives, see news reports, the highlights of Jennifer's interviews, interviews with the boyfriend, and crime scene photos.

Of all the docs I've seen, I've never seen interviews with Wong, news footage, interviews with investigators, or crime scene photos. Just voiceovers about the strictness of the parents and the interviews with her. In at least one doc you did see camera footage of suspicious dad tracking the daughter to a workplace where she claimed to be employed and that's about it.

Now maybe Netflix was aware of the takes already out there, so they went with another POV with the small amount of other footage available.

The doc is short and can easily be supplemented through the ID channel on TV or any number of true crime channels on YouTube.

If it delved deeper and longer, everyone would complain about padding and/or that it was too long and needed to be only, 90 minutes.

Well this doc is just that, about 90 minutes.

One thing of note is the lack of information about the other suspects. But they atleast showed Wong being interviewed and I've never seen anyone showing that. Never seen Nick on the other suspects either or even any court footage of any trials.

The other thing I noted was, everyone was an idiot. I mean the parents were clueless and just never saw that their daughter just wasn't as smart as their expectations, although she apparently was very good with the piano, but that's a different skill set.

Wong also was no genius. He gave everything away in his interview. Talked way too much, bringing up things that were never asked and directly making the cops suspicious of him and Jennifer. Neither asked for lawyers.

As far as I can see, no genius was in operation here from the parents to Jennifer to the bf and the 3 clowns that couldn't even shoot straight.

What a dumb mess. At no time did anyone tell Jennifer or did she tell herself, I'm an adult and I can walk away. The time and energy put into lying and creating false documents for 4 years could have actually gone into going to school and getting a decent job and moving out!

Yes, I know about the issues with parents and kids in Asian and immigrant cultures, but guess what, millions of people go out on their own every single day.

She had choices and chose the wrong one! Sad all around. Her diary indicated the pressures were more about her drug-dealing boyfriend than anything else. Abby parent would object!

Also, I think the Netflix doc gave is enough information about her motivation. Also, is never heard she tried to do it before! Not sure how much more Netflix could spell it out. She maintains her innocence to this day so no more information is coming forth. They all won retrials, too!
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Into the Dark: Culture Shock (2019)
Season 1, Episode 10
Lost A Star for Dragging In the Middle
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm married to a descendant of immigrants... From Europe. Yeah Grandma and Grandpa came through Ellis Island. Nobody wanted them either.

I'm also a child of an immigrant. This is a country of immigrants, except for the natives of which Mexicans were here first. Lol!

I have no problem with immigrants. They come here to work, just like everyone before them.

A large portion is in Mexican Spanish. Anyway I have no problem with reading captions as I do all the time in English because my household is also a Deaf one.

Anyway, a lot of people in the reviews upset over some fiction. Oh and please note one reviewer - Obama shipped more illegal immigrants back to their home country than any president before him! Lol!

Anyway, this episode started off great during the first half. I felt so sorry for the kids and women and men who place themselves in danger and are taken advantage of because they are desperate and vulnerable.

The second half losses steam, while at first it was interesting and you waited for the twist. But then, it dragged and dragged and the twist wasn't really good and kinda silly, as the amount of money to do such a thing and what would be the purpose? Made little sense even with suspension of disbelief.

If only the American Dream actually existed for other than the very well-to-do and the rich!

We should take care of Americans first, some people scream and then vote against anything that actually would help Americans and all those fetuses that were born! It would be hilarious, if not so hypocritical and sad and exposed why they're so against a particular immigrant!

Anyway, towards the end as the entire premise crumbled, I just wished this to end and I lost interest.

But that misspelled tweet was hilarious!

It's just fiction people! Fiction! But not very good fiction!
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Into the Deep (2022)
I Enjoyed It, But Understand The Other Reviewers
14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a woman and an older one at that, I was especially annoyed by the fact we needed to see her boobs in the shower. They are nice boobs. But, really? Why?

The other thing that annoyed me, but unfortunately, way too true to life was Jesse's naivete and trusting nature.

Are young woman still getting drunk with men and expecting nothing bad will happen? It shouldn't but it does do, don't do that!

Why on earth would you get on a boat with some stranger alone, not tell your best friend or text your dad, or, much better, not get on at all. Tell him to bring back the booze. You'll wait.

Then you drink and trust him to make you the drink and don't think, I don't know this guy and he could be a serial killer/rapist who could assault me right now and no one would know or drug me, rape, stable me, and toss me overboard.

My momma taught me to think like that! So it's a, no, for me!

Like, are you that stupid? Don't you read the news? Social media?

Then, of course he drugs her or maybe, still stupidly, drank too much and passed out and waked up un the middle of nowhere and then apologizies like it's her fault.

Women, we really have to stop being so f* polite, afraid to hurry men's feelings!

Then proceeds to sleep with him with zero protection, not knowing what disease this dude has.

Anyway, we're later joined by another girl and at first I thought she was flirting with our naive young lady or just kinda loose. I mean, you want a drink after getting knocked out?

I thought this was going to go the way of two women fighting over a man, but it does take a turn - in another direction. At first you're guessing and then it become pretty clear that two someone's are willing to go that extra step to protect themselves and do away with inconveniences.

Even though, I spent some time talking to the TV, as in, well you're a dummy, like a lamb to the slaughter, it was still engaging enough to keep me interested.

I'll probably rewatch at a later date with hubby. I've seen worse and this one keeps you interested in my opinion.
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Into the Dark: I'm Just F*cking with You (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
14 April 2024
Everyone was unlikeable. I watched the whole thing just to complete the Into the Dark series, but this was awful.

Not a fan of trolls or practical jokers. Both main characters were homely and unlikeable and creepy, even the sister.

I get it, trolls are disgusting, sad, annoying little cretins. They was nothing to empathize with here. Characters so unlikable you just wish all of them would die so this annoying episode would end.

No depth. No growth. And nothing that we didn't already know about trolls, so the confession really brought nothing to the table and didn't bring any possible sympathy to the character. We never really learn anything new or why practical jokers think they are funny.

What a waste of time. Really hated this one.
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The Origin Story of a Certain Politician~
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well at least now I know how it came to be!

This movie could have been so so much better.

Immediately, the movie gets right into it, coasts along really well and then stumbles, and stumbles, and stumbles, taking forever to get to the point that we're all waiting for if you've seen the original classic.

It can stand on its own as a confused mess, but does a poor job connecting itself into the classic 1976 movie although they do at the end make a straight beeline towards it - just making you want to see if you can find the original and classic streaming for free this evening.

Apparently, this wasn't prophecy, but a goal of fear-mongering to bring people back to God. Basically, it's a script about what a certain political party and religious group has up to since the 70's and why they believe a certain tanned rotund, burn steak eating, Bible selling con is the Second Coming.

It also makes sense now!

Jesus is rolling in his grave... No!... Wait!.. What?

Anyway, I liked, but wish it was so much better than it was...7 stars for holding my interest, the acting, and the set design!

Needed way better script!
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Split (IX) (2016)
The Subplot Served a Purpose!
2 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
IDK why some people didn't get what the subplot was intended to do.

It was there to show she knew how to use a shotgun, which comes into play later.

It was also too show she was the more capable girl, because of the trauma she's been through i.e. Waiting until you can determine the endgame, how to gain trust from your abuser so you can turn the tables, and that she was more observant (she noted just how strong he was).

I'm all for girlpower as a woman myself who has met several men who's butt I would have given anything to beat with my bare hands, but even the skinniest of men can have way more muscle power than the average woman.

As she said, just one punch could have knocked them out; and trust mem I'm all for several woman going after a guy from multiple angles to give ourselves a chance to get away.

The one girl hit Patricia as hard as she could with that chair and she didn't even flinch, just got pissed, so if you're going to take a chance with physical force, you better aim good and deadly. Even the cops will tell you to use whatever method you can to stay alive and sometimes that means cooperating, seeming to bond with them (as she tried with Hedwig) to gain trust.

Apparently, for some people there wasn't enough gore or violence or sex to keep them interested. I thought James and Betty were excellent in their parts, perhaps even better than the script and Anya did the best she could. The two other girls were supposed to play "normal" ditzy teen girls, which may be an annoying stereotype, but you have men making these movies, soooo... But it was also a play against what the Horde believed - that they were naive. Never watching their surroundings. Always expecting everything to just go right - look how long it took them to stop staring at their phones to notice a stranger in the car - never had trauma and so deserved their fate.

Also, when Anya runs out of bullets, The Beast sees the scars (she cuts herself) and recognizes she has experienced trauma (one of the horde had been tracking the two girls for a while, the Anya character wasn't supposed to be there).

These are two other facts that people seemed to have missed - the shotgun wouldn't fire when she had the chance at a clean shot and the motive of the horde.

Anyway, I watch movies to be entertained and so spend less of my time being critical of what I'm watching, which, for me, just ruins a movie. Sometimes, going back and rewatching, you can see what the movie was going for.

I found the same with the movies, Don't Worry Darling and Run Rabbit Run, both taking underserved hits IMHO. On initial viewing, I sat there thinking, WTH? And not until I read reviews from other people who paid attention, did I go back and realize just how great this two movies are, than I initially thought.

I get it, a lot of people (mostly men, I think) don't like Night, yet continue to watch his movies and then bash them. Makes no more sense than they claim about his movies! Lol!
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On the Line (II) (2022)
Knew Everything Before The End *Spoilers
31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Knew it was a hoax, because the writing was that bad. I kept saying that the voices of the daughter and wife sounded fake, so did the protagonist's.

And Mel's lines were so hokey, it was just no way any of it was happening (not to mention him staying on air. Most men would have gone flying out of the building.)

Then of course when the kid fell you knew another twist was coming.

Just didn't feel right and so I kept thinkingm this is a hoax and I know the new guy is in on it. Pretty awful movie, but somewhat entertaining, but we've seen it all before.

You've seen worst. Considering this was Mel, I really enjoyed the "kosher" line (giant eyeroll).
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I Am Legend (2007)
ReWatching in 2024 and I Can Do...
15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
...without the religious nonsense. God still loves us. Oh really? It's batting 1,000 with his domestic violence of humans. Like a spouse beating their mate and saying, I'm doing this for you own good or you make me do it!

Anyway, the I'm Anna and this is Ethan is a gender switch on Adam and Eve and they're headed to Bethel in Vermont. Bethlehem...see? Get it?

Giant eyeroll. You can tell this is an American film because no film is repleat without mention of god and Jesus. So tired of fairytales for grownups.

Like everyone else, I praise Will Smith's performance. Back when it first came out, we didn't know what a giant... He is.

The first half is great and the scene in the bank had me in the edge of my seat with suspense.

Others are complaining about the fact that the story doesn't spell everything out. Oh come on! You don't need all of that. There's enough exposition to give you a good idea of what happened and to put two and two together. American audiences always win everything spelled out for them!

The virus went airborne so even if you weren't treated for cancer, eventually the virus mutated, became airborne much easier to transmit.

And we see with covid what it was like and how people refused to believe that it was real or to wear a mask or to take precautions. So it's easy to see how a viral infection can spread very rapidly from zero to a worldwide catastrophe.

I didn't need all those details but yes I agree the ending felt rushed and the film was pretty much ruined by the rushed ending as well as the CGI monsters.

I don't understand why they couldn't hire a hundred extras preferably acrobatic people, people who are extra bendy, thin people, people who are dancers, people who are very athletic and use them because the CGI is just awful.

Anyway I've seen this movie multiple times because I really do enjoy Will Smith's performance and the setup of the movie. And I loved the dog!
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Medium (2005–2011)
Tina DiJospeh Can't ACT!
12 March 2024
She plays the assistant too or the deputy mayor or something and oh my god!!! It is so obvious that she is no actress; that she has to be either married to or sleeping with someone on the show.

I'm all the way up to season 3 episode 5 and I can't take it anymore, so I looked her up and sure enough she's related to the writer or the producer of the show. Itaa is so obvious that she is the result of nepotism.

I feel so sorry for the other professional actors having to be in the scene with her! The screen literally goes dead every time she opens her mouth.

She's trying to play a scene right now of shock or surprise or incedulity or...something... I'm not really sure what emotions she's supposed to be conveying; but it was it was so horrific, I had to stop watching and come on here and write this!

I looked her up and thank goodness she was only in two other mediocre movies and hopefully has never been heard from on the silver screen ever again.

She's so bad that at first I thought she was this other "actress" that used to appear on Dexter. I wanted to gouge my eyes out and pour hot wax into my ears every time she entered the screen and here I am watching this chick and it's the same awful.

People, please, stop putting your no talent relatives in productions. It ruins everything and I'm sure your professional actors suffer for it!

Listening to Alice Dubois attempt to cry in any way that sounds realistic is bad enough. Yes, please stop giving her crying scenes. She's awful. Like the series, no matter how unrealistic it is,but the bad acting part, it's got to go!

Rant over! Lol!
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Imaginary (2024)
We Liked It!
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Movies that keep me engaged or interested or entertained always get a 7, because really that's all we can expect from fiction movies.

My audience was completely engaged. It seemed like a mix of old and young and teens. No derisive laughter and the free jump scares worked.

This movie made little sense, but it was different in the premise. You had the usual tropes of creepy old ladies and teens work angst. The dad was wasted.

The initial scene was really good and made you want to see more.

There's a little confusion because stay that scene we start seeing a little girl growing up a bit and O had no idea she was the Jessica character. I thought the little girl was the child of the Jessica and her husband.

Took a while to figure out who was who. So that could have been done better, because we jump right into her being stepmom and I was like wha?

Suspend expectations. Could it have been done better on better hands that know how to bring the creepy we all want when we watch horror? Yep. It ain't no Hereditary, but I wasn't that big a fan of that weird movie either!
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