
2 Reviews
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What can i say....i was blown away by this this movie
4 April 2012
I saw this last night and its been on my mind a lot since then..

What a fantastic movie!!, i went in with high expectations, as i had only read very positive things about it, and I was definitely not disappointed, what a beautiful, sad and touching story Great acting overall, mads Mikkelsen is always good, and this is one of his best roles in my opinion, Alicia wikander was beautiful as the young queen, but the real star of this movie has to be Mikkel Boe Følsgaard as Christian VII, Wow!!, what a great actor, his portrayal of the mentally ill king was superb, he really made me sympathize with Christian, he may have been of his nutter and mean at times, but deep down, I think he was a good guy, but he was a very insecure young man, who didn't know how to behave properly, and who couldn't deal with the obligation of being king, he was misunderstood, and I felt really bad for him at times, I really like the portrayal of the relationship between the King and struensee, they were really very good friends/companions, and struensee was like a father to Christian.

The costumes were also beautiful, I love fashion in that period, and this movie had some beautiful clothes to dwell on.

It was about time my country did a movie on our royal history, and now they have, and the outcome is better then i could have ever expected, just beautiful, Hollywood couldn't have done it better, as a Dane I take pride in our danish (royal)history.

Go and see it!!, you wont be sorry
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Brat Camp (I) (2005)
torture against teenager's!
2 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I really like this show, and think its a great solution for the parents of troubled teenager's, it was interesting to watch, and still...

I think the program was way to harsh, in a way they kinda deserved it, but sometimes this was just boarding on torture, I think. for example not even allowing these kids to sleep on a Madras, or have a pillow, the first nights they were at the camp, hallo! you can ruin your back by sleeping on the hard floor, is that what these peoples intentions were! and also making each of them sit in there own little stone-circle with a tent for several days, not allowed to lay down or leave it for just two seconds, unless they had to go to the bathroom. and I remember when one of the teenager's forgot to put her gloves away, the chief made her walk around the camp yelling "I will learn to put my gloves back, I will learn to put my gloves back!" over and over again. plus taking them out in the dessert to walk all day long, and making them carry heavy backpacks at the same time.

I just think the program is a little over the top, but maybe thats what it takes:o)
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