
36 Reviews
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The Bittersweet Nature of Ireland
30 October 2022
Ireland is a bittersweet island. Genuinely funny everyday craic is salted with the sadness of unresolved issues from the past and the present. This film captures the nature and depth beautifully. A dispute with no real cause reflects the confusion of the Irish Civil War going on in the background. The policeman the priest and the old woman each demonstrate their power over the village life, as the bleakness of life in the west unsoftened by the beauty of the scenery. Poverty, boredom and a tiny island population all push people together, compatible or not. The story captures all of this with an understanding of the Irish use of English, the wit and tension of the bar where the drink can result in laughter or a right hook, and the sadness of women who live for the local news and not much more.

All round a superb thought provoking film about an Ireland that few not native understand .
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Karen Pirie (2022– )
A Scottish Drama
14 October 2022
It's a good drama that has a plot that holds up for me the whole season, and this does. A good script highlighted by the small touches and lack of speeches so that it actually sounded like people talking to each other and not speaking to move the plot along. A current trope of time shifting is here too, but relevant. The acting was also down to earth without anyone trying to steal scenes. The setting of St Andrews's will add to any drama, and if anything was under used, but still played a role. The actors have experience in unflashy tv dramas and with no "stars" it was a real ensemble production and much better for it...
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Only 25 minutes in and I'm gone...
30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The most frustrating element of any drama is a huge plot hole. The lack of logic to the Tennent storyline is absurd. Simply telling the truth, by a vicar, and pow, the story is over. It's as if the characters realise they need to do something really foolish or else there is no drama to make, which kinda spoils the idea that there is supposed to be some reality. Stanley Tucci is the world's favorite actor, and always delivers, but here he seems to want to be Lector light.

This is an example of a good idea that was not then stress tested in the making, with not enough time spent or control over the script and plot. I can see the bones of a good show, but there is no flesh on those bones.
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What happened to the chemistry...
5 July 2022
Something happened after the first three movies. Star Wars got serious and it has never recovered. The chemistry between the then unknown leads worked, the jokes, the quips, the looks, they all made the experience of going to watch them complete.

But since then not a smile to be had and this reaches its peak in Obi Wan. Ewan McGregor is a charisma by pass, the dialogue clunks along and the interaction between characters seems so slow that I thought my picture had frozen.

What is the motivation of the power hungry bad guys? Sex, drugs and rock and roll? It would appear not. The only benefit from being a big baddie is to wear a cloak, stride around and shout a lot.

Star Wars was not meant to be serious. It was a comic creation that now believes that it has something to say. It doesn't.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Where was the moral quandary?
13 May 2022
The show gripped me enough to get to the end, but Jason Bateman was stretched too far. The Idea that he somehow had a moral compass was totally unbelievable as his actions belied it every time. The "poor me" facial expressions were tiring, as was the sotto voice.

In contrast the acting of the other cast members was terrific and. Lara Linney's journey to the dark side was excellent. Julia Garner was great in this and the Americans, an actress to watch.

All in all good but not great...
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The 60s like 60s TV
5 April 2022
I'm not sure about this, and have some scruples about the acting, but for those who have some memories of The Avengers, The Champions and other stylised programmes, then it makes sense. There is also homage to the original film. Lucy Boynton captures the look and spirit of how young women such as Jean Shrimpton and Julie Christie were seen. The camera angles and direction are also straight out of the 60s. This may all be intentional, if not it's a happy accident.
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WeCrashed (2022)
It works.
19 March 2022
Great story and even more so because it's true. That so many bought into the spiel is incredible in itself. Wall St so called experts all threw money at them, and Theranos. That's what's really scary. But one quibble. Adam Neumann was 6-5". It makes a difference. He dominated people and rooms. It would have been good to have an actor that tall...
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A director short of a picnic.
14 February 2022
There is the kernel of a good film hiding in here, but the script and direction needed a lot more adventure. The young Englishman's hesitancy became irritating, the attempts to create tension didn't work and overall the film seemed out of step with itself. This was a genuinely dramatic historical event. There would have been more tension in recreation of the confrontation between Hitler and Chamberlain than young men running around pointlessly with meaningless documents.
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
Yet again....
31 January 2022
Julian Fellowes loves rewriting history to smokescreen his upper class ancestors and now their friends in New York. The snobbery is between the wealthy and the nouveau rich, but all the class and racial issues that were real are discarded and all the upper class are so terribly terribly decent. It's a distortion that removes all the possibilities for real drama in a time that in real life was fascinating.
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The Long and Winding Road
29 December 2021
I'm old enough that the Beatles have always been in my life. I've read all the main books in the endless search to discover how these four young men went from Liverpool to world changing in a year. The next mystery is to go from Love Me Do simplicity to the last side of Abbey Road in seven years. This gives the best answer yet. They gave themselves the confidence to be creative, they were open to ideas and let them flow. But they were still drinking tea and eating toast. Ordinary and amazing simultaneously.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Great Political and Social Satire
26 December 2021
Well that was fun. A great satire on our current consumer society. Leo is such a fine actor and happy to take non glamorous roles Jennifer was also top notch, while the supporting cast were all excellent. It's a mixture of politics and social acceptance of the anti-science nonsense that we see every day. Well worth the watch.
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Succession (2018–2023)
The devil is in the detail...
21 December 2021
You will know the characters, the brilliant levels of insulting, the clever plots, the brutal put downs, and the fabulous sets, but it's the small things that make a difference.

A small scene here, a line of dialogue there, with no apparent consequences, then...boom! Three episodes later and you realize what it meant, why it was in there, and just how important the trivial now becomes.

Clever clever writing and plotting makes this terrific fun.
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Where's the wit?
20 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A catalog of disappointments this was a mixture of cliche and manipulation aligned with random violence. How many times do we need to see a motor bike chase through a Mediterranean village? A car chase? A jeep chase? Let's add a child to add fake fear! And then the sheer callous violence as the "good" guys kill maybe 50 people without a look backwards. Ten men with machine guns all contrive to miss one man with a pistol. All Bond tropes but delivered without a jot of wit or a glance at the audience. Throw in a plot that had all the sense and tension of a wet sponge and you have a very poor Bond.
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Hit & Run (2021)
It's not Fauda...
1 October 2021
Okay, but what is? But this is good enough but the acting by frowning by Loir gets a bit wearisome. It's a good, convoluted plot, but all a little contrived. Worth watching, and a lot better than some of the dross out there. But a stronger director might have helped.
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A pleasure to watch Kate Winslet
4 May 2021
A good show made great by a wonderful performance by Kate Winslet. A master class in creating a believable character, fully rounded, with humor and despair on hand as she reacts to the circumstances as they happen.

I hope actors are watching and learning that frowning is not acting!
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The Great (2020–2023)
Great Craic
18 March 2021
Loved this. The history is all over the show, but the acting was great, particularly Catherine, who was brilliant from start to finish. Prepared to have fun with the story, which brought it to life.
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ZeroZeroZero (2019–2020)
How Good Was This?
13 March 2021
Wow. Great television, well plotted, well-acted, all directed...all round top class.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
A bit of black comedy goes a long way...
22 February 2021
Yes, it was a little far fetched, but name me a movie that isn't. I'm not sure what some of the totally negative reviewers were expecting, but this was good fun. Head to head confrontation from the lead characters was tense. The moral compass shifted one way and another, and the acting was good. I think too many people start to watch things looking to find fault. Relax and you'll enjoy this.
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Late Night (2019)
I've seen this many times
13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think I've seen this story in just about every possible work environment. Underdog turns mean boss into wonderful new shiny person.
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Breathes life into Dickens
2 January 2021
If you can approach a movie with an open mind, and not wanting to see a book reproduced as a film, then this is for you. Fresh, inventive, funny and different all four of the family loved this. As usual with racially blind casting, it seems that many can't move beyond what is in essence prejudice. It was a stylised film, but in a v positive way. Who needs a narrative, faithful, grimy Dickens in 2021? This is a film for its age.
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The Judge (2014)
Great acting...ok movie
12 September 2020
Sometimes you can just enjoy great acting, and to see Duvall and Downey Jr together USA treat. Both are wonderful actors, and together they are great. But the film strays into melodrama to facilitate the acting, and that shouldn't happen.
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Calm down
22 August 2020
Fun!!! Don't get too serious about a show that is just good craic.
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Designer stubble? Give me a break.
23 June 2020
Ok why would Perry Mason's perpetual stubble tell us what's wrong with this show? It's a clue. It doesn't add up. How can you have stubble the same length day after day? It either grows into a beard or gets shaved off. So what, I hear you ask. Well the clue leads to the problem being solved. Style over substance.
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
Way too much plot
3 June 2020
The problem with heavy plots is that they require characters to make incredibly stupid decisions to keep the thing moving along. This story has people making totally ridiculous choices, that not even the thickest person living in Thickland would make, otherwise the show would have been over after two episodes. Yet we are also asked to believe that the Prof is able to predict every move by everyone. The sheer incompetence of the police is just there to serve the plot. And as for the attempt to make us like the criminals, in our house we are now shouting "They are bank robbers FFS"
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Downton Abbey (2019)
Two good lines does not a film make...
29 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Downton the TV series was engaging, had a modicum of historical social interest and was fun. The movie was simply a rehash of several Disney animated Princesses. The upper class were all worried about the terrible stress in their lives, while the servants were worried about them too. The dreadful stress of keeping a huge house going versus living on a pittance and being treated like, well, servants was absurd. The staff were outraged when the Royal staff were high handed and talked down to them, yet that happened every day in their jobs. The "rebellion" was totally farcical. This was the norm, so would they not say "hurrah, a day off!" The reference to the General Strike produced the best joke, Maggie Smith saying her maid had spoken to her in a funny tone, but was ignored otherwise as everyone in the village saw the visit of the King as the high point of their lives. Tom the Irish Republican has been shown the error of his ways, and now sees that being part of the British upper classes is the way to go. Edith's notion that her husband should play a part in the birth of their child in 1926, rather than going on tour with the Prince is from 1996 not 1926! Fellowes writes this class claptrap over and over again. See Belgravia, and the English Game for more rehashing of history as a class struggle between the classes, without a genuine working class person in sight !
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