
9 Reviews
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The Most fun!!!
12 May 2020
Ok, listen up I don't really like choose your own adventures. Bandersnatch wasn't what it cracked up to be but gotta say this new Kimmy movie is so damn funny!! Every choice we take, good or bad, is HILARIOUS and good thing is we don't really have to repeat stuff again and again! It's done right!

Glad to see the core four back! I love all of them but gotta give a shoutout to Jane Krakowski because I love her so much! The guest actors are pretty funny too!

Story wise, it actually adds to the main series so that's great.

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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Amazing film: scary and anxiety inducing
26 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, let me start with how excited I was to see this movie. Luckily, I got to catch this in an advanced preview. And I will say this, the excitement, counting of days, posting on social media, all paid off.

This movie definitely scares you. It's not just jumpscares or loud noises, it's something psychological. From the first opening shot, you're immediately put inside Elisabeth Moss' character Cecilia's head. She is stuck in an abusive relationship and can't get out of it. The whole opening scene makes you uncomfortable as we see Cecilia trying to make her escape. This kind of tension is kept on throughout the film.

Another thing this film succeeds upon is the writing. The story progresses in a fast paced way which doesn't seem hurried. The 2hr runtime feels achieved. There's definitely more than one 'WTF' moment in this film to keep you on the edge of your seat.

The score and the sound design definitely puts you in Cecilia's shoes as you struggle with her to point out where exactly the invisible man might be. The camera work is exquisite, I mean did we really doubt the director who brought us Upgrade? The action sequences definitely feel thrilling and the way it's shot makes you feel like you're living it.

In my book, Elisabeth Moss can do no wrong. Her acting here is definitely something to be noted. From her being hysterically scared to her fighting back, Moss sells it. She makes us root for her. Oliver Jackson Cohen, who plays her abusive husband has a small but really pivotal role and boy o boy he is scary. The rest of supporting cast is also really good. Overall, this is Moss' movie and she carries it with ease.

This year (so far) there hasn't been many horror movies that genuinely gave me anxiety or made me jump. So I am happy this film succeeded in doing both. Leigh Whanell is an amazing horror writer/director and proves that he can still give us a solid entertaining flick.

There's some solid moments of blood so gorehounds can rejoice.

I thought about it a lot and I can't really think of anything that didn't work. Some of you might complain about the camera work and how it focuses on the actor's faces more than the action but to me that worked. I think that definitely sold the drama.

All and all this was a terrific film, really made the universal monster scary by mixing the monster with a relevant story. I will give this film a 9/10.

If you liked this review please like my page Let's Talk Horror.
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The Turning (2020)
23 January 2020
A gothic supernatural movie based on the novel 'The Turn of the screw' and I will say this is not a very committed adaptation, it's more like a skeletal story taken and made into a different movie just like Kubrick did with The Shining but then again comparing that movie with this will be a huge slap in the face for everyone involved in The Shining.

My main problem with this film was how un-gothic it was. This movie takes place in the 80s, 90s or modern day, I am not sure. Discarding it's period setting should've and could've worked if they had just specified a time period. I was so damn confused and it's not like It Follows where not knowing just helps us.

Another part I disliked was the scares. Again, did this movie want to be this atmospheric horror or just a jumpscare pop corn flick? Even the movie couldn't decide it. There's one solid scare and one moment of genuine creepiness but that's about it. Again, the gothic atmosphere is thoroughly underused.

One thing I did like was the performance from Mackenzie Davis, going from annoyed to scared, she really does a good job. Finn Wolfhard is just there and he really tries to be this creepy kid but it doesn't work, he should go back to his 80s era wisecracking roles. No offense to the actor. The scene stealer here is definitely the little girl Brooklyn Prince who really shines through.

The story is slow, and then fast and the slow. Let me elaborate. In the beginning, the story takes it time to settle which I was all for it. It was building up to something. But then by the middle we are just shown a couple of scene so fast, one after another, I thought I'd need a breather. And then the end happens... the ending was just unsatisfying and just plain confusing or even lazy.

I caught this movie as a premiere and I heard the director say that she made it in such a way that she wanted the ending to be open to interpretation but I say give us something solid story wise for us to make our own interpretation. All this while we're seeing this story develop as a ghost story and then in the end you make it seem all intellectual or mental or whatever, it just won't work. I just didn't care enough to make my own interpretation.

I think everyone should go and watch it and form their own opinion. Don't expect something grand or you'll be disappointed like me. I had such high hopes for this adaptation of one of my favorite book but I guess I'll have to wait for another adaptation to come into fruition.

I will give this movie a four out of ten. 4/10. That 4 simply because of the little girl and that one scene involving a mannequin.
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Satanic Panic (2019)
A fun ride
24 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I got to go to the premiere of this low budget horror flick called SATANIC PANIC. Honestly, I had no idea what this movie was about. The only thing I knew was that Chelsea Stardust directed it. If you don't know who Chelsea is, she directed an episode called 'All That We Destroy' on Hulu's Into the Dark series. I didn't like that episode but I liked the way she presented that episode.

This movie at core is a satanic horror comedy which works so well because of the writing. The jokes are genuinely funny and there's some commentary about class. But what works in this movie is the practical effects. The effects are so amazing! It's gory and fun to watch.

The cinematography in this movie is nothing new, but what is really good is the soundtrack. In the Q/A, Chelsea described it as a mix between Goblin and John Carpenter and I whole heartedly agree.

What I didn't like in this movie is the editing, certain parts feel too choppy and certain parts feels slow. Nothing drastic. Another factor that worked was Chelsea's homage to horror films. From Halloween to Drag Me to Hell, she takes inspiration and builds on them. You can see a horror fan made this. When I make horror films in the future, hopefully, this is what it's gonna look like. A movie that tells it's own story but effectively pays homage to the ones that came before.

The acting is also really good: Hayley Griffith in her debutant performance essentially holds the flick, Ruby Modine really has some good lines and Rebecca Romjin is kind of okay. The scene stealer however was the character of Gypsy played by Arden Myrin.

I highly recommend everyone to watch this movie when it drops on September 6. It will be overshadowed by It Chapter 2 but whenever y'all get a chance, do watch it. It's a fun ride.

I give it a 7/10.
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The Farewell (I) (2019)
Amazing movie
28 July 2019
One of the best movies to come out this year. Touching, heartwarming, sweet and just made me cry. Awkwafina and Nai Nai are brilliant in this. The whole ensemble just carries the story amazingly. There's never a dull moment. You're constantly laughing/smiling and then the last scene. I am thousand of miles away from my family and this movie made me cry. I miss them. I highly recommend this movie guys. The whole story is so relatable Especially if you come from an Asian background like me. Even if not, you'll relate to this so hard.

P.S. I will watch this again.

10/10 along with a thumbs up 👍🏽 from me.
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The Handmaid's Tale: Night (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1
This haunts you...
5 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Handmaid's Tale is one of the best shows to be ever produced by Hulu (or any other channels for that matter). The two seasons stayed with me because it was so real in the portrayal of a dystopian future that oh so resonates with the current state of the world. It's a scary time for women and this show shows you that very well.

As a man, I seriously can't stress it enough that everyone should watch this. Not just for the realism of the story but to take in these beautiful performances. And every man who thinks they have a right to make choices concerning women's bodies, needs to see this too. This show truly is a mirror.

The third season begins instantly where the second half ended. I know a lot of people were angry that June went back to Gilead but I think if you put her in her shoes, you can actually understand that she just wants to save her kid. And I hope she does. And these three episodes I binged, certainly points it to that way.

As usual, the acting is amazing. And I still want to see Aunt Lydia's backstory as well as Madeline Brewer's character's backstory. The cinematography is amazing, some of the shots are so cinematic that you feel like you're watching a movie. And the production design is simply outstanding.

Overall, I think everyone should watch this show as it proves to be an excellent mirror to today's society and tells us about how we treat women and not to forget the LGBTQ+ community (which this show refers as gender traitors).
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Not bad, not excellent but somewhere in between.
30 June 2016
So this TV show has a 80s feel. And the story takes place then. I love Once upon a time and I love the creators. This show has that Lost feel with constant running back and forth of a character's past. It has a Whodunit element along with a supernatural story. AND Tony Todd guest stars! The acting is good. I love both the Elizabeths. The only thing I disliked was that there were less kills. It's a slasher show (I guess) but the pilot was not gruesome. When you watch the Pilot, don't keep a critical mind and watch it without judging. It's entertaining and I know it'll improve in future episodes. I love the story line even though some characters seem lil' annoying. I suggest you give it watch.
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Home Invasion (2016 Video)
A good watch and this Home Invasion is pretty good!
1 February 2016
I was skeptical about this movie. I really didn't wanted to check this out but I did anyways and boyoboy how glad am I. This movie is about a mother and stepson duo who are in a remote mansion(of course! In every home invasion movie there's a remote mansion). But then a trio of murder arrive and the movie starts out. I love such movies. From The Strangers and recent Berkshire County, I loved all of these and this one is on that list too. The acting is great for all I know and the kid is not annoying (wow!). So if you want to watch something and pass time,then watch this. But it's my humble request that please don't be too critical while watching this. Overall, Story: 5/10, it has been done before. Cast: 6/10 Thrill factor: 6.5/10 so the movie gets 7/10.
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Awesome story, awesome actors
10 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
**POSSIBLE SPOILERS** This show is really good. The acting is superb and the storyline is absolutely gripping. All the seasons are really nice with each having a new storyline with new characters. Although said as an anthology series,IT'S not entirely anthological because some characters from previous season do return JLange does a really good job in all the seasons (she does not appear in the 5th). But my favourites are Lily Rabe,Sarah Paulson,Evan Peters and Denis O'Hare. Angela Basett and Kathy Bates are good too. I really recommend this series if you like anything out of ordinary. The fifth season is running now and I think Lady Gaga has done a fantastic job. She,of course should not be compared to JLange but she's a budding actress and I would love to see more of her in later seasons.(But not more than JLange.)
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