
22 Reviews
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Outer Banks (2020– )
Gets so unbelievable that it stops being fun
1 March 2023
I mean somebody should really call child protective services on the parents of this show! Hahah Come on! What father on his right mind would ever let a teenager go on a wild goose chase after a lost treasure which is on the sights of multiple criminal organizations??? Apart from J and the new girl I don't see the upside for any of the characters. Rich kids leaving home on the hopes of becoming even richer risking theirs lives on the process, a scholarship contender leaving school for a dream that's likely never coming true, the list goes on.. MY GOD the greediness! It's all becoming quite pointless. It was really fun for one season but now its all just a bore fest of unrealistic bs. Where do I find the strength to continue watching this show? I really don't know if I can. And also, how many "attaboys" is a person supposed to listen to before starting endless eye rolls? John B's dad is the actual worst, he should've just stayed dead, honestly.
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Max Irons's acting is truly painful to watch
21 September 2022
And sadly not in a good way, in fact the only thing worse than his portrayal of Malcolm Foxworth was his sad and failed attempt at that flailing accent hahaha seriously, how was he able to get this part doing such a mediocre job at it? Was there no audition for it? Or was it like a favor? There's no other explanation for his performance ending up the one they chose. Other than that it's a pretty entertaining series telling the origin of an iconic story. As a fan of 2014's Flowers In The Attic and Petals On The Wind, I was pretty satisfied with this one even if was a little long and I got a little bored sometimes, but as Olivia herself said it better: the best kind of revenge takes time hahah A solid 8 out of 10.
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I wish this show was all about Madisynn
18 September 2022
When the best thing about a show is a secondary character named Madisynn with an Y an two N's (but not where you thinnnnnk) a.k.a. Wong's new best friend, you just know something is wrong! Hahah sometimes it doesn't even seem like this is from the same studio that brought us Loki and WandaVision honestly. As a fan of lawyer shows I had big expectations for this one, but I'm sorry Marvel, you really could have done better. At this point I'm watching it just for the sake of not missing any important information pertaining the whole multiverse that may appear. If you don't care about that you or if you literally don't have anything else better to do, give it a go, otherwise you can safely skip this one.
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No more cosmic calendar pleaseeeee
13 September 2022
I can't believe they took six years to put out the second season and it turns out that it's this slow burning mess. Honestly, aside from the host this isn't even seem like the same show, even the host is presenting everything differently, and I have to say that I'm not a fan of his new overly dramatic narration style, feels oh so forced man, whyyy did you do that Neil??? And also to make matters worse, this season has a lot more middle school history class than actual science, the name of the show is COSMOS guys, come on! And lastly, that damn cosmic calendar is back and worse than ever, I really don't see the need for it showing up every episode, much less the need for that boring as hell explanation that Neil gives EVERY TIME, as if we did't hear him the other thousand times... Disappointed to say the least. They should've stopped with just one great season and called it a day.
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Man, this is getting ridiculous...
2 September 2022
How is it possible that we live in a reality where this trash is on and Feud isn't????? I just can't understand the thinking behind this mind boggling decision on FX's part! Wake up Ryan Murphy, stick with your good shows that work instead of putting out these mediocre, poorly written and outright boring boy scouts camp fire ghost stories. How in the world did this even get renewed??? It's beyond me. Also, since when the reviews need to contain at least six hundred characters to be posted?? Are we writing simple tv show opinions or college essays??????? Give me a break......... I don't have anything else to sayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Mark Wahlberg on a full on midlife crisis
25 August 2022
Few times in my life have I ever watched a more annoyingly out of place character. Everything about him feels forced, which makes the movie almost unwatchable. Also who does he think he is calling bumblebee "bee" every 5 seconds? B*tch, u don't know him! You're no Sam, go back to playing with teddy that that's more your speed. The creepy overtly jealous "young" dad was definitely not a good color on you. The movie is no worth the almost 3 hours of your life that you'll never get back and the verdict is in: without Megan and Shia this franchise is dead.
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The Gray Man (2022)
The ACTUAL multiverse of madness hahah
20 August 2022
This one really is unrealistic af but I can't remember the last time I had so much fun watching an action movie! Hahah Great performances by the all around amazing cast with a shoutout to Chris Evans who was an unexpected highlight, honestly. Sociopath? Maybe. Funny as hell serving us with a Ken doll easter egg out of nowhere? Hands down! Gotta give him that hahah The Gray Man is giving Doctor Strange a run for his money with all the craziness, but it's definitely worth a watch!
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
S03 really is the final nail in the coffin
11 August 2022
If there's one thing I hate in a show is lazy writing, GOD! WHYY? Why would they spoil such a good show with an awful final season like this? So many dumb decisions and unrealistic situations! Seriously, never have I ever hated a character so much like I hate Bode right now. His stupidity really knows no bounds, which makes for an extremely frustrating experience to watch. Sadly. S01- 9, S02- 7, S03- 3 = RIP Locke and Key, the coffin has been closed, hopefully with Bode Locke(d) inside.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Season 2 fell flat on its face
3 August 2022
He's back, we're doomed! And doomed is right! Doomed of boredom! What in the actual hell happened to this show? I binge watched the whole first season in a day and rightly gave it 10 stars, but now I'm struggling to get through season 2 and miserably failing. It's just that bad! I had to downgrade my rating to a forgiving 7 bc season 1 is still one of the best surprises I had this year in terms of new show finds. But the magic stops there and season 2 is easily on the low end of 3 stars at best. Not sure if i'll have the will power to continue unfortunately :( Start at your own risk, the disappointment is real!
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Uncoupled (2022)
Gay SATC but without the fabulousness
30 July 2022
The show is funny, all the characters are likable enough. I was surprised by how much I liked Claire, she's a fabulous NYC socialite that I, for the life of me, can't figure out how she loved Michael so much, what a borefest of a man, seriously! He should be so lucky to have a friend like her, given his dull job and all the doors she could've opened for him. They don't deserve her. And don't get me wrong, I love NPH, but this time it's gonna be a no for him. And PLEASE, in a tv show about rich gay men... WHERE TF IS THE FASHION??? I expected more from you, Darren Star. Tisha was a highlight, though. Let's see if this gets a second season.
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Legacies (2018–2022)
Lowering my rating bc lets be honest...
12 July 2022
After 3 seasons of pointless Malivore and one fighting actual gods, there's just nowhere else for this one to go. Really, I'm surprised it lasted this long. The quality was never on par with TVD and TO on ANY aspect, so as someone who only watched it for the state of withdraw TO left me with, I dont mind that it's over. Not even Ben and Jed could save us from the endless hours of boredom this show turned out to be.
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Scream (I) (2022)
That's how you do a sequel/reboot
5 July 2022
New characters, fresh story and still being able to bring the feels of the original trilogy. A little predictable and dumb at times but very enjoyable nonetheless! Honestly in the beginning I had my doubts, but now I'm excited for the next installment!
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Too awkward for its own good
3 July 2022
The show really tries to be awkward funny, and though it may be funny and warm at times, the lead actress's performance is just awkward and it feels forced, so much so that it becomes an uncomfortable experience to watch it sometimes and this just really takes a lot of the fun away. Plus with the exception of Jackie, Jordan and Joanna's father the characters are all superficial af and as a whole there's just not much to it, unfortunately.
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Legacies: Was This the Monster You Saw? (2022)
Season 4, Episode 13
This made me feel like it was all worth it!
2 April 2022
After one of the worst villains of all time and a hundred billion poor executed pointless monsters, the Jed and Ben ship was the biggest highlight of the entire series, I just love them so much, it all feels so natural and I really love that they finally gave Jed a good story arc, and he really nailed it! Talk about making lemonade out of lemons huh? Can't wait to see more of it!
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The Expanse: Oyedeng (2021)
Season 5, Episode 7
And here i was so relieved...
8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...when Naomi jumped into space and i thought: OMG FINALLY!!!! Only to bear witness to the worst bit of unrealistic science fiction display ever. How tf was she able to do that jump in a straight line for all that distance without thrust and WITHOUT DYING from the vacuum, the temperature or radiation??? It all just felt like a show of comedic relief amidst all that boring family drama to put it politely, and a joke of a plot twist to put it honestly. And speaking of plots... Where is the one involving the most interesting thing to come out of season 4 a.k.a. The rings of complete and absolute mystery???? Come on guys, after all these years we deserve better!
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Rebelde (2022)
I just keep asking myself why
10 January 2022
Here i am trying to put myself through the second episode and it all just feels hugely cringeworthy and unnecessary. It's been a real task and i doubt i'll have the will to go any further. The original Rebelde was something else, but this one is just a half-assed, mediocre excuse for a show. If you haven't started yet, i say: don't even bother.
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Queens (2021–2022)
It started strong...
18 December 2021
But man it end just a big, mush pile of meh. I had high hopes after the first episode but those hopes were strongly squashed after the finale. I don't think the whole thing warrants a season two but if it does I highly doubt I'll watch it, unfortunately.
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Spencer (2021)
Not a big fan of the ending...
30 November 2021
...since it was most unrealistic, but it's a great movie nonetheless. Definitely a must watch. Kristen Stewart rocked on so many levels, an Oscar worthy performance for sure!
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
This last episode was fireeee
27 November 2021
I try to refrain myself from giving ratings before the season finale of a first season show, but this last episode has more than earned that! Seriously, every episode is better than the last, give it a try and be amazed! Very GOT feelings but with a lot more magic, and magic we love <3.
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American Horror Story: Winter Kills (2021)
Season 10, Episode 6
Just awful, I mean...
24 September 2021
Absolutely boring and nonsensical ending for an otherwise stellar first half of the season. It all felt so incredibly rushed, tons of plot holes, no significant closure to any of the stories we were already so invested in. Huge disappointment really. After that and the colossal display of mediocrity that they had the nerve to call an AHS spin-off, I have very little to almost no hope for the second half. Seriously, wtf Ryan Murphy?
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
A fun spin on a tired old story
4 September 2021
With good music, different plot, funny characters and great vocals by the all around nice cast. And honestly the prince was a highlight for me. But I will say that it was a tad too woke for my taste and it definitely doesn't look or feel like an Amazon production. But all in all it's a good unpretentious weekend watch. Give it a try.
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16 August 2021
Everyone who gave this less than 10/10 rating really didn't get the story, IT IS REALLY a limited series more about revenge and taking back what's yours than magic and horror and spirits and anything else. I started a little skeptic but by the end of it I was fully invested and satisfied by the conclusion. Watch it, pay attention to it, don't think too much about it and you'll be set to enjoy it from the end of the first episode to the end of the last. Netflix did it again, hands down!
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