
17 Reviews
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I liked it
12 November 2023
I'm late to the party but I've heard so much about this movie, I just had to watch it. And I'm glad I did. The movie subverted most expectations and used the classical horror movie tropes quite well. It was entertaining to see how a misunderstanding could lead to such mayhem. Definitely worth watching even if it doesn't change your world view or anything profoundly insightful. Alan Tudyk is fabulous as always and the characterization he brings to Tucker is endearing and heartfelt. Overall, I really enjoyed the movie and feel that it was worth my time watching it. You should enjoy it too especially if you like those traditional slasher style horror movies. A great romp in the woods. Bring the popcorn!
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The Killer (2023)
Beautiful movie, but...
11 November 2023
...what did I just watch?

This movie is stunningly gorgeous. Well shot, excellent cinematography, luscious. What irritates me is that I felt like an outsider. Perhaps if I had read the source material I would have understood what was happening. The movie is told via 90% narration. Which could be fine, if the narrator actually told us anything aside from repeating the same mantra over and over. Give us some insight into thought processes, motives, problem solving, whatever. Nada. How are all of these people related to each other? Why is this happening? What is going on? I watched for two hours because I truly enjoy Michael Fassbender but at the end I was left literally scratching my head. Perhaps this could have been a very clever one season series with some drama and intrigue. But there wasn't any of that.

I suppose someone familiar with the source material would (or could) be satisfied with this visually appealing spectacle but I was left feeling empty inside.
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Heavy Weight (2016)
Raw and beautiful
30 May 2022
This was a look into a world of masculinity that often treads into toxic territory - the boxing ring. Overall, the cinematography (the use of mirrors especially) enhances the storytelling. The characters are believable and well-played. This could easily be a full feature instead of a short. The internal struggle of coming to terms with being vulnerable is well done here. Rewatchable. I was left wanting more.
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USS Seaviper (2012)
Utterly unwatchable
6 March 2022
I thought I would have this movie playing in the background while editing photos as something to make noise so I wasn't expecting much. But it was even worse than that. Beware and avoid at all costs. Acting terrible. Script written by illiterates. Music ham-fisted. Really really terrible. Go fold laundry or watch paint dry for your entertainment instead of this movie.
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Pledge Night (1988)
Possibly the worst movie I've ever seen?
16 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Someone suggested this was better than the OG Friday the 13th. Boy was that impressively wrong. This movie was incredibly slow, poorly acted, and had no rationale. Was there gore? Sure. The practical effects were decent. Most of the "kills" were off screen with screams or maniacal laughter as the accompaniment. Apparently one of the actors quit and was subsequently absent for the majority of the runtime and then replaced by some random that didn't even resemble the first actor. This plodding disaster of a movie really should be avoided. It isn't even a "guilty pleasure" or "so bad it's good" type of movie. Please save 85 minutes of your life and skip it. You'll thank me. I promise.
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Teenage angst - worth watching.
22 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching the film. I found it relatable and relevant. I teach teenagers and they are murky and complicated. Self-harm is such a huge concern that needs to be taken seriously. This movie deals with a lot of issues and for the most part deals with them well. I don't feel that the unexpected pregnancy scare was one of them though. It wasn't given enough traction to really be effective. Otherwise, the jumble of emotions, the conflicted nature of our main character, the self-destructive nature of denial, and the coming to terms with who you are were all poignant. The big message here is talking about suicide doesn't lead to suicide necessarily. Nico had many people who loved him and tried to help - the montage at the end showed that nicely - but he felt he had no other options. I enjoyed the movie. Could it have been better? Sure. Did I wish for a different outcome? Yes. Was I emotionally invested? You bet.

Bottom line: worth it.
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But, why?
16 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching A Quiet Place 2 (AQP2). I was left wanting. Wanting more information, wanting a satisfying origin story, wanting wanting wanting.

I enjoyed the first film. Like a tightly wound short story, we were dropped in the action and followed along over a short amount of time. The world-building was satisfying. It was good.

The second was a bit of a mess. I really enjoyed the opening sequences and I really wanted more of that storyline. It all just happened too fast for me. Plus the fake out of the baseball game from the "empty" main street without any of the sound coming from the game was a little unrealistic given that the dad walked there from parking his truck at the store.

There are too many implausibilities for me to overlook - where did they get all of that sand for the pathway system? Who clears off the dead leaves in the spring? Speaking of spring this is in upstate New York. Winters have cold temperatures and snowfall. How are these people walking around without shoes? Who trucked in all that sand? Do you know how heavy sand is? That's a lot of sand? Why didn't other people just follow the sand trail to their farm? Do you know how HOT sand gets in the summer? The family were not hobbits; they have normal feet like the rest of us.

Why did the family abandon the farm? There was food, water, shelter - yes there was a fire and the basement was flooded but there were other places to live.

Where are the baby's diapers?

Do you know how long oxygen tanks last? (2 hours at most)

Where are they getting all of their consumable supplies (such as all the candles, batteries, etc?) This has been AT LEAST nine months since the invasion (aka baby time). How is the electricity grid still functioning?

Why has NOBODY figured out that the creatures can't swim? Not very bright these aliens dropping in on a planet covered in 71% water. Oops, bad planning on their part.

If the marauders are so bad, why hasn't everyone figured out about that island before? Or seen the HUGE BONFIRE (where did they get the wood for that?) on the island or the lights in the windows? I can see lights on an island many kilometers away and MIT determined that a human eye can detect a candle flame is 2.76 kilometers. That's just a candle!

Additionally, if a casual current can take a boat to the island, why hasn't anyone else gotten to the island before?

Other commenters have mentioned the dubiously questionable decisions that other characters have made.

Okay, well, that's my list of wanting more questions. There were some good parts to the movie, but my disbelief was stretched pretty thin this time compared to the first movie.
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Enjoyable overall
8 July 2021
Full disclosure - I have not read the book. Like other reviewers have said, comparing a movie to the source book is going to be problematic. I teach a film studies class to Grade 9 students and evaluate movies on a number of different levels. The music is outstanding. Danny Elfman is one of my favorite film composers and he certainly delivers a moody compelling score. I found the cinematography to be top notch as well. The actors were all well-cast although I felt that Jennifer Jason Leigh's talents were a little underutilized. The plot kept me engaged and entertained throughout the story up until the ending which I thought was the weakest part of the movie - it just sort of wrapped up without any real consequence like an episode of Murder, She Wrote, hence the 8 star rating. I was left with too many questions to be fully satisfied. Would I recommend the film? Yes. Will hardcore Hitchcock fans be disappointed? As I am one of them, not exactly. Yes, there are clear nods to Rear Window but this is its own movie. Will you enjoy it? I think so. It was worth my time - I didn't skip ahead or watch on fast forward. That says something. I enjoyed it. I think you will too.
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Star Trek: Enterprise: Cogenitor (2003)
Season 2, Episode 22
Lost Potential...
12 August 2020
We have to remember this was 2003 - 17 years ago - and I hope a different time than today (heavy emphasis on HOPE). The lost potential here was to really make a statement about GENDER. What if the performer cast to play the Cogenitor was a cis-gendered male actor? (This could be seen as an allegory for transgender rights as well, so what about a transgendered actor?) How would that have changed the dynamic of Trip trying to "rescue" the Cogenitor? T'Pol asked Archer the same question in Rogue Planet (2002). How would the story change if it were played by a male actor? Consider, The Outcast (1992), what if Soren was played by a male actor? That would have made for an interesting twist and would make the conversation much more relevant. The other reviewers have mentioned the dubious morality of Archer and that is not my issue here (as I agree with the double standards he sets for Trip). What do you think?
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Doesn't Age Well...
2 August 2020
I recently re-watched this episode and while it is entertaining on the surface there are some issues I have with it. I know it can be difficult to portray an alien world where flora and fauna are different than what we have on Earth but perhaps more effort could be made (this is a cautionary tale to anyone trying to do the same in the 21st century). When Hoshi picks up a piece of fruit she claims that it is like a strawberry when she is holding up a LITERAL strawberry or when she tastes another and said that it tastes "like kiwi" when it was literally kiwi she just ate. Change the colour or use a different fruit that is strange (for example dragonfruit) or do what they did in the Original Series and use something else. For example, they could have made it out of Jello and then it would have been more plausible. The scene was very quick and could have had more impact with substitutions. Where my biggest issues come from with this episode (and several leading up to it) is the rampant HETEROSEXISM that is thrown in our faces. That may have been "acceptable" (was it, really, though?) in the 1960s but in the 2000's? No. Trip and Reed are at the bar acting very predatory towards the women and are body shaming some (one had more than 2 eyes) and then misgendering another all for laughs. This is offensive. 2002 was at the height of the gay rights movement and there were significant strides being made like Sweden legalizing same-sex adoption, several states banning discrimination on the basis of orientation, Switzerland gave equal legal rights to same-sex couples, etc. This episode does not stand up to the test of time and, in fact, was troublesome when it was produced. The bar scene and the consequences afterwards were particularly cringe-worthy. Oh well.
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Westworld: Journey into Night (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
Late to the game, but what happened?
8 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There may be spoilers, if like me you are catching up late to the party...

So, be warned, spoilers below...

I watched the first season's 10 episodes back to back and thoroughly enjoyed every one of them. At only point was I bored, disinterested, or upset. And that was the plot point of Stubbs specifically asking a control room tech to watch over him and then he disappeared without another mention until...

Until he casually walked onscreen in the pilot of Season 2! WTF??!! No explanation, nothing. I was yelling at my screen - NO WAY. Unbelievable. Very lazy writing. Leaving plot holes like that is sloppy.

Additionally, William (Man in black) showing up. Also, not likely. He wanted the hosts to fight back so when he was faced with an army of hosts in the season finally he should have been killed. Others have mentioned the miraculous healing of his injuries - the bullet wound will get infected in a few days without proper medical attention. A little whisky and a bandage are insufficient.

Then we have the time lapse of 2 weeks when Bernard is found on the beach! BEACH!? And we find out that the park is actually an ISLAND? WTF??? An island??? NOPE. Not buying it. With the Grand Canyon, etc!? I don't think so.

As well, the park has been open for 30 years and we are left to believe that the technology hasn't improved in that time? They are still using the same flip open tablet phone things they had 30 years ago (according to Dolores's memories from the time shifting first season). I'm sorry, but no.

I'm conflicted. I loved the first season for the most part but the season premiere is leaving me cold - too many new characters I don't care about or like and I'm really rather done with Dolores's story arc.

I'm taking a break before watching any more. I'm disappointed and really blah so far.

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Romina (2018)
77 minutes lost
29 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There are spoilers below. Save yourself and read them.

I love a good horror movie. This was not one of them. It felt extremely amateurish as if it was a high school film project. Save your time and avoid this movie. I should have checked out the reviews before watching it. I should have stopped 25 minutes in when I asked myself: "Are the just making up the dialogue?" Why did I watch to the end. The start was good - give us the ending at the start and then tell us how it got to that. Good premise. But everything else was utter rubbish. The motivations of all of the characters were absent. I didn't understand why things happened and why people did what they did. Arturo died because he ate all the chips, I suppose. Was his crime bad enough to spoon out his eyes and string him up on a log and bleed him out? I'm not sure what the two girls did to deserve their fate either aside from being vapid and annoying. But to be raped by a broken beer bottle? What? This was unbelievably bad. The ending was terrible. The storyline was non-existent. This was a sad waste of time. I'm not sure how it got distributed. Don't bother with this movie.
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Lost in Space: Diamonds in the Sky (2018)
Season 1, Episode 2
Space Schlock
1 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have only been able to watch two episodes of this very disappointing show. Every turn has the characters doing inexplicable things and the "science" is so far-fetched that even suspending your disbelief is nearly impossible to do.


  • Having it cold enough to freeze a lake solid would be enough to seriously harm humans out in the frigid temperatures - and without covering their skin - seriously?
  • Time is a serious issue here - the distances and time it would take to travel them are completely unrealistic and make me scratch my head.
  • The characters are all unlikable. So far in the two episodes I have watched, there are no redeeming qualities to any of the characters.
  • Why were the Robot's first words "Danger Will Robinson"? That made no sense to me at all. Just to hearken back to nostalgiaville. Ridiculous.
  • If the J2 was underwater, none of the exterior windows showed the underwater scene.
  • The drama with Smith and West was distracting and flat.
  • Why do they still have wired hand held microphones for the communication system?
  • Why did the girl who didn't have her licence for the chariot go on her own?
  • Why do the characters continue to make unbelievable decisions that put their safety in jeopardy?
  • People have already commented on the OREO product placement, but it's still a bothersome point.

UGH. I'm giving up. Some people may claim that it gets better as the season goes on, but I'm not wasting anymore of my time.

I'm out.
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Boys Grammar (2005)
You need to look deeper...
7 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is the definition of a short film - it is short. Yes, some backstory would have helped clear up some of the misconceptions and ambiguities of the film but then it would not be short anymore. It is up to us, the viewers, to provide the interpretation and extrapolation given what we are shown. I feel that this short film does that, if you look deeper beyond the shock value of the violence. There will be spoilers beyond.

In the beginning, Gareth is standing on the diving board ready to jump. We have a first person view of an intimate view of his torso and the person doing the viewing is Nick - as that is the first person we see up close. In fact, Nick is the only person looking at Gareth for the longest time - the other boys are reading, chatting, or otherwise distracted. The only person looking at Gareth is Nick on the diving board.

Nick is also slow to jeer and laugh at Gareth after his diving attempt. That slow reaction is preceded with a quick glance at the other boys to see what they are doing and he quickly "fits in" by going along with the others. There is an eye contact connection between the two boys as Gareth leaves the pool.

We jump to the locker room scene. Gareth is changing and about to leave when Nick picks up Gareth's art book. This is where it goes badly. Nick taunts Gareth and then one of the other boys sees what is going on and says, "Is this f***** giving you shit, Nick?" Leaving Nick with no other options. The other boys join in and Gareth is assaulted brutally in the shower.

In the end, Nick touches Gareth and Gareth recoils. Nick then says, "This is your fault, Gary. This is your fucking fault."

Then we have the scene at home where Gareth attacks Nick after Nick taunts him with "Are you a man, Gareth?"

The holding scene after Gareth attacks Nick is the clincher. There is a history between these two. Nick is Gareth's brother's friend and so I bet there was a relationship between these two. Nick is so deep in the closet and has internalized his hatred of the relationship he has with Gareth. And so that hatred spilled out into the violent act in the shower room. All to save face and keep up appearances.

The fact that Nick does not defend himself or hit back when Gareth attacks him at the dinner table and that Nick is stroking Gareth's hair shows the turmoil he must be feeling.

Please understand, Nick is still an asshole. There were a million other things he could have done - like ignore Gareth. But we don't know the backstory or history. Perhaps someone wants to film that? Gareth as the younger infatuated boy with love in his eyes can't understand why Nick is so double sided. I would not say that Gareth is damaged (certainly wounded after the attack in the shower room) nor is Nick a monster - he makes really terrible choices because he feels he has no other alternative. He can't imagine a different life than the one he is acting out. Both boys are tragic victims of circumstances.

Anyway, I felt that this played out quite authentically. Others have criticized the acting but I feel there is little to complain about here. Given it is 7 minutes long and we don't have time to establish characters beyond what we see, I feel that it is well handled.

Overall, I feel that this is an accurate depiction of an unfortunate circumstance that led to betrayal and violence that is unforgivable. There is an aspect of human nature that is shown here in a very real way. These events happen all the time I would imagine but because of shame and humiliation are never reported or discussed and so go largely ignored.

Definitely worth a watch.
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Enjoyable and tragic
3 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This review may contain spoilers.

I found myself compelled to watch this movie because I had read so much about it. It is possible the subtitles may have missed some of the subtle points lost in translation and that might make it less resonating for others. Did I love this movie? No. Did I really enjoy this movie? Yes.

The build up was subtle and nuanced. I too was asking what is going on here, and to be honest I felt confused for the first part of the movie. That being said, the movie makers started peeling the layers of the story away bit by bit and by the end I was entranced.

Remember that these are young adults who are impulsive, coming to terms with their emotions and trying to figure out life in the face of death. The tragedy here is that there is no satisfactory resolution. NO, not in a "they all lived happily ever after" motif but rather everyone is miserable at the end.

The One Year Later I don't think was needed, even if it was based on true life. Better to leave it ambiguous for the viewer as to what happens next than to shatter the already broken emotions.

I would have liked to have seen more back-story - through diary or flashback or dialogue - to give the characters more depth and pathos.

The cinematography was GORGEOUS. The actors were attractive and compelling in their roles and overall I believed in the story. I could see this happening in real life with all the pain and anguish and confusion.

Life is not fair, my mother always has said. But what you do with it is what matters.

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A fair followup
22 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
*** There may be spoilers ***

Having watched both The Falls and Testament of Love, I feel the need to post my thoughts. As a gay man myself and having never been indoctrinated into a religion, I find watching movies about religious angst fascinating. I can only imagine the difficulties faced by gay men and women in the face of religious dogma and doctrine. And this movie plays out as you would expect it to. Mostly.

You really do need to watch the first movie for this one to make any real sense and it feels like a serialized dramatic series of movies that are tied together rather well. The initial device of a flashback montage and recap was good to bring viewers up to speed.

There were parts of this movie that worked well and others not so well. For most, the acting was believable. Hanna Barefoot is clearly the standout here. But it was nice to watch Benjamin Farmer and Nick Ferrucci again as well. But Ms. Barefoot's performance especially after (SPOILER ALERT) finding out the truth was portrayed with depth and pathos.

Others have argued that the chemistry between Chris and RJ wasn't there and for the most part I would agree. The inner turmoil that Chris feels as he struggles with what he feels and what is expected is palpable. And this standoffishness could be the felt in the "disconnection" between the two. He didn't want to feel what he felt. And it was accurately portrayed on screen.

The only scene that fell flat for me was the (spoiler alert again) anniversary dinner where RJ shows up and kisses Chris in front of the gathered family and guests. AND THEN he "dumps" Chris and leaves him standing there alone and exposed. Really? "To save you $100 on stamps????" Seriously? I was very mad at this. Here he has come to Salt Lake, involved himself in a closeted man's life, ruined his marriage, destroyed his family, excommunicated him from the church (one would imagine) AND THEN DUMPS HIM? After being invited to Chris's coming out speech to his family and having Chris proclaim his love to him publicly, he decides to walk out?

That didn't play well. It was hollow and selfish. I don't know if it was necessarily in RJ's character and seemed flat.

There was no real reason for his abandonment. At least not in the drama on screen. It wasn't obvious to the viewer aside from creating a bittersweet ending and setting up a potential three-quel.

What are your thoughts on this movie?
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The Invoking (2013)
A painful waste of time
23 February 2014
As other reviewers have mentioned, I was drawn into watching this movie because of the misleading (in my opinion) advertising surrounding the poster and the synopsis. Once the movie started, I was struck by the "amateurish" quality and low-budget feel of the movie. I know that some VERY GOOD movies are amateur and low-budget as they can have compelling story lines and thought-provoking concepts. This movie had none of that. We start the movie next to a radar dome that was given a lot of screen time and conversation that was never mentioned again. The acting was awful. None of the characters were remotely engaging or sympathetic and I couldn't wait for them to disappear. I kept counting down the time and hoping something would happen. Sadly, the ending was confusing and unresolved and I was left feeling that was 80 minutes of my life I will never get back again. The only good thing about this movie (other than it ending) was the cinematography - some of the still shots were amazingly well framed. The movie on a whole was awful. Miss it.
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