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This is my summary of the movie. Do you agree?
14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Man I love movies that make me think. Not a fan of this one, though. Here is how I interpreted it;

The aliens are the memories of the people around her, coming back to haunt her as she suppressed her guilt. She has been avoiding her own emotions so long that all of them "became aliens" to her.

She kills the first alien that she encounters the way she killed her best friend. I think the other aliens that came after the first kill represent the other poeple who found out what happened.

The second alien looks for her, and finds her hiding under a table, holding a photograph of her and her best friend. In the past, someone (possibly her mother) understood that something was wrong, and asked her what happened; to which she replied by running away crying. Maybe she even confessed, not sure. She didn't kill this alien - their relationship did not end; and in reality her mother never "abandoned" her till she died.

Then there comes a small alien, possibly representing her best friend's little bborther (that she danced with at the end), attacking her. This might mean that the truth was out in the families and she was getting some hate now. She kills this one - meaning she cut the cords with him, well we obviously see that in the first quarter.

Then there comes a giant alien, who controls a spaceship by making gestures; possibly the cop-dad. Or someone in control. She burns it in a car - cords cut.

The alien that came after that, was checking out her old room, looking like it was trying to understand her. I bet it was a lawyer or something, trying to "put words into her mouth", under the "lights of authority". It could be her own mother too though, not sure. Because only she was understanding towards her.

I believe they were trying to make her loog good in court, or under arrest. When she ripped the little alien creature out of her throat, it was the moment she said "these are all lies, I'm not innocent" or something. When the spaceship shone its light on the ground, they only saw the "new Brynn" inside the little creature; "the authority" only saw "the mellowed plea" and the fake profile of hers that her alien lawyer created. But then she goes on and "kills" this "false profile", choosing to be truthful and rejecting to "act like it's all okay, nothing happened", because doing so hurt her (like a knife to guts). The fake her actually represents the version of her that "looks" innocent, potentially acceptable and loveable by her town - which she would really like; so she puts her down gently, hugging her.

So she finally gets caught and lifted up by the spaceship (probably the police, court etc), but seeing that she was young and regretful, they "let her go". The twist is, she is actually going through a healing process of forgiving herself while all these alien invasion stuff happens, as all these "alien" memories come back to her.

And now it doesn't matter if the town likes her or not; in her head, she is dancing with the whole town (her little version, with Turkish carpets on the streets and all). Because she forgave herself, and now she can be happy, and not anxious all the time because of guilt.

So yeah, I think the whole movie is a metaphor for "accepting, forgiving and moving on" process; and it all happens in her head.
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Another One
18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another movie that relies on the stupidity of the characters.

The main girl has seen what these creatures were able to do in the first installment. All of the other three new characters also had encounters with them; so they must also know what they are up against...

But when they decide to go on a mission to kill the queen of these creatures, the only thing that they bring with them is their guns. And not even their brains.

Why the hell would you go inside a tunnel system, which you know is the home of a whole vampire clan, without bringing any UV lights along, while you know that that is their number one enemy...? Why? What did they think would happen? Did the characters really think that it would be fine to walk into the premises of hostile predators freely?

And the whole story is based on this stupidity, and we are suppoesd to buy it.

I aint't. Shut it down the as soon as vampires attacekd the fools. They deserve it.
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18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was a huge horror fan when I was a kid, still am, and 30 Days of Night was one of my favorites - but I watched it only once. And today, I've watched again it after 15 years. And I'm MAD :D

The atmosphere, the creatures, the set-up, actors - these are all fine. And I know there HAS to be cliche dialogues etc, fine.

But I can't take the sheer stupidity of these characters! First off; if the power station is the safest place, why the f did all the characters waste so much time, energy and resource running from place to place?! Why not go there at the very beginning instead of trying to hide in someone's attic?

Another problem; there are always people who want to be heroes. See a woman on the street? Save her. Yeah there are incredibly powerful creatures out there that can tear you to pieces, but c'mon... We're human. Your daddy's going on a walk? Yeah join him. A little girl's on the streets? Yeah run to her. That'll help you survive.

And why the hell do the vampires scream?! Why?! There is no, and I repeat NO predator animal in the nature that screams while haunting. Why do we people always make everything scream to make it look "scary"?! On the contrary, the predator needs to be silent.

You've got 3 days left, you could just sit on your *ss and wait it out - bu NoOoOoOoOo. Let's go find out what that light is. And while we're out there at eye-sight, the rest of the group can just take off without informing us, while they can freaking see us from the window. The sheer stupidity. Everyone just has a mind of their own and they like it.

And the very vampire who tore like half of the town apart decides to just slap the main character when he has the chance to kill him too... Why?!

And the main girl... God... You got the command from the "walkie-talkie" to get the hell out of there. But NO. Sit there with a kid and watch the man who just sacrificed himself for you lock horns (well claws and teeth in this case) with a bunch of vampires. WHY. JUST FREAKING LEAVE.

In the past, I didn't even notice annoying details like that. But now I just can't ignore them. Wish I didn't watch it again. Still a solid film, though.
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Creature (2023)
Just... Nah.
12 November 2023
I could only bare the first ~20 mintutes of the first episode.

First of all, a "scientist" in Ottoman Empire?! :D That made me laugh. If science was really a thing for those people, we'd be reading scientific articles written in Ottoman Turkish, not in English. Science barely meant basic survival & defense for the Ottomans, not "reaching for the stars", don't kid yourselves.

Second, the over-the-top acting by Taner Olmez is nothing less than laughable. It may be a subjective "opinion" when I say he's an eye-sore, but his caricature-like facial expressions that he excessively animates every other second of every scene is just... annoying, to say the least.

And lastly, the story is so unnecessarily fast-paced, at least in the beginning, that literally a life-time passed before I could even feel a connection to any of the characters. No solid gorund-work laid. Suddenly I found myself being forced to feel sympathy and grief for someone I have no idea about.

Just... Nah.
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Swamp Thing (2019)
26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't read any comics, watched or listened to anything related to swamp thing before. Now I am on the third episode of this right now, and I have no clue what the hell is going on.

Okay... On the first episode, we see people getting killed or sick because of some vines that grow in the swamp. I mean, those things a re so brutal that they grow inside of the victim and then sprout out of their body from all around, quite disturbingly. We also kind of learn that the swamp "prodces" these vines becuase of a chemical that's been dumped in it. But when Alec jumps into the swamp, the same vines turn him into a powerful creature... Why? Is it because he was dying? No answer.

On the second episode, we see that there is something else in the swamp that is made to be like the antagonist of the "swamp thing", which lives on the bodies of dead people that it enters via a ton of bugs. But we also see that this "bug-dead-man" is not strong enough to battle the "swamp thing" anyways. The swamp creature just gives the command, and the bugs "release" the dead body they were animating... Still, what does all these have to do with the chemicals that's been being dumped into the swamp? No answer. And the wife of the mayor of the town, I guess, continuously sees her long-dead daughter's ghost with bugs and stuff. What does a ghost have to do with over-intelligent vines that started to grow inside a swamp because of some chemicals? By the way, the "swamp thing" gets jelous of the main girl when she dances with a dude... You have spent only 1 freaking day together, you didn't share anything, why bitter? What was all the drama about?!

But on the third episode, all of this goes away and we are introduced to another ancient virus that started to spred from a body, which has been dead for quite a while, through scratches (the skins of this town's folk is as delicate as snowflakes, i tell you). It makes people hallucinate and kill themsleves, etc. What does this have to do with anything?! What is the relation between the chemicals, ghosts, bugs and this old virus that makes people commit suicide? And if this was an "old virus", what does it have to do with the recent chemicals?

I just can't. There seems to be no connection between what are supposed to be "stroylines" AT ALL.
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X (II) (2022)
8 January 2023
X can be seen as a nice throwback for 70's/80's slasher/gore/horror fans, but I honestly think even they will not fully enjoy this piece of garbage. Btw, there's a reason why movies like the 70's/80's aren't made anymore: they generally didn't have strong plots, and all that mattered was female nudity & gore. Times cahnged. Keep the f up. Most people want good stories, relatable characters & strong villains with strong reasons - none of which can be found in this movie.

The movie is roughly one and a half hours long, and the first whole hour of it is nothing but a bunch of bums trying to shoot a porn "movie" in the hopes of becoming "stars". That whole hour served NOTHING to the film. Only the moments where opposite ideas about sexuality clashed were kind of... "entertaining".

I stopped watching around the end of the first hour, because the "antagonist" did some kind of dance after their first kill, which reminded me too much of the dance the Joker did in the bathroom after his first kill. The dance, combined with all of the other elements of the film was so unnecessary and cringy. "The acceptance and celebration of madness" can be portrayed in a million different ways; and all that the antagonist wanted was some d*ck - not that big of a deal, you know. The story should've invested more into the background story of the antagonist to justify such an irrelevant scene.

Unnecessary movie. Not entertaining in any way at all.
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Smile (V) (2022)
A confusing soup of rip-offs.
3 January 2023
Before anything else, this movie blatantly rips off signature elements from the movies It Follows, Turth or Dare, Mama, Rec, and The Ring; all of which were quite original and good movies - well at least I enjoyed them.

Second of all, this movie has nothing to do with the short film it was absed on. The original short film was way better.

My first problem is the freaking jump-scares. Anyone who thinks what makes a movie scary is jump-scares is... well, not a wise person, let's say. There are too many, too unnecessary, too misplaced jump-scares in the movie. And they aren't even scary. They are just annoying.

The two-dimensional characters and the uncertainty regarding the "villain" (is it a curse? Is it an entity? Or is it all in my head?!) were... "unexciting", to say the least.

I hope this was just a rookie mistake.
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No Exit (I) (2022)
27 December 2022
This was a solid old-school horror film with a good story, good acting, and good twists. Oh my, it has been quite a while since I have watched something like this. It felt like I was reading a book :') I love sometimes finding random gems like this out.

This was also my first time watching Havana Rose Liu, and man is she amazing. Also Danny Ramirez, David Rysdahl, Dennis Haysbert and Dale Dickey were so good as well. Damn, it has really been a while since I have watched a movie in which all actors did their job.

I would 100% recommend watching it - but _really_ watching it. I mean not "watching it while chattering with frineds or texting". Good movie.
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Backcountry (I) (2014)
7 July 2022
This is a 1 and a half hours long "horror" film, but the object of horror is not seen until 1 hour passes, and it's only seen twice.

This is more like a romantic-drama for teenagers. And the "who gets the girl at the end" is given the wrongest answer.

I have no idea why they made this.
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Ambiancé (2020)
Peak Pretentiousness
3 July 2022
There are 5-minute-long films that can alter your perception and make you feel a spectrum of emotions in such a limited time, than there are directors like this one who think stitching random images back to back, slowing them down to half speed & putting a creepy music on top of them will make you stand out, but fail to narrate any sense for 30 FREAKING DAYS.

If this is a prank, or a kind of "f u" to art-film making, WELL DONE. If this was intended as a literal ambiance video like the ones on YouTube, WELL DONE. Some images are spectecular, and they go very well with the music.

But if this was seriously intended to be a movie...

Are you...

ugh never mind.
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Yeah right.
18 June 2022
This fim was quite entertining, well-shot & well-acted. So why all the bad reviews & low points, amirite?

HELLO, I'm a white man. And seeing everybody who L-O-V-E-D the first purge(s) -which was all about the thrill and gore with no (or little) room for the minorities- complain about and give less than 5 stars to the later installments -which openly criticise and mock American white culture, make political statements & cast people from minorities as the leads- is nothing but DISGUSTING.

This is exactly why these films are made. Thanks for being the living proofs of what you tirelessly deny.
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Howl (I) (2015)
7 February 2022
I would've loved this as a teenager. Yeah, I wasn't the sharpest kid around...

But looking at this through the eyes of a 30-year-old-guy... I just wish I spent those 2 hours doing something more important. Or watching something that would actually twist my mind, at least. Whatever... Cheap horror. Kinda makes me miss the old days.
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The Club (2021–2023)
11 January 2022
The visuals, particularly in the first part, were striking. Gökçe Bahadir gives probably her best effort with a character that feels like it was crafted just for her, she was mesmerizing. And Salih Bademci... Gosh. I would love to see more of him in more "uncaged" productions like The Club. Of course there were some lacks, some moments left hanging in the air, the unbelievably self-contradictory personalities of some characters... But the overall work, with its overlapping layers from totally different but connected sources, especially given that it's a Turkish series, charmed me. One of the best Turkish series I've ever watched.
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The Nun (2018)
This really needs a vessel.
31 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Many questions.

1. Why did the Duke of Saint Carta want to call upon the forces of hell? What was his benefit? Or was he just a lunatic Satan worshipper, and that's what lunatic Satan worshippers do?

2. How could man-made bombs (which have no spiritual, holy or unholy aspects as they are basically pressed explosives) cause the portal (which took the man who built it write and read books for years, sacrifice people, and do a ritual to open it, while it also took nuns to use actual blood of Jesus to close it) to break, from where the evil started to "leak"?

3. If sister Jessica and sister Victoria wanted to put an end to the evil spirit that is Valak, why did they bring the key that opens the wall-cabinet in which Jesus' blood is hidden, instead of bringing the blood itself? What did they think the key would be useful for? Did they think they would be just fine entering the premises of Valak who killed ALL of the other nuns?

4. If the aim of Valak is to possess soemone as a vessel and "deceive and corrupt" people, why did it kill the first nun it met, sister Jessica, instead of possessing her? Or did it possess her? I don't think it did as it went after sister Irene and marked her... Also, Valak had MANY opportunities throughout the whole movie to possess someone and use them as a vessel; but it decided to scare them with jazz music, broken arms, hanging images of sister Victoria, appearing in the mirror, posing as the abbess of the church, posing as Daniel to lick father Burke's face, making hands appear out of the walls, burying father Burke alive just to poke his face and then let him go... All instead of just attacking them. It is said repetitively the whole movie that Valak is very powerful; so why didn't it just kill them, or attack them, or possess them, or whatever? Did it need its victims to lose their strength and faith in order to claim them? Then how could it attack sister Jessica, who seemed pretty confident and sure of what she wanted to do, in the first place?

5. Why some of the ghost nuns didn't want the ghost of sister Oana to tell sister Irene the truth about the church and Valak? Didn't some of them sacrifice their lives to stop Valak? And if they didn't trust (or whatever) sister Irene, why did they form a circle around her and prayed with her? What changed their minds?

6. The ghost of sister Oana tells sister Irene that sister Victoria caused the portal to hell to open again when she killed herself (as it's the ultimate sin); but wasn't Valak already back, and hadn't it even killed sister Jessica (who actually opened the door after saying "We have no other choice.") before sister Victoria killed herself? And wasn't that exactly why sister Victoria killed herself? Or did the ghost of sister Oana not know the truth?

7. How did sister Irene know it was father Burke who rang the bell from his coffin, when all she could hear was the bell? Why did the evil spirit try to confuse sister Irene by ringing all the bells instead of just attacking her to stop her from digging father Burke out of the grave? Why was the spirit able only to play with father Burke's face and scare him, but not just kill him while Irene was digging? Was she not "powerful" enough yet? Well she was powerful enough to lure and put a grown man in a grave..?

8. After just being buried into a grave and coming to the conclusion that there was a "very powerful evil spirit" in the church, why did father Burke still need to talk to the nuns? Wasn't what just happened already enough proof to, say, perform an exorcism, or whatever fathers do?

9. If the evil spirits that Valak masquerades as (or "controls", or "puppets") can be beheaded with an axe or shot with a rifle as Frenchie demonstrates, why did the nuns, father Burke and sister Irene bother with prayers in Latin, holy water and stuff? Btw, the "comedic relief" moments of Frenchie and the small dialogues this caused ruined the whole atmosphere of the movie.

10. How did Frenchie get to the delivery room? Why didn't Valak stop him? Was it because it was busy "scaring" father Burke?

11. Why did Valak give the trio enough time to even perform a ritual for sister Irene to take her vows? What did it wait for?

12. Why was the trio able to go through "the door" like it's nothing, after the movie showed several times how anyone that even got near it got killed by Valak itself?

13. Why did the trio think it was okay to separate in the premises of Valak after each one of them was attacked when they were alone even when they were away from there?

14. As it's shown in the final scene how powerful Valak is even without possessing anyone, why did it need a vessel? Why did it waste so much time? Why didn't it just possess sister Irene after killing the other two if it's a "spirit" that's powerful enough to blow a grown man across the hall with just her breath, and attack three people at once without a vessel?

15. Why does Valak need to be so extra and emerge from the water like that? Why doesn't it attack sister Irene right away? Does it feed on fear like Pennywise? And why did it have to first choke and then drown sister Irene when it can do everything it had done throughout the movie?

Apart from all of these nonsense; the aesthetic, the Valak, the visuals, most shots, and some elements of the story were great. I miss the times when horror movies had masterful stories with villains who had actual motives. Now it's all about the "scary cool visuals" and "shock value". Nun is just another movie for people who are in for the jump-scares and thrilling, vague entertainment - not for horror fans who crave a subtle story that slowly and cleverly carves what it wants to say out of the viewer's mind and subconscious.
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Sightless (2020)
28 August 2021
If you gave this a low point because of the predictability (not after she jumped, but as early as the bird scene) and/or the lameness of the villain's "reason" (which serves as the base to the whole story, so unforgivable) - YOU'RE RIGHT. I agree.

BUT. If you think this wasn't "clear" enough, or it had "unanswered questions", or there were "plot holes", or "unexplained details", so it was "long and boring" and you "didn't understand it"... You might not like psychology-based thrillers, or you might not be open-minded enough to see things from different perspectives, you may also be too slow, or too lazy to think and question for yourself and expect everything to be given to you. Please work on your IQ before reproducing. This isn't the Rubik's cube. This is just a nice movie.
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Blood Red Sky (2021)
Neither good nor bad.
24 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In short; entertaining to watch with nice little plot twsits in the first half. But be warned; don't get too attached 'cause the connecters become the plot's worst enemies, and you'll feel betrayed even before the climax, like I did. But if you are a real horror fan, or what you want is not your intelligence to be insulted but to get solid satisfaction, SKIP.

In the beginning, we see a bald woman, and assume she has cancer or something, and her son further explains that it has to do with her blood and that they're on their way to her American doctor for treatment. Then we see a couple of tough-looking guys making eyes at each other, having us think there's gonna be some banging either with guns or.. you know. Anyway, it turns out these guys are terrorists - which actually made me want to turn it off as I've already seen Hostage Flight and Air Force One. But then the twist comes; the sick woman is a vampire! Yeah, sounds cheasy, but the way the story tossed the terrorists and the vampire against each other both with action and drama was quite well-made. I expected Hostage Flight, but I got REC instead, minus the shaky camera! Aaaannd the good part ends here. Thanks.

Now the "mistakes" begin as early as the first scene: no plane ever just "stops" like that. But whatever, not a big sin. My first main problem was with the kid who failed show emotions like fear, pain, or dread until his "mama" pushed him away, even though he was a very prominent character. I'm sure they could've found a better kid actor. But the face he made during rejection was great. Then another character that annoyed me even further comes along; the most obnoxious-for-no-apparent-reason "psycho" terrorist guy. It's so freaking obvious that he was written that way just to justify the moment when he draws the mama vamp's blood into a syringe to later inject himself with it: according to the writer, we're supposed to say "Ooh because, you know, he's crazy like that, he's a psycho... Of course he'll inject himself with vampire blood." Come the f OOOOOOOON. NOBODY will include such an erratic imbecile in their group. Anyway... Even though injured passengers begging vampires to bite them so they don't die is such a REACH on societal criticism, it's not as unforgivable as vamp mama and her son chilling next to a door that just exploded and caused a freaking vacuum of the air pressure in the plane. WHAT. You just sent a grown-ass vampire through that hole! But mama vamp and the kid are immune to physics, I guess?..

And the moment I just bit my fist: the plane lands when the sun is still up, communication with the cockpit is available, the situation is (mis)understood; but the sergeant decides to wait till sunset to make a move on the guy who he thinks is a Muslim terrorist, and to send his men into the plane. WHY?!?!?! What have they done all that time, asked each other about their hobbies and stuff??? No. He was made to wait just so the vampires could come out of the plane and attack... etc. Degrading. Childish. Insulting. Stupid. And then the film proceeds to commit one authenticity crime after another using the kid: First, even though the kid is given a dose of tranquillizer, he wakes up in the middle of his transport from the airport to a hospital, and needs another shot again. But somehow he manages to take the needle out of the hand of a grown-ass paramedic and STABS HIM WITH IT, sending him to a sound sleep. And that's nothing, compared to the fact that the kid JUMPS OUT OF THE BACK DOORS OF THE AMBULANCE, ON HIS FEET, without a scratch, let alone breaking his legs... WHAT. The real monster here is the kid, I'll tell ya. And then he runs so fast that TWO SOLDIERS cannot catch up with him and give up... Yeah let's duck up logic for an average, predictable ending, shall we?

By the way; the soldiers rear-handcuff the Muslim guy they think is the terrorist, BUT, the guy lacks a hand... THEY HANDCUFFED A GUY WITH ONE HAND BEHIND HIS BACK. THEY CUFFED A HAND THAT DID NOT EXIST. But the minute the plane explodes, without getting a release command from the sergeant yet, the soldiers let the Muslim guy go, walking behind him. Does the explosion change the fact (they think) that guy they just handcuffed is the one who caused it?! Only when he starts crying over the kid does the sergeant gives the command. My eyes are sweaty from too many face-palms.

It's such a pity because the twist, the vampire transformation, the tension and thrill of some certain scenes, the drama between the son and the mom... there were quite good moments. A movie to just watch, and not question or believe its premise.
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The Unholy (2021)
Are these reviews for real?!
13 August 2021
First of all, I agree that this movie deserves more than 1 star, but these reviews!!! Who tf gives this a 10?! During the pandemic people must've forgotten what a movie deserving of a 10 should look like. I had to BALANCE. So should you.

Seeing that 13K+ people's votes landed this movie at around 5 points, I expected a decent, modern take on the good ol' religious topics. Yes, I was both wrong and right: this is one of those movies that you watch when you don't have anything else to do, and forget about it the other day.

The premise is good. Not another exorcism movie where the lead has to crack her neck every other scene to make us believe that she's possessed. The main idea that's summed with one reference to the Bible in the end may not be totally original but it's a great dough to shape. Actors played well, blah blah blah...

HOWEVER. Firstly, the CGI. Even YouTubers use better effects. The "villain" that was meant to scare me, or at least make me feel uncomfortable, MADE ME LAUGH. What was that?! The design of Mary's outlook makes so much sense actually and I would LOVE it, if it wasn't executed so badly. The movements, God, the movements... I lost count of how many eye-rolls I did. I think it'd be 10x better if it just hovered in the air like the classic ghosts. The "I knew it was coming, and I actually hoped it wouldn't come, 'cause it is so cheap that it feels offensive" scare-jumps didn't help either. And another, huge thing; the sudden change in characters' skepticism... and the dialogues that this caused. The contrast between the main characters would make the story a lot better, but suddenly everyone believes everything without questioning! It was way too fast for one of the characters to drop their disbelief, especially with the job he had, while he had been giving small but visible signals of a conflict coming up - but it never came. We don't even get to see the the story of why he was an "outcast", so to speak; it was like "Yeah this character is not trusted because they did something in the past but we won't exactly tell what"... Umm... Ok? I guess... Moreover, he goes against his own personality and chooses what he's just (suddenly) started believing in over what he has wanted all his life... I mean, for a character to change this dramatically, something huge needs to happen. But nothing *that* huge happened in the movie; the lead could be a psycho, there could be an organisation behind all these, possibilites go on...

Anyway, there were really a lot of spots in the story that had potential, but they would work only if the movie was shot as either an old-school horror, or a modern, slow-burn, even silent thriller. I guess soemone wanted to make it more "scary" while referencing other productions like Stigmata, The Grudge, Messiah and even Harry Potter (the death scenes are IDENTICAL), and they didn't want it to be more than 1.30 hours. Such a pity 'cause the connections between the characters, places and... items(?) could really serve to a better-executed story. DEFNITELY DOESN'T DESERVE MORE THAN 5.
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21 June 2021
Everything that made the characters in this story awesome in the first movie is abandoned in this one. You know, if you're not making a movie to tell a new story, you're making a movie to make money off of an already existing one.

In the first installment, every move was claculated almost perfectly and everybody gave realistic reactions that required fast-thinking, which made it even more believable as people in average think the sharpest when they're in danger. But in this one, almost all actions taken by the characters were for and only for the movie to continue... That is, the film wasn't shot on a story; a "story" was made up with the weakest contexts so that there could be a film. And there were incredible sources of new stories like the baby, and the "people who've gone crazy"... But nooOOO! Let's stick with the weakness of the creatures! As if the audience had not gotten it in the first one..! I still can't believe the main character was made to make one of the many dumbest decisions in the film, so that there could be a "cool" railroad shot in the movie... So pretentious that it's offensive.

Average to watch in spare time if you haven't seen the first one. And believe me, you don't have to see the first one... But if you've seen it, and you liked it, I'm sorry in advance.
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Don't Listen (2020)
26 March 2021
Could only stand the first 15 minutes. If you think 15' is not fair to judge a film - I don't care. If a movie does not do 'the magic' in a WHOLE *SS 15 MINUTES, than it is *bad*.

No caharcter development, no bounds, no presentation of a "reason" or "aim" of the film, which I doubt it has. Antipathetic caharcters. Full cliché; the same scenes we've all ben watching for the past 100 years - NOTHING new to the table AT ALL. Why would anybody make a film which already exists in, like, a million versions?
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The Pact II (2014)
Full-length ASMR Movie
22 November 2020
This movie is under the wrong categorization. This is an epic ASMR full-length movie, lol. The unnecessarily long and quiet scenes makes it one of those movies you fall asleep watching, especially after a tiring long day.

Joke aside, this had very few decent scenes, or ideas let's say. I'd expect the sequel to put the issue with the mother from the original movie on the table, and sort things out with reasons and consequences and stuff - didn't happen...

Yeah, it was unnecessary and boring most of the time, but I really can't hate it - i really enjoyed the quiet scenes (most of the movie, in other words) that I actually liked it hahaha. Not as a horror movie, though, but as an ASMR film.
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Intersect (I) (2020)
26 September 2020
This movie should instead have been a book or a TV series.

The story is actually not bad - but not for a cinema film. It has too many details (that are not actually details), and is too long. It didn't have to be that long; the point could've been made with a lot less time. If the director wanted so badly to really tell a story, why didn't he make this into a TV-series or something? I mean, this was way more drama than it's cosmic horror. BY THE WAY, THERE'S NO HORROR. Just confusion or , and lots of drama.

Another problem for me is how perfect everyone seemed in the first half. I understand the writer/director wanted to create a contrast between the peaceful 'now' and the painful past... but in the first half, people were way too normal and perfect, the dialoges between characters were almost like a fusion between The Stepford Housewives and The Room. Even in the second half, all of the characters were still innocent as a baby. I mean, don't these people EVER do something wrong? Seems like only bad things keep 'happening' to them.

Anyway, didn't enjoy the film, but not saying it totally sucks. Something to watch when you have nothing else to do for 2 hours.
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A bit late, but great movie.
25 May 2020
I want only to point two things out; 1. If you are too dumb to understand a movie, re-wtach it or go do some research before you vomit your ignorance on the keyboard. 2. Considering that more than half of the population is made up of idiots, this movie is not for everyone. If you're going to watch this, watch it with an open and sharp mind without the expectations of a mainstream entertaining thriller. Believe me it's nothing new or extraordinary, but the way it is told is twisted. Not perfect, but definitely not bad.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Is tihs thing still on?
28 July 2019
How can anybody still watch this? :D Like, seriously, by the end of season 4 it had already gone downhill. Zombies were just accessories then, God knows what happened after that - and ew, no, I don't want to. The last thing I remember was how unbearable Rick had become. Hadn't watched it since then. I'd rather have cried my eyes out on its finale episode if they finished it after the 3rd or 4th season than indirectly witness what a mess it became. Too bad this show could have become a classic if it didn't give up, but hey, the first four seasons or some will always be a classica, at least for me.
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The Purge (2018–2019)
9 September 2018
I'm only writing beacuse I saw these few very negative comments. I don't get it. It's just the plot episode and you "foresee" how bad it will be? And the characters, settings, background etc. they all were quite well established, too! Some people are being negative for the sole sake of negativity.
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Blair Witch (2016)
Could be a lot better.
18 July 2017
I'm a fan of the original Blair Witch movie, which gave me nightmares when I first watched it at the age of 11 or something. Never watched the Book of Shadows, 'cause I knew it would ruin the original. Still not planning to watch. Though when I heard this one was coming out, I thought that with the current technology, a better budget and hopefully more creativity, Blair Witch would kick ass. And it did, its own. This movie is like a remake of the original rather than a sequel. Nothing new, no originality. And I wish they did something better both with the story and the witch herself. Not a bad movie, if you are fine with name-yellings every 5 minutes, but sooooo not the perfect sequel it had the potential to be.
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