
8 Reviews
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Jersey Girl (2004)
Kinda good?
9 April 2006
I have no knowledge about the director, and as a film it should be judged on its own merits, without comparison to his previous works? I actually think the acting by the little girl is really good, the acting of Afflek is pretty dodgy, his crying scenes are quite shaky, it looks like he has a deadly case of the itchy nose rather then breaking up in tears. Liv Tyler pulls the job off as Afflek's love interest, actually everyone seems to apart from Affleck.

A couple of people have said that the side by side chat scene of Afflek and 'music superstar' is pretty good, but I thought it was not.

That being said, this is a fairly decent light hearted film, the story is not exactly remarkable, the characters are likable, especially 'pop'. Decent, looks more like a TV drama but with more gloss.

Worth watching if this is your cup of tea.
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Warriors Two (1978)
the best
13 March 2006
This is arguably one of the best martial arts movies ever made. It features the typical ingredients in terms a storyline, corrupt evil enemies, young innocent scamp who learns martial arts for revenge, and a good dose of comedy.

Those who have seen enough Jackie Chan training scenes will love the interesting training that our young scamp has to go through.

What elevates this from others is its amazing fight scenes, particularly the scene where the wing chun master fights the whole enemy crew with his amazing wing-chun. Not only this, the character was played brilliantly and you really care for this character, he isn't just a card cutout character! A must see, go buy this now
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Good, noway near his best
13 March 2006
I've seen many of his films, and though the standard of his early works are good, this falls at the lower end.

The story is somewhat muddled, maybe thats because I watched the dubbed version. One thing is for sure, this film sure does have some of the longest fight scenes I've ever seen in any martial arts movie. Good or bad, you decide.

The finale battle wasn't very climatic, the best scenes were probably when he is training with his second master, the scene with the chopsticks and the big pots.

Overall fairly decent, but his better stuff like young master blows this away
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Æon Flux (2005)
Well, nothing special
3 March 2006
The start of the film was pretty good I think, a nice short snappy story was set in place. But the film went dreadfully slow in the middle, and even though it was only a 90 minute film, dragged.

Some of the action was cringe worthy, like those pineapples that hang on trees and shoot needle-like stuff that is shown in pre-release footage.

I also did not know you could dodge machine gun bullets just by running in a straight line and doing flips once in a while.

Conclusion -The story was actually interesting with its little twist, but the story and action was executed very badly.
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Seven Swords (2005)
It was 'good', but expected more
1 March 2006
I was expecting more from the this film. Thats not to say it was good, it was decent, but thats all. For a seemingly high budget film with many famous Hong Kong stars, I really expected some kind of real epic fighting film.

What lets this film down is its choppy nature, the film did not flow. There were too many characters, not enough depth, and I found the females were portrayed as pretty much helpless, needing protecting and all this kind of thing. Feminists won't like this film.

The villains with all the face paint looked the business, it would've been nice to see these villains actually pose a real threat to the seven swords, except they just remained in the film as cannon fodder. One wonders why they cover the movie posters and so on, they had no importance in the film and get killed off.

Yes, and like all Chinese films a person dies tragically, most often the female love interest. Not very original.

Like already mentioned, there were some scenes that were just pointless like them finding this snake style sword. The inclusion of too many sub-characters was not a good idea.

The positives. Some of the fight scenes were good, some just weren't. Some of the seven swords were cool, some weren't (Leon Lai).

Overall it is a good watch, easily forgettable.
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I was expecting more
28 February 2006
I was expecting a lot more from this film, after waiting so long for it. I knew it was coming. Those who have watched the extras of the dvds from his previous films would know that Romero was thinking of making another zombite film, but the script was all that had been materialised ta that point.

The main idea I think is great, that there is a human community that has managed to survive in a modern style fortress separated by the rich and poor. But the depiction of the slum area was rubbish, it looked like they had a tiny budget of £2 or something. I didn't really feelthat the world was full of zombies, it felt like there are maybe a 100.

The social commentary is pretty lame, it does nothing to the film, only a dimwit would really find it as enlightening. But then again Romero's film felt too preachy with its overly implied message about human nature

I can see how Romero wanted to carry on the ideas from day of the dead, with zombies actually beginning to gain intelligence. I thought that was lame, the lead zombie was a joke, teaching the other zombie to use a machinegun. I couldn't help but cringe.

There were not any scares. Typical horror pitfalls were truly included. Those who were alone got killed. How surprising. I also expected more imaginative killings, what with cgi capabilities and a decent budget, but Nope. Too many characters, not enough development. I didn't care for any of the characters.

The lead was an idiot, his sidekick with the good shooting skills was also a joke of a character. Their relationship was also a joke.

It was okay, but you have to remember this is a Romero film, I expected a whole lot more. The whole film felt like a TV movie with better graphics.
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Spiral (2000)
Simply superb
19 May 2005
I happen to have read all of Junji Ito's English released manga. I watched the Tomie film and it was a big steaming pile of turd. THANKFULLY Uzumaki actually does justice to the manga. I think those who have read the manga will really appreciate this film more, as many screenshots and camera angles are exactly like in the manga and it is interesting to see how the book characters are played in the film. This film reminds me of eerie indiana. The ending differs to the manga, which I was expecting. Kirie looks like her manga counterpart, and her male friend suits the whole very well. Very creepy I have to admit, this film feels like a feverish nightmare, the kind you have when you were a kid. Not really scary at all, but freaky, if you get my drift? Another great horror from Japan, get yourself a copy.
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Brilliant, just brilliant
21 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie must be truly the best zombie movie out there. Romero obviously wanted to send out another message on the ideas of humans and consumerism. However this message would've been strong enough, but romero insisted on the characters saying this several times throughout. The scenes of the characters shopping while the whole world was fighting for survival was another message of the human condition.

You always knew who was winning the battle. This was not explicit, but it was shown when the radio and television broadcasts disappeared nearer the end of the film. I was also kept guessing as to the ending of the film. Were there going to be any survivors? The ending again in my mind was very similar to 'invasion of the body snatchers'. An open ending, it gave the feeling that the world truly was overrun, and nowhere else to go.

There was some decent gore, a nice scene of a biker getting held down while zombies ripped his stomach open and ate his intestines (real pig's intestines used). Some decapitations, a nice scene in nearer the start of a head getting blown off with a shotgun, and many headshots with rifles etc.

The bikers were quite cheesy in my opinion.

In the end, a brilliant gorefest, a lot of laughs, and seriousness as well. The best there is.
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