
12 Reviews
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High Country (2024– )
Too many loose threads at the end.
12 May 2024
There was a really good Aussie whodunnit in this, especially seeing the setting was so lush and expansive. However, the actual execution wasn't good.

Other reviews have said it but there's too much clutter. Too many characters and too many side quests. But these side quests (such as a cafe owner's son and the key suspect at the start being creepy to kids) just pad out the run time and then they go nowhere at the end.

In fact I have the biggest issue with the ending, it doesn't really have that satisfying wrap up at the end, there are some story points left in the air, like they expected they'd have another episode, bud didn't.

This can be really frustrating for a mystery series, especially when we don't know if Season 2 is coming.
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Deadloch (2023– )
Started off slow, got better (but not incredible).
12 October 2023
My biggest issue was that the first episode was incredibly slow and some characters were abrasive and just not likeable. Kate Box saves this show with her acting, but if you are sick of grey saturated Aussie crime shows this will annoy you.

I do think it's worth trying, but you need to get past the halfway point first, which will be a huge turnoff for many.

My other issues include, too many side characters, sometimes the comedy is hit and miss and I wouldn't actually name this a black comedy, it's just a regular comedy. Some shot decisions are also a bit off, and honestly the show could be set anywhere, it doesn't do Tassie justice. It also could be like two episodes shorter, it starts dragging a bit.

The good things are that I did have a laugh towards ep 5-7, so that's a bonus, I really did enjoy Kate Box's character, the story kept me involved and when it got good, it was almost worth it.

Truly, it's up to you. I would suggest giving it a go, for the sake of getting more good Aussie work done in future from the streamers.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Lack of Basic Filmmaking Skills (But with a 200 mil budget)
5 October 2023
I will start by saying I have no nostalgia towards the characters, I haven't seen the cartoon series that came before this, and since Star Wars isn't gate kept, I thought I would be welcome to watch. I was not.

From the first episode, there are very little character introductions, no explanations, no world building. We're expected to care about these characters but the writing didn't support that. Some costumes and makeup looked cheap and cartoonish, a lot didn't translate well to live action either. The ending was also very abrupt and the pacing was a mess. Honestly, I had to google to understand the characters, and that's a shame.

This show doesn't have much lasting power and is not beginner friendly. So if you'd like to watch this, you do need to watch the prior work, but they are cartoons for children, so you may not connect to that either.

I hope the writers and directors take on this feedback and learn some of the basics in writing, pacing and direction. Seeing as this cost 200mil, I'm not sure how they were allowed to do this, but if you enjoyed it, I'm happy for you.
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Average Coming of Age Film
3 May 2023
Closer to a coming of age, young teen film than anything else. It's trying to be a martial arts film, a heist film and a thriller but it doesn't commit. Which makes it feel a little messy.

Unfortunately a lot of negative overdone stereotypes of south Asian people. We're still all doctors, with crazy aunties and arranged marriages apparently. I'm tired of it.

I also have to say Pakistani actors would have been appreciated in the lead roles over the North Indian actresses chosen, and maybe some people who can do martial arts?

Also the lead actress is shouting and angry 90% of the film and the whole thing is over the top to the point of being cartoonish? But it's trying to tackle some strong themes, and again, doesn't commit.

As a south Asian myself, once I got over the shine of seeing brown girls on screen, it revealed a perfectly average movie that doesn't really raise the bar. If you watch, take a shot each time they use a sound effect for comedy and you'll enjoy it more.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 23: The Spies (2023)
Season 3, Episode 7
A leap in quality.
13 April 2023
After a lacklustre season overall, I was really hoping they'd pull it together at the end, and they are on the right track. Quality has increased across the board, but it may not be enough to pull you back in, just a warning.

Din does a Jon Snow, and 'bends the knee' in a scene that could have been an even better character moment if Bo Katan and Din actually talked to each other than at each other. But I have to hand it to Katee Sackoff, she's a great actress, and whoever is in the suit as Din is doing well too.

There are a few logical leaps here and there, with some parts that weren't believable, but I appreciate the effort the writers are doing to connect this with the sequel trilogy and do some world building, but it's coming at the cost of the time we spend with Mando, and would have suited being its own show for Thrawn or something.

But I will be looking forward to the series finale, I want to see where it goes.
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Not Good Filmmaking
7 April 2023
Many people have already spoken about their gripes, but mine was the poor filmmaking.

Let me just point it out: Shots were out of focus, the shaky cam was off axis and done in post for some reason? There are continuity errors, everything felt weirdly small, and the cinematography was lacklustre. Not to mention the CGI gets worse as it goes on and the fight sequences made no sense.

Beyond everything else, it shows the director & producers didn't care enough.

It shows that people took the millions they were paid and did nothing with it. I wish it had been made by more competent people behind the scenes.

This is not including the underpaid, hard working crew. They just do what they're told.

I can stomach a somewhat bad story if it at least looks good.
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Andor (2022– )
Well Done To The Cast & Crew
7 April 2023
I admit, I had clocked out of Disney Star Wars.

I saw the trailer for this, which seemed to market it five different ways and decided to skip it.

It gets 9 stars because of the crappy marketing. Many people came in expecting something other than what they got, and were frustrated, I get that.

But the show itself was phenomenal.

The pacing is slower than other SW stuff, but that's okay, it suits the tone overall. The writing is good, the acting is good, everyone did their jobs well. Kudos to the people who made it, we often forget them. Well done!

If you're on the fence, know this: Andor makes the original trilogy better in the way it depicts the Empire. You really feel like they were terrible and the effort made by Luke & co was not wasted.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
This is Not The Way.....
7 April 2023
This show has lost its way.

Narratively, thematically, name it.

We waited years, so the writers had time to plan a season that appeased executives and would be a cohesive story.

(But then again, they work on 10 other shows it seems at the same time, which is probably why the quality dipped) A lot of people have already said what's wrong, let me just add that the two stars go to the tireless work of the crew, who make this show look great, production value wise. It's not their fault the writers didn't do well.

I do hope the reviews are seen by the appropriate people and our feedback is taken onboard (which is wishful thinking these days, apparently we're all bots to Disney).
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This isn't it.
12 July 2022
A long time fan of I love Lucy, I sat down to watch this with an open mind.

But it just wasn't hitting the mark. My first issue was Nicole Kidman, she just doesn't embody Lucy's vibrance at all, the botox doesn't help either, she can't even do Lucy's facial expressions (how can you, if you've had botox? Not to mention her being a decade too old to play Lucy at 40.)

Javier Bardem was closer to the mark, but not Cuban, I thought we were beyond this, there's fantastic Cuban American talent out there, why not choose one of them?

Then of course, there's the story, the lazy writing, the fact that the story dwindles both Desi and Lucy's lives down to 'infidelity and communism'.

The three stars here go to the costume team and the crew, they did well with what they had. If you want to see what Lucy and Desi are really like, go watch their show.
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Interesting concept.....but
30 March 2022
I like the idea of this concept, but I really couldn't get behind the characters. I think there was a better way to do this that wasn't as vapid or surface level. In truth, it relies on the characters being indigenous instead of giving them actual character.

That's not the best for representation, indigenous people are multifaceted human beings, let's represent them that way, even in short form comedy.
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30 March 2022
Really hard to watch show with lazy writing and some seriously bad representation of many minorities.

If you didn't know, this show was made using Australia's government funding. Which means you have to incorporate 'diverse aspects' to get money. I can see exactly where they ticked boxes, and where they didn't.

Representation isn't a box to tick.

Also shame on Netflix and ABC for this.

Waste of taxpayer money.

Don't waste your time.
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First Day (2020–2022)
A Well Done Series!
30 March 2022
If you're open minded enough, you'll realise that this story is an honest and heartwarming coming of age story that absolutely is worth watching.

Highly recommend it for all ages!
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