
22 Reviews
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Marvel should fear James Gunn's take over of DC
6 May 2023
This final edition of GOTG should make Marvel shake in their boots with what James Gunn will bring to DC. After a pretty mediocre phase 4 to Marvel, and their choice to side step their proven formula it's fair to say they are making bad choices at their end.

This movie has to be a stand out compared to what we've been given recently as fans (excluding no way home and Multiverse of Madness). A movie worthy of a final send off for the GOTG series. I love that this film focused on Rockets backstory, it brought the heart we need from these super hero films to keep us watching. As always, killer sound track across this series.

Can't wait to see what happens in DC land of this is hot Gunn finishes at Marvel.
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Dear Edward (2023)
Lost me at episode 5
18 February 2023
This series really started off strong in the first few episodes. Some amazing performances all round, I won't deny that. You do get pulled into the individual stories at first. But then it plateaus and becomes a bit meh, there seems to be no rise and fall with in the story lines, the soundtrack etc. No real tension and release, just meh. I feel at times it becomes hard to find empathy for a majority of the characters and what they are going through because they make some very selfish decisions. So now I've lost interest at episode 5. I'm wondering if this would have been better served as a 2 hour film rather than a series?
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Our Universe (2022– )
Love everything about it but...
24 November 2022
Whoever did the sound mixing didn't do it justice. Morgan's narrative was too far back in the mix, I was struggling to hear him over the SFX and music. It turned into a difficult watch because of that.

Aside from that, the footage and graphics are beautiful to watch. I enjoyed the link of everything happening in the universe has an effect on life in every way.

It was really great to get you think about the bigger picture to life in earth. I hope to see more of these types of documentaries on Netflix, so refreshing after all the true crime ones that seem to be of endless supply in their library.
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Wolf Like Me (2022– )
Great Television
16 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I delayed watching this because the trailer didn't grab me. Found myself with some free time and nothing to watch and thought I'd give it a go and all I can say is "wow I was wrong".

This is a really great show, especially for Australian TV (I'm an Aussie so can say that). Isla fisher I have been a fan of since Home and Away days and she doesn't fail to deliver on the complexities of her role. The young girl is an amazing actress, very natural and can't wait to see what her career holds.

All in all, great script, great cinemaphotography, great acting, love the "jaws" reveal of the monster in the last episode. Can't wait for season 2.
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Queen of the Universe (2021–2023)
5 USA competitors is unfair!
30 April 2022
Don't get me wrong, I loved this show and it was highly entertaining. Had an awesome afternoon with friends binging this.

But 5 queens representing USA while the other countries have one, how is this fair competition. Ru Paul please level out the playing field next time you're looking for the "Queen of the Universe"
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1883 (2021–2022)
It's still entertaining
19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I jumped on board with 1883 when I read it was a prequel to Yellowstone.

Believe me when I say I'm not much of a western fan or a Kevin Costner fan but I got sucked into Yellowstone and was obsessed. So when a prequel came out for me to know the history of the Dutton family I was 100% down for that as I love a good origin story.

Is it the origin story I expected; not really. Is it still entertaining; yes it is.

The way this is written you actually forget this is a story about the Dutton's during episode 2. And I feel that is a wasted opportunity of a hook.

I have to admit I'm not American so I have little knowledge of the pioneer age, I guess that does become an interest watching the hardship this party goes through on their journey.

The things I love; Sam Elliot, that man delivers every time without fail. The cinematography, the music score. It really is beautifully edited and a great stand alone.

I was a bit dubious about the casting of Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. Again not being American I thought it was a PR stunt casting but happy to say I ate my words on that, they are exceptional.

Where I'm not convinced; Elsa, has she been written weak, yes. Has the actress done a great job with what she was handed, yes. I love what the actress has done for the character. But I feel like Elsa was written by a bunch of men eating bags of Cheeto's in a writers room. Another Hollywood trope of the exceptional beauty with a free spirit that breaks all the rules and makes the perfect cowgirl, god give me strength. And just how quickly does this girl fall in and out of love?!? It disappoints me that the story revolves around her and not her father. I would be far more interested in the Patriarch story line like in Yellowstone.

I have to agree with what's been said in other reviews. The women are far to perfect looking for pioneer women. I've been camping in the Australian outback many times and know exactly how I look after a few weeks. Elsa's hair is alway perfect, even after a tornado, it's clean, shiny and untangled. Faith Hill's character you can see they did put a bit of effort into making her look gritty and weathered but the sculpted eyebrows ruined it for me. Get these women dirty and looking worn please!!! If the men can be made to look this way so can the women.

Like my subject line claims I'm still entertained but unless I see this more being about the Dutton's I wouldn't call it a prequel just yet.
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Definitely entertaining but not without it's problems
21 May 2021
My favourite part of the superhero genre (especially when I haven't read the source material) is the back story setup and I love love love that they integrated the origin story so flawlessly into this series. It is entertaining to watch and does grab your attention. The cast line up is strong. The cinematography is also beautiful to watch. There are so many things right. But still a few things wrong.

The Bad: Chloe's dysfunction is cringeworthy, not the acting of it but the writing of it, not sure if it's a source material thing but to me we live in a day and age where I would rather see an empowered women than a falling apart spoilt brat with daddy issues. It's too cliched and belongs in the 90's. The younger generation having self esteem issues is also cringeworthy. I rolled my eyes every time we hit an "I don't believe in myself speech". They were a bit over the top. I get that it makes for good story lines and character archs but I think a more subtle internal self struggle is more believable.

The hard to ignore: a few bad wigs and beard extensions. Must have been on a tight budget.
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Fascinating and thought provoking
27 September 2020
As an Australian I can safely say I really didn't know the ins and outs of the politics of this era, Trump's election and what not. So I found this mini series fascinating, had to watch it twice just to absorb all the information. The performances are perfection. I never would have thought in my life that Brendan Gleeson could pull out such an honest portrayal of Trump, Trump is such an out of this world character there is a fine line between a perfect portrayal and an SNL sketch and Gleeson did not cross that line.

The only letdown was the choice of Rosenstein's narration throughout. I felt it was unnecessary and could follow along just fine without it. It came across and forced and unauthentic, should have been edited out.
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I Hate Suzie (2020– )
Well... I Hate Suzie
28 August 2020
I tried to like this. I thought the trailer was good and drew me in. But 3 episodes in the characters life is so chaotic, and there is no relief written into the script to give you a break from the chaos. There's needs to be a fine balance to carry that kind of disruption off and this doesn't have it.

Also her character development hasn't created any kind of empathy for me to feel sorry for her with what's going on. So she's become unrelatable and I can't connect with her.

If you're stuck in lockdown like I am give it a go. But I kind of hate Suzie
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Unsolved Mysteries (2020– )
Every episode is Groundhog Day
21 August 2020
Almost every single episode is about someone vanishing. Kinda boring one after the other. I'm sure there more unsolved mysteries out there that don't involve disappearances. Mix it up a bit please
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The Old Guard (2020)
Another Netflix "close but no cigar" category
12 July 2020
An amazing cast let down down but a not so good execution. Netflix is doing this too often where the focus seems to be quantity over quality and I wish on films like this they take that extra bit of time and or budget to make sure it is a great release.

Soundtrack seems off and doesn't suit to style of the film. Forced dialogue at points in the script.

I will say the cast do lift up what's left. Can't say a bad thing about them.
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The Widow (I) (2019)
Bad acting Bad choices
1 June 2020
I was fairly intrigue to watch this and ignored the bad reviews on here. How I wish I hadn't. It's hard to believe that with seasoned actors with serious chops how bad the acting is, because it's across the board I'm blaming directorial choices on that. Also feel like the scripts is underdeveloped, juvenile like, not in the main plot but just in the every moment interactions going on between the characters. They would say something and "who says that" is my immediate reaction.
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Home Before Dark (2020– )
Confused about it's audience
16 April 2020
This is a show that doesn't know if it's audience are tweens or adults. The writing is so cheesy it suggests maybe this show is meant for tweens, but there are some major adult themes to it that you'd think it was meant to be aimed at an adult market and young people shouldn't watch it. The character of a "tenacious" kid is annoying in execution and would be the main reason to turn off, not saying the girl is a bad actor but I think she may have been directed wrong.

Overall another disappointment from Apple+ I'm glad I was given my subscription from a purchase rather than actually be paying for a limited library with very few decent shows.
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Dickinson (2019–2021)
Not meant for adults
13 November 2019
If you're over the age of 22 don't bother. We are not the intended audience. It's really hard to become immersed in the world of Emily Dickinson when they are talking like the tweens of today, rich content has been thinned out for target audience appeal and I'm sorry but tans and bleach hair have no place in a period drama.

The animation of the horses on death's carriage is beautifully done but that's about all I can praise.
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
I'm half and half on this one
26 September 2019
I always believe you need to watch 3 episodes of a new series before you decide whether it's good enough to continue. 2 more left to pull me in.

This one is interesting enough but still had some flaws I'm not sure I can get past. Which is strange because I usually love every Michael Sheen and can trust he always chooses incredible projects. In this he's the perfect manipulative serial killer. With just the slight raise of and eyebrow or turn of the lips he says so many things, which bring me to the problem of Tom Payne, he's so expressive with his face it boardlines overacting, it stands out most in their scenes together. If it tones down over the next few episode with more of an internal performance it could be quite enjoyable.

Unfortunately it's plagued with what I call American network gloss which removes a lot of needed grittiness and rawness the plot needs to carry on intrigue. The usual episode plot issues, found the villain to easy, sound editing is a bit hit and miss and should be darker etc. editing could be grittier. It's such a great premise, just lacking edge to knock it out of the park.

Why I'm 50/50 on this is because the flash back scenes with Michael Sheen are perfection, the present scenes need to get to that same level. Will see what the next episode has to offer.
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Stretches out over too many episodes
6 July 2019
It does start off strong and can be quite interesting but found I lost interest by episode 4. I think the problem with most docudramas is that they put the story into too many episodes which slows down the pace and interest factor. This was something that could have been achieved over 3 or 4 episodes and not filled the gaps with ridiculous dramatisation.

It is beautifully shot, quite a good soundtrack on it and I don't mind the voiceover as much as other comments on here, after all it is an upscale documentary which all come with voiceovers.

I do believe that docudramas are the way of the future for the documentary platform but the formula still needs to be perfected.
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Marvel dropped the ball with this one
9 March 2019
I will say firstly that as per usual the visual effects are outstanding. The de-aging of Fury and Colsen was perfection. But that's where my compliments end.

I truely went into this believing that Marvel's first female hero led film would have a similar impact as Blank Panther had, all I can say is that DC won the battle of female hero film.

This fell flat in so many ways. The storyline had massive pacing issues and the quaint humorous bits that Marvel has become quite famous for were few and seemed forced. Brie Larson's character was 1 dimensional, which with her acting chops has left me wondering if this was the fault of the director instead. With Captain Marvel being the most powerful hero in the line up they definitely missed an opportunity to show a storyline where her vulnerability is inside her mind and she has to fight to know her worth on her own, the storyline does that undercurrent but it just wasn't written well.

Lastly a huge opportunity was missed with the soundtrack. After the brilliance that was Galaxy of Guardians soundtrack this journey back to the 90's was bleak. They hand picked iconic songs but just dropped them into the film with no relevance or flow.

Overall you still need to see it as it's the next cog in the wheel before Endgame. It's also not the worst movie in the world so you won't feel like you've wasted money on a ticket. You will feel like Marvel has they're B group creating this film. I am getting slightly worried about Phase 4 now
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Dirty John (2018–2020)
Starts off strong and then let's you down
28 December 2018
I really enjoyed the first and second episode but by episode 5 had lost interest in the story line completely, stopped watching after 10 minutes.

Eric Banner is an awesome villan as always, very believable in the character's psychosis. The wife however was written as such a cliched meek and vulnerable woman, which yes I understand these are the kind of woman who are prayed on by men like John but by episode 5 when so much information had unravelled about him I had expected some growth and development in making her character stronger but didn't happen. Unfortunately that was the big reasons I stopped watching I couldn't get past how weak the wife was and she wouldn't wake up after finding out all the bad details.

The daughters are written as annoying spoilt rich brats - again very hard to jump on board with them as well.

Could have been great if the other characters were richly developed like John. Unfortunately here there are no characters to like or become invested in so no reason to keep watching week to week.
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God Friended Me (2018–2020)
Middle of the road
29 October 2018
First episode showed a promising premise that could develope intriguingly if handled the right way. Second episode brought it down to a "meh" for me. Probably been handled too much by the network to make it a cookie cutter show. Very lacklustre
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First Man (2018)
Sad that a story of a great man was in the hands of self indulgent filmmakers
17 October 2018
This was a film you would hope would be in the same class as Apollo 13. Something inspirational that really stirs something inside of you.

Unfortunately the story of Neil Armstrong was left in the hands of self indulgent filmmakers. The pace it moved at is painfully slow with unnecessary shots to add to the slow pace. Too many close up in which there would be no reasoning for them. The unsteady shaky cinamaphotography does work when they are punch through the atmosphere but doesn't belong in the scenes on the ground. From all of this I found it quite hard to escape into the story and focus on such a great man, and was more focused on the letdown the editing and camera work.

I can say that the acting from all of the cast is still wonderful. Clair Foy is spectacular as always. In terms of costume, sets etc it was visually authentic and amazing to look at.
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Iron Fist: The Fury of Iron Fist (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
Beyond Disappointing
9 September 2018
I Always go into new season with an open mind, usually hoping that maybe something that had a good premise but mediocre first season could step up their game.

But unfortunately this episode was beyond disappointing. You have Danny and Colleen trying to out victim each other in one scene that makes you roll your eyes so hard, which was just the start over an over dramatised story line that makes you disconnect from the characters rather than root for them.

Not going to move forward with the rest of the season
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Anon (I) (2018)
Good concept but lacks pace
5 May 2018
Starts of well and is a believable future we could be heading towards, but the pace stays consistent the whole way through and drags on. The character archs are 2 dimensional and you find yourself not invested in them or the story.

It's not a "I want those hours of my life back" movie but it's nothing I would recommend as a must watch.
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