
10 Reviews
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Loved it!
14 June 2024
Ok, I love me some good, deep character, emotionally charged movies. But sometimes I just want a good fight film, ya know? This is the style I enjoy when in that mood. Super slick and fast, don't care about realism because it looks awesome and that's all I'm looking for in this type of film. All the blood splatter and nonsense is just part of the ride. I loved the voice over and movie had plenty of humorous bits that made me lol. Bill did an amazing job considering he had zero dialogue. I'm really curious about how he trained for this role. Dude was in top shape! Really fun film, ignore the haters.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Huge Nolan fan, but...
21 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Damn, I wanted to love this. I love almost everything Nolan does. But part of the reason I love him is because he's so creative and rarely needs to resort to gratuitous female nudity to make his point. He's better than that. Not here. Could've removed the scenes of Florence's tits and wouldn't have changed one ounce of the story. No reason to include that other than laziness and appeasing men.

Movie was beyond boring, fast paced but somehow felt too slow. Didn't care about anyone, and the one bomb scene fell flat. Didn't hold the gravity I think he intended it to. Score was all over the place, seemed forced and nothing about it was moving like his prior movies. I ended up falling asleep for probably 1/3 of it. Left pissed and so disappointed, what a waste of an afternoon. Will never watch this again.
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How It Ends (2021)
Loved it so much!
31 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand why some people hated this. If you are not someone who self-reflects, is constantly in your head or weighed down by emotional trauma and baggage, you'll miss the entire point of this movie.

It was a beautiful representation of our relationship with our inner child. There were so many insightful things I'd never considered before. Especially how we keep ours trapped as a prisoner when we don't heal and allow that child to grow. We can get stuck in the same bad habits and patterns for decades! I also loved the scene where she told her younger self everything she loved about her. When I think of my younger self, I've always only thought of the pain, my failures, 100% negative thoughts. Sure, I've heard all about loving yourself, loving your inner child, but it never clicked the way that scene did.

I plan to write a letter to my younger self telling her all the incredible things I love about her.

Took off a star because there was some crude and vulgar dialogue that really wasn't needed. But overall an amazing film I'll watch many times.
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Wanted to love this
2 September 2022
I'm a huge fan of these Hallmark type romantic, feel good, always set in a beautiful location, happy ending movies. The scenery was stunning, wish I was there! The main issue though, was that the leads had absolutely zero chemistry. I never really cared about either one of them, which is a shame, because I like them both individually as actors. I never believed either was ever interested in the other, and didn't care if they would end up together or not. I ended up skipping through most of the second half. I was so bummed because I really needed a good rom-com today. Unfortunately, this wasn't it.
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Severance (2022– )
Best series I've seen in decades
8 April 2022
I wasn't sure about this after the first episode. Thought maybe it would be too slow, but I'm so glad I continued. The show is magnificent. The pacing is perfect and the character development is outstanding. You care about everyone involved. I won't give any spoilers, just please watch this.

I just finished the season finale, and I can't explain how amazing it was. When it ended, I was surprised I had tears in my eyes. I'm so invested in these people and I just couldn't stand it. Tears ran down my cheeks. Can't say another series has ever had that type of effect on me. Sure, I've gotten emotional over sentimental scenes, sad & happy moments. But this was different. Cannot wait for next season!!
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Life & Beth (2022– )
Loved it, ignore negative reviews
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Update Season 2: So, loved season 1 but forgot why. Maybe this series hits home if you're in love with someone who is a little more unique. I literally cried first episode of season 2, because can't recall the number of times I have gotten dressed up for a "romantic dinner" only for my sweet and loving man to not notice my efforts, and show up dirty and gross. It's not a sign of disrespect, he loves me so much. He's just wired differently and the typical societal norms don't make sense to him. When she tells him she feels like his friend and roommate?! That's me! But he's not making me feel that way intentionally or because he's a jerk. He's just different. He often explains to me, the way John explained to her, how everything he does is for me and so we can be together. It's not easy to love someone like that, but it's so worth it, and this series reminds me of the beauty in loving the unique people of the world. A must watch.

Season 1: I'm guessing those that hated this don't like Amy or Michael. Maybe if you don't, you won't. But if you're a fan of theirs, you'll love it. Heartwarming, funny, thought provoking. Binged the whole thing this afternoon. Highly recommend.
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The Courtship (2022)
The setting alone...
16 March 2022
Are dating shows actually any good? Not really, we all know that. But the setting and costumes alone give this a solid and deserved 8. What a unique and fantastic idea! What I wouldn't give to be able to play dress up in a real castle and get properly courted? So fun! If you like this time period and the romance of it, you'll enjoy watching and living vicariously through this series. Would love to see more dating shows set in various eras with costumes!
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Trailer was better than entire film
17 May 2019
Gosh, I wanted to love this! The trailer made me emotional every time I watched it. But the movie fell flat. What went wrong: chemistry was only felt during a few scenes, not enough dramatic background music to help set the mood, too many dizzying scenes, ending was strange and a little disjointed, idk. Best scene was in the karaoke bar but you already saw most of it in the trailer. Wait for video. 😔
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The Silence (II) (2019)
No, it's not A Quiet Place
15 April 2019
Went into this with low expectations. While it's got a similar premise as a Quiet Place, it really feels like an entirely different movie. It really wasn't all that bad! Can't give this higher than a 6, though, because some of the characters were plain fools and their actions didn't seem to match the given scenario. Won't go into details so I won't ruin any plot lines, but I found myself shaking my head too often at their choices. But it was suspenseful and had a decent ending. It's worth a watch.
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Walked out of theater about half way through
11 January 2019
I didn't bother reading reviews here before going to see this, and I've kicked myself every since. 100% complete boring garbage. No humor, no real plot, you don't give a damn about anyone or anything happening. I knew 10 minutes in it was a wate of time but we stayed a little longer. Finally decided to walk out and salvage the rest of our evening, but honestly, I was in a bad mood the rest of the night.
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