
16 Reviews
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Loved this movie
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie from the beginning to the twist ending. I do not see it as a Halloween rip-off. For one thing the killer isn't wearing a mask. You know who he is at the beginning of the movie. The mystery is why is he killing young women. The killer can also get hurt. He is not some superhuman person who can get shot at, run over, stabbed and thrown off a balcony and still survive. This is the epitome of an 80's horror movie.

This movie was also prophetic. It came out nineteen years before the Gladys Ricart murder. Ricart was a bride that got murdered on the day of her wedding by her ex-boyfriend. Lucking he was caught and wasn't to kill other women.
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Valerie (I) (2019)
Interesting documentary
12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a heartbreaking documentary. It shows Valerie Perrine in her prime and her descent into a debilitating illness. She lives in a one bedroom apartment and needs assistance 7 days a week. She should have won the Acadamey Award for her performance in Lenny. I know that Ellen Burstyn was also good in Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore but Valerie's performance was heartbreaking. I doubt that another actress could have been better. I have wondered in the past few years what had happened to her. It is sad to see her health deteriorate but at the same time she still has optimism. I like when she said that she accomplished everything she wanted at the end of the documentary.
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The L Word (I) (2004–2009)
Can someone explain the Shane attraction
6 July 2021
I have watched this show and I consider it extremely over the top. I am not familiar with the gay lifestyle but I wonder how easily these women get sexual. Many of them go to a club or even a luncheon and they immediately are having sex. I just want to know what the attraction to the character Shane. The woman has the personality of a wet noodle but yet every woman wants her. I can understand if she has sexual skills but how do the majority of women know this if they just met her. She goes to a fancy house to fix the hair of a bridal party and she has sex with most of the bridal party women. Unbelievable.
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Unexpected (2017– )
No taught these kids about birth control?
7 April 2021
Watching many of these episodes is painful. I do not understand why these kids are getting pregnant if they come from a legacy of teen-age moms. Didn't anyone teach them about birth control. I also find it funny that some of the mothers of these teen-age girls act like their daughters have been raped. It takes two to tango and these girls look like they were happy to comply with their babies daddies.
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One Day at a Time (1975–1984)
Mediocre at best
5 April 2021
I agree with many of the other reviewers stating that Bonnie Franklin is not a good actress. I think she just lucked out with this series. The proof is that after this series ended you rarely saw her on television shows or movies. Her range went from looking confused to yelling at the top of her lungs. Pat Harrington's character was annoying at best. He would have been more effective if he was used less in the show. The only mystery is how this show lasted for so many years with annoying characters like Francine. Alex, Julie and Max.
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A great documentary
9 March 2021
I didn't realize how much influence Woody Allen had until I saw this documentary. It was obvious that Dylan's testimony was brushed under the rug by so called social workers because Woody is so "beloved" in New York. Mia Farrow also appears to have some mental health issues of her own. It should have been a major red flag for her when Woody requested that she adopt a blonde haired girl. She just went along with the request without questioning Woody's motives. I am happy that the whole story if finally coming to light.
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The Vow (2020–2022)
no sympathy for the devil followers
2 November 2020
I watched this documentary to see why so many people would follow the teachings of Keith Raniere but instead I saw a documentary about Mark Vicente acting like a betrayed boyfriend. It seems that Mark had a bromance with good old Keith. The beginning of the documentary looked like a love story between Mark and Keith. The people who fell for this cult are stupid and/or elitist. The cult members were paying for the "classes" yet could not leave the cult. What where they scared of? It wasn't like they would lose their jobs or livelihood over this cult. The cult members are a bunch of elitists who wanted to feel superior to other individuals. They wanted to be part of an exclusive group but it backfired on them. Notice how very few minorities joined this exclusive group.
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I wanted to like this film
19 October 2020
I wanted to like this film but the politics of the movie ruined it for me. I thought I was going to watch a concert film but instead what I got was some old man giving his unsolicited political opinions. The songs would have been great if they were played without commentary. I also find it hard to watch David Byrne singing Talking Head songs without the original band. The only reason I gave this movie a six rating is for the visuals. The lighting and colors of this film were impeccable.
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Good documentary
29 September 2020
This is a good documentary if you are interested in finding out the facts of the McDonald family murders. The intention from Errol Morris was to exonerate Jeffrey MacDonald but it backfires. If anything this documentary proves that he did commit the murders. The laughable question from Morris is what would the motive be for Jeffrey Macdonald to kill his family. Duh, it might be because he married young and before he is thirty he will be the father of three children and he didn't want the responsibility. I honestly think that Errol Morris has lost a few marbles in his old age.
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Appearances can be deceiving
12 May 2020
Many home movies are shown of people laughing and enjoying themselves but you learn later that their lives were anything but happy or enjoyable. It is hard to reconcile the happy looking Natalie Wood in her home movies with her daughter stating that she tried to kill herself several times when she was younger. It is also difficult to see such a talented and beautiful woman that has so much self doubt that she will get married to men who are obviously wrong for her just so she won't be alone. It would have been a better documentary if Natasha Gregson Wagner stuck with her original concept of celebrating her mother's life and talent instead of the circumstances of her death.
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Getting slapped cures mental illness?
11 December 2019
I watched this movie with an open mind but it became so unbearable that I started channel surfing during half of the movie. I did see the ending which I won't spoil by saying how it ends. This movie reminds me of the emperor's new clothes. It seems that people are afraid to say they don't like it because they might appear to be unsophisticated. I like John Cassavetes as an actor but as a director not so much.
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Marcus Welby, M.D. (1969–1976)
Did Welby only have five patients?
12 July 2018
I enjoyed watching this show as a child. I often wondered though if Welby only had a few patients since he had time to do home visits and become godfather to one of his patient's baby. He also seemed to moralize a lot. He would go into these lengthy monologues about morality and human behavior. It is also interesting to watch him tell a pregnant woman that drinking a glass of red wine in the evenings would be good for her nerves. How times have changed.
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Haunting movie
6 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As another reviewer noted this movie has scenes that are unforgettable. I remember seeing this movie on television in the late 1970's. The movie was heavily edited. I recently bought the DVD and it does not disappoint. I enjoyed the performances and the soundtrack. The scenes of Massachusetts makes me want to visit the state. This is a movie that captured the dark side of the 1970's era perfectly like "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" and "Play It as It Lays". I highly recommend this movie.
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The Mad Room (1969)
Creepy little thriller
15 June 2006
From the opening credits this film gives off a creepy feeling. You are never quite sure which character is trustworthy. Stella Stevens gives the right amount of instability in her performance of a woman who is unsure of her future. The younger siblings, played by Michael Burns and Barbara Sammeth, are equally as creepy. This is a must have film for people who like suspenseful movies with minimal gore. As another reviewer noted I am surprised that this movie has not been released on DVD. It would be interesting to have a commentary by Stella Stevens.

PS: The writers of To Die For with Nicole Kidman must have been fans of this film, since the opening credits are similar to The Mad Room's credits.
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documentary is biased
18 April 2005
I just recently saw the movie reckless indifference. I know that most documentaries do not provide equal time to both sides of the issue but this documentary in particular was biased in favor of the four young men who committed the crime. The parents of the accused were upset that the victim's father, an LAPD detective, was using his influence to get the best trial for his dead son. What the parents of the accused do not realize or admit is that if they were in the same situation as the the victim's father they would be doing the same thing. Everyone wants justice for their family. It is understandable why Michael McCloren did not want to be interviewed for this movie. He probably knew that what he said would be misrepresented. The film shows more people being interviewed in defense of the accused. There are only four people shown discussing the victims. The deceased boy's parents and the district attorneys. This documentary would have been much better if it were more balanced.
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Dead of Night (1974)
Movie still holds up after 30 years
8 July 2004
I recently bought the DVD of this film. It still holds up after thirty years. I first saw this film as a child. It left an impression on me that still persists today. The movie was filmed in the 1970's but it still has a timeless quality. Many of the themes of war and families not functioning are as relevant today as they were in the 1970's. The horror is more implied than presented. It is a haunting movie with a great ending. The DVD includes interviews and commentaries. I highly recommend this film. This is one of the few horror films that I can still remember watching as a child. Another great movie of that era is Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It would be great to see these two films on a double billing.
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