
135 Reviews
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The Acolyte (2024– )
The reviews don't do this show justice...
15 June 2024
I watched Rebels and The Clone Wars, there are a bunch of ideas that are borrowed from those two shows but made in live-action in this. There's simply nothing here that seem like the creators just winged it. Sure there's some cringey dialogue, but that stuff is an established thing in any and all Star Wars show/movie.

What I like about the show is that it's not relying on the volume as much as The Mandalorian or Boba Fett. The sets look really good, the costumes look really good as well. The characters, while I was disappointed some didn't make it too far, are good. One standout, however, is Jung-Jae Lee. He really stands out from the rest of the cast, even though Amandla Stenberg is doing a great job as well.

The visuals are really good, though I do wish they did better with the cinematography a lot of it feel very static and not very engaging. The cinematography during fight scenes in the first and second episode are pretty good though.

What I think is happening with the reviews of this show is based on misinformation, a one-sided race war (where the "attacked" have made up their own war in their heads and they're now fighting a brick wall), or males that are just afraid of women behind the wheel, who knows.

Sure, there are flaws of the show, but it's simply not as bad as a 4.6 rating.

As someone who has watched every Star Wars show (live action and animated) as well as the movies, this is Star Wars. People here are overexagerating and blowing a whole lot of nothing out of proportion, to the point where it's an obsession. I highly recommend the show.
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Kara is the only name I know...
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first one was horrendously bad. This one didn't improve upon anything. Did the fighting look good? No, not really. Why? Because there were slow-mo shots that ruined the entire thing.

I counted almost every slow-mo scene in this film, and there were 78 in total. 78 slow-mo scenes. Why? Some of them added nothing, much like most of the scenes in the movie. Everything is told to us. The history of the characters, their intentions, their needs and wants. Nothing is left for us to be like "Huh, I wonder what he's thinking.", because they all say what they think.

I tried liking it. I really did. I love sci-fi films, but what is there to like? The robot, played by Anthony Hopkins? I mean, he looks cool but I don't remember his name or what he said when all the heroes gathered in that cliché ending where they all say "we're with youuuee.".

Again, 78 slow-mo scenes... God it triggered me. Also, why did did they bring back Ed Skrein's character just to die again? His return and second death added nothing to the story. I wouldn't be surprised if they brought him back for the third movie, where he dies yet again after accomplishing nothing, yet again.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Aang (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
An okay start...
23 February 2024
This marks the start of the live-action version of ATLA, and to be honest, it was okay but not awful. The things I had an issue with was the acting, dialogue and some VFX shots.

Let's talk about the cons, because I have a few as I mentioned, acting being one of them. Aang's actor is okay, but he really need to enunciate his words, I had subtitles on because I could barely hear what he was saying half the time. Seeing as this is the only episode I've seen so far, I hope it improves. The rest of the cast were good with the dialogue they read, though they told most of the story and emotions rather than letting them show it.

Most of the VFX looked fantastic, like RTX-enabled versions of the animated show. Some not so good vfx shots resembled the Pan(2015) film, where you could instantly see the 3D models of the actors which I can see past, but once in a while the uncanny valley gets the better of my eyes.

I am excited to see where this goes, especially if they make more seasons. Acting and VFX can be improved, dialogue too (hopefully).
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Exposition + side-quests = Rebel Moon
23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I understand, you want to build a whole "new" world with deep lore holding it up. But jesus.. You don't need this much exposition in order to tell the story. Show don't tell is the way to go, but instead, Zack Snyder decided to tell everything without giving anything up for interpretation. The exposition is also told so unnaturally, in a way that you wouldn't realistically.

The film felt like almost every side-quest in an RPG game where you need to recruit new companions. It wasn't even good because you didn't get to learn anything about the new companions.

It's also pretty hilarious that the bad guys haven't evolved beyond "evil hats = bad guys".

Some of the visuals looked cool, but most of it looked awful. Using chromatic abberation does not make the scene look better. Also, why drag the action scenes out with CONSTANT slow-motion? I get that it's Zack Snyder's thing, but my god was it excessive to the point where it was almost laughable. Pretty sure that if they didn't use slow motion, the film would be 40 minutes long.

It was okay, but nothing memorable. 5/10.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Cliché writing we've seen hundreds of times...
18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If this had come out in the early 2000s, this movie would have been better than it is today. The clichés are filled with a movie.

There's literally nothing this movie does that other movies haven't done before. Oh the scene where the two love interests are on a bed talking, and they lean in for a kiss, and then just as they're about to kiss... Guess what happens, you're not going to guess it, right? Someone walked in on them and they acted like nothing happened. We haven't seen that one before, right?

Oh and if the main character has a good relationship with the family, you probably don't know what will happen with them... Why you didn't even get close to guessing correctly! They get kidnapped by the bad guy! That's a new one, right?

That's just two big points. It's just frustrating that writers haven't gotten past the 2000s when it comes to what makes the characters tick and stuff.

Oh and Susan Sarandon... Boy oh boy. No.

And also another oh, why does the fight scene at the end remind me of what a bad Transformers scene would be like?

This was one of the superhero movies of all-time for sure. It was simply one of them.
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Disappointing to say the least...
21 May 2023
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This movie was supposed to introduce Kang into the MCU as THE villain going forward, and it barely did it.

The film as a whole failed to deliver a decent story, VFX, and acting.

The story felt like a copy and paste of other films, especially the whole "You're not telling us everything."-thing. The VFX was all over the place, it was basically only VFX, which detached me from anything. Nothing felt like it mattered, because it was basically just blob-buildings and blob-creatures. Why would I care about that?

The acting? What the hell was even that? The actor playing Cassie was just... not it. Her acting felt stale and wooden. It felt like there was no chemistry between Paul Rudd and the actor playing Cassie at all. Jonathan Majors was either really loud or really quiet, there was no in between.

The film had no stakes at all. "Stop me and my variants will conquer the multiverse."... okay? So basically the film wasn't about the present, but the future, which has no impact on the present, which basically makes the stakes in this film null.

Quantumania is probably the worst Marvel film to date, in my opinion. A thousand times worse than Thor: The Dark World and Iron Man 2. No amount of VFX could save it.
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Moonfall (2022)
Roland Emmerich: The Movie
11 March 2023
Movie full of corny dialogue? Check.

Movie full of words that have no meaning? Check.

Movie full of awful patriotism that just doesn't land? Check.

They say a lot of stuff in this film but there's no meaning. Don't get me wrong, I like dumb movies. This, however, felt like they made this movie with the help of a story generator, not even AI, because there's no intelligence in it.

The story is just... God. I can't even describe how dumb it is. There's no heart in it. At all. It's like this review. Full of words with no meaning, just filler dialogue to make the movie, what, 2 hours long? Why is it so long? That's what all of them said.

I don't recommend it at all. There's nothing about the visuals that you haven't seen. There's NOTHING about the film that I can give praise to. The only way I would watch this film again would be if it was put on mute, and I was on my computer playing some video game in the other room.

I give it a 2/10 because of Halle Berry. She's the only reason it's not 1/10.
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What was even the point?
11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie felt like a filler episode of a show that's had too many seasons, and they just filled it with some cool shots.

What even happened in the movie? I feel like nothing happened. A bunch of characters were introduced, awfully. Heimdalls son, came out of nowhere? Eternity I guess is a thing, but why delve deeper into that? Valhalla, oooooh! Uhm. Yeah. Jane has cancer, and stuff.

I was afraid that the whole cancer storyline for Jane would be overshadowed by stupid jokes, and I was right. I felt nothing in the end. I didn't even almost care. I'm sad that we won't see Jane again (unless...). But that's it.

Taika Waititi tried to do something, but he failed. He saved Thor with Ragnarok, but almost destroyed him with this film. It has a few cool shots though, and that's cool I guess. 5/10.
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A contained and emotional ride...
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There weren't a lot of things I wish were different in the film, except for more character development of Jennifer Garner's character. She was probably the weakest part of the film, but not because of her acting, but because of the lack of development of her character. Another thing would be the villain, played by Catherine Keener. Her entire character was basically "I want money and power, and I won't let anything get in my way.", which is sort of over played.

The entire film was a tear-jerker from beginning to end, and every part was satisfying in its own way. Mark Ruffalo's ending was brilliant and moved me to tears. Seeing him standing alone, knowing his fate, but getting to see what becomes of his only son. It was very moving.

All in all, it was a solid film with a lot of laughs, great acting from everyone involved, and great depth to most characters.
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What was the point...
9 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What was the point of Grogu leaving with Luke? He achieved nothing while being with him. Everything he did in this finale was doing the same things he's been doing all the time. So why did he leave?

It would have been so much better to keep Grogu with Luke and get a cameo from him once or twice in season 3, showing his progress etc. But no. Instead they're capitalizing on the relationship between Grogu and Din Djarin, and the whole point of season 1 and 2 of The Mandalorian was lost.

This show wasn't Boba Fett's at all. Sure, he was in it. He did some stuff. He spoke a bit. He shot some stuff. But what did he even achieve? He wanted to get the respect of his city, but in the end he questions if he even wants to stay. Like... what was the point of having a shootout with the Pyke Syndicate then?

Don't even get me started with the moped gang. I can just imagine that they were the creation of Robert Rodriguez. I could smell the 'Shark Boy and Lava Girl' -scent through the screen. Whenever they got shot at, I wished they would all fall to the ground due to their whole existence. Nothing about them were cool.

What was that messy deal with the rancor? First he was ridden by Boba Fett, which was really cool, and I really liked it. But then the rancor got loose, and climbed some buildings, and then, for some reason, the moped gang started shooting the rancor(?!). Why? Then Din is like "I'll save the day." and then he clumsily flies to the rancor and clumsily gets tossed around. Then Grogu does the hand thing and saves the day, because we need to see the same old schtick again for some reason.

Cad Bane is an iconic villain in the animated Star Wars shows, and he was wasted. I wish he and Fennec had some interaction considering the whole Bad Batch deal... But no.

The Syndicate and Co. Were all killed suddenly, and that was that. It was just... anti-climactic.

This whole show was the most unnecessary show I've seen in a while. Everything exciting that happened was with The Mandalorian. But the decision to put Grogu back with The Mandalorian was the dumbest decision of the season, apart from the moped gang.

Extremely disappointed, especially seeing how good the 6th episode was. Keep Robert Rodriguez away from Star Wars in the future, please.
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How is this possible?
2 February 2022
This show went from a 6.5/10 to easily a 10/10.

This is just perfection, everything Star Wars should be. The fact that they're pulling things from the animated shows, to the books, etc. Is just perfect.

I am at a loss for words. They have honestly outdone themselves with this one. This episode alone puts the last trilogy to shame.

Rambles aside. Wow.
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Kind of ironic...
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's ironic that the best episode of the show (so far) didn't include the main character of the show. But here we are.

Bryce Dallas Howard is back directing, and she does another amazing job at it. I honestly think she should direct a Star Wars film as well.

Mando is back in action, and it is great. They did something I wish they did in The Mandalorian, which is to give some backstory of the Darksaber. As someone who's watched The Clone Wars and Rebels, I was extremely happy to see the flashbacks to Mandalore. Hopefully it will become the center stage when we eventually get season 3 of The Mandalorian.

The action was great, there were plenty of easter eggs, and hopefully a tease to a character coming over to live-action. But I highly doubt that character will appear in this show.

This episode was amazing, though I can understand the complaints that the main character was basically omitted from the episode. 10/10.
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The end of flashbacks (thank god)...
26 January 2022
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Half of this show has been about what Boba experienced before getting the armor, and I get that it's important to give backstory and fill in on what happened between then and now. It's just sad that the story was so surprisingly uninteresting, apart from the Tusken story.

This episode marks the shift in storytelling. Instead of showing flashbacks for 90% of the episode, we're now getting some very interesting "present time" action, and the show is all the better for it.

The first half didn't really have any direction to go in, due to the flashbacks and limited storytelling for the "present", that it was sorta dreadful watching it. But again, this episode gives the story a direction to go in, thank god.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
The writers forgot character development...
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not only did the writers forget to include some character development, but the main actors were also just... Bad.

Lewis Tan played Cole, and he went from a fighter to a fighter who cares about his family, to a fighter with powers who cares about his family. His acting was more wooden than an oak tree.

Jessica McNamee played Sonya, she went from being an army woman who knows everything, to an army woman with powers who knows everything. Her acting was as wooden as a pine tree.

Joe Lawson played Kano, and he went from a witty, swearing Australian with anger issues, to a witty, swearing Australian with angers issues AND a lazer eye. His acting was, passable.

Mehcad Brooks played Jax, he went from being an army dude with arms, to an army dude without arms, to an army dude with robot arms. He probably got the most character development. His acting was just as bad as everyone else.

Joe Taslim played Kuai Liang, he went from being an Iceman villain who says something about "Lin Kuei" everytime he's on screen, to an Iceman villian who says something about "Lin Kuei" but he's called Sub Zero now for some reason. He was just... bad.

Hiroyuki Sanada played Hanzo Hasashi, he went from being a loving father, to a widower who seeks revenge, and he now calls himself "Scorpion" for some reason. He was the best part of the film, by far.

All in all, the story of the film felt uninspired, the acting just as uninspired. I do have to say that most of the action scenes were good, and they are probably the only reason why I'd recommend seeing parts of the film. Or you could just watch the action scenes on Youtube or something, not sure if it's worth sitting through a horrible film to see 10-15 minutes of action.

The film was bad. 4/10.
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It's great, but why does it exist?
15 January 2022
Why does this show exist? The Mandalorian had the perfect Macguffin, with Baby Yoda. This? I have no idea. It's cool to see Boba Fett's journey. But a show can't survive just by "being cool".

I thought we'd see a small scene where they explained how Boba Fett survived, a story for Fennec Shand. But the whole Tusken thing going on? Again, cool, but why? To explain why Boba Fett had the Tusken weapons in The Mandalorian?

I've only seen the first three episodes, and boy was the 3rd episode a disappointment. The whole "chase" going in 5 miles/h through the city on bikes was underwhelming.

I think the show is cool, but so far, 3 episodes in, I truly don't see why this show exist. 7.5/10.
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Great addition to the franchise...
8 January 2022
I just loved it. I felt myself getting emotional whenever Trinity and Neo were together, and the filmmakers did capitalize on those moments, but they made it work so that it felt natural.

It is interesting to see if they eventually make another one because there is definitely potential there. Do I feel like they HAD to make this film? No, absolutely not. Am I surprised that it works? Yes, very much so.

I do, however, wish Trinity got more screentime, that is my only complaint. Everything else, I loved.
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Liked it more than the first...
31 December 2021
PG-13 Carnage, brutality but no blood or gore. I was fine with it, to be honest. Things don't need blood or gore to be brutal, and I think this film did it okay.

What I really disliked about the film was the detective and Naomie Harris' character. Those were the weakest parts of the film, neither of them needed to be in it.

The best part was the Carnage fights, especially the third act. They really knocked it out of the park with the effects and such, and sure, it would've been cool to see blood and gore as well.

It was better than the first one, in my opinion. The villain was much better, not counting Naomie Harris' character. The story was more compact and low stakes. The humor worked better. VFX looked much better etc.

If you expect blood and gore, you might not like the film. It's a very hit or miss, and for me it worked. 7/10.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Drawn out to the max...
26 December 2021
This film, at best, was chuckle-worthy. They'd scream something out of frustration, and you'd chuckle. But there were no audible "haha"-moments.

The biggest issue I have with the film is that it could've been 60 minutes, max. The fact that they made it into over two hours long makes no sense to me.

When I saw the trailer, I was like "Cool, a movie that explores existential crisis.", nope. Not at all. All it does is scream the same facts to the same reaction over and over again. I finished watching the film two minutes ago and I've forgotten 99% of the film already.

All I want to say is that, sure, political satire is fun, but this film as a whole was a complete and utter snorefest of boring "jokes". If you want to watch the movie, watch the first 20 minutes and then the last 20 minutes, you won't miss any character development, and you won't miss any story development. 4/10.
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Hawkeye: Never Meet Your Heroes (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good intro...
26 November 2021
This was a good introduction to the character Kate Bishop, the opening scenes were fantastic, and the opening credits sorta gave the info of what happened after that ordeal, which was a cool touch.

The episode itself was sort of slow, but it got some speed towards the third act, which was fun. The only bad thing about the third act was that it was filmed in a badly lit basement, which did no favors in terms of the action. It became muddy and difficult to see.

Looking forward to seeing the following episodes! 7.5/10.
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One of the best MCU films (IMO)
12 November 2021
This movie was a thrill from start to finish, with emotional beats that worked every single time. There wasn't a moment in the film that I didn't think worked, to be honest.

The film wrapped itself up incredibly good, with no loose ends, while also teasing the future of the characters introduced in the film. There were some familiar faces in the movie, some that had been spoiled for me.

Visuals were top notch, it was colorful, vibrant, coherent and just pure insanity at the third act.

It is entertaining, sad, wholesome, and extremely rewatchable. I personally loved every single second of it.
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Dune (2021)
Modern equivalent of Lord of the Rings...
30 October 2021
This film is nothing short of epic. The cinematography, the battles, the character building, overall story, everything is perfect. The film ends with the expectations that there will be a sequel, which is why it isn't a 10/10. There wasn't the feeling of a resolution, and films don't necessarily need that in order to be a flawless film, but I wanted it to end with a more conclusive end.

The epic scale of this film could be compared to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and I would say that this is probably the closest to a modern equivalent of the LotR trilogy.

At times the film gave me Avatar vibes, in terms of its slow build-up, which isn't a bad thing. But the ending gave me LotR vibes, where we know that we're getting a sequel, so the end can't be fulfilling. The only difference is that we have to wait two years, instead of one, before the sequel hits theaters.

It's as close to perfect as a film could be, in my opinion.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Another movie plagued by a bad ending...
29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, up until the ending was actually pretty solid. There were some moments where characters didn't do stuff that any sane human would do, such as walk into dark parts of corridors etc. Haven't they watched any scary movie ever?

The thing that REALLY pissed me off was the ending, and the feeling of emptyness it gave. It was nice to see Madison get her body back, but did the police officer survive? What happened after, was she convicted of murdering like 50 police officers? What about the mother, didn't Madison want to say hi or something? So many questions left unanswered.

It was a good movie, up until the ending. 6.5/10.
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Only Murders in the Building: Open and Shut (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
Tremendous finale to a tremendous season...
26 October 2021
There were two episodes that really stuck out to me, "The Boy from 6B" and this episode. They were perfect.

The way they set up season 2 in the first and last episode, while simultaneously wrapping up this season in this episode. Brilliant stuff.

To say that I am excited for season 2 would be an understatement.
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Proof that you don't need dialogue to tell a story...
8 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was very well made. With barely any dialogue, it gripped me from beginning to end. It just proves, what silent films have proven before, that you don't need dialogue to tell a story.

The episode was hands down the best so far, 10/10.
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Sex Education: Episode 8 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 8
Why do they keep reusing that plot???
4 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this season, I really mean it. What I really love about this show in general is that what happened a season ago still has an effect on the characters in the next. The thing that happened to Aimee in particular.

What really bugs me with this show is the whole Otis and Maeve thing of, "should we or not, actually no". It's so overdone at this point of the show. They keep building it up only for it to be ruined in the end. What would be hilarious to me would be if they end the show with them properly getting together and then realizing they're not it for each other.

I would hate that ending though, so if, by barely a fraction of a chance, the writers are reading this; Don't do it.

The season in general gets a 9.5/10, this episode alone gets a 8.5/10. I really wish they would just put them together already. Just do it™.
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