
3 Reviews
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In a word... outstanding!!
5 April 2013
Anyone expecting some low grade, squalid video nasty is going to be sorely disappointed. This is one of those films that's much better than its reputation suggests. What we actually have here is a highly intelligent and articulated thriller! Sure there is some of the Fulci trademark gore, but in this case it's better handled, more taut, and less excessive! The film also utilizes some great location shots in and around New York, and the camera-work and editing is top notch! I found the film to be outstanding in it's competence, and wish there were more out there like this. This is a work of an experienced director and crew and not amateurs. I fear it may have been banned, cut and trashed mainly due to it's association with the director's name, and the highly evocative and chilling, but iconic title of the film! Finally I found what could have turned out to be silly.. the maniacal quacking of the Ripper to be inspired and genius. This alone raises the movie 'beyond' the realms of your standard murder, mystery and suspense fare!
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Piccadilly (1929)
The stuff that dreams are made of!
6 December 2012
Piccadilly is one of the finest silent films ever made, and easily the best British one! The fact that it's not even listed in Silent Era's website top 100 films is a travesty, when instead it is filled with so much outmoded junk! It's far superior and sophisticated than say Hitchcock's 'The Lodger', which is ranked as Britain's top silent film. The Lodger is in fact a pretty juvenile fare, much like a Lon Chaney film, complete with cartoon characters, and an overused clichéd lynch mob chase! It would be some time before Hitchcock would mature into the master he would eventually become. In the meantime It's very hard for me to explain why Piccadilly is such pure film. First off, the The acting is first class and very modern, with perhaps Gilda Gray being the weakest link. Cyril Ritchard (who would eventually play Peter Pan's Captain Hook on stage and TV), Jameson Thomas, and King Hou Chang as Jim are all superbly cool! As for Anna May Wong, this is probably her finest hour! Her portrayal as a devilishly, devious minx again is first class, but she's so compelling and visually stunning in this film that's she's iconic! It's also a very cosmopolitan film, but more importantly it's a film about London. Here we get a dual glimpse of a modern jazz age night club, and an alter ego antediluvian world of Limehouse. I could witter on for hours about the merits and greatness of this film, but suffice to say I'll just stop here and say that vision, modernity and transcendence are the key to the success of this film, and leave you with the words of Sam Spade from the Maltese Falcon, that this film is indeed 'the stuff that dreams are made of'.
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The Party (1968)
Ultimately disappointing.. a wasted potential.
3 September 2012
Firstly, there are a many great things about this film. It has a very promising premise, albeit havoc wreaked and gag filled! Visually the film is excellent too. It looks fresh and modern, despite being a product of the late 60s. The title sequence with Peter Sellers on the Sitar is illuminating, and his arrival at the Party in a small vehicle is Jacques Tati inspired! It's also very charming and has a wonderful atmosphere!

So where does it fail? It can be summed up very concisely and easily really. It just isn't very smart that's all. A tedious and condescending nature runs through Blake Edwards' 60s comedies. Luckily he saw the light and came of age during the 70s! The three Pink Panther films, The Return, Strikes Again, and Revenge are all superb! They're genuinely smart and funny, despite their childlike quality and slapstick humour!

It's not the Zen like slow pace of the film I dislike either, but some of the gags are overstretched. Maybe re-editing and cutting the film down to 90 minutes would tighten it up considerably? However, that still wouldn't be enough to patch up the lame script, or dumb dialogue unfortunately!
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