
148 Reviews
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The guest from hell
28 April 2024
Writing this review on my phone, I was near done when I turned my phone horizontal & the page refreshed - I lost all of my concise insights & witticisms!!!

In short, the late 70's TV Show premise was set up perfectly & put to best use for a "single location" modest budgeted thriller.

Everything that you'd hope would be good for a period piece was - performances, costumes, set design, music & sound, and of course the visual aesthetic. Mixing the old style NTSC video look with the black and white behind-the-scenes documentary style is that perfect one-two punch of changing the visual tone AND the dramatic tone simultaneously. Works wonders on the big screen!

I believe this was a pandemic production so congrats to all for making it under difficult circumstances.

Is it scary? Yes. The special effects are creepy but because a tone of realism underpins the movie, creating an altered state of reality seems to have been equally as important as pure shock value.

And the ending? I've had to think about it a little. What about you?
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Immaculate (2024)
29 March 2024
Giallo style filmmaking (that's 60's-70's Italian psychological horror/slasher movies).

Look it up if you need to. This movie wore the genre on its sleeve, to both my surprise and morbid delight.

An innocent makes her way into a new culture with a heart full of hope and wonder. And from there it's all downhill. Not immediately, mind you. The descent is creakingly slow in the film's opening moments but the angle of descent increases exponentially. You won't even realise it. It's part of the charm of the movie, and descriptive of our heroine's predicament.

Religion gets a bad rap these days, along with many institutions of old. This movie does absolutely nothing to alleviate that. It is a committed tip of the hat to a lesser-known (unless you have hipster film snob friends) era of Italian cinema.
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Not the tale letter-writing needs right now ; )
29 March 2024
Interesting because it's based on a true story, engaging for the top notch performances, and funny for the written language at the crux of the tale and for additional comedic touches.

Beware, though, there's something lurking in the shadows of this lighthearted historical tale.

Whilst some of the criticisms about the casting are fair, IMHO, the performers themselves carried their respective roles with aplomb.

I was drawn in by the post-war setting and the related plot points.

It's a dark comedy and so many great funny movies are. There are no slouches in the acting department and the cinematography, set design, and costumes were top shelf too.
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The Rooster (2023)
If a tree falls in the forest ...
29 March 2024
A tough one to review because you know it's not going to be a box office hit.

Watching it, though, I was thinking how long it had been since I'd seen a real character piece. You know, I mean something that wasn't just quirky or dark or subverting expectations. This was a character piece of old. This was staring into the abyss (this is a Wall Street reference). It's a tale for those who've walked with the black dog, been at society's fringe, and/or at some time been a pariah of the community - not a pillar.

I hate to say that it's probably a men's film because I'd surely not want to discourage the inquisitive minds of the fairer sex from having a look. Nor would I want to restrict the universal themes of the movie to a select audience.
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Baghead (2023)
The cat's not quite in the bag.
29 March 2024
In my experience dabbling in micro-budget movie making, I learned one key thing - you can't make a commercially successful movie on a micro-budget. Baghead had plenty more budget than my micro-budgets, I can assure you, but when you're playing with the big boys, even low-to-medium budgets make it tough going.

What's my point?

The makers of Baghead appreciate good movies. I can tell because there are some cracking shots and sequences in this little cellar dweller creepfest.

But as a whole the movie doesn't gel because there were too many elements but too few production dollars to tend to them all.

In the end it, to me, felt rushed & clichéd, despite many singular elements of true inspiration and talent.

Constructive criticism might be "Keep It Simple, Stupid" but there's no criticism from me, really - only admiration.
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Argylle (2024)
Mega fun
4 February 2024
It's so over the top and it just kept climbing.

More twists than something really twisty.

Ron Howard's daughter slaughters this role.

Henry Cavill and his high hair are comedy gold.

Sam Rockwell's acting chops are the anchor for this swinging chandelier of a movie.

Action-comedy rarely has it this good.

Dua Lipa meets MV Agusta (those who know, know).

John Cena underplays his role - there's a first for everything, right?

Some big names in small roles lifts the vibe.

You'll catch yourself laughing out loud (would've used LOL but wanted to reach the required character count quicker).

Great holiday fun! Great work night fun too!
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Gravity did it
25 January 2024
I'm going to sound like a hetero, chauvinist, neanderthal, but I'm only being honest when I say that I notice the pace of many female directors is different to most male directors. I'll take the cyber hits for writing that but at least I was prepared for the languid pace. So much so that it didn't bother me at all. I thought of it as a slow burn movie. I wondered at the start whether Huller seemed uncomfortable with the direction but she settled in shortly after. Stylistic quibbles aside, it is a very solid entry into the genre of "forensics of justice". It's also a proper work of art, which is commendable above all else, especially any misgivings about pacing. When the dramatic moments come in the film, they hit just as hard. It's just a different style of takedown than what I'm used to.

Whodunnit? It is worth watching Anatomy Of A Fall to find out for yourself.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Home Alone Together
25 January 2024
I think it's fair to say that this is a slow burn movie. But it's more just to call it a slow starter. When it picks up the pace at halfway it comes home strong from that point on.

Honestly, I don't want to give anything away, so I'll write generally, to the point of vagueness.

Movies about geeks and oddballs are a cornerstone of any nutritious cinema diet. It's a movie made by a cast and crew with talent, experience, and a love of the craft. It's not perfect but it comes close. And it wouldn't want to be perfect, anyways.

You don't need to have had boarding school (or equivalent) education to appreciate this film, I hope. Just the experience of being left behind for a period of time during an important phase in one's life should qualify for appreciation of our characters' paths.

The good thing about accidental "mentor" movies is seeing the different trajectories our characters' lives are on after our two hours with them. To wonder, knowing what we know of them, how they will do in the subsequent chapters of their lives.

I'm hanging out for The Holdovers 2: Reunion.
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Fast Charlie (2023)
Bayou Bond
23 January 2024
Watched Remington Steele since back in the day.

Pleasantly surprised when he got the Bond gig.

So, Brosnan + Noyce + bonus (Warwick Thornton as cinematographer) was something I couldn't say no to.

Surprisingly he does a solid job of the accent. Actor's speak might be that in order to do an accent well you've got to find the character beneath it. He's done right here, I tells ya.

Phillip Noyce's experience as director kept me deep in the moment. It's the seemingly small things that eventually compound to create an authentic atmosphere. Like any good 90's director, his action chops are at par with his quality storytelling.

Caan, Baccarin, and a genuine supporting cast make this a good piece of entertainment.

My minor quibble is with the vehicle interior sequences. It must cost too much these days to rig up an actual vehicle with cameras & microphones.
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Aquadude & the Psychedelic Seascapes
11 January 2024
Bit of fun, really.

Needs to be seen on a modern mega-screen with Dolby Atmos.

The too-many new story elements lessen the chances of a singular dramatic impact. Conversely, however, it does give us an opportunity to see a plethora of imaginative aqua-cityscapes and creatures.

Momoa has loads of charisma and Wilson is quietly peerless in his multi-genre acting chops.

It's been a tumultuous time for the DC cinema franchise & some of that manages to bleed into The Lost Kingdom. It's self-conscious about its previous installment & uncertain about the next. For a genre that's been built on interlinking blockbusters, this one feels hampered, not freed, by its orphan child status.

(Let us not forget the impact that corona virus restrictions has had on films produced over the last few years).

I was hoping for more but I was still enthralled by the technical wizardry, enthusiastic performances, & out-of-this-world seascapes & creatures.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
B(ee)-movie actioner
11 January 2024
I knew what I was walking into. Director David Ayer & writer Kurt Wimmer are no novices to the B+ action genre.

John Wick has been taking up all the lone-killing-machine real estate of recent years. Where Wick leans into assassin/fantasy, Beekeeper does well to stay relevant. Turning on internet scams, dirty money, sketchy government officials, & family ties, it lays an acceptably current foundation. No, it's no Pulitzer, but heavyweights Statham, Rashad, Irons, Driver, Hutcherson, et al, & a competent supporting cast hit the right dramatic beats along the way. There's room for slightly better characterisation but one appreciates that the set armourer has priority over the acting coach in the high body count genre.

My minor quibble is with the "jello" effect video cinema cameras suffer from. Not really suited to action films but when you're shooting fast and lean, who can afford the crispness of the film (celluloid) frame these days?
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10 January 2024
Bursts with analog(ue) warmth of film (celluloid).

Nicholas Cage can character act.

Supporting cast sublime.

Ridiculous plot ... but ... reality IS stranger than fiction, which is why it works.

Saw the premieres of Eternal Sunshine OTSM and Being John Malkovich, did you? Take a break from your low cholesterol diet and enjoy some candy bar snacks with this one.

Is it a depressing tale of woe or a true telling of career trajectories, I asks ya.

Sad, serene. Mad, mercurial. Prehistoric, prescient.

Didn't think I could be so happy about being sullen.

Won't be for everyone, which is probably for the best, RIGHT?!

; )
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The Marvels (2023)
Triple Threat, Triple Backstories
4 December 2023
It's an interesting movie, even if you've not seen all of the many strands that lead up to it.

A lot of the key elements have no emotional resonance, though, if you've not seen, I suspect, the Ms Marvel small screen series, the Hawkeye small screen series, nor the Wandavision series. That's quite a bit of pre-reading, is it not?!

I'd seen all the stuff leading up to Endgame and then the Wandavision series ... I think. Quantumania I also saw, along with Black Widow. This big screen effort was just as entertaining as those two, thought I.

At worst there are far too many "in-joke" moments that fall flat for the uninitiated. At best, it is different having three lasses as your protagonists in a superhero movie. Each performer is committed to their respective roles, and the Big Bad does their absolute utmost with what material they had.

Danvers' main plot point is given an afterthought's treatment, although Larson makes even this go a long way. It's a sacrifice made for having 3 main characters - each only gets 1/3 of the run-time's worth of attention.

Look, it's a fun movie. I had no problem with it.
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The Creator (2023)
Apocalypse 2065
18 October 2023
The upside to modest films is that they don't get as much publicity as the tentpole blockbusters. Therefore, you're not saturated with plot details.

There were a few curve balls in this visionary sci-fi epic. The setting was one, and the emotional impact in the final act was another. It's a movie about conflict so in hindsight the geographical locales shouldn't surprise me, taking into account many a post 70's war movie.

As far as the emotional impact at the end, well, I shouldn't have been surprised at that either, knowing full well that director Gareth Edwards is a slow burn master. Early in the movie I actually thought to myself, "This is going to build into something quite large." There was drama early on, don't get me wrong, but it's possibly even more a documentary than melodrama in its observations of our characters.

Best you go in without knowing anything, says I.

Edwards' forte is the realism in his special effects design. But those who appreciate that kinda thing will already know this of him. He and Blomkamp are two of the best sci-fi filmakers of recent times. I hope it's not Gareth's last epic sci-fi, but if it is, he can go down smiling, that's for sure.
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Thick atmosphere thin plot
4 October 2023
The claustrophobia, the dread, the suspense, jump scares, and skewiff camera angles - it's all there. A great cross section of characters in the cast too.

I was disappointed with the way the plot wrapped up - the third act, I believe it is called.

I mean, ideally our suspicions are there from the start in these types of movies. But you want the plot to reveal layer by layer the true wickedness and/or utter misfortune that drove our killer to his or her murderous act. You've got to peel back scar after scar to find the underlying motive. Concurrently, you must piece together the "how". Best practice being revelations of chance and cunning that press further and further into the boundaries of belief. That's how you create the melodrama that keeps people pinned to their seats. Step over that fine line, though, and you'll quickly lose your hard won audience. It's an art, a gift, and an indulgence. And even when it's not great, it's good.
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Rachel's Farm (2023)
Intro to Regeneration Farming 101
20 August 2023
I don't have any substantial experience at all in growing my own food, let alone for any market. Now I have a basic grasp of the science behind healthy soil. I also have an appreciation of the weighty personal commitment required to have any measurable success at sustainable farming. There's no shying away from the initial financial toll here, either. The seemingly repetitive, mundane nature of much of the transformative work is, I suspect, evidence of the discipline required for the task at hand.

Obviously Rachel Ward is relaxed in front of a camera but the other key subjects are also engaging. I'm referring to both humans and animals in this regard.

The scenery is cinematic and seeing a doco on current and local issues on my neighbourhood cinema screen added much to the good experience.
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The New Boy (2023)
Old tale, new telling
6 August 2023
These personal films that directors get to make are both a struggle (to watch) and epiphanous (in the modern, non-religious sense) in the payoff.

The thing looked marvellous for the "magic hour" lensing of outback Australia. Sets, costumes, props were all legit for the era (mid-20th Century).

All the cast were top notch but one can't avoid the fact that almost everyone looked healthier than you suspect people actually did in the time and place of the film's setting. What can you do - starve the cast for months before the film's shoot? I suspect Christian Bale had the resources to get gaunt for The Machinist that were not available here. I digress.

The real magic happens when things get cray cray crazy on screen. Actually, these moments depict humans at their most vulnerable and strange. Our weird faith systems - Christian & Aboriginal (see Nolan's gargantuan Oppenheimer for faith in science) clash with serious, comical, frightening, & heartwarming results.

I'd like to watch it again, some day.
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MI7: Pandemic Filmmaking
2 August 2023
The real mission impossible behind the scenes was creating an action/mystery spy caper during the coronavirus' global outbreak. I theorise its impact caused the static physicality of the exposition scenes juxtaposed with the conversly b*lls-to-the-wall action set-pieces. Ideally one has both the story & the dynamics unfolding simultaneously. Perhaps managing large sets adorned with extras, stuntfolk, crew, & onlookers for hours on end was too burdensome under social distancing & vaccination rules.

Nevertheless, the narrative thrust was intriguing & touched on ethereal concepts on a few occasions - no small feat for an actioner.

I wondered if the airport sequence was filmed pre-pandemic because it appeared to be such a lively, crowded set.

Tom is ageing gracefully (... not!) but is always cognisant of Ethan's risks & limitations. That is what delivers the payoff to these jawdropping feats.

Looking forward to Dead Reckoning Part 2. We'll learn more about Ethan's past, surely, when that hits the screens in 2024/5.

As always, the cast & crew delivered under what were trying conditions. Everyone looked handsome & delivered with aplomb.

It won't be regarded as the best MI in this series but it's definitely "out there" which makes it, to me, one of the memorable ones.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Waaay old school party tricks
31 July 2023
Cheaper and less risky than purchasing illicit drugs, perhaps, but uncontrolled substances in any form, hand or otherwise, can lead down the path from which there is no return.

Paranoia, peer pressure, plus parrying parental permission pervade.

It's a supernatural take on the post-truth world for younglings. Believe in logic or believe in what your heart tells you is true? Never the twain shall meet, God forbid. Doth the outsider seeking belonging bear a burden so great and too great for the insider to understand and must they then seek out para-normal assistance to bring balance and peace to the world?

All heady themes underlying this perfectly imperfect horror moofie.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Flashes of brilliance
14 June 2023
It's a fun movie with great performances.

Conceptually it's a knockout film. Dealing with love and loss ... and time travel (you know, the important stuff). But the script and execution seemed a bit, dare I say it rushed.

If I were to wax lyrical, which I will, might I say that there's one key lesson to be learned from the theme of this movie that perhaps wasn't followed by its makers?

It's no spoiler to note that the idea of going back in time to adjust the past and thereby repair the present is a sweet temptation. But when we remove that limitation of linear time, binding us to our past mistakes, trouble seems to stem out in all directions. OK, so my analogy is that by relying heavily on CGI to theoretically create anything that one's imagination can conceive, the temptation is to consciously turn everything up to 10 (or 11 if you're in Spinal Tap) and conjure up endlessly amazing experiences. But we're linear beings, for the most part. We need common reference points to know where and who we are. Otherwise, we go off the rails.

That's what I felt was absent from the The Flash movie. Too much of what could be but not enough of what is. We're left disoriented and, ultimately, a bit disengaged.

If I were to go back in time and change something I would have spent more time focusing on the drama of having two Barrys in existence - excellent FX work and acting here. But that'd mean less time for Batman (good stuff) ... and Supergirl (more good acting) and less of the smaller character parts (funny performances, all). OK. Let me readjust. If I was to change something it'd be just to ...
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Hypnotic (2023)
Best film ever made
17 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My mind is blown.

This is the best movie since Alfred Hitchcock's take on The 39 Steps.

Hello Memento. Meet Hypnotic and bow down before thee.

They said that Blade Runner was a box office dud upon release. 20 years later they make a $100 million sequel. The same will happen to Hypnotic. I just hope that Ben & Alice look as good as Harrison did in Blade Runner 2049.

Ben Affleck deserves an Oscar for this performance. It is so rich in texture and nuance but broad in its understanding of the human condition. Alice Braga is the ultimate femme fatale. Look out, Kim Basinger, she's coming after your detective film noir Oscar!

As to the subject matter of hypnosis and the deep state, well, we all know that the former absolutely does not exist in any form whatsoever, and the latter is 100% fantasy. Did I mention that hypnosis is complete rubbish and the secret state is a myth?

William Fichtner and Jackie Earle Haley are actors' actors. The big surprise twist is the master of 90's sci-fi drama, the Lawnmower Man, himself, Sir Jeff Fahey.

I think I've forgotten to mention that mass hypnosis is tomfoolery and that secret government programs on supernatural powers are just a bunch of lies.

And just to conclude, mass hypnosis is hogwash, it doesn't matter what anyone else says about it (but it's good for sci-fi movies). Government infiltration by alien life forms and mass use of alien technology like smart phones is also hogwash.

And finally two questions for you; is mass hypnosis real, and, is the concept of a deep state fact or fantasy?
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Evil Dead: Snooze
1 May 2023
First things, first.

I'm getting old. I saw the original (what the kids call the OG) when it came out back in the early 80's. That was a frightfest from start to finish. A true shocker that stayed with us all our teenage years ... because it was scary as f_@*!

The trailers for this one had me interested, but sceptical. The related Drag Me To Hell was a let down and I don't want to taint my memories of the OG by watching the remake.

Second things, second.

I'm definitely getting too old for this s#/+. I was in snooze land from the first sequence. I knew I was in trouble but that actress who plays the demon-lady had me spooked in the trailer so I hung on. I'd also paid for the ticket and a large popcorn and sparkling water so I wasn't going to leave, was I? The actors were excellent. But did I feel a smidgeon of the dread that was thrust upon me way back when? Negatory.

Another reason I'm getting old - I was "shocked and appalled" that young children were used as main characters in this gorefest. The OG was about late teens messin' around. It was just wrong to have kids so young messed up in these admittedly perverse movies.

Finally, to Sam and Bruce, I don't know what to say. The OG was great, I loved Raimi's Spidey, Bruce is a fine actor, but this effort was lost on me.

7 points for acting, sets, make-up and all that shadowy movie stuff that no one mentions.
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Bling Rings of Power
19 April 2023
Lush costumes, elaborate sets, earnest performances, high resolution special effects, interesting cast. I hesitated initially but once I took the plunge I was hooked.

Haven't read any Tolkien books. Have only seen Peter Jackson's most excellent Lord Of The Rings trilogy. Knowing that trilogy, I can see where this series is headed.

The reservations I have about this series are the same I have for all non-limited series, of which there is an abundance like never before.

First problem - I already know how things turn out. As exciting as many of these set-pieces are, at the end of the day there's no real risk because I'll always know the ending before it occurs, more or less. This dampens the drama & excitement.

Second problem - the show could get canceled at any time. We've all seen it happen. I mean, I've heard this show is friggin expensive to make (it shows on screen). Surely it's forever on a knife edge for its survival. The moment the ratings drop questions will arise over its viability. Although, they could always reduce the production values to match declining viewership.

In all, this doomsayer was swept away by the magic of it all, notwithstanding aforementioned caveats.
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Ultimate homage to today's stuntmen
31 March 2023
Seeing as Stahelski was a stuntman during the Matrix trilogy, it makes sense that John Wick movies are back-to-back stunts turned up to 11.

Reeves himself was a rough and tumble ice hockey player back in the day in Canaydia. Those roots show throughout.

The images are decadent with colour but not subtle. The story and dialogue is workmanlike and efficient.

The action peaks in an epic sequence that is part Taxi Driver's overhead shot after the massacre, part hi-res FPS video game 3rd person replay, and it touches on genius.

Each of these movies has expanded the "Wick world" so to speak, and in doing so Wick hasn't had an opportunity to reflect. It's been run and gun since day one, son.

Should there be another chapter, and I suspect there will be, here's hoping they slowly strip back the layers of decadence and allow us a moment of peace and happiness.

But let us earn that tranquility with one final run. What say you, Mr Wick?
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Scream VI (2023)
A History of Violence
16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Haven't seen any Scream movies since the first was released in cinemas in the late 90's. May have seen the second one but I can't remember, it was that long ago.

Saw this on a whim. Wanted to see what, exactly, they would capture of New York City, and how much they'd involve the big apple in the film.

There were two very solid sequences in the movie, neither of which were the final sequence, but you can't be too fussy with these franchise pics.

All the meta talk was reduced to one big speech in a non-threatening situation. They really should have referenced how boring and tepid this type of scene was DURING the actual scene. But you get a feeling that the franchise is pulling punches because it wants to keep up few up its sleeve for the next dozen entries.

It's a handsome looking film - it's no B grade slasher. They brought the good lenses and lighting kits. And the acting is very solid all 'round considering it being a genre piece.

For me, the final sequence was a slog HOWEVER there were some "killer" moments during it. Needed script tightening at the end, methinks. But box office waits for no man and they've got to churn these out quickly. Strike while the iron's hot. I'd have preferred a sharper iron at the end, is all.

So, how much of a role does NYC play in Scream VI? Not too much. You've seen the subway sequence alluded to in the trailer. Other than that, it could've been set in any big city.

Courtney Cox was great and obviously has a bit of clout with this franchise.

Can people still scream with knife holes in their lungs?
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