
19 Reviews
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Harry Brown (2009)
The real Caine
20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this movie are few times so my review is obviously a little biased. Get the feeling and i'd have read it. Another reviews what this is more michael caine than probably any of his other movies.

No quick action just a slow enjoyable watch. The action is the action of a man of his age but was skills from his younger days.. Scene where the mugger was a knife. Ask some for his money. He doesn't even think he just makes a move. That is quick and the mugger ends up with a knife in his throat.

We're not going to say that he is the equalizer, Put this movie is just believable.

What a career he's had from zulu to this impressive.
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The Dick Van Dyke Show: The Impractical Joke (1965)
Season 4, Episode 16
I have watched this episode several times
24 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a bit too young to possibly remember the first run, being 6 or 7,.but, my folks would have seen it in the original run.

It is one of my favorite episodes, and in 2022 (a few days before New Years) it is an incredible view into a time that to those in it was just as complex and turbulent to them as today is to us.

Obviously the old phone and its disassembly by Rob to us on it's own is funny, the actuall rotary dial is something today's generation has no idea how to operate.

No, its the casual party itself, people gathering, IN SUITS and ties were today that would never happen and pulling such and innocuous joke - that's the beauty of those days.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Been watching Westerns for decades
28 December 2021
I was one of those kids that counted how many times the cowboy fired his 6 shot revolver, how many 8 or 9 shots did take? Lol.

This is different.

With really minor exceptions, it is authentic, fairly gritty - and has Sam Elliot. Can'[t go wrong with him.

Not a country music fan, so don't really watch Hill-McGraw, I do like their interactions in this.

A great watch..
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Hit & Run (2021)
Why compare?
12 August 2021
Yes, Fauda, Lior Raz's series before this, was, 11 of 10 good.

This is a stand alone, different series. And it is good. Raz is Raz, you liked him before, I like him now.

As to 'dark, sound, too violent, etc', what where these others watching?

A good watch, (I am only a few into it admittedly), I am happy.
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Thieves of the Wood (2018–2020)
I sometimes dont think I am watching the same good movie as others have
4 January 2020
I first must say I watched this in the original language and subtitled. That precludes me from catching a lot of the subtext that only understanding the spoke dialect gives one. That aside: The production levels on this series is high. The weapons master - got it RIGHT. The costumes, and, I am no expert, seem to be RIGHT. Everyone who isn't the higher ups, are appropriately dirtier as you go down the social scale, but it seems to be in place. The set dressers, got it RIGHT. So, why bad reviews? Maybe because it wasn't action by the second, but, characters are developed, plot lines merge and separate. I enjoy these foreign productions,I am watching it on Netflix, who I am told have production facilities world wide and bring content we would not usually see. Worth while entertainment.
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Nero a metà (2018– )
Realistically paced
27 March 2019
Nothing frantic, sans car chases (if Luc Bresson did this series, the adrenaline would be higher). The pace of this show seems more life like than most North American 'cop' shows of a similar ilk. The actors are very watchable, the show does scratch are the underling racism Europe - most particularly I think this part (Italy, France, Germany) are suffering from. I very much like that this show doesn't use the glamorous European locations they could, instead, we see the graffiti laden buildings, the squalor of the immigrant sections. In North America this show would probably never get made, guns aren't pulled and shot a few times an episode, the pace - IS SLOW. A nice change of pace. I am 2/3 thru season one, I don't know if there are other seasons.
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Dont read a book expecting the movie to be the same!!!
7 October 2018
Since others here have said it, this delightful!! movie may not be a 100% representation of the book. I don't know, I don't read French and apparently this was a French book of some repute. So? Charlton Heston in the Ten Commandments certainly did not portray that book (lol) 100% accurately. Yet, a lot of people for decades have enjoyed that movie. No, this isn't on par, but, this was a very nice movie, with no parts that were NSFW. And today, that is something different. Watch it. For just easy entertainment value, 10 out of 10. As a movie overall, 8 out of 10.
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Mission of Honor (II) (2018)
I "love" when experts review a movie - not
8 September 2018
Watch this movie. The total budget was likely what was spent just for catering a 'skyscraper' movie I wasted a few hours watching. I AM an aficionado of WW2, I can spot mistakes. AND? The story of these brave men is not well known - a pity. There were several groups of pilots from several occupied countries who made it to Britain and fought like lions. The poles, were brave - and nuts. Some of the crazy scenes - are true (not a spoiler). The effects - yah, not up to Hollywood top CGI, but, enjoy a true story with good acting,
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McMafia: Episode #1.1 (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
Off to a good start- a little spoiler alert
2 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Not as fast paced a some European fare out now, but, another member here did draw a comparison to 'The Night Manager' -both of these shows follow similar pacing. The cast is very good - some faces may be recognizable - James Norton - a lead character has a god history for a 30 something year old - a lot of British fare - David Strathairn playing an Israeli mobster - funny since his ancestry includes English, Scottish, Irish, Portuguese, Native Hawaiian, and one sixteenth Chinese! As mentioned elsewhere this show travels! - shooting in several countries and it VERY much adds to the 'feel'. Not a huge amount of action - nor - sex - lol - here is hoping! Episode one is the only one I have seen yet - will have this show on my watch-list.
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6 Days (I) (2017)
Not a Hollywood shoot em upper - that is a NICE change!
20 August 2017
I never noticed as some here have said, that, this was a low budget movie.Not that it shows anywhere. The actors - Cornish, Bell and always delivering a GREAT performance - Mark Strong. I have never seen Strong give a bad performance on screen - most know him from the Kingsmen. Some may say the Iranian embassy situation marked the beginning of international based terrorism for England,although in the past the country had many domestic situations of a dire nature - the IRA and their campaign.. I watch closely for technical details got right - or more often - WRONG - this movie gets it right - at least for the layman like most of us are.I have a friend who was S.A.S - he pointed out more - humorously - but he gave this film a thumbs up. So, when a real life hero I am privileged to know, who has lived these types of things says the movie is good - WATCH IT!
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Janie Jones (2010)
Wow - this is verging on a subtly great movie!!
13 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Filled with recognizable actors, this movie - to me - verges on great. The story is - unfortunately - too believable. A crack head mother abandoning her child, a washed up musician, a band together past their expiry date. Probably a tale acted out in real life - daily. Shue has the crack/alcoholic/hooker/or groupie role down pat - but - not to diminish from her acting - and - I think she looked great for very late 40's! Breslin is - again in this role as so many of her others - an actor who I think will be amongst the greats. It is always a pleasure watching Peter Stormare, although he is best as a villain - here - he isn't - but is a great character actor - from Sweden. The remainder of the cast are uniformly superb - a few are on hit TV shows in the past couple of years. All in all, this film just seemed - real.
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The Mistletoe Promise (2016 TV Movie)
Its is a Hallmark movie - you get 100% what you expect - Teeny -tiny - spoiler alert!
6 November 2016
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Hallmark films these types of movies - year in and year out - and promises that you will get what you expect. Cute actors, predictable plots, no great special effects (SPOILER ALERT- filmed in British Columbia -Vancouver specifically- a city that doesn't get snow) - so the special effects here is fake snow everywhere. If you want drama - go elsewhere-if you want a watchable hour and a half - well, that is what Hallmark offers. And delivers! I look forward to each year's Christmas fare,and really have never been disappointed, this is my official precursor to the Christmas season. I think that Hallmark has a formula - that works- taking actors - that are usually the number three or four spot (the odd time number two) - on a list of performers in any given TV show,sometimes movies - and giving them a main - co-number one position in their movies. I always just seem to remember the actors and ALWAYS come here to IMDb and look up where I have seen them before. To me - all part of the Hallmark experience.
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Mr. Church (2016)
Yes - a good movie, actually - a VERY good movie
16 October 2016
I guess I have come full circle when it comes to Eddie Murphy movies. It was 1984, I was a newly wed and Eddie was a slightly racy movie star, but, perfect for a couples evening at the cinema! And we cried with laughter. I would never have believed that some 30 plus years later I would be watching an Eddie Murphy movie and crying in a different way. This is a fairly simple movie, easy to follow, no special effects, just the type of movie Hollywood used to do so well. I guess there is still hope. Along with Eddie there are a couple of known actors,no spoiler alert - but Eddie has aged very well! Full circle - I watch movies on my own now..
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Billionaire Ransom (II) (2016)
I kinda thought it would be a stinker - NOT!
20 August 2016
In my experience when a movie changes its title - it is a sign of bad things to come. so approaching viewing this one, I had no high hopes. Being on the older side of many members here, I admit I didn't really recognize the actors by name - as I started to watch I did know a few. The story line is not new, SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT, when the location changes from the U.S. to where the majority of the movies takes place, it gets better. The setting is beautiful, the plot takes time to get to the 'action', but, it does, and it doesn't stink! I am an easy reviewer, I just like to be entertained, and having no great expectations, this was a very entertaining movie.
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Does Keanu ever age?
17 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers

Being in the legal service industry, I was impressed that few embellishments with real court proceedings were taken in this film. So many times we see long winded speeches that 'save the day' and 'win the case'. LOLOLOL Nope. Seldom happens. It is the slow plodding along, asking and listening. At least this film didn't go the 'Inherit the Wind' route. BUT - a bit more - umph would have been nice. Keanu Reeves is getting older, but, in a slow - Dorian Greyish way. Supporting cast was good. Overall, a watchable movie -but as a previous posted here said, no action, no sex, but - watchable with a great twist at the end.
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Lopez (2016–2017)
I don't think I am the demographic market - or - maybe I am!
31 July 2016
I am Canadian (obviously) and the Spanish culture so prevalent in the United States, is not so here in Canada. I am non Latino,and would say a middle class - white(tish) guy. So - does the demographic market for this show mean - me? I would say - NO. BUT This show is too, too funny! Admittedly the Spanish sometimes spoken (a very little)is lost on me, as is some of the cultural references,But - this is George Lopez at his best - and I think there is a goodly percentage of his real life portrayed here. This is the first of his shows I watch regularly. I have seen some of his stand up on YouTube before, I wouldn't say I was a huge fan, although this show may make me one. Try it - you may like it!
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Einstein and Eddington (2008 TV Movie)
No one said this was a documentary!
31 July 2016
While most of the reviews here are spot on, there is always someone who had to take a contrary view based on 'their' grasp of science. NO ONE SAID THIS IS A DOCUMENTARY! It is though a very well made film, with a great cast, a good period piece, and the science is correct enough! Any movie that educates the general public - an IOTA - is doing its job. We should all expand our knowledge of the world around us, it is surprising how many people today know nothing of Einstein and role he played in shaping the 'modern' world. An enjoyable movie that takes some very hard to understand theories and makes them understandable and entertaining.
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Marauders (2016)
Not great - but not bad either!!!
3 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst never an obvious Oscar contender, this movie is a far from terrible as some of the reviews here. Yes - the plot meanders a BIT - but this film is a lot easier to follow than some of the pretentious crap that people post such accolades for. Previous post mentions cinematography - clear and very watchable. Good cast, Bautista seems to have a sense of humour that will hopefully be exploited in his future flicks. Willis - to me is always Willis - and that is fine. I spent part of a lazy Sunday afternoon watching this and - enjoyed it. I will agree with some other posters that is felt like it could have been a bit better in areas - but - I am an average Joe and couldn't explain the why's and where's. Enough armchair critics already on this site.
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The Principal (2015–2016)
Another example of really good Australian TV
14 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Quasi Spoiler Alert:

Australian TV (and movies) have developed over the past decade or so into rivals for North American product. I find the actors to 'look' on the most part like REAL people. Warts and all. This show exemplifies that - the kids look like the mix you will find every where, the teachers - look like a few I had so many years ago in school. I like where they are taking the principle (I am up to episode 3 - today seeing 4)another slice of real life. I think this show could as easily be set in Canada (I work in the legal system-this happens for real here) or the United States with out changing a thing. If you are looking for 'action' TV this is not the show for you, I find this a refreshing change from the formulaic stuff being cranked out of Hollywood.
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