
18 Reviews
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Prison Break: Progeny (2017)
Season 5, Episode 8
Can't wait for next episode.....
24 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely impressive!! Wooow....the best plot and acting and also twist for this season so far....I believed prison break never let us down.

I just can't wait for the next couple days to see finale episode.. I'm not gonna spoil anything ... although the start of the episode was slow, but the rest of it is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.....

The ending is real prison break sense.

My vote 100/10.
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Prison Break: The Prisoner's Dilemma (2017)
Season 5, Episode 4
Prison Break is really back!
26 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, believe it, Prison Break is really back.

A mix of great story and some crazy scenes...generally makes this episode excellent.

I do expect from prison break this really intriguing plot.

And this is happened...they are out of prison, but the main problem is how to get of Yemen.

My rank 9.5/10.
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Prison Break: The Liar (2017)
Season 5, Episode 3
Not very disappointing.
23 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really like this episode and how it ends.

I thought they may have some trouble to get out of Yemen. But things changed. Micheal's plan failed, despite Lincoln and C-note effort. He and her friends in prison couldn't BREAK OUT (I did't expect this, and that's perfect).

I hope next episodes would be much intriguing.

My rank 9/10.
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Prison Break: Ogygia (2017)
Season 5, Episode 1
Storms, they can caome back.
13 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So glad that Prison Break is back with new season.

I really hope they can get to that high level of PB like in the couple years know...mysterious, action, intriguing.

Micheal is alive in (his brother) is a desperate man...Sara (his ex-wife) started a new life....T-bag is out of prison.

The way that Lincoln track down Micheal is pretty interesting....but Micheal, what exactly he does in Yemen and his ignorance about his brother's presence is absolutely perfect (But we know he has some clue).

Hope to see a fascinating season.

My rank 9/10.
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Gotham: Harvey Dent (2014)
Season 1, Episode 9
Harvey Dent but much less Harvey Dent.
19 November 2014
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Harvey Dent is actually introduce in this episode to find leads in Wayn's murder case which he wasn't much involved...maybe we should wait more..

The story line (which was intriguing, though) was something else, acting completely impressive...

But about the whole episode I like it, I believe what's about this show just begin, crime, thriller which I do really expect from this TV-series.

Gotham must keep this level...

My vote 9/10.
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Gotham: Penguin's Umbrella (2014)
Season 1, Episode 7
Finally an excellent one.
6 November 2014
So finally we saw an excellent episode on this TV-series. If in the last couple weeks I've ever consider to quit watching this show, this episode entirely changed my mind.

Every thing was perfect from beginning to the end, from actor and actress to director, from writing to all the cast..most of the previous episode (except "Spirit of the Goat" which was also a good episode) was kinda predictable, but this one NOT...

I hope Gotham keep this level...

Yes. this episode deserves this rating....

My vote also 9/10..
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Nikita: Canceled (2013)
Season 4, Episode 6
Acceptable Ending
29 December 2013
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So Nikita's story ended (at least for us not for her!) with a great plot. They really finished the show with an acceptable and of course unpredictable story line in some aspect.

The show begins with a conversation between Amanda and Nikita in the past, which took place at Division, and ends with all the remaining character, i.e. Nikita, Michael, Alex, Own/Sam and Birkhoff become free, But the events between these two was perfect.

BTW, I wish Sonya were involved in the show, while all the main character including Ryan were involved.

Final is memorable to me, especially how they deceive Amanda.

My vote is 9/10.
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Nikita: Bubble (2013)
Season 4, Episode 5
It's not over!
22 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I've just watched one of the emotional and best episode of Nikita ever.

Ryan sacrificing was kinda incredible (nevertheless I'm wondering why he didn't killed Amanda while he could do it and ends everything?!)

Well writing, directing and absolutely fantastic the next to last episode was.

I should mention "Bubble" was definitely an applicable name for this episode, bubble…

Just go and watch it you're not gonna regret of watching this episode, really, I mean it.

Finally I hope final episode has, you know, a room for anybody interpretation, not a close ending, considering final season named as "Canceld".
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Lost: Across the Sea (2010)
Season 6, Episode 15
4 December 2013
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Just one of the best episodes I've ever seen in my entire life. Everything in this episode was perfect, acting. filming, and what can I say to explain about the fantastic writing and directing…unbelievable.

While answer to lots of secret in "Ab Aeterno" given, but many many other things in this episode revealed. About Jacob, other man and about black monster. Lots of things you always especially in this season wanted to know. However, of course this episode leaves some unanswered questions remain…

I still cannot believe it how much an episode could be this incredibly fantastic, I have no doubt this episode was flawless at any aspect; you just want to follow without boring which makes an episode excellent. That's it.

And finally, I wish I could gave a twenty out of ten for voting to this episode.

**** out of **.
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Nikita: Dead or Alive (2013)
Season 4, Episode 2
"Third Party"
1 December 2013
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Michael finds wounded Nikita and brings her to the plane (command center). She meets the other guys but is upset about Dale's death and blames herself. Fletcher learns what's behind the Amanda's plan and controlling people, DOUBLE, that she switched high levels and controlling them, like secret service supervisor, President Spence and so on. In the Mumbai Alex and Owen gets attack by more traffickers, by the help of Sonya they get out of there safely, Owen also saves Alex's life. Owen revealed he's after Amanda too. The team is trying to disclose Graham is not the real one by the DNA test and prove what's behind the death of the President. Both Graham murders by Michael and Amanda.

Dead or Alive was better than premiere, much twist, lots of action actually keep you on the edge of your seat. In two last episodes in this season all the main character are involved, something I like. My vote is 9 out of ten.
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Nikita: Wanted (2013)
Season 4, Episode 1
Where the heck is "Nikita Mears"
26 November 2013
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It's been a hundred days FBI is still after Nikita Mears (I suppose it's the first time ever her family name is revealed), when by the tip of The Shop two cops located her and trying to collar him but as they warned in advance not to approach her they did it, so Nikita is Nikita and they failed to capture her. On the other side, Alex and Sonya are trying to find a lead to Amanda (and of course The Shop) in India to clear Nikita's name. Nikita meets "Dale Gordon" an ENN presenter in his office. By the stuffs, Nikita left behind in the gunshot with two cops, Michael, Birkhoff and Fletcher (guys crew) find out where she headed. As Nikita is telling the whole truth and about her innocence, she find a trap by Amanda and while trying to escape, encounter with some problems. By the help of guys crew she could run away from there but as Amanda is after her some bad consequence happens to her, Dale and way important evidence. Nikita's premiere gives us a promising Final season, I hope. My vote is eight.
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Lost: Whatever Happened, Happened (2009)
Season 5, Episode 11
Welcome back to the land of the living
15 November 2013
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After young Ben got shot by Sayid in the jungle, he's still alive and Jin brings him back to be treated. Juliet cannot fix him completely and Jack refuses to do a surgery on him too. Kate, while in flashbacks remembers how she ended up with Aaron, takes young Ben with help of Sawyer to Alpert to save his life, but he warns them if he takes him, his innocence will be gone, something Kate and Sawyer accept. At the end, Ben (real one) wakes up while Locke is sitting next to his bed and surprise him by saying him "Welcome back to the land of the living". In this Kate-centered episode reveals that Kate gives Aaron to his grandmom before getting back to the island and how actually Ben becomes one of OTHERS. My vote is eight.
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Nikita: Self-Destruct (2013)
Season 3, Episode 19
Ready to have a long overdue conversation
27 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Fletcher came out of coma, there is just 14 stayed at division. While Fletcher lost a lot Alex is out of Division. Nikita knows where she headed so go there and find a lead to her. Alex robs some money and she's trying to free some girls and hits Soutsiders. President calls Fletcher, she wants to update on Commander Danforth's autopsy sth Fletcher doesn't even aware of his death and President assures him of natural cause of Danforth dead. Fletcher decides to destroy the facility permanently while Michael doesn't agree but Birkoff somehow agrees 'cause rebuilding the Shadownet ain't possible soon. Finally Alex with the help of Nikita free the girls from human traffickers, Nikita convinced Alex in advance that Larisa was a lie, and Michal gets there on time. Fletcher releases the other from Division with an account of not a lot of money. Alex with Michael and Nikita backs to Division, Nikita has a conversation with her and they at the Ops decide to stay while Black Box is out and will try to get it back. We may wait to see is Nikita gonna be repetitive , hope not. My vote 8.
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Nikita: Masks (2013)
Season 3, Episode 17
Attention, there's been a change in leadership.
15 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Danforth is dead and Owen gets the order to get his house and clean the scene as Alex and Birkhoff left there that maybe leads Danforth death to Division. Amanda is waiting for him there and makes him to remember his real memory. His real name is Sam Matthews, a special force. Owen with what Amanda did to him give up Nikita to her and she asks him to bring back Block Box inside the Division to gets lots of money. Michael be aware of his plan and while trying to stop him get custody by the guys who's trying to be free from Division. Sean somehow learns Alex's plan but cannot do really anything.

Now the leadership of Division has changed, Nikita is in custody of Amanda, Michael cannot do anything also Birkhoff, Fletcher is still unconscious, the only guys who can do something seems to be Sean and maybe Alex... My vote 9/10.
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Nikita: The Life We've Chosen (2013)
Season 3, Episode 14
It's the life we've chosen
21 March 2013
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Team including Nikita, Sean, Owen and Ari head to South Ossetia to trade Ari for Alex. Alex is in a room of a hospital with another girl named Larissa which is a medic and watching Alex. Amanda asks her some information inside Division and how Division capture Ari. Ryan putted kill chip in Ari's head 'cause one of the key to the black box that Amanda has, is Ari and give the trigger to Owen who has a conflict with Ari. Alex is trying to escape with Larissa meanwhile Larissa got shot and Alex capture again. Alex and Ari be traded safety and while Nikita wants to get Ari back as she promised to him before and needs Alex, Alex also wants to save Larissa 'cause she promised to her needs Nikita, they split off and they both failed in what they want to do. At the end there seems to be a conflict between Nikita and Alex. My vote is 9/10.
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Nikita: Reunion (2013)
Season 3, Episode 13
The boy is fair game.
16 March 2013
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Ari's son, Stefan, is in dangerous as Amanda considering him as fair game. After Nikita informs Amanda's colleague try to capture him in the yard of his private school with Alex head to Geneva to rescue him. Ari set a Germany bodyguard, Krieg, for Stefan, which prevents Amanda to get Stefan and successfully rescues him. Nikita and Alex find their spot and get Stefan, when trying to prepare passport for Stefan to get him out of Switzerland, Amanda who familiar with Division method find their warehouse but both Nikita and Amanda capture by Krieg. Finally they get out of the captivity. Nikita, Alex and Krieg save Stefan from Amanda's colleague but now Alex captures buy local police and when she's expecting to be free encounter with a surprise. It was one of the best episodes in season 3 I've ever seen. My vote 10/10.
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Nikita: Black Badge (2013)
Season 3, Episode 11
Division is as good or as bad as the people running it.
24 February 2013
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Sean officially becomes a Division agent while Amanda set up him with the murder of a senator which is close to Division. The crew plan to get Sean out of FBI with asking him via a letter which seems to be from his sister to kill himself so they can get out his body from FBI which Nikita and Alex do it. A young analyst girl is disturbing them while revealed before she's Amanda's agent, Nikita eventually kills him and they get Sean out of there to Division while seems he's a dead person in public.

Acceptable story line, which shifts from Michael's hand to Amanda's devil plan. my vote 8/10.
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Nikita: Survival Instincts (2013)
Season 3, Episode 9
Didn't Go Well...
7 February 2013
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Owen is becoming Nikita's partner in the missions while Michael because of his hand is in the Division. Sean appear after not being in a couple of episodes and in the end has a better term with Alex.. Another rouge agent will down.. And there is no sign of Amanda. I'm not gonna to write a long review ... but there is something that is suffering me ... among the whole episode I've ever seen it was in my idea just an awful one ... I expect more from Nikita... what happened to Ryan, I didn't get it! Ridicules story line, nonsense dialogue, and so on… I just hope I'll never see an episode like this, and also hope a better story line..
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