22 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
Just Awful
15 June 2024
Within ten minutes, I was struggling to make sense of what was happening. Within thirty minutes, I began to not care. It was bland.

There were few if any details as to why there was a war and who was fighting. The movie follows photographers who get way too close to the action during random civilian battles while trying to get to Washington DC to interview the president they didn't support. The journey was a slow, drawn out to who cares.

The photographers lacked emotion until they or people they knew were in danger. That didn't even happen until the last quarter of the movie.

The ending with Kristen Dunst was quickly glossed over and demonstrated how poor character development was. No one in the last seen cared and neither did I.

The first Purge was so much more enjoyable than this snoozefest.
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Reunion (II) (2024)
Plot Melts in the Snow
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was a well acted movie. The theme has been done a lot lately Knives Out, Death on the Nile, A Haunting in Venice, and Bodies Bodies Bodies. Who done its are usually good at worst.

The writing was fairly good except three feet of snow was about three inches. How did Matthew's wife drive to the home and back to the alibi town where she was supposedly staying? How did all the guests get home from the party in 3 ft of snow, but the main characters were supposedly stranded?

This was a major flaw and I don't look to pick movies apart. I like just watching them. A few scenes showed people walking outside a few hours after the supposed storm. Hardly three feet. It was a nuisance storm. No one could have shoveled or plowed. Therefore, this was the real mystery. Where did the snow go?
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Double Blind (2023)
This Movie Will Make You Sleep
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Double Blind was created out of Nightmare on Elm Street and a bunch of other movies where humans become Guinea pigs and one from the group may be in on it. That can still be fine if done right. All of those were done better.

This was very much like a B flick suspense movie minus the suspense. Even with those movies, the characters were developed at least a little bit. Not here. They were simply there with one minor exception - Claire, played by Millie Brady to some small extent. She had a mom in a long term care facility. Big whoop.

The bad guys were only on a TV screen from a side view. The administrating doctor was hilariously killed off. See apologizes right before she takes her last breath. She was briefly presented as a protagonist based on one brief scene where she wanted to end the experiment went some results were off. Who could see that coming?

I didn't care. In fact, I didn't care about any of the characters. There was no rooting for or against anyone. The young people here are shallow and clueless, but not irritating because the light never shined on the supporting cast long enough to hope one dies.

They show up to some lab to take a pill, get poked and prodded for a bit, and collect a nice some of cash for their efforts. When things get slightly hairy the doctor announces the pay will greatly increase if they stay longer. No worries for most of the participants. They apparently have no place to go and no one from the outside world who will miss them and notify the police.

What happens next is pretty predictable, but that can still be okay if given some spine tingling suspense. There was none of that here. I was left not having any questions. Not only did I not have any strong emotions, I had no emotion at all throughout because the plot was hollow.

A movie like Escape Room was better because you can feel yourself play along. You wonder what hallway you'd would walk down or door you'd open. Double Blind failed to generate any such curiosity.
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Poor Things (2023)
1 March 2024
I make it a point to watch all the movies for best picture. By chance, Poor Things was last. Nothing deliberate. I feared, the last one, no matter which one it would be, would get some favoritism.

With the first ten minutes, I had no such fear. This movie was a cross between Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton's), Pet Cemetery, and Frankenstein. The mix wasn't good. Maybe if someone is on LSD, it might have been better.

I have no idea where or why Mark Ruffallo's appeared from. He just appeared. People came for no reason and left just as quickly.

As for Emma Stone, who is a Best Actress nominee, Hollywood is a sucker for anyone who plays a character with intellectual disabilities (we can't use the R word any longer). That isn't fair to any of the other nominees, past or present.

Her character was inappropriate, especially when it came to sex. That drove her husband crazy in jealousy. That's what I took away from this snoozefest. It leaves a big, WHO CARES.

Not only was the movie weird, hard to follow, and not very compelling, it was long. 2:21 long. The flick seemed to be more theater, where you see more overacting good backdrops, and quick change scenes, than a Hollywood movie. I'm a movie not a theater guy.

The first nine Best Picture nominees were all good, but not memorable. My imaginary vote for the Oscar was up for grabs. Watching Poor things at least eliminated one from the list.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
This Flight Never Got Off the Ground
25 February 2024
I watched the first season hoping to fill the void Rachet, a very clever and quietly dark show, left me with. I hoped The Flight Attendant could fill it. Sadly, this show missed the runway.

The main concept was dumb - murdered dead guy discovered in hotel bed, next to blackout, drunk flight attendant.

Naturally, this leads to nefarious people trying to track her down. We've seen this plot since the 1950s - average Joe or Jane accidentally stumbles onto a crime and suddenly dodging sophisticated criminals/spies all around the globe.

Also, the flight attendant had a huge drinking problem that somehow went undetected by her employer. The characters lacked depth and offered no compelling reason as to why I should be rooting for them.

Not bad. Just not captivating, but easily forgotten. I never had an interest, outside of a passing thought, to watch season two. Today, that still remains the case.
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Bezos (2023)
Everything I Wanted to Know: Part 1
25 February 2024
This was a low budget movie and it got away with it. I knew a bit about Jeff Bezos and this movie filled it the blanks about where Amazon began.

My degrees aren't in business. I came to see the human aspect.

The only thing I knew about Bezos was that Amazon started in his garage. The movie provided a glimpse as to what that looked like.

I never knew about the Barnes and Noble stuff either. The chances taken were shown pretty well. There's a lot to cover with what Amazon and Bezos became. The movie stops at their first unexpected sale (95 min mark).

This movie showed only the beginnings and I'm fine with that. Actually, that's all I was needing to see. You'll even learn about how he came up with the company name.

I admire the laser focus and grit. You also need intelligence and his academic efforts helped conquer obstacles.

Beyond that, he gained a successful business but lost, what appeared to be, a loving and supportive wife. I'm not sure any amount of money can buy what he had and didn't appreciate.

Make no mistake, this was his story not her's. MacKenzie was shown strongly supporting her husband and the original notion, but once she agreed to quit her career and move across the country, she was shown only as a nag. Not fair.

The "Know Your Worth" comment is the other thing I will take away from this movie.

I wonder if Jeff Bezos has a real true friend. It doesn't seem that way. Sometimes, It's lonely at the top.
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Bad Behaviour (2023)
Deserves a Better Grade
20 January 2024
This movie was well written. The acting was extremely good. This movie won't serve most people because it doesn't have aliens, gangsters, monsters zombies, or major crisis that needs to be averted.

The backdrop isn't the predictable NYC nor any other major city. The characters are average people. No high profile, rich, and powerful careers. This film was about a woman struggling with indifference, regret, guilt, and shame. She carried anger around for the way her mother treated her and is reflecting if she hadn't done the same to her adult daughter.

Mom went to a retreat to reconnect to an inner peace. Emotions were brought to the surface that we're dormant for so long. I know a few women in my life that act just like the mom did here played by Jennifer Connelly. The daughter, played by Alice Englert was equally impressive.

A great story about people suffering but trying to do their best. Some may say it's a movie about a mother and daughter dealing with mental health issues. Perhaps. I saw it more as two women dealing with their past, present, and future, like so many others, at this moment in time.
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12 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm in the mental health field and worked with autistic kids. Most viewers of this movie would probably either be healthcare people or families greatly impacted by the spectrum child.

I watched this movie right up to the 1 hrs 28 min and 53 second mark - the bus scene. I didn't stop watching because it was uncomfortable. It certainly was, but that's not it. I stopped because it jumped into the basic pool. The writer did a great job at depicting what life is like for families dealing with someone high on the spectrum. No earthquakes. No monsters. No abduction. No asteroid. No murder (at least I think so).

Then in the last twenty minutes, it was like they got scared or the Hollywood conditioning kicked in. They wedged in a few antagonists that didn't fit. The other people on the bus suddenly became apathetic and out of touch zombies just watching with mouths open.

The kid boarded the bus right after mom and dad had a disagreement about him riding alone even though he did it the recent past. Dad wanted to the son to ride the bus to get groceries for his sister's return home from Fall semester. Mom, for some forced reason, wasn't having it. Dad, usually level headed, was now unreasonable in order to create this horrendous, "I told you so," moment.

This wasn't necessary. I was hoping the movie would wind down and being proud it illuminated the life someone with autism faces and life a family has to deal with day in and day out. It's hard. Parents and siblings can harbor anger putting their lives on hold. The angst of going to a grocery store with him can be exhausting. They can talk about the guilt of wanting to put a child in a group home. The guilt of wondering what they did wrong biologically to give birth to an autistic child. Scared about his life after they die. Guilt about their awesome daughter being so amazing and wondering what they didn't provide her by being so involved with her brother. That would have been authentic, difficult, but typical conversations for people.

These moments should have been the true gut wrenching scenes.

Instead, it created a crowded bus and some thugs. Shame on you. At least the writers didn't do the predictable, tired, over-played, Manhattan backdrop and parents with million dollar careers. They weren't that affected.

Well acted by all. Mostly well written.
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Hollywood Needs More Like This
23 December 2023
This is a movie about people who live normal lives with typical challenges no matter the adults or high school children.

And guess what? It doesn't take place in Manhattan. No glitz. No glam.

The story is about a mildly dysfunctional family of three - mother, father, and high school aged son. Like so many families, they lost connection, if they had it at ever at all. The son, played very well by Finn Wolfhard doesn't know how to connect to a crush. His mom, played by Julianne Moore doesn't know how to connect to him. Dad, Jay O. Sanders is forgotten about by both.

Other people come into their lives but, like so many people I meet, the characters aren't good listeners, can't put feelings into words, and judge so who ever they want to bond with stay distant or even retreat.

I love these types of films because there is no alien invasion, terrorist who wants to blow up the world, martial arts guy, chase scenes, antagonist vs protagonist, no murder to figure out, no government or secret agent to run from, no guns, no predictable boy meets girl/break up/back together/happily ever after, no people with high powered jobs, no fancy clothes, no living in a high rise or mansion.

There are too many families like this. Parents lost in their own lives with a kid or two who see their world with myopic eyes because parents stop spending time with them, asking good questions, and bonding through good conversation and memories.

The acting and writing is excellent!
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Nope (2022)
Absolutely Not
26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I actually enjoyed the pace through the first half of the movie. It was fitting because of the location out in the Southern California desert mountains. The pace and location added to the intrigue as well.

Once the film guy came on board the movie took a huge turn for the bad. Why did he come to the house from one commercial shot and a pleading phone call? Why did he get stupid and run for no reason?

The kid from the electronics store was also conveniently forced into the movie as well. Why did he decide to film the home? He just randomly started being a housemate with no connection to the two main characters.

After three hours, the, whatever it was, turns out to be an angry, oversized bedsheets. A bedsheet that eats an inflatable cowboy and explodes. Horrible! Horrible! Horrible!
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Horrible Instead of Horrifying
26 February 2023
Shyamalan does a masterful job at delivering horrible over horror in this snoozefest. I didn't think he could do worse than One but he did. Like that one, this was neither scary or clever.

Silly and extremely uninteresting. After 25 minutes I began doing some fast forwarding. I knew this might be a bad selection.

It was never explained why doing periodic and voluntary killings would save the world. Maybe I missed it in one of my blow-bys. But, who cares.

The back story of the gay couple didn't seem to have any important relevance. If I missed in my random skipping, it sure didn't require a rewind at any point.

Even if you miraculously liked this movie, it could have been told in 20 minutes.
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Out of Office (2022 TV Movie)
I Smiled All The Way Through
25 September 2022
I saw the ratings. I don't agree. Yes. It was a bit over-the-top but it's a COMEDY or sitcom. Michael Scott was over-the-top.

In a word, the movie was pleasant. It has nothing to do with The Office. The characters liked each other just like in The Office. People are flawed. Relationships are difficult. Because this was a movie, things were expedited. Milana was wonderful. Most of the characters were interesting and there is a desire to know more about each. Again, it's a sitcom and I can't think of any show in this genre where characters aren't a bit unreal at times.

There is potential here. It should be a series.
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Mr. Mayor (2021–2022)
War Movies are Funnier
13 March 2022
Lorne Michaels must have far reaching pull because this show is HORRIBLE! The punch lines are are more a kick in the gut. Tina must have written this series in 7th grade. There's more comedy on The Weather Channel.
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A Closer Look
9 January 2022
I record Seth. He's must see. Sarcastic and witty. He cracks me up. Really good at making fun of Trumpsters.

The only thing I don't like is when he brings his two writer girls on which replaces A Closer Look.
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The GEICO Halloween Commercial People Were Smarter
4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst movies I've ever seen. It left me somewhere between annoyed and apathetic.

The fire hose flowed like a weak garden hose. The town is a ghost town of stupid people with a few pistols, knives, and bats. Three kids are in the movie but we know they'll never die. The police force is tiny. No one thinks to hit Michael in the head during the last dumb seen. When they shoot at him, they are either way too close so he takes the gun, or fire randomly until they are out of ammo. People run into dark fields with barriers instead of staying on a lit street which are endless. Most would get in their cars and head towards the freeway. Not these idiots. They get beer muscle and believe they'll beat Michael with sticks. For some reason, the town randomly thinks an old, out of shape, guy about 5'6" is Michael.

Jamie Lee Curtis had no reason to be in the movie and her part was small. That's good because her self-righteousness annoys me. Sadly, she wasn't killed so she might do it again with her laughable, tough Wonder Woman attitude.

If anyone else survived, rest assured, they ran to the cemetery.

The first Rob Zombie movie was the best. His second, the worst and this was runner-up. Horrible!
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Old (2021)
23 October 2021
There wasn't a movie in my recent memory I could care less about how it ended.

The characters had little depth and weren't very likeable. The movie was cold and sterile if not dumb. A bad indicator for me is when I grab my phone instead of watch the movie. Lots of play time this evening.
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Hit The Fast Forward
25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to the sequel. Within in 20 minutes, I hit the fast forward for a 30 second speed-up but not figuring it a constant theme at that point. I was wrong. I did it several times as scenes were dragged out way too much.

The only time I got caught was twice in the train scene and neither were import to the movie (they were more Jaws head popping out of the hole in the boat moments). Because no one could talk, it didn't take a genius to realize you wouldn't miss anything except jump-scares.

There's no way a baby wouldn't be a burden and get everyone killed. At no point did the mom tussle with this and she should have (Sophie's Choice). What was life going to be like anyway with these creatures?

Why are there creepy people being carefree, at the docks, when aliens are all around? Why didn't they go to the island or any island if they had access to the boats? Of course the aliens show up right when they're being the creepiest.

Why were people on the island living carefree, partying and picnicking loudly when all it look was a boat launch for other people or the aliens to arrive? How did the the aliens sail a boat? How did 10 plus aliens fit on the boat? No wonder this wasn't shown.

As with any movie with kids, they never listen and only cause trouble. Plus, you know kids starring in a movie never die. The adults were only there to clean up the kids messes. Because of this, the movie lacked a cleverness. The adults were never allowed to figure out a big plan to survive and defeat the vicious monsters. Therefore, the movie lacked sophistication. Horror movies with kids are awful. They ruin it from beginning to end.

There was no ending. No understanding of where they came from, how many were here, or where else they were. Where was the military? With absolutely no ending, it's probably set for a 3rd but no doubt it'll be straight to Netflix/Hulu. No wonder John Krasinski or Emily Blunt didn't want any part of this sequel until coaxed with power and money. However, it won't be worth it in the long run.
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Gutfeld! (2021–2024)
As Comedic as Trump
30 May 2021
This guy couldn't sellout a local VFW fundraiser. That's why his studio has 20 chairs.
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Jimmy Kimmel Live! (2003– )
30 May 2021
I record this show nightly. I love the way he rips Dimwit Donnie and Foxes News!
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Solid journalism. A woman doing solid work in a man's profession.
23 May 2021
Margaret is great. This isn't the lies and buddy system junk I'm used to on Fox News.
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Top Secret Videos (2020– )
Someone Does it Better
29 December 2020
Ms. Kolbert has potential. She's the best in a difficult format to shine in. If I were starting out or needed work, I'd take the job too.

From the trailer, I knew this show was in trouble and that was only 30 seconds.

The person who does this better than anyone is currently a free agent. His name is Daniel Tosh. Sign him immediately and cancel this show.
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Midsommar (2019)
LSD is what You Need
26 May 2020
The writer had to be influenced by Race With the Devil. It was quite yet captivating. A great fear of anyone who travels into lands beyond their comfort zone.
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