
17 Reviews
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The Batman (2022)
law and order crosses with csi? like what?
18 April 2022
Man if you enjoy batman, or never heard of him this is definitely one movie to skip. You cant throw in nirvana to intrigue the older generations ... it just doesn't work. This is like the most pathetic boring version of batman to date, id even watch batman forever over this one any day,
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Pharma Bro (2021)
Stalker uses other Stalkers do create a film??
8 January 2022
I think the title sums it up enough. This director isnt a director, but a stalker who literally moves into Martins building to provide us the viewers no extra info. He than convinces other stalkers to be interviewees in this to provide no extra narration. I hope the lady journalist enjoys her future kids from being a stalker. Sad day in society that this is released as a film.
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Finch (2021)
I wish I could rate this higher but..
5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well I give this film big props on its AI / robotic style as it definitely is one of the most advanced films I've seen in that regard - as to its realistic non-cgi feel to it. But whoever either wrote this film or misinterpreted the screenplay, there are just so many flaws all throughout this film. My first grunge to it was so he feels he must flee far away to avoid this '40' day storm - whether its because he cant feed himself that duration or because his shelter wont withstand it - though soon after his RV can sustain a huge tornado for a few min and boom the storm is gone? If he is such an intellect who can build and create robots why is he not smart enough to have a simple sustainable garden to survive off of? So not sure why he really fled in the first place. But then there's the simple changing of a tire - any person who has ever changed a tire knows the vehicle should be on the ground to tighten or loosen the lug nuts, not lifted up... Just i dunno maybe get super stoned and watch this as a visually cinematic experience and try to ignore all the basic logistical flaws in it.
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franchises need to learn what their audiences want
16 October 2021
Why are all these franchises lately think they can reinvent the old to the younger generations thinking they will care about their future films??? To try and make Halloween in current day and style affairs is absurd just like Disney trying to reinvent Star Wars for the new generations. Anyone who was initially drawn in to any of these franchises from the late 70s and early 80s need to realize if youre going to keep expanding on the idea make it appeal to those who are in their 40-50s but remind them of their past from the 80s etc. Trying to recreate them in todays world to appeal to your initial following will never work. Come up with new ideas if you want to entice the 10-20 year olds, but if you want to expand on old ideas make it appealing to the older generations as any 15 year old who watches this wont give a hoot about the past 8+ films.
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This isnt halloween this is a lifetime flim.. but worse
16 October 2021
Man.. being a huge fan of the franchise since i was a wee little lad... this has to be the worst halloween film to include michael myers as we all know halloween 3 is the worst in the franchise. This has lost the main feel of what it means to be a halloween film. Including the basic sounds does not constitute this as a halloween film. Very sad day to see this as this series was really the best out of the main 80s horror series that have evolved. Did you not learn how friday the 13th sequels or nightmare on elm st sequels failed? Dont try to reinvent films from the 80s to 2020.. as the kids dont care about all the past films to bring this franchise to what its known for. You need to pay attention that the people who will care about this film are at least 35+ and thus make it appealing to them, bring it to a true slasher style not some new age this is boring with unappealing character development. Halloween only cares about 3-4 characters the rest we dont give one rats about so dont develop them. This will be categorized as another halloween 3 that failed to fulfill what it means to be michael myers film.
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Joe Bell (2020)
should have googled joe bell first
12 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From the basic plot here on imdb I thought this could have been quite a powerful film.. But sadly it was far from that. You think oh its about a man who wants to spread awareness how bullying can cause harm and we as humans need to learn to focus on our positive energy and accept each human as they are.

But then halfway through you find out its about a man who was mean and erratic towards his family and he was walking out of shame because his past attitude killed his child.

Than at the end he gets what he was deserved. A man who abandons his only remaining child and wife to walk across the country to give him self disobedience punishment for neglecting his family, not to mention how poorly he tried to spread awareness about bullying... like this story deserves no attention, or if it does its more about how can the current millennials become caring and loving and instructive parents to the next generation so society no longer has the filth that joe bell was.
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Chronicle (2012)
camera work kills this film
13 August 2020
The title says it all... the way they do the cinematography absolutely ruins this film and kills any credit it may have had
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Cub (2014)
if you love animals, do not watch this
19 May 2020
To the director and those involved you have no compassion and we all know that scene wasnt necessary.
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Vivarium (2019)
IT had major potential...
27 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start. The first 25min or so is quite great to the start of a film. Good pace, good development etc.. But the moment the boy enters this film... It just starts going way downhill. I watch a lot of films and this one really made me want to throw something at my tv as the boy was just that part of the film who didnt belong and you wanted to remove him from your tv.

There was absolute no reason for Tom to even contemplate of digging a hole besides his relation to being a gardener, beyond that - he had 0 purpose or insight as to how he thought it could help his situation. Once his storyline concluded with whats at the end of the hole the movie had already revealed how it would end and it kind of pissed me off, knowing I could have walked away from this film when I should have to find how redundant and meaningless the whole film was. We know they are there for over 270+ days so what I want to ask the director is.. Did not one other couple or single person looking for a new home go into the shop during that full duration?? Like cmon...

I honestly think the only purpose of this film is to question ourselves, how would we react to a child we have absolute no control over, beyond that dont even bother. Also remember to turn the sound down a bit when they go back into the car for the dance scene - very bad normalization of sound at that scene.
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Come to Daddy (2019)
I dont get the other reviews
8 February 2020
I beginning to think all these other reviews are fake and from the cast or friends of. This film is NOT COMEDY, it is NOT HORROR and it is not a THRILLER. This film is beyond meanlingless with absolute no purpose except to be another form of art. The dialogue is nothing special, the character building is nothing special, there was 0 laughs, there was 0 fear or anything really horror related - blood and death doesnt mean something is horror genre. And there was no thriller aspects, 1 single twist in the film and it happens in the first half of the film... Dont waste your time.
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how can this be a sequel?
27 January 2020
Did the writers not realize its the t-800 trying to protect Jon in T2, and not trying to kill him, so why would a t-800 kill jon at the beginning of this film? Its the t-1000 that is after jons life. The first 5 minutes completely contradict if this is to be a sequel and if so off of t1 or t2...
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nothing like the first one
13 March 2019
This was just baaaaaad. If you are choosing to watch this because you really enjoyed the first one get ready to become very disappointed. Even the animation doesnt even look similar which is what one the big aspects that really made the first one.
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ditch the narration
13 March 2019
This film gets quite obnoxious with all the narration they do, with some over stylized editing. Id ditch all the narration parts and maybe this film would have some more potential.
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They Live (1988)
im lost on why all the great reviews?
1 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So I just dont get it. Im 37 years old, I've never seen this film for some reason but I guess it makes sense why.

On the positive aspect I feel John Carpenter was onto something with the social sheep that has been created within this society over the 90s and 2000s.

But this is labeled as a sci fi film. You can fast forward to 31min in and just start the film as there is nothing of importance in that period. You dont gain any feelings for the character as they describe who he is. Than the sci fi starts to begin and social conscious ideas. But than.. there's 2 fight scenes all about him trying to have another put on a pair of glasses? Are we supposed to think John Carpenter feels women and black men are ignorant that they would fight someone, like literally fight for 10min or almost cause a death to another just because they refuse to put on a pair of sunglasses??

Im 61min into this film as I write this review, 2/3 of the way and what really has occurred? I still give it some hope but this is some bad acting, completely horribly fight scenes that is beyond obvious they're not getting hit and a very thin plot about social consciousness and aliens i guess?
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Mr. Roosevelt (2017)
pointless storyline from the get go
4 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So this is a film about a lady who leaves without notice her boyfriend and her cat behind as she relocates across country. Months maybe a year later she gets news her cat passed away, so she travels back across country to pay her condolences to a cat she ditched and left behind.. Like seriously, she left the cat behind.. why would she pay for a plane ticket and be all crazy about this cat? Completely pointless not to mention she is a bit more annoying than funny. Not sure how it won awards. Mainly watched it to see how a self wrote/directed film would work while playing the lead role. Id have to say Tommy Wiseau did a much better job with the Room, even though that's terrible. At least there were some good boob shots.
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94 Feet (2016)
bad acting and way too religious
25 April 2016
This has some really bad acting in it.. Not to mention some really bad issues with sound throughout various scenes ie using 2 cameras and not normalizing the audio afterwards.

Plus I am not sure if this was a movie about a town? miners.. Or religious people praying and talking about god nonstop..

The plot on this really could be updated to include how religious and preachy this is.

There are much better options to watch than this. So many scenes are way too long. This film could be cut down by 80% and still show the same plot.

Beware and don't waste your time.
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wow... please donate? really?
15 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit I normally do not write reviews ever.. This might be my 2nd one in my life? I felt obligated as this movie does not merit a high rating at all. There was absolutely no creativity or thought to this film. It was extremely predictable and beyond simple.. I question Levan Bakhia's upbringing to decide on creating a very simplistic film that is just sick. Did you really need to have over a 1minute rape scene? Not to mention how much time was wasted getting there when the audience was well aware it was already bound to happen.

This film is not terrifying, it is not a thriller, it has absolutely no twists and was a waste of time and money and a horrible way to try and start a career with his 2nd feature film.

Simple synopsis. Man stuck on landmine, yet they admit in the film that landmines are triggered on pressure down, not on release of pressure, so it obviously is fake, woman nearby to help, random foreigner comes by knowing man is stuck on landmine thus rapes woman to leave man alive to have him do the same idea to his daughter. boring sick and no creativity. Good luck on your career. Also must note that those who gave awards have no merit to future films.
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