
3 Reviews
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I love surprises
12 November 2017
I it nice to watch a movie that you are curious about, without any expectations, and then be very pleasantly surprised. I have to thank all the haters out there for making this experience even better than it would have been. Without elaborating to much, this is a really nice, fun movie with a good solid cast and some great moments on the screen. By writing this review I wanted to restore a little balance into the mix, considering the bad reviews this movie has been getting. By just looking at this low rating I can tell a lot of people have missed the point of this movie, at least what I think the point was. By elaborating a little bit more, what happened here was a case of taking a past unrecorded event and making a movie around it by making assumptions and filling in the blanks and thus creating something new. All I can say is that the crew make this process work pretty good. This movie doesn't give you a very accurate history lesson but it has a purpose non the less. A part of that purpose was to give us a little bit of a different version of Bruce Lee and his story. This movie didn't idealize him which in my opinion was a great move because it made Bruce Lee seem like a more relatable person, flawed and a little immature at the time. This movies statement was that he was a genius, talented, charismatic, but also probably a little cocky, arrogant and immature in his beginnings as a teacher. I'm not making assumptions on the authenticity of his character but I like that this wasn't a typical hero that wins the day story. Just at the very end it turns it around to give us the moral of the story which is in my opinion the best part of the movie. When you think you know everything, life tells you otherwise. In summation I would definitely recommend this movie because it has a lot going for it. If nothing else, there is some nice philosophy, plus some good martial art fights. Most importantly, Bruce Lee remains a very cool guy thanks to a great cast. A nice surprise.
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31 October 2017
Every time I go into the movies I feel like playing the lottery. I hope for the best but really don't know what I'm getting and I often feel disappointed in the end. This time it was not the case. Marvel universe movies have been my favorites from the very beginning of the story and Thor:Ragnarok as the latest edition has surpassed my expectations. I was hoping for a another good entry in the Marvel universe but this was on another level entirely.

This movie is fun, funny, full of action, well acted, fits the story perfectly and what is most important it feels fresh and original. It is different from the other Thor and Marvel movies and stands firmly on its own while still being a bridge to the culmination of the Marvel universe. It's light tone is in my opinion a good set up for the final chapters of the Marvel universe which are no doubt going to be much darker and more dramatic. But make no mistake Thor Ragnarok is a serious movie with a thin layer of drama and darkness as well. It's not perfect but it's flaws are tiny and barely noticeable when compared to the big picture. Without a doubt in my top 3 Marvel movies for now.
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A new low, very disappointing
16 November 2011
It is not often for me to go to the cinema and be so bored and irritated as I was, watching this movie. I thought I was going to see something that was going to blow my mind, but instead this just blows. These actors, legends of the action genre deserve better than this, not to mention the viewers deserve better than this. I knew exactly(ish) what I was going to watch when I payed for the ticket: guns, explosions, blood, fighting and big muscles, and the thing is that I love those kind of movies. But there are action packet movies that can be done in a intelligent way and then there is just mindless action with no substance or originality. The story is a typical good guys vs bad guys story, the characters were totally uninteresting and the dialogs were full of clichés and could have been written better by a 9 year old child. The last 15-20 minutes were unbearable for me. Explosion after explosion, shooting not stop (Rambo style), unrealistic fights etc. The Schwarzenegger cameo was a nice touch but a few good scenes could not save this disaster. I just hope that Stallone will put a little more effort in the sequel.
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