
18 Reviews
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Stag Night (2008)
Seems more like zombie homeless than cannibal homeless .. not very good either way
17 September 2012
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OK I gave this 3 out of 10 because the acting was pretty good. Other than that the film was pretty substandard. The idea was good; but badly done. There are a couple of clever and original gory scenes but they really don't make the film worth watching.

There's no sense of urgency in this film; the victims also make really dumb and stupid decisions. Like shouting when they are trying to hide. Or even more stupidly, think "oh hey, we're being chased by crazy murderous homeless guys. Let's ask this colony of homeless people to help us". Sorry, but no. I couldn't believe the stupidity of that move.

This film could have a lot going for it. The acting is good, it doesn't appear that low budget, and if the homeless dudes didn't appear like cannibals or zombies, then I think it has a very real and scary believable side to it.
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Pretty good
2 September 2012
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This film isn't so bad. At first I was a bit put off with the narrator, and the weird filming effect; it looks like it was filmed in the 70s. But it's not.

Anyway. The characters aren't totally likable which is great in slasher films, I tend to enjoy watching them a lot more then.

I thought that this film would be one of those irritating ones where you see the annoying happy, care free teens having a blast and getting wasted for the first hour before anything happens; I was wrong, and happily so. Things start happening within the first 15 minutes which really grabbed my attention; usual films of this genre/story line take a lot longer for things to happen. It's a pretty short film and things happen quickly; there's no unnecessary hanging around or irritating dialogue.

What I liked the most about this film; I seriously empathised with the killer!! I love films that make me feel this way (Devil's Rejects being another). Maybe I'm weird.

Well I won't spoil the ending here .... I was surprised to hear the narrator's voice again though.
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Avoid this ... Especially if you like haunted house films
1 September 2012
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Oh no. I wasn't going to write a review because I don't really like writing negative reviews - however ...

This film is so awful. I can't begin to describe how awful it is. The acting, the effects, the story line ... Everything. The acting is so bad, I don't know whether the actors were terrible or the script was terrible. Maybe it was both. It wasn't even funny bad acting; it was just plain bad. Cringe.

The effects were so bad I was shocked to learn this film was made in 2009. Seriously, the 80s had better effects. The ghosts weren't scary, the noises were irritating and let's face it, stupid. Nothing creepy about this film.

The story line ... What story line? I don't know why the house was haunted. I don't know why things were happening. I was irritated by the characters and hoped that horrible things happened to them.

The film needs far more work. It has the basis for a pretty good film, but it just feels so rushed.

Sorry to any writers, directors, actors etc of this film; you did a bad job I'm afraid. I wish I could give less than 1/10.
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Storm Warning (2007)
What a film!!
1 September 2012
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I love this film!!!

At first I was unsure of whether or not I'd warm to the characters, but wow, as soon as trouble set in I was hoping that they would survive.

This film is brilliant; I was on the edge of my seat all the way through the film, wanting to fast forward to the end just to see if the couple survive! The gore takes a little while to set in, but there's a few hints of exploitation which keeps the film going until then. But when the gore sets in, it is intense!! In the last 40 minutes of the film it really explodes in to an intelligent, brutal tale of revenge and a woman's scorn!!

You will not be disappointed if you stick this one out .. I promise you. The gory last 10 minutes (with the rottweiler) had me looking away briefly - and being thankful for being a woman - because it was just so gruesome. And I'm not new to this genre; I've watched far too many slasher, gore and horror films. This one was the first to really make me feel sick (and that's a positive comment!).

In case you're wondering (these things are important to me) - the rottweiler doesn't die. You'll cheer him on too!

I'm going to recommend this to others!!! For sure!
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Buried Alive (2007)
Eh ... It's OK
1 September 2012
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Like a lot of other people, I was sold this film on the fact that it starred Tobin Bell. Well, he was great in it.

The story line is pretty bland ... I didn't get it until half way through the film. Though, half way through the film, things do get a little more interesting. Killing takes a while to set in, in fact any action takes a while to set in. I did enjoy the film after an hour or so.

It's not scary, creepy or anything; I did find a couple of the killings (the ones outside) were pretty good and original, but other than that, I wouldn't really say that this was a horror. There were only a handful of killings, definitely not enough to consider this a slasher film.

Other than Tobin Bell I thought I'd enjoy this film because it was described as a 'haunted house' film. I guess it is; but it's not a very good one. There's a ghost type thing, but it's pretty rubbish.

The film isn't that bad if you're not expecting too much. Maybe I was when I read that Tobin Bell was in the film. Don't expect anything like Saw. There isn't anywhere near enough gore, killing, scares, anything.

I wouldn't say avoid this film; but don't watch it if you want a horror.
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Tony (I) (2009)
25 August 2012
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I did not expect what I saw. What an brilliant, brilliant film. I love the way that I was made to feel empathy towards Tony before I was shown any of the killings, and also felt this way all the way throughout the film. This is a brutal, clever, and most of all, frighteningly real film. This could happen; it could be happening right now. Because I felt empathy toward Tony I found myself almost cheering him on (I know, it sounds awful) but Tony is such a childish, unassuming, softly spoken character that you can't help but feel for him when things go wrong or people take advantage of him. I love this film! 10/10. The twist at the end is excellent; I did not see it coming. Do not assume with this film!!! Excellent.
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How has this got more than 2 stars
22 August 2012
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I would have given one out of ten but the idea for the film I thought was pretty good - so I gave it 2. I really couldn't see past the bad acting and dubbing - oh hell it is terrible. I'm still watching this film - I want to turn it off and watch something else but I also want to see how much worse this could get. Like I said; the story line idea is pretty good, the problem I have with it is that it was shown on the Horror channel so I recorded this thinking it would be a horror film. It's not, it's a thriller police chase thing. Which isn't the sort of thing I'm in to. If those are the types of films you like, and you can get past the terrible terrible acting and even worse dubbing, then by all means watch this film. If you are watching this thinking it will be a gruesome horror film; you are wrong, do not watch this film.
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So bad you have to watch it
17 August 2012
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You have to see this to believe how bad it is. I've given it a 3 - generous I know - only because I think the idea for this film is brilliant. If it was filmed and written and acted a hell of a lot better then this would be worth a lot more in my rating. What I had the biggest problem with was the needless over the top usage of CGI - The problem being that it was completely obvious that it was CGI, even when the intention was probably for the use of it to be subtle. The only part I've enjoyed so far is the crazy clown ghost's acting, I am totally convinced about his character, that he is crazy as hell. The other characters - the main characters, Kirsty and James - they are so irritating and the acting is awful. The acting overall is terrible - to the point where it's comical (the demolition guy about 10 minutes in - some ... interesting acting). It's disappointing to be honest - I would have loved this film to be more than what it is. I have only watched about 40 minutes before deciding to switch it off - which is annoying because this film could have been so much more than what it was. Watch it if you have a spare few hours and fancy a laugh (for free - I wouldn't pay for this).
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Are You Scared 2 (2009 Video)
What the hell did I just watch ... And why did I watch it?
16 August 2012
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OK, so I really didn't want to believe the negative reviews on this film ... But ... This film is all kinds of terrible. The story line could have been solid if it was more thought out; it's a clever idea, and I like these types of films but this one was so wrong. It reminded me of a mixture between Saw, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Battle Royale (all favourite films of mine) so on that basis I thought that I'd enjoy this. Now, I didn't know that this was a sequel to another film - On the Horror channel it was titled "Tracked" so after reading the synopsis of the first film I did grasp a better understanding of what was going on. Script and filming wise, to be honest, it isn't very good. It's not the worst, but it's not good either. There isn't much explanation of what's going on, of who is who, why things are happening. The scenes also happen too quickly for me - not enough explanation between scenes if you know what I mean. This wouldn't be a negative point for me if the torture/killing scenes were good, but they weren't; they were cringe worthy and very few and far between. In fact there isn't much of it at all, which is really disappointing. This leads me on to the acting; Irritating, badly and obviously acted, awkward and unlikable. I became annoyed with the characters very quickly and found myself fast-forwarding to parts of the film where things were happening - OK, if I'm honest, I was fast-forwarding to parts where the characters were being killed off - which there wasn't enough of!! - but there was something satisfying about watching that. Overall I wouldn't recommend this film, it's wasted my time (albeit not much of my time seeing as I fast-forwarded a lot of it). I didn't enjoy it, it was painful to watch and it's such a shame that it came out this way. It could have been so much better. Also the 'special' effects were terrible. Oh this film is so bad. Please don't watch it.
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Thr3e (2006)
Could have been so much better
15 August 2012
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How disappointing. The idea for this film is excellent, the filming is fairly good too. The acting however is terrible, cringe worthy and irritating. I found myself hoping that all the main characters would get killed off because of how irritating they are!! The police woman - Eurgh. So annoying, awkward acting, painful to watch. Now, like I previously said - the idea of this film is pretty good - suspenseful, good and well thought out story line, some good creepy moments (the phone in the book, I thought that was pretty good). But there were parts of this film where I thought "what the hell is this? what's going on and who are these people?" To top off what is overall a fairly terrible film, a dog gets killed. That's a sure fire way to get me to hate a film.
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Excellent slasher/driller killer film - it is what it is!
9 August 2012
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Yeah, I gave this a high rating - it's totally worth it. I don't understand why some ratings for this film are so low - it's an 80s slasher, what are you expecting? There were plenty of gruesome kills, it didn't take the film long to get in to the killing so doesn't keep you waiting like some modern slasher films do. There is a good, basic story line which doesn't make the film difficult to follow. We are reminded throughout the film that a killer has escaped from jail so it's not a random attacker. The loose ends are tied up, there aren't any questions left unanswered at the end (apart from when she plays her piano after she thinks she hears someone in her house, haha)and the story line isn't dragged out unnecessarily. I totally recommend this film and will be buying the DVD to watch again (I watched it on the horror channel). I find that the older slasher/ driller killer films are far better than the more modern horror flicks - the killing is more original, better thought out and more believable.
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Pretty clever film
9 August 2012
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This was shown on the Horror Channel one night, and I recorded it based on the title. It turns out that the film is more of a thriller (as described on this site) rather than a horror, which initially really disappointed me. However, I will review this film on the fact that it is a thriller. I felt that this film was quick to capture my attention in the fist few scenes, the characters were strong and the acting was excellent - however I think the story line needed a bit more work because I felt that sometimes the audience was left guessing - there were parts when I was wondering why things were happening, but pushed through them. The story line is a little far fetched - a film maker blackmailing a serial killer in to making a documentary, only then to seem to befriend him and help him - however if you can get over the slightly unbelievable part of blackmailing a killer, then I think you will really enjoy the film. It plays with your mind, the way the characters develop is interesting and believable; and what I like a lot about this, is that I began to empathise with the killer. I like films that make me think that way. Not my usual type of film, but I watched it through to the end and really enjoyed it.
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Actually very entertaining
7 August 2012
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I was surprised by this film - it was highly entertaining. I recorded it from the Horror Channel and fortunately they advertised the film as horror, not horror comedy (I'm not a big fan) otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. I am so glad that I recorded it - It is horror with a dark comedic underlay and it works so well. The characters are brilliant, memorable and well acted; the gore factor is huge and brilliant, and the story line is excellent too. In parts it reminded me of House of 1000 Corpses (one of my all time favourite films). I really really enjoyed this film and will be buying the DVD and recommending it to others. Brilliant.
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The Calling (I) (2000)
Needless dead animals and awful acting
7 August 2012
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I wish I could give 0. This is terrible. The negative feelings toward this terrible film started (no, not with the immediate terrible acting) with the image of a skewered guinea pig on a fence - first, what the hell is a guinea pig doing in a park? Secondly, I don't understand why films need to stoop to the level of killing and torturing animals to 'shock' (I am a seasoned horror fan and enthusiast, however I draw the line at animals suffering). I turned the film off when the child kicked his dog - and I'm glad, after reading another review which says that he then goes on to hang his dog. Luckily I didn't spend any money on this - it was shown on the Horror Channel late at night. But other than what I've pointed out, the acting is terrible, the film didn't explain itself very well - I didn't know what was going on. What I did get from this film is that it was trying and terribly failing to be The Omen. But hey, don't take it from me. I turned the film off after about 20 minutes.
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I didn't even know what the hell was going on
30 July 2012
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I'm not a big fan of zombie films (I much prefer slasher, gore and demonic possession type films), so maybe that has something to do with why I didn't enjoy it; that said, nothing really seemed to happen in the film. I wasn't entirely sure of what was going on - possibly down to bad writing and poor planning. The acting was mostly terrible; the only thing I really enjoyed was watching a fellow Welsmhman acting, but that enjoyment was more to do with the novelty factor of association rather than being a positive point in the film. Considering that it's a zombie film, there was a seemingly distinct lack of zombies. The film should have been called 'The Diaries' or 'The Zombie Diaries With Not Many Zombies' (well you get the point). The film didn't frighten me, it didn't engage me, I couldn't warm to the characters (apart from that mentioned above), the acting wasn't great and there wasn't much tension or suspense at all. Luckily I didn't buy the film; it was shown on the horror channel as part of their evolution of the zombie film series. I'm surprised I watched it all the way to the end; but unfortunately the ending opens up more questions than it answers - to be honest that doesn't really come as much of a surprise, given that I didn't fully know what was going on anyway. I wouldn't recommend anyone to watch this, even those who are zombie film enthusiasts.
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Skew (2011)
Half way to a good film
25 July 2012
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I would like to give this film a lot more, but for me, not enough happened to justify a higher rating. The ideas were good; creepy, chilling etc but they were few and far between, and the film built up to nothing. I don't want to sound too harsh but I felt that some of it was pretty lazy - there are loose ends, like who the hell was the kid in the hotel room? Who was the girl in the gas station? Where the hell did Eva go? I had to research the ending because it was so vague. I don't like to be spoon fed film plots but this one was far too ambiguous to understand. I just about grasped the plot; and after researching comments by the director I just felt that the writers really tried too hard to make the film what it was. In fact, researching comments made by the director made me think less of the film. I wouldn't watch it again; it's half way to a great film, but that's it. There should have been more scares and a less ambiguous story/ending. If there were more frequent creepy and scary moments, and they were built on and developed, I think that this film could be a lot better. Also, I don't like animals being killed in films so those needless scenes knocked another star off my rating.
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Steel Trap (2007)
Surprisingly brilliant
24 July 2012
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I think this film is excellent. Luckily I stumbled upon it whilst scrolling through the horror channel; I'm very glad that I found it!! The film gripped me from the outset; it is chilling, mysterious, creepy, and has you on the edge of your seat throughout the whole film. There are a lot of similarities between this film and the Saw franchise; but that's fine (I'm a huge fan of the Saw films). Very interesting and gripping; the characters are likable and the fear is believable, and whilst I initially thought that the twist was a bit tacky to begin with, the more it carried on the more I was pleased and surprised with how it developed. Overall an excellent film and I will definitely recommend others to watch it.
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Night Wolf (2010)
Good idea, but could have been better ...
21 July 2012
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I was going to give this a much lower rating, but the last 10 - 15 minutes or so of the film changed my mind - slightly. The ending really saves the film, however it still wasn't worth more than the 4 stars I'm giving. The twist at the end was a surprise for me, I love twists in films, so on those grounds I suppose the film was successful (although it didn't seem well thought out); however one huge problem with this film - and probably the main reason as to why I just couldn't enjoy the film was the acting. Oh it was terrible. So, so terrible. The mixture of posh English accents, insults and swearing, combined with average acting (at best) and irritating characters makes the film difficult to enjoy. I couldn't take the acting seriously. Another problem I had with this film was that the brief character introductions made it difficult to distinguish the relationships between each of them. Problems aside, the idea of this film is pretty good. I just think it was let down by characters, acting, filming, and writing. I didn't really get a huge feel of 'low budget', I just don't think that the film overall was very good. You can't blame low budget for that.
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