
79 Reviews
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4 September 2024
What's not to say that has not already been said.

I really thought Logan was perfect and thought perhaps this might be a last ditch from Marvel and in many ways hedged their bets on Deadpool to redeem life into a universe that's been awash with bad tv series and let's face it some really terrible movies.

The reason I say everything, the soundtrack was quality the story was a bit too much at the beginning but boy did it get better and better.

I avoided all spoilers and I mean all. It's been YEARS since I enjoyed a cinema trip like this. There's a part in Logan that charles says this is what a family looks like and to take it in and enjoy it. Many people did.

You can't touch this. It's one of a kind. Hugh Jackman and RR are just amazing, the family they created is one of a kind, take it in and enjoy it.
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12 July 2024
Loved every episode of this.

Having lived in Jamaica, the number one sport is track and field. A great show that represents the culture of the national sport and an amazing insight into the athletes mindsets, training and coaching.

Kingston represent.. Would love to have captured more on the culture in JA.

The best parts are the down time when you see what the athletes are going through with loss and picking themselves up.

Netflix could have done a better job on some of the real rivals rather than just focus on certain individuals. Shelly should have more face time. The racism that exists in the sport but super addictive viewing and roll on S2...

This was everything in terms of sprinting. Get Rhasidat Adeleke for season 2... now..
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Bank of Dave (2023)
Not 7.2 movie
23 June 2024
Just watched not a feel good movie, not a true life story even if it says it's true(ish) it's pure pony.

Some really horrible acting throughout and honestly it's far too long for what it is.

The movie isn't a complete stinker, I think people have watched it mad hungover or just don't know good movies. This had some good ingredients but fails to make it into a category of good. Also when you read the real the story it's so far off being real you will be very disappointed at how such a bad movie came from this.

Do yourself a favor and skip this one as there is better ways to spend your time.

Definitely a 5.
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5 come on in 2024 it's still lit yo
30 May 2024
This bad lad turned up on Prime and brought me way back to Enternia.

Could not believe it's a 5.4!! This movie is pure gold.

The soundtrack is awesome.

Dolph is Dolph like in every movie.

Lubic should have been in the movie more, would have been an 8 if that was the case.

The movie bombed due to the budget. I had this bad lad on VHS and watched it well over a 100 times.

It's there with the goodies, Killer Klowns, Big Trouble In Little china.

You either love the full on 80s flicks that age great in time or you bring it down. Some great memories here and most important it's a good movie even in May 2024.

Forget the 5 it's a 7 You have the POWER.
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Sugar (2024– )
Solid but out of sweet
18 May 2024
Just finished Sugar and could not be more disappointed with the last two episodes.

Colin Farrell is absolutely top class throughout, I'm sure the whole Joey from friends episode comes to people's mind who've watched the series. I can encourage you to block that absolute nonsense and appreciate the acting and the story without the ridiculousness at the end and it would have been and 8/9.

I really hope that it's not back as it was good as a limited series and for people who may not be Farrell fans he was the saving grace for the super lame ending.

Sound track was quality and certainly the whole look and feel was LA confidential esq.

Get involved and block out the nonsense.
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Argylle (2024)
How was this so bad?
20 April 2024
Big Vaughn fan. Sam and Dallas with a bit of Henry not to mention John C. How on earth did they collectively come up with this awful film.

For the first 20 mins I was maybe it'll start to get better and 2 hours later i was still disgusted with myself that I sat through the film. I have myself for watching this through.

In fact I'm even more disgusted with myself with the rating provided. This movie has like all Vaughn movies as good soundtrack that. That's what you should do go into whatever streaming service you have and check out the soundtrack. That'll help your life chooses mine are horrible after watching this but you can make better ones by looking elsewhere.
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Fallout (2024– )
As a gamer not a fan of the game but a series fan
19 April 2024
With so many shows being churned out I didn't expect this to be as good as it was.

I played fall out 2/3 and attempted 4 but I couldn't get into them and I'm sure if there was comments activated here I'd be destroyed. They just didn't do it for me.


This show was aweome.

Loved the multiple stories happening, action, not overly aggressive and the development of all characters without and nonsense adding characters that are just whack.

What really made me stay engaged was the storyline, there was the announcement of S2 before the show kicked off which gave me immediate confidence. This is the real deal. Seen a few complaints like it's not as good as the last of us! Those people need a reality check. The show had it all.
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Tokyo Vice (2022–2024)
Came for Michael Mann stayed for the Story
19 April 2024
I really enjoyed season 1 and the pilot was Miami Vice esq for obviously reasons.

Seen some negative reviews on the story being to slow but I thought it's more around character building, music in the 1st season is so 90s and loved the build up towards the end of s1.

Season 2 is really lit from the off. Loved the cinematography, the acting throughout is pure class. Season 2 is edge of the seat stuff.

I do have a recommendation to keep the subtitles on throughout as sometimes one of the actors are low talker's in English so it's hard to hear fully what he's saying.

In terms of the what makes a story Tokyo Vice season 1 & 2 is the complete show. They really don't need to conclude anything.

It's worth the watch. I hope you like it as much as we did.
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Rogue Agent (2022)
What a WOEFUL movie
29 March 2024
Do yourself a favor and watch anything else but this.

It's scary how bad this movie is.

I was trying to figure out what I did in my life to deserve this type of punishment.

The story is so dragged out, some decent acting but also the story is so ridiculous and although it's based on a true story it's a really daft movie.

Nothing and I mean nothing will even give me back the poor life decision I made by watching this, you still Have time, you have the power to watch something else.

Essentially I'm Marty McFly helping my people out by telling you to that you can have better viewing this fine day.
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Good but Dragged out
28 March 2024
Not to compare to anything.

Flew into this with some expectations of this series being pure class and to be honest the first two episodes are super good.

The really unfortunate element is the story gets a bit over the top with acting which is kind of unbalanced. It also gets a bit ridiculous with long poses and fillers, this show could have been really class. By the time you get to the last episode you just want the show to be over.

Too many missed opportunities and to be fair I read the anti English comments which are kind of justified and I'm not English!

The real story is fantastic and perhaps the showrunners lost the run of themselves.

No point in saying it's no BOB or Pacific. They are timeless, this was just a lost opportunity to really showcase true hero's with incredible story's.

You'll know what I mean about the posing after E4!! For real?? It's a show not a photoshoot..

A strong 6.
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Not a 6 or an 8
18 January 2024
6.5 There's so many positives from this show. Michelle is class as always. Action scenes are dope, seen someone kicking off about them, they really missed out on some quality 80s movies.

Score is pretty slick too and there is some funny bits.

Now the really silly things are the brother Bruce, like for real NO ONE behaves that way.

Not sure if it was due to the strike why the story is so up and down. If Bruce didn't suck so much and some of the story being so predictable a much higher rating would be justified, I'd love to see more in the future but really dial back the lamé characters cause in this world they just ruin what could be epic.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
12 January 2024
Absolutely no idea who is rating this show above a 2 it's scandalous that it is being rated above.

Agree the forts episode is good and gets you intrigued and it's really down hill from there. You'll find Michelle driving around from place to place with some serious amount of product placement and the most annoying character on planet earth with no regard for seeking health advise which makes the program even more frustrating and completely ridiculous!

For some excellent actors in the show the acting is embarrassing or they just know the script sucks so why bother. Honestly do not get on the hype train it's going nowhere! The destination is severe disappointment.
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30 December 2023
I really didn't think the reviews were as bad after watching the first episode then the slope started and ended after 7 episodes.

The story gets worse, people getting annoyed over the diversity of the show need a life it's absolutely nothing to do with that it's the actual story. It's just horrendous.

Also after watching this I discovered it's the same girl that with the OA which again started okay and gradually got worse and no I'm not trying to cancel her but the trend is certainly there.

Please do yourself a favor and watch something that's deserving of your time. It's too late for me.

Save yourself and save your time.
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Snabba Cash (2021– )
We need S3
25 November 2023
Loved this.

Season one was excellent, full of action, drama and it really makes you think very differently towards life in Stockholm.

Some fantastic acting throughout and the storyline gets better and better no matter how bizarre.

Season 2 was slick, it followed on nicely from the first introducing a few new faces or side characters getting more time.

There's some negatives but the positives outweigh them. No spoilers, the season does conclude but it does leave some questions so a season 3 would be super interesting and it's by far the realistic life in Sweden or certainly parts of it. You won't regret it.
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Definitely a 6 nothing more
25 November 2023
Let me start by saying we really enjoyed this show.

A lovely story even if it's a bit naff with two of the episodes.

I seen someone write about the politics which I totally agree with if there's an end, no spoiler! There's not. In fact it will really annoy you after watching it.

There's two extra episodes of which could have had things nicely wrapped up in 6.

Brie is brilliant, the acting throughout is fantastic. The story is super powerful and it makes you be thankful that we Iive in a different world, well, let's face it there's still people out there that think like some of the characters in the show.

There's some serious flaws so don't expect a show that's a solid 8. It's a six and a half.
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Blue Eye Samurai (2023– )
7 Samuari
25 November 2023
Absolutely loved this. I do believe people are getting carried away with the 9s and 10s unless It's young people into unnecessary cartoon nudity and sex.

Episodes 1-6 had me thinking yes, this is a 10 then a massive nose dip, the story goes a bit off the tracks, I understand it's setting up for season 2 but a massive let down in the last two episodes.

The action is awesome, the characters are cool, loved the main character in particular and as main villain is WTF? No idea if he's meant to be Irish, Scottish or British. Some work needed there.

There'll be another season maybe a few. It's no castlevania or edge runners but a very cool and entertaining.

Don't be expecting a 10... Expect a 7 yo.
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Consult elsewhere
2 July 2023

I cannot believe this has a 6.5 We watched all 8 episodes and wasted our time on this truly awful show.

Yes there's a good lead actor but the story sucks.

Nothing actually happens, that's not a spoiler, nothing happens is the show and if it's ever renewed I'm confident nothing would happen in season 2.

Do yourself the biggest favor and watch anything else but this.

There's some terrible programs being made, this might be top of the pile. I think this really is the first time IMDB let me down on the rating and i see some reviews feel the same.

It got a 3 as the first episode was good, down hill after that.

Save yourself the time. Watch something more deserving.
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Andor (2022– )
We were sleeping!
6 December 2022
Most of the reviews here are spot on. This show is the best thing from all the spin off. Yes the Mandalorian is good, I don't think it has this level of depth.

The character development is great. I liked him in Rogue one, then again I though Rogue one was the best Start wars movie since the originals. (Not 1-3) The acting is absolutely amazing, the dialogue is really top writing and the story telling! When you finish season one you can reflect back and be like! That's a lot to happen in one season.

That last episode is beautiful, look into the background on were it was inspired from! Talk about really thinking of bringing something to life from Star Wars.

Sound track - awesome Cinematography- next level

We are lucky to have season 2 In a few years people will look back and be like - wow, Andor, that was some show!

People hate what they cannot appreciate!
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Andor: One Way Out (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
One Way Out
9 November 2022
Let me start by saying what I've liked so much about the series so far is that it doesn't drag things out.

I was starting to think that it maybe the case with the whole situation of getting caught however I was proved very wrong which I am very happy about

From beginning to the end of the episode it's all go with more to look forward to. I can already see why we have a season 2 on the horizon.

After OB1 I thought I might have been done with the Star Wars mini serious with the exception of The Mandalorian.

The shows is getting very real now and there'll be a void once it's over.. The acting is mint.
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Night Hunter (2018)
Where was the Hunting at Night?
6 November 2022
Caved in when I read a lot of user reviews saying that this should be higher.

It really shouldn't. A 5 is even a bit much.

The first 30 mins of this movie is good and then it takes a massive nose dive and really doesn't stop and even when you reflect back on what you've watched you really appreciate that there's people writing reviews so you do not have to live through the mistake.

This is not a spoiler but the title is very misleading! The film has a totally awesome cast but the story is so ridiculous that you might just think you've decreased your intelligence by watching this.

Honestly watch something else.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Dear Billy
6 November 2022
I loved the first season.

The second season really showed how you can seriously build character development and a good storyline.

Season 3 was a bit slow but gathered momentum and the lad couple of episodes were absolutely gripping.

Season 4 really made me realize that the writing for this show is deep and utilizing a pure 80s soundtrack to another level.

The episode dear Billy hit home so much around escaping your own demons and depression. I must have watched it over a dozen times.

The show is more than about some kid with special gifts, it's really about pure friendship and it really hits home.

Stranger things is the best show for so many reasons and you'll find a meaning that hits home for you.

It's cheesy but this show maybe helping people in ways that is unknown to many and stranger things can happen.
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Could have been epic
23 October 2022
Went off the 7.5 rating and I have to say GTF!

This movie was super long, couldn't have been more dragged out and it's actually sucked the life out of us.

The movie really kicks off when Denis Quad comes into it and even when that happens you really don't care.

Yes it's a unique story, which is why the film couldn't have been so much better.

Do yourself a favor and rewatch a more superior underdog film as this is definitely not the feel good flick that you are looking for or need in your life.

I really regret sitting through this long AF movie and I think I'm doing you a favor by encouraging a better choice.
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The Bear (2022– )
Warning: Eat before watching.
16 October 2022
Such a pleasant surprise.

Heard nothing about the bear and now I'm very much looking forward to season 2.

The longer the show goes on, the better the story, the better the acting. Did he mention the acting, it's incredible.

The food warning is for real. I ate everything in sight as the food prep is just amazing.

Another great shout out is the fact the episodes are not dragged out like they possibly would be on other streaming sites (shady yes) but no one needs that in their life.

The bear is the real deal, super happy there's a season 2 being served up. I look forward to eating my way through that with no regrets .
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None leave the slaughter house alive
11 October 2022
What an incredible experience. This show has it all.

Even if you are not an anime fan this will encourage you to look at more.

A fantastic story of love, friendship and loss. You couldn't write anything better if you tried.

You can watch it in its original format however id encouraged you to watch it in English just for Adam Smasher who completely steals the show (no spoilers) What a trip, i went from an 8 to a 9. Let's hope this is a once off as you really cannot top this series.

David is amazing.

Rebecca at first is annoying and then you just love her.

The show will make you want to take a trip to the moon and back again just remember none leave the slaughterhouse without permission.
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Industry (2020– )
Went from a 5 to a 7 due to S2!
20 September 2022
Some of the reviews here are perhaps a bit too harsh.

Just finished season 2 and I can say it's safe to stick with this.

Season 1 does seem to be a slow burner and you really don't like any of the characters perhaps Alex but really none of the characters are that likable and that's kind of the point of the program. Ask yourself, do you really like plastic bankers?

Session 2 is quite good, it cuts down on the unnecessary sex scenes which really don't add any value and are super awkward. It also builds some momentum towards character development. It can feels a little soap opera at times, it's does get better, don't expect a flood of awards in the Emmy's.

Don't expect Billions or Succession and you'll enjoy it for what it is.. We are glad we suck with it. A season 3 would be ideal to end it.
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