4 Reviews
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OK film!
6 June 2017
I wasn't sure if I wanted to see this movie at the theater,but I am really glad I did. The characters are well played out, not very likable at first, but after you get to know the cast, you really feel for everyone. I thought Julianne Moore & Steve Carrell had great chemistry with their relationship. Super script, nice directing, great casting with Robbie, the son. This movie will surprise you at how good it is. I loved how you saw the characters at work, at home, at the bar & with their friends. This was very well played out & comes together in the end extremely well. Ryan Gosling is very hot even when he is sleazy. Great date night movie!!
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It trounces ensemble movies - really thought-provoking
10 February 2012
The humor was great throughout. The levels of "heart" were set to maximum. The talks of God, although sparse, was memorable. Everything was portrayed swiftly, without padding, The plot was very well thought out. Memorable lines and scenes abound. Overall, the writing was excellent. Some things that I particularly liked were Big Mac's journey from shrimp to super-writer, the actress coming to her senses about leaving. I also liked how actor David was his own boss. It gave him more menace about who he's dying of....cancer and his love for God. Plus, the modern-day bookends detract from the overall atmosphere. Still, the final scenes were poignant, although out-of-place.

Bravo to everyone involved with this!!
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Decent film!
10 February 2012
As a fan of the original "Clash of the Titans" from Harryhausen in 1981, I dreaded the idea of a remake that would crush the magical fantasy land that he created with the first version. And lo and behold, my fears were confirmed.

This film tears to shreds the "Perseus vs. Medusa" myth and replaces it with mindless power chord progressions, endless action sequences, and a trivialized view of the Greek gods. Sam Worthington has proved himself to be a competent actor recently, but his performance is just nauseating with his embarrassed delivery of wooden dialogue. The script is awful, and the overblown spectacle of the entire thing is so self-indulgent that I was bored within the first 15 minutes.

I will say however that the only redeeming factor is the film's action sequences. Though they do tend to drag on for nearly 10 minutes too long in every case, they are well shot, and the hand-held camera adds to the effect of the battle's intensity.

Slightly below average action film. Don't go expecting a faithful adaptation of the original myth or even a quality remake of Harryhausen's classic film.

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Good, but better
10 February 2012
From the opening 20th Century Fox logo, the movie hits the ground running, proving once again the CGI capabilities of ILM and the thrills they inspire. However, unlike the first two films, where spectacular effects were layered upon complicated, contrived and sometimes dramatically vacant scenes executed with some of the worst performances in memory, there is solid story telling here. And that's the difference.

The drama builds steadily in the first act before hitting light speed with a combination of excitement, dread, intrigue and pain. This strong dramatic spark ignites the entire cast, helping them turn in what are easily their best performances of the three films. When you have a script with this kind of thump and talented actors, the result is fun to watch. And for once, perhaps most importantly, the special effects serve the script, not the other way around.

Anakin's internal struggle, present from frame one, quickly consumes him, catapulting the film towards its inevitable conclusion. While its no surprise that the film ends on a desperate note, there does remain a glimmer of possibility as the story segues into the aptly titled classic "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope". It's thought provoking and inspiring.
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