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The Gentlemen (2024)
You will be hookec
20 March 2024
I am a huge fan of Guy Ritchie's work and to have Theo James as the lead.....I was in!

There are so many twists and turns and the number of cameos is impressive! It's a comedy drama so don't try and see it as anything else.

Some of the plot lines are outrageous but just take it all in as you are on the entertainment roller coaster!

From the upper class to travellers....,this has it all and I was hooked within 30 minutes. Trying to work out who is who...,who can or can't be trusted all the way up to the finale......

There is lots of gratuitous violence, blood and gore but it's all part of the story so be warned.
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Did I miss something.
11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have never been an Adam Sandler fa (perhaps that is why I could not connect with this film), but as this was advertised as the sci-fi adventure, thriller perhaps he would be good.

I just found the entire movie to be so unbelievable and forgettable. The opening scenes with Isobella Rossellini seemed way overcast!

The entire movie was just a little too weird for my taste. The giant "spider" was neither believable nor creepy. The visual effects where quite good but the whole story about a lone astronaut having family problems just seemed all too familiar and predictable.

This was neither a good sci-fi or drama.

Sorry, this one was not for me.
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Argylle (2024)
Very confusing and predictable
11 March 2024
After reading all the hype about this movie and the cast, I was eagerly awaiting its release.

I tried to watch this with an open mind, but after such strange first scenes and really really bad special effects (not sure if that was intentional). I was a confused as to whether this was a comedy and a spoof of the Mission Impossible movies or whether is was supposed to be a serious drama! Either way it failed on both.

Some of the scenes seemed unnecessarily long as I think most people would understand without having to stretch out the scene.

I am a big fan of Henry Cavill so I could not understand why he would take on this role. I thought he was the main character (as advertised) but he ended up playing a side/bit part). The rest of the cast, including Bryce Dallas Howard, just became annoying rather than entertaining.

I had settled in for a good spy action thriller but instead as served up and convoluted story that seemed to have no direction.
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9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had seen all the hype about this series and thought it was just going to be a version of other "Mr Inbetween"...but this is not.

You get sucked into the life of two young kids dealing with a mum recovering from heroin addiction and a stepdad who is still dealing to make a better life for the kids.

Felix Cameron was amazing in this role and then supporting case where all great. Gus, the older brother who is so protective of his little brother while remaining mute...was brilliant.

There were a lot of twists and turns, highs and lows as these two boys try to navigate the adult world around them and to live normal lives.

The only downside was the last episode. This was so totally unbelievable and ridiculous it was laughable. It seemed like the writer was running out of time so just wrote anything! Using a Dr Frankenstein scenario with a secret laboratory full of body parts took away from the wonderful story line. A hidden drug den would have been a much better scenario.

Felix Cameron needs to get some sort of award or recognition for this work in this movie.
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Planetquake (2024)
Absolutely the worst
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Obviously the budget was small so they got someone's kid to do the special (and saying special is a stretch) effects using his pre-school graphics application.

Starting with opening scenes which were absolutely amateur and basic to the supposed earthquake scene in Seattle.....this was so bad. Even the actors could not rock back and forward in sync!.

We expect quite a bit better from movies in this age and this did not get anywhere near expected.

The scene on the plane with the daughter and lacked any "flying" background noise and the crew member was badly portrayed!

I could not work out it this was supposed to be bad or was supposed to be funny?

I think some things was shot on a iPhone interspersed with news or archive footage.

Absolutely the worst movie I have seen.
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A different point of view
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie difficult to watch and in some places difficult to follow.

I must emphasize, that this movie is from a totally different point of view and shows how life went on around the concentration camps. The first few scenes did make me think and where the commandant's wife has a delivery of underwear and a fur did take me a minute to comprehend that these items came from people on the camps.

The constant "hum" of the crematoriums throughout the movie really made me think and the glow of the chimney's at night was quite gut wrenching.

The scenes where the Nazis are discussing a more efficient round crematorium to kill and dispose of more Jews was so stark. They discussed this like it was normal.

I think it was important, that although we could hear gun shots and screams, there were not gratuitous scenes involving the Nazis and just knew what was happening.

I loved the "night vision" scenes showing the young girl leaving food for the prisoners extremely different and stark....but poignant.

I found the ending a bit strange when it switched from the commandant to the current museum a bit odd but I understand the importance of having that shown.

I may need to watch this a second time to get trully appeciate it.
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Ted (2024)
Below average
8 February 2024
I am a huge fan of Seth McFarlane and I loved Ted 1 and Ted 2 so I was excited to watch this new series!

So far, of the 3 episodes I have watched it just seems to fall short of what I expected from Seth.

Apart from Ted, the acting feels very stunted and over rehearsed. The story lines are just too far fetched (yes....i realise the central character is a talking bear), but the show and stories just don't seem to flow.

Some of the lines Ted says are funny but apart from that it is not the usual belly laughs from other Seth productions.

There are cameos from actors who were in Orville, which takes a while to get used to.

Overall, disappointing.
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Slow and strange
26 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to this movie but I just did not get it!

It was very slow and really strange with the flash backs to his childhood.

The neighbour was also really strange.

I connect with any of the characters and found the entire movie a real struggle to watch...and understand.

It just got weirder and weirder and I tried to stick with it hoping it would get better but it didn't.

I found it all very dark, depressing and boring.

The characters all seemed very depressing and distant.

Perhaps it was just not to my taste and perhaps I did not see what I was expecting. I really can't find anything positive to say about this movie.
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Skin crawler ranch
31 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a load of rubbish. I love the TV series and mistakenly thought this would be a good "edge of the seat" movie based on the series....its not!

Nothing ever seems to happen apart from the silhouette of a "little green man" in the window at the beginning!

They could have made this great if they had based it more on the series, e.g. Discovering some mystery in the massa (?).

It's pretty boring and I kept waiting for "that moment" when I would jump....but nothing.

I know the TV series can sometimes be frustrating but thi is on another level.

It's a bit cliched with the suspicious animal deaths....and it's amazing how quickly the "vet" was able to analyse and diagnose.....she'd make a fortune in real life !
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Most Haunted (2002–2019)
Get out!
27 December 2023
If you are going to be a "ghost investigator" then expect the unexpected! Annette Fielding screams when she she's her own reflection and it is very annoying!

They don't seem to have and equipment to help locate spirits other than the constant "Did you hear that"....."Someone just touched me".

If you can't handle the spirits then get another job for goodness sake!!!!

Replace Annette Fielding and Carl (?) with a professional who knows what they are doing and what to expect.. not someone who screams every 5 minutes and wants to run!

The other team members seem to be more realistic and are willing to challenge and investigate.
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The Shepherd (I) (2023)
2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Walt Disney would be rolling over in his grave (or cryochamber) to see his name against this garbage! From the worst CGI I have seen to and incredibly ridiculous story line.

An absolute piece of trash. If any pilot had instrument failure they'd turn back....but this guy keeps flying!

Then John Travolta appears out of nowhere to guide him down.... I'm surprised they didn't have in his Qantas jet to make this even more unbelievable!

This could have been a great story and movie but it's not.

Did they hire an intern at Disney to write and film this absolute drivel!

I was so looking forward to this and glad if only took away 40 minutes of my life!!!!
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Haunting: Australia (2014– )
The worst
22 November 2023
It starts with the worst over dramatic voice over.....and just gets worse! Where did they find these "experts" looks like he's wearing clown makeup and never seems at all convincing!

My grandmother was more convincing when telling me about the boogie man.

When they show anymore evidence other than "did you hear that?" or "I think I saw a shadow!" I might engage.

It seems that all over a sudden there are paranormal experts everywhere....and now they are trying to convince Aussies.....good luck with that.

Any building in the dark is going to make noise.....especially when it's old. If you want a good laugh tune into this load of ...
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No worth your time
28 October 2023
I started to watch this and was sucked in at the beginning but then the plot went somewhere...,,not sure where....?

There were more holes than Swiss cheese in this story.

Some parts seemed to be missed altogether....,why was this girl so hated? Why did the bus driver not help?

It's a very different movie with little to no dialogue, which is something different, but also a bit hard to watch.

I kept watching and hoping that it would get better...,but it just did not improve.

Why are aliens always portrayed as evil and out to kill or dominate? I'm sure if aliens arrived on earth, they would look at what we have done to it and each other and warp out of here !!!
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Mother and Son (2023– )
Don't try and remake a ckassic
24 August 2023
I am a big fan of Denise Scott and was looking forward to this remake of the classic show. When it started I thought it was going to be ok....but as it went on the wheels well and truly fell off!

The story was all over the place and the story line was weird!

I don't think Matt Okene (?) is my sort of comedian and I just found it all very predictable and confused. He does seem to present as a natural comedic actor and has poor acting ability.

This could have been a great opportunity to present this classic to a new audience but this missed the mark.

We seem to think repeating past shows with a modern twist will work....this proves that it does not always work!

Give this a miss.
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What the .....
5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Last episode we had cartoons turning into real people!

This episode has Start Trek the musical !

Writers are worried about AI taking over.....could it do any worse.... I think not.

Is this path they are taking trying to ruin the franchise and end Star Trek forever?

I sort of enjoyed the musical numbers (I hate to admit that) but I needed my sci-fi fix and this just did not do it!

What's next for this series....they turn into lizard people and attack earth?

I would like to know if any of the characters were actually using their own singing voice... especially Ethan Peck! Good looking and can sing?!
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The Machine (I) (2023)
24 June 2023
I saw all the great reviews and thought I'd give this a go and as it had Mark Hammil in it!

I didn't know any of the other cast.

It was so awful from the opening scene to the cliched Russians, The story line is ridiculous and the trough back scenes were just insulting to Russians.

I don't mind silly far fetched movies but this movie was just badly written, stale, cliched and boring.

After about 45 minutes of trying to find something positive about this movie......I could not find it.

I think Mark Hammil must have spent all his Star Wars money....why else would he associate himself with this load of .....
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A bit predictable but ok
6 May 2023
I am not a fan of Russell Crowe but he plays the part of the priest (the central character) well.

The story is about a mother, son and daughter who love into an old monastery in Italy to renovate it.

By this stage of the movie you know either the son or daughter is going to be possessed!

The story does take a twist though, involving a Vatican cover up (of course)!

The young boy plays his part well but the whole story is a bit of "I knew that was going to happen" so no real jump out of your seat moments.

It was entertaining but not one of the scariest movies I have ever seen.

Just another devil versus the church!!
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Consecration (2023)
14 March 2023
I was looking forward to watching this movie and being scared out of my wits.... I wasn't!

It could have been so much better but it was all a big "seen it all before". Nuns, creepy convent, cliff edge... all been done before.

It was a bit of a weird story and it didn't make much sense at all.

I pretty much predicted the ending from about 10 minutes in and I was right.

If you are going to make a movie like need to turn up the scare factor to 10 so you are jumping out of your seat and watching it with all the lights on.

The actors were all very ordinary and the Mother Superior was not believable or scary.

Give this one a miss.
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The Fabelmans (2022)
What a wonderful movie
4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love a movie that takes you ons roller coaster of emotions and this one hits the spot. Beautifully told story and perfect casting!

Paul Dano and Michelle Williams are wonderful as the parents trying to cope with life and Gabriel LaBelle as he finds his hobby.

It has some truly heart warming moments and some truly sad moments too.

SPOILER How the son showed his mother that he knew secret and how he kept it from his family is beautiful.

This is such a great movie that takes you in a journey with the family to work out their problems and stay connected.

The cameo by Judd Hirschhorn is a surprise and the advice he imparts to his nephew is so great.
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Tár (2022)
Good to send you to sleep
4 February 2023
I don't understand the hype about this movie! Maybe because I am not "in" the art or music scene...I did not get it!

The opening credits goes for over 5 minutes then it drags in with an interview that is just boring.

I love music and I also love classical music....but if this is what conductors are really like...,vid help the orchestra.

I tried to keep watching this but it just became so pretentious and even more boring.

I had some high hopes for this movie and was anticipating a good quality entertaining movie, but I found myself wanting to escape from this movie as quickly as possible!

It just seemed to drag on and on and did not get any better!
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Not as good as the first series
30 December 2022
I loved series one. The characters and cast where great...the story was very funny and the script was great.

I did not warm to any if the new characters and the story lines were a bit too serious.

Not as many laughs or crazy situations as series 1 and all a bit too serious.

It all seemed a bit too serious and awkward and not as easy watching as series one!

This is set in Italy and you don't get the same feeling of being in a beautiful resort with a group of eccentric characters that made you laugh!

It all seemed a bit sad and depressing and not easy fun watching.

I would not bother if you loved series one!
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Black Adam (2022)
11 December 2022
From when he is awaken after 1000's of years and speaks with an American accent....? Even a bad Arabic accept would have been acceptable. It could have been a great movie....but it's just another Marvel movie to try and make money rather than entertain!

Poor Dwayne Johnson is a great in a comedic role but just seems out of place here.

I just gonna the whole movie silly and too exaggerated.....even though it is Marvel movie.

I did not find any of the main characters seemed believable or likeable. Some of the scenes are just too ridiculously out there that they are laughable.

I think Marvel movies have reached there limit with this one so unless you are a real paint's more entertaining.
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1899 (2022)
Too weird
27 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved "Dark" but this show is even too weird, hard to follow, bad sound track that distracts and the dubbing is awful!

When I started watching this I was intrigued and was ready to settle in and watch the series, but after they find the deserted ship and a boy locked in a cupboard still just started to get too weird and hard to follow!

I found the all the characters being unliveable and unbelievable and they all seemed to the same!

I tried to follow the story and work out who was real....who was a dream....and where they all fitted in but I gave up.

I've watched four episodes so far but that's as much as I could handle.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Not what you's goid
26 November 2022
I was not sure about this as we have seen so many Addams Family movies over the years, but this is quite good. Jenna Ortega is great as Wednesday and she plays the part so well. The story is good and keeps you watching to see "who dunnit"?

Gwendoline Christie as the head mistress is great casting and she is perfect in that role!

BUT Luis Guzman as Gomez is soooo wrong. He comes across as very very creepy and not in a good way! Catherine Zita Jones as Morticia does not work either.

The rest of the younger cast play their parts well.

An enjoyable series that keeps you guessing and just when you think you know the answer....they get bumped off!
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The Crown (2016–2023)
This just relates to season 5
12 November 2022
What an absolute waste of time. Apart from Imelda Staunton and Elizabeth Debicki, the casting was so bad. Dominic West as Prince Charles was laughable. The episodes just seemed the drag on and on and mist of the content we have seen in a thousand other movies and series. I found the series hard to watch and engage with and ended up fast forwarding through some of most boring parts!

I think they should have stopped at series 4 as this series is just incredibly boring, disjointed and too long.

I loved all the previous seasons but I think movies and series about the royals has been done to death!

Don't waste your time with this series!
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