
5 Reviews
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The A-List: New York (2010–2011)
Don't Bother.
4 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was sick on the couch and watched several of this show's episodes in a marathon on Logo.

This has got to be one of the worst "Reality" shows ever produced. A bunch of self-obsessed, moronic fools all pushing some sort of trailer park inspired product line or half-baked self-delusional "Career".

You can't help but feel sorry for some of these people - they obviously have huge self-esteem issues or a bizarre need to see themselves on TV for validation.

It doesn't matter if they're gay, straight, bisexual or whatever - these people are just plain nasty, unlikable and unwatchable.

The "reality" consists of obviously fake setups, a lot of booze, most likely other narcotics and sleazy TV producers thinking that anyone with half a brain would watch this piece of crap.
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Sometimes You Just Don't Need to Know
23 November 2006
In this time of blogging, podcasting and myspace - society - especially the younger generations have this odd belief that everyone else in the world is fascinated by their lives. Every time you eat a potato - go blog about it - oh my god - someone clicked on my myspace acct - they're now my friend - etc etc etc. We're suffering from internet and reality TV overload folks - sometimes we just don't NEED to know every little painful and boring detail about painfully boring people who may (to some people I guess) look cute.

This show is representative of all that and more. If you honestly think that your own life is so boring, that you would find following around two self absorbed, talentless, karaoke singers as they yap on and on about stupid crap to be interesting - you need to turn off this show and improve your life.

This show portrays the very worst stereotypes of young gay men possible, rags on religion and does nothing to advance or contribute to society to have an open and honest discussion about homosexuality. And of course - not every show can or should be a social milestone BUT then at the very least a TV show could be entertaining or fun or emotional or interesting - none of which this show achieves.

It's like watching people look at themselves in a mirror. If you find that fun - you'll like this show.
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Martha (2005–2012)
I guess I don't "get it"
13 September 2005
Maybe it's unfair to comment on this show yet - I've only seen 2 of the 2 episodes run so far. But...

I don't dislike Martha Stewart nor do I really like her either. Sort of how I feel about this show. While I can't find much to dislike about it - there's not much to like about it either. Bland, boring - sort of like staring at a package of Martha Stewart sheets in the store. You see her face - you guess they might be nice because they're expensive looking but you really don't... care.

In this show, she has this massive set featuring a kitchen, green house etc. She was very proud in the first show of announcing that you'd never see a couch on her sit - "there'll be no sitting on this show" - the idea is to always be doing something. That's the hook I guess.

The audience is polite and there are projects galore - but I guess i the end i just don't "get it"
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Reel Homes (2004– )
Oddly interesting
29 May 2005
Strangely enough, I actually like this series. It's a corny premise and very simple in production and execution but oddly interesting nonetheless. The episode I saw included the mansion used in "X2", two homes used in "Steel Magnolias", the house used in "Father of the Bride" (remake) and the futuristic home featured in Woody Allen's 1973 comedy classic "Sleeper".

The show includes quick interviews with the current owners of the homes, shots from the inside of the homes as well as stories about what happened when the films were shot on location. While not spellbinding or awe-inspiring - this show is an odd little quirky show that is entertaining.
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16 September 2004
Actually, the above poster is incorrect. Reeves is a machinist in this movie who is helping the scientists build the parts not a scientist. And that matters in this movie because Reeves actually does pretty well for once as an actor.

The concept of the movie isn't a new one, an industrial-military conspiracy to control technology because the masses aren't "ready" to deal with it yet. Freeman actually played the most interesting character. He kind of flip-flops throughout the movie and you're not sure what to think of him until the final scene.

Regardless, it wasn't the best movie nor the worst movie ever made. Reeves acted pretty well and the writing was semi-believable. If you're looking for a fast paced movie that you don't have to think too much on - this movie isn't a bad rental to see.
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