
3 Reviews
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The Event (2010–2011)
Come on about a mini series
5 October 2011
So, the new season of pilots has started and there are so many new shows, so many that do NOT seem interesting at all. I was hooked on The Event...watched every week...then "poof" its gone. Yes, we all heard the rumors that Sci Fi will be getting it but that fell thru also. So, what exec is going to step up and bring it back to us? The rating can't be that high on some of the new shows right? Why take away the shows we really like? Why not just put it on another night, another time slot instead of sticking it against the other heavy hitters in the same time slot? Who counts who is watching anyway? Does this counter also include the shows we have all Tevo's or watched on Demand or on Hulu? Who counts those? The future of TV is not sitting down when it is actually on but when there is a time that is more convenient, no disruptions, just sit and enjoy. This is when the kids are in bed, the dogs are walked, the dishes and chores are done...thats what most of us do now. So, the least that we faithful watchers deserve is a mini series, heck, put it on the big screen and DVD and get your money that way!! Put it in a book! You would not be sorry...bring it back...because the new shows do not meet The Events standards!!
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2 Broke Girls (2011–2017)
Finally, lets get back to comedy
5 October 2011
I think the girls are great, the banter, the humor, the whole is funny, witty, charming and makes you feel good. Especially with todays economy, the story of rich girl...her dad goes to jail... now rich girl is poor girl and has to get a job....loses all her rich friends...meets tough, poor, city girl and they become friends. They honestly care about each other. Bad luck (and a fathers legal mistakes) brought them together and it works. It is the new age "Laverne and Shirley"...I hope it stays around and isn't replaced by some new reality TV show. It makes me laugh out loud! Now I will just write "love it" until I get the ten line minimum needed to"love it"...."love it"... "Love it"....."Love it"....."Love it"....."Love it"
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Free Agents (2011–2012)
Nice refreshing change
5 October 2011
I think it is a refreshing new twist on the sitcoms that are usually on. It is two adults, they don't partake in excessive drinking, nor excessive illegal drugs, they have jobs to go to. They both have lost a love in their life and it shows the true "fog" they are in as they stumble thru their recovery. To me is seems honest, good natured and I think the characters do a great job. The comedy is crisp and real. I do love the Portland scenes, although I don't think they are filming up here. It's too bad it is against such other heavy hitter shows in the current time slot. If this show was on Friday night or Sunday night it would be around longer. I will watch it until they take it off...but it is better than all the reality TV that hogs all the time slots.
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