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Nattrikken (2020)
Offensive stupid garbage.
10 March 2023
It's as if the filmmakers decided to put as many "important discriminations" into a film while not being able to relate to the issues at all. Very moronic and simple minded and it's obvious that people who like this don't get how simple minded it is. Made for people who enjoy films that spell everything out for you. Sorry but this is the truth. Evil, helplessly ugly and filled with fake ideological sympathy.

I really hate these Oscar Shorts that take very big, important real life issues and render them to vapid, obvious and artless message-films but made in such a way where everything is spelled out for you. I freaking hated this. God I hate the Oscars!
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Better Call Saul: Nippy (2022)
Season 6, Episode 10
27 July 2022
I legit had to pause the episode because I was so on the edge of my seat and screamed at one particular moment. The episode is gorgeously shot, edited and directed and constantly keeps a brisk pace and momentum. It's also a perfect encapsulation of Jimmys strength as a mastermind. I absolutely loved this episode and pity those that don't see the importance of good filmmaking and storytelling.
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The MCU needs to change
6 July 2022
The same old story with these MCU movies. I hate basically everything they represent and the main producer behind these films, Kevin Feige, is the literal demon that ruined cinema as we know it. He represents everything wrong with the film industry.

This film is the same old garbage repackaged with some new fun ideas. For starters, yes I laughed quite a bit during many moments. You can definitely enjoy this film purely from a SNL skit perspective. Also some of the ideas Waititi plays around are fun and enjoyable, such as the 80s inspired rock-costumes and the designs of many aliens. The score and soundtrack are really well implemented.

However aesthetically this film is one of the worst offenders. Rarely have I seen this much bad CGI in such a big film. The action ranges from ok to atrocious. The shot language is extremely bad and stale, not a single ounce of dynamic and movement. Just basic green screen single shots and reverse shots. Where's the ingenuity of "Hunt of the Wilderpeople?", it all looks so fake and textureless. Gave me Robert Rodriguez mid 2000s green-screen movie vibes, but without the charm.

Every scene taking place on earth in an interior set is one of the most bafflingly looking things I've ever seen.
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Better Call Saul: Rock and Hard Place (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
Probably some of the best TV directing
29 May 2022
That opening shot alone was stunning! The rest of the episode was done with so much style, elegance and fluidity. Nachos arc is heartbreaking. The tension is so skillfully created. Great filmmaking here.
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Pure trash
21 May 2022
Aesthetically, thematically, narratively - simply and purely incompetent, boring and moronic in every possible way. I loathe this season and this episode is a perfect representation why. It's just a massively stupid and ignorant approach to the topic of rapeculture, abuse, depression, anxiety etc. It's so simplistic in the way it frames these topics, such a boomerish approach. And stylistically it adds nothing. Just a bunch of medium close ups stitched together. Can't wait for this to end.
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Narcos: Mexico: Life in Wartime (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
The Final
25 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I have to agree that this season felt kind of shallow and anti-climactic. It doesn't even remotely come close to the devastating final episode of the original Narcos. Everything just kind of happened here, there was no buildup, no narration to tie it all together and to tell us what happened with these Narco crimebosses. Chapo and Majo, the Felix clan- they're just loose ends. If this was the supposed end of the Narcos franchise, then it's kind of a lethargic one. It felt kind of half-assed. Season 1 and 2 of Mexico had style, substance and an engaging dramaturgical evolution. There was a dynamic that tied it all together. I can't say this about this finale. But maybe that's the point, right? It all just goes on, there's no end in sight. I get it, I dig that.

But in order for it to have an impact, you need to sell that idea cinematically. It kind of just doesn't happen here.
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Adventure Time: Lemonhope Part Two (2014)
Season 5, Episode 51
Oh my glob...
19 January 2022
This was just...absolutely gut wrenching and beautiful. I was in tears at the end. This is why AT is so special- one moment it makes you laugh, and in the next it's just confronting you with deeply intricate human emotions and reflections about mankind.

Exceptional filmmaking.
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Adventure Time: Root Beer Guy (2013)
Season 5, Episode 43
Simply amazing
19 January 2022
This episode gave me happy feelings. It was an actual mystery, with clues and funny, excellent writing, and just a really engaging performance by Jack Pendarvis. This is just the perfect adventure time episode.
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Voir: The Ethics of Revenge (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
The King is back
30 December 2021
Oh Tony Zhou, how I've missed you. Since the YouTube days I've been obsessed with his essays and the way he fundamentally changed my perspective on cinema for the best. With his focus not only on storytelling but on the mechanics of filmmaking - especially the form behind any film.

While I still haven't seen Ms. Vengeance, the episode gripped me with some beautiful moments of the contextualization of the revenge film history. Generally speaking, this is a great observation and analysis on the fascination behind film violence.
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Voir: Summer of the Shark (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
People giving this 1/10 - are you ok?
30 December 2021
I get not liking certain pieces of media but 1/10? That's a woefully misguided and childish take. A 1/10 means there's not a single positive thing to say about this episode- which is just objectively wrong.

I'm sick and tired of grown ups giving everything that slightly annoys them an automatic 1/10. It's like their critical thinking area is just disabled when consuming media.

The episode is fantastically shot and masterfully edited, bringing a lot of visual nuances to Stones text.

I think there's honestly some underlying misogyny going on in these reviews because a woman is telling her personal story that connects to a memory many people share. Especially the last sentiment of how men's fantasies have dominated Hollywood.

Let me tell you something: She's right. It's so funny that these types of reviews always show up on Imdb and not on Letterboxd. Different mentalities it seems.

I agree that her voice is a bit monotonous but at least it's authentic. What matters here is the story and the message, and I share her sentiments fully. People have become lazier and dumber when it comes to their filmtaste. Just the way it is.
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Twin Peaks: Part 17 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 17
I couldn't breathe
26 December 2021
This was absolutely insane. Certainly one of the most intense hour of television I ever experienced. This entire season is such a fever dream and I mean that in the most positive way possible. I certainly felt all the emotions I could feel- excitement, happiness, sadness, fear, just an accumulation of all the things that make Twin Peaks special.

This and Episode 8 were certainly some of the highlights in Lynchs' career. He just knows how to freak you out, keep you invested and actually play with around with the TV medium. A testament to let artists be weird in popular media, let them go crazy, let them experiment. That's what life is all about .
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Spielberg unhinged!
14 December 2021
Spielberg and musical- the combination of a lifetime. I adore the 1960s Robert Wise film, and definitely hold it dearly as one of my favorite musicals in cinema. Hence, as with any remake, there was a bit of a reprehension towards this new iteration. However I can safely say that Spielbergs WSS is just as dynamic, gorgeous, elegant and hypnotic as the acclaimed original.

If you follow Spielbergs trademark style in staging and movement, especially blocking, it comes as no surprise that his style would harmonize effortlessly with the genre. His films have that very old school, golden age hollywood moviemaking quality to them. Spielberg has always used music not only as an emotive element but ingrained it deeply into the filmmaking, from editing to movement- music plays a huge aesthetical role in his films . WSS is another one of those instances where everything and everyone falls perfectly into place- the compositions by Kaminski and the choreography do not only capture and create a dance, they themselves perform a cinematographic entity.

I was constantly hypnotized and transfixed by the films staggering amount of work and perfection. Simply put: I'd never have guessed that they would still make movies this way in 2021. It was almost like a revelation to experience something of such grandeur cinematic power on the screen again. This is what I call moviemagic.
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Tiger King: Stark Raving Mad (2021)
Season 2, Episode 5
Lazy and hastily put together garbage
28 November 2021
God this season sucked. And this episode was such a huge disappointment - extremely rushed, poorly edited and structured. Just when it gets kind of interesting, they pull the rug under you. Worthless TV entertainment. At least season 1 was constantly engaging and funny. This was just a quick paycheck. Netflix should stop pumping out these excessively stretched seasons of TV just because of its popularity value. There's literally no story here.
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
There's nothing like it
5 November 2021
I think to simply dismiss Twin Peaks as "weird" is not doing the show any justice. Sure, it doesn't fall into the realm of conventional narratives, but Twin Peaks still offers enough plot and storytelling for it to be considered quite straightforward. Where it does differ to most mysteries, is in the direction. Twin Peaks is filled with idiosyncrasies in the diegesis. It has one of the most unique visual presentations in TV and quite surely the most abstract character constellations. Somehow everything and everyone is connected, but it's the how and why that keeps it so fresh constantly. Even when the storyline goes through some rather uneventful motions in the 2nd season.

The highlights for me were almost always the episodes directed by Lynch because the way he way he frames and blocks characters in the midst of surreal set pieces, is quite wonderful and exciting. Not least because of the amazing ominous sound design, mise-en-scene and music by Badalamenti. Everything fits together wonderfully in such a harmonious way. Every character and every acting decision makes absolute sense. This absolutely demands overperforming and theatricality as the atmosphere of the show is just too unnatural to force naturalism on it.

Twin Peaks is one of the most compelling and perplexing pieces of television that fully embraces its concept and makes bold cinematic decisions. A masterpiece.
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Adventure Time: Five Short Graybles (2012)
Season 4, Episode 2
Probably the funniest episode I've seen
6 October 2021
I love it when Adventure Time goes into a more surrealist, random direction, that's when the show really shines for me. The perfect start into the day!
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Twin Peaks: May the Giant Be with You (1990)
Season 2, Episode 1
This is not TV. This is cinema.
19 September 2021
Blown away. Absolutely gorgeous, surreal and beautiful stuff yet done within a gripping narrative who-dunnit-framework.

I love everything about this show so far- it has such a distinctive, gripping and bizarre tone and atmosphere. Episode 2.1 has all the elements of a great Twin Peaks episode! Lynch is a genius.
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Dune (2021)
See it on the big screen
15 September 2021
There's no question: this is an epic film. You rarely get to see movies that look and sound like this, only a handful of films archive the kind of technical superiority showcased in Villeneuves latest. And yet, it saddens me to admit that though I was blown away by grandiose scale and vision in Dune, it lacked a core element that Villeneuves other massive Blockbuster from four years ago had: Blade Runner 2049 had a thematic substance and clarity that was both gripping and emotionally complex simultaneously. Dune Part 1 on the other hand, does not. Plus, as impressive as the formalism in Dune is, 2049 also triumphed in that department.

With Dune I often felt zoned out from the feudalistic family affairs, the expository dialogue and namedropping of worlds, characters and substances that all sounded so interchangeable. I can't really hold this against the film since it comes with the constraints of an adaptation, but somehow I never had the problem with other epics such as Lord of the Rings.

With all that being said, the basic story is pretty straightforward and enjoyable. This is due to Villeneuves elegant pacing and Greig Frasers eye for scope. I never felt like the film dragged on for too long, because there is always something stunning going on in the frame and you get lost in the anachronistic-futurism mise-en-scene. Theres images in this right out of dystopian-anxiety artworks.

All that is left to say: Bring on Part 2!
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Rick and Morty: Rickmurai Jack (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
great visual storytelling and lots of fun
11 September 2021
A really great and emotionally resonant ending to a season filled with a lot of variety. Some really despised S5 however I saw it more as a fresh take on a series that has build up certain fan-expectations. And I despise fandoms because they have a very limited perspective on how filmmaking and storytelling works.

This finale basically focuses on all the narrative and dramaturgical key elements that have been created throughout the series- the relationship between the master and his servant if you might say so.

The episode is masterfully animated and tells so many dramatic scenes visually without over-explaining it.

It's also just really hilarious and has everything you want from Rick and Morty. It takes a new course and will satisfy fans.
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"People believe anything" such as this being good
22 August 2021
This film was a painful experience. A soul crushing reminder that we can't have a straightforward superhero film anymore- no, everything needs to be crammed into that 2hour runtime, establishing sequels in the last 10 minutes for the next film and all in all not giving the characters a proper conclusion. The problem with these movies is that they feel so weightless- there's no gravitas, no stakes, just constant cookie cutter buffoonery without giving us anything to care about.

On every other level this film fails to captivate me as an aesthetician. Seldomly have I seen a film that looks and feels this fake and phony. There's almost nothing practical in this film with the exception of some actual authentic european locations. A constant barrage of awful green screen and CGI work plastered onto every shot, erasing any sort of immersion. There's not A SINGLE shot of Spiderman in an actual fabricated costume. He always looks like a cartoon character injected into the hideously lit scenery.

The editing is piss poor, scenes just abruptly end and don't connect together. There's so many blatantly obvious greenscreen reshoots intertwined with the actual location shots, it's bafflingly bad. The film language in low budget movies is more sophisticated and ambitious than in this 200 million dollar turkey. Also a major disappointment: Giacchinos score. It's so bland and generic, just a conglomeration of previously established superhero scores. It doesn't emote anything remotely close to the iconic Elfman score, and you can't argue with me on that one.

I'm sick of MCU films being some shot-reverse-shot improv comedy with some terrible CGI slapped onto them. It feels so incredibly lazy. I have a hard time accepting that this is what people want nowadays after being exposed to so many great blockbuster movies.

The only impressive scenes are the ones that are fully CG but they stand out in an annoying way, because these sections are basically animated short films. And the chemistry between the actors is, as in many MCU films, very organic even though I thought the performances were all around extremely bland. This material just doesn't give them anything to feast on, it's such an easy paycheck movie. And thats why Raimis SM films remain undefeated.
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All of you have the attention span of babies
10 August 2021
Are you guys sure you should be rating films and not TikToks? Because that seems to be more up your intellectual alley.

This is a highly original and distinctive film. It's not even that slow. Maybe thats the Marvel and DC surplus speaking. Isnt it sad that Suicide Squad has a higher rating than this? People don't deserve anything good anymore, all they want is capitalistic monopolies force feeding you lazy propaganda disguised as entertainment.

People don't want art, they want fast, easily digestible products. DISNEY DISNEY DISNEY MARVEL MARVEL

Please everyone: stop watching films, it's clearly not for you.
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Ein Film im Film den keiner will
8 August 2021
English-Version below

Von erster Sekunde an wusste ich, dass "Sargnagl- Der Film" nicht für mich sein wird. Ich hab eine Aversion gegen Filme die ausschließlich für ein nationales Publikum gemacht sind, Filme, die man nur gut finden kann, wenn man "in on the joke" ist und den Kontext dahinter kennt. Genau das ist dieser Film, ein stellenweise lustiger Sketch der auf 90 Minuten überstrapaziert wurde, um mal schnell auf landesweiter Ebene Geld zu machen. Das passiert leider viel zu oft in Österreich und ehrlich gesagt find ich diese Sorte "Kunst", die von der altbekannten Freundlwirtschaft lebt, einfach widerlich und ein Affront gegen die Filmkunst an sich.

Dann denkt der Film auch noch, er sei so "Meta" und smart, weil er sich über die Industrie lustig macht, vergisst dabei aber, dass er in der Diegese diese Stereotype selbst erfüllt und damit jegliche Glaubwürdigkeit aus dem Fenster wirft. Auch Formal wird komplett auf die Regeln des Dokustils vergessen, da er vollkommen willkürlich auf den klassischen Shot-Reverse-Shot-Stil wechselt und die etablierten Mockumentary-Limitationen aufgibt, dadurch dann plötzlich eher einem narrativen Spielfilm entspricht.

"Sargnagl- Der Film" ist ein langweiliger und viel zu engstirniger Versuch einer Mockumentary, die ausschließlich für eine ausgewählte Gruppe an Leuten gemacht wurde. Und selbst die werden feststellen, dass der Subplot des Films im Fokus steht und die Sargnagl schlussendlich nur stellenweise ihr Talent zum Ausdruck bringen kann. Da findet man aber auf YouTube weitaus besseres Material von ihr, plus man spart sich den Rest des Films.


This film is made solely for an Austrian audience since most of the jokes won't translate well. The film is very lazy and doesn't do Sargnagl, who is a radical comedian, any justice, since the film is way too preoccupied with a subplot that is all about referencing Austrian culture. It even fails as a Mockumentary as it suddenly switches to classical narrative filmmaking, abiding the rules of a documentary, which took me immediately out of the diegesis. Hard pass.
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Tuca & Bertie: Nighttime Friend (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
This show is just a vibe
7 August 2021
It's no wonder to me that so many boomers and conservatives hate this show, it's just way too abstract, unstructured and progressive for people who think everything has to be super straightforward (politically, socially and artistically). I really loved this episode, the nighttime of the town is so beautifully brought to life by eccentric drawings and backgrounds. The music and the atmosphere is incredibly detailed and rich. Just an absolute delight to experience these kind of underground stories being told in this particular way.
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Rick and Morty: Rickdependence Spray (2021)
Season 5, Episode 4
Y'all take this show too seriously
13 July 2021
How about you have some fun for once? I think people are too hung up on the concept of Rick and Morty being a show for "intellectuals" when it's really not. Jesus, you people sound like that meme. Rick and Morty is a comedy show and it's supposed to he hilarious, weird, creative and satirical. Not every episode has to be a groundbreaking masterpiece. In this case "Rickdependence Day" does a great job at making you laugh and in some way even develops Mortys inner child to a more shameful degree. I had fun with this episode and people rating this 1/10 are just the most annoying and immature people on this god forsaken planet, chill out.
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Master of None: Moments in Love, Chapter 1 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 1
26 May 2021
Absolutely beautiful and haunting! Don't lets yourself be fooled by these obnoxious, hateful and vile comments by insecure and uncultured incels who lack taste. This is simply phenomenal, nuanced filmmaking. Very elegant cinematography and a nice palette of music and aesthetic presentation. The drama is authentic and hits home.

This is not Master of None 1+2 this is "Master of None presents" which means it's a spinoff.

If you don't like this, don't consider yourself a MoN fan, because you don't understand what this show stands for. The openness to experience the lives of others.
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Imdb is full of toxic capitalistic americans
25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just admit it america, you need socialism. It will solve so many of your problems. Also, this show is getting hated by brainwashed far-righters and bigots who hate automatically anything that remotes leftist politics even if it would help their situation immensely. This is a very informative show, well crafted and executed. I wasn't able to follow everything as I live in an European country that has free healthcare, universities and actual pensions.

Capitalism sucks and we need a different system that actually cares about the working class. Suck it up losers.
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