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Deja vu!
9 September 2014
I enjoyed watching this film recently on the Turner Classic Movies channel, and I think the other reviews here describe it pretty well. I would just like to add that a few weeks earlier I had seen another movie on TCM called "Lawyer Man", starring William Powell and Joan Blondell. It was more breezy (and with more sex), but "Lawyer Man" and "The Mouthpiece" were both released in 1932 from the Warner Brothers studio, with the irony being that the plots are so extremely similar, and even some of the plot devices are the same. I've known competing studios to release films with the same theme at the same time, but to have two such similar movies from the same studio in the same year is rare to my experience. It would be interesting to know the story behind that. Anyway, I heartily recommend both of these films for your viewing pleasure.
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What A Fun Movie!
21 September 2013
I turned this on by chance one day on the Turner Classic Movies channel and enjoyed it immensely. Hilarious plot, good acting, fun theme song. I have seen Ann Sothern in a few movies and in her television series from the fifties, only recently discovering her "Maisie" series of films which I also enjoy. At first I didn't put two and two together about Jack Haley being the Tin Man in "The Wizard of Oz" (1939), but was interested to find this out since I had also recently seen him on TCM in a lightweight but yet fun film called "Vacation In Reno" (1946). It's been said that "Danger: Love At Work" borrowed from "You Can't Take It With You" (1938). "Danger" is from 1937, so it's difficult to say which film did the borrowing! Another hilarious movie to look for in this same screwball-family genre is "Merrily We Live" (1938) starring one of my favorites, Bonita Granville.
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Brenda Starr (1989)
Brenda Starr, So Misunderstood
29 December 2011
I can't say much more than what other reviewers have said here, so I'll try to be brief.

Things I liked about this movie: Brooke Shields was a good choice for the lead role, mainly because she really looks like Brenda Starr as I remember her from the Sunday morning newspaper comics, especially in close-ups. I do remember Brenda Starr being a bit more edgy, but Brooke was OK. Timothy Dalton was a good choice for her mysterious lover Basil St. John. The musical score is great. The fashions are gorgeous, the settings beautiful. Some of the humor works, but...

Things I didn't like about this movie: It totally misses the "spirit" of the comic strip. Some people like tongue-in-cheek "camp", but I hate it because to me it makes fun of the story rather than just being humorous. If they had given the movie a serious plot but added in lots of humor, that would have been OK; but no, they have to make the story an unbelievable joke. Also, to have the cartoonist popping in and out of the strip as a rival to Basil St. John was just pathetic.

As another reviewer said, the first part of the movie is the best. By the time it gets to the second half, it seems like they lost all direction and just decided to have some Marx-brothers style lunacy. It's fun, but when I couldn't believe in the story anymore it got boring real fast. Also, I don't recommend this movie for kids (if you see it, you'll know why).

My comments reflect my taste, of course, and you may see things differently. As for myself, I'm going to explore some of the other versions of Brenda Starr that are out there to see if they have a story I can believe in.
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Beethoven's 5th (2003 Video)
Fun for what it is
6 August 2011
There comes a point in a film franchise when you just can't make any more sequels. I saw the original "Beethoven" and "Beethoven's 2nd" and enjoyed them as fun family-oriented films, not any great cinematic art. After that I didn't follow the series for years until recently when I saw "Beethoven's 5th" in the bargain bin at WalMart. I bought it just to watch something mildly entertaining, but since it was the fifth in the series I expected it to be pretty bad. I was both right and wrong.

You can tell from many of the comments on here that the preponderance of opinion weighs on the "bad" side of the scale, yet in a quirky way I found this movie entertaining. What was interesting was watching several well-known professional actors such as Tom Poston, Dave Thomas, Faith Ford, John Larroquette, Katherine Helmond, and Kathy Griffin all coming across as if they were amateurs starring in a locally-made production. There was something oddly authentic about it. I also found myself cracking up at some of the comments Dave Thomas kept muttering off-handedly under his breath (kind of like Popeye used to do). While looking for hidden loot Thomas and the kids encounter another treasure hunter who tries to sell Dave a fork he had found ("you just can't have enough good forks"), and Dave mutters something about looking for silverware in the woods after dark. Little asides like that just struck me as funny for some reason.

Chances are many kids will like this. As an adult, I thought the story wasn't all that bad (but I do tend to like stories about mining towns and lost treasure). Yes, it's a sequel that probably shouldn't have been made, especially if you're familiar with the storyline of the originals. Still, I'm glad they made it because, on an evening when I was tired and stressed out and just wanted something funny to watch without a lot of involvement, this movie was just the ticket and was fun for what it is.
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Noah's Ark (1999)
Breathtakingly Bad
19 July 2011
Once on the classic sitcom "The Beverly Hillbillies" the banker Mr. Drysdale encountered a movie producer who was making a film titled "Spartacus and Ben-Hur Meet Cleopatra and Nero." If that film had actually been made, it would have been more historically accurate than this insulting miniseries. I'm not usually a negative critic, but this is the worst film for it's type that I've ever seen in my entire life.

I happen to believe the Bible is historically accurate, but even if Hallmark and NBC didn't believe that, they could have at least made the attempt to get the mythology right. Some have said the film was not intended to be taken seriously and is a tongue-in-cheek comedy. There's no real reason to see it that way, though, because it never comes across as a satire or parody like, for example, "Airplane." That film at least showed some respect for the source material it was parodying. "Noah's Ark" is just one lame episode after another thrown together with some attempts at humor injected. Furthermore, NBC marketed it as a serious Biblical epic.

I loved Jon Voight in "Runaway Train" and have always enjoyed performances by Mary Steenburgen. How they couldn't have foreseen what an abysmal turkey this was going to be is beyond me. And what were James Coburn, Carol Kane and F. Murray Abraham doing in this? I still like all of them, but I have to forgive them for this mess. I saw Jon Voight on a talk show right before the miniseries aired, and when asked his opinion of what it was going to be like, he said, "It's going to be big." I hope that it was only his contract that required him to say that. It's big all right, a big vat of sewage.
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Three Amigos! (1986)
Ohh, Lucky! Ohh, Dusty! Ohh, Ned! Let's Ride!
21 February 2011
This is one of the funniest movies I've seen, and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. I won't comment a lot about it because there are lots of reviews on here that say the same thing I would say. I would just like to make a couple of observations.

One time a friend and I were watching Mel Brooks' comedy "High Anxiety," which is a hilarious sendup of themes from Alfred Hitchcock movies. My friend remarked, "This is just a silly comedy, but I'm getting excited about the plot." I, too, found the plot oddly suspenseful, even though there were laughs galore. Someone has said that's a hallmark of a great parody; it gives you the feeling that you are watching a movie that was intended to be taken seriously, but is so absurd that comedy is the result.

"The Three Amigos" is a parody of classic themes of Westerns, and also of the history of Hollywood films. While the plot is more simple than that of "High Anxiety," I still found that the story pulled me in. I actually cared about the plot and the characters, and vicariously I went on their great adventure with them. The comedy made the journey that much more enjoyable. When people say this plot is "unbelievable," I wonder what they were expectiing. After all, a movie like this is about things that don't happen just every day. Since most of the film could have happened, why not "suspend disbelief" and simply enjoy it?

Also, for those of you old enough to remember, or who are at least familiar with the history of television, there was a famous 1950s TV show called "The Cisco Kid." He travelled the Old West righting wrongs like the Lone Ranger, only he and his sidekick Pancho were both hispanic. That was unusual for the time, and the show was also the first series to be filmed in color (in the early 50s!). The clothes that the Cisco Kid wore bear a striking resemblance to the costumes of the Three Amigos. Clearly the movie borrowed themes from that show, even the ending. After waving goodbye to the viewers, Cisco and Pancho would say, "Let's ride!" and the thrilling music would rise as they rapidly rode away across the desert. I found it thrilling to see Lucky, Dusty, and Ned do that, too!
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Call Me Bwana (1963)
A Film To Relax and Have Fun
28 January 2011
If you read the other reviews here, you'll be told about how bad this movie is. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I'm not going to argue with the other reviewers. I just want to say that I had fun watching this film, and that's really all the justification I need. (I use movies as a springboard to the imagination anyway). I thought Hope was funny enough, and I liked the supporting players, all memorable to me. The plot was silly, but it wasn't boring. Everyone comes off as a buffoon, the Americans, the Russians, the CIA, the KGB. Even the Africans were funny, but not in a demeaning way. I've seen this three or four times over the years, and I've always looked forward to seeing it again.

I doubt, though, that people born after the 1960s would think much of it. It succeeds for what was intended, but it's very much a movie of its time. I was six when it came out, and I still remember what was going on in that era. I "get" the jokes in the film that were aimed at then-current events and people. On the other hand, just as I can enjoy and appreciate comedies made decades before even my generation, people whose experience is only of today might broaden their horizons and get a kick out this when they simply want to personally relax and have a little fun.
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BMX Bandits (1983)
In a way, it's timeless
22 December 2010
OK, I'm 54 years old and what am I doing watching a movie like this... Remember how as a kid you liked to watch more adult-themed movies so you could fantasize about what it would be like when you grew up? Well, I sometimes watch a film like this so I can fantasize about what it was like when I was a teenager. It's one of my guilty pleasures. The only thing I don't miss is the teenage angst. Fortunately this movie didn't have too much of that, it was just fun.

The BMX sport which later became a craze was just getting started when I was in high school, and it was interesting to watch here. The film is not Oscar material, and some would consider it a hokey teen exploitation film. Thankfully there was not any noticeable bad language or explicit sex. One reviewer said it fits into the "so bad it's good" category. Maybe, but for me anyway it seems a little better than that.

Also, as an American I found it more interesting to watch because it's an Australian movie. I bought it in a five-movie collection DVD I found in the bargain bin at WalMart, and I wasn't really paying too much attention to who was in it when I popped it in to relax one evening. As I was looking at the girl, I thought, "She looks kind of familiar with her Aussie accent... what the...could it be? It's Nicole Kidman!" Her presence made me keep watching to see how she handled her earliest film role.

The criminals in the movie start off as real badasses, with ominous music playing in the background (which later becomes amusing). A couple of them quickly degenerate into "Home Alone" style bad guys ineptly chasing the two dudes and Nicole all over the city (including going down the tubes of a water slide!). The teenagers could now identify them, and had taken the walkie-talkies (remember them?) the crooks needed to tap into the police band radio frequency to stay ahead of the cops. In the police station there is a police woman who seems willing to be sympathetic to the teens. I thought she was hot. When the chief's back is turned, she bites one of her fellow officer's ears. I envied him.

All in all, I enjoyed this movie, and if you don't expect too much from it, you might also. The scenery is really good to look at, and the sunny seaside city really lifted my spirits. The exuberance of young people having a good time did, too.
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Boris and Natasha (1992 TV Movie)
Boriscrantz and Natashastern Are Not Dead
17 December 2010
A while back I watched the Brendan Fraser movie "Dudley Do-Right" (1999) and that was a mindless bit of fun, so I had to check out what people were saying about "Boris and Natasha" (1992). I enjoyed this movie, sort of. As other reviewers have said, the narrator was fantastic. He sounded just like the old "Rocky and Bullwinkle" cartoon. I loved the part where he asked people to write in.

I guess what I didn't like about this film was that (to my sensibility anyway) they didn't make the main characters look like the original Boris and Natasha. Sally Kellerman was a good choice for Natasha, but why did they give her a short hairdo? In the cartoon Natasha always had 1940s-style long hair with bangs. And I just couldn't buy Dave Thomas as Boris. I'm not criticizing him as an actor, but they needed someone physically built more like Danny DeVito or Joe Pesci. In fact, Joe Pesci's face and mannerisms would have really worked as well. If you think your kids might enjoy this, there's a brief scene where Boris gets drunk in a strip club. It doesn't really show anything, but that's foreign to the Rocky and Bullwinkle atmosphere. I wish the filmmakers had just made a little more effort to be faithful to the original material.

All in all, though, for what it is, this is an enjoyable movie. Just don't expect too much from it and it may be worth a look.
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Sky Trackers (1990 TV Movie)
A Fun Movie
14 October 2010
I have to confess I've had a thing for Pamela Sue Martin ever since she was "Nancy Drew" back in the '70s. I hadn't seen her in anything for years, so I was delighted to view the video of this movie in VHS format when a relative recently checked it out of a church library. (Films like this are why I bought a dual VCR/DVD region-free player, and a DVD is also now available).

Aside from my interest in Ms. Martin however, I can recommend this movie as an enjoyable film for the whole family. I found it more interesting to watch as an American because it was filmed in Australia by an Australian studio. It seems fairly well written and kept my attention throughout. It has lots of suspense (in a Disney sort of way) as everyone wonders if a satellite will crash and release its deadly contents. Plus there are spies about and not everyone is who they seem.

This was made in 1990, so the computers and space technology are quite dated now. I'm sure your kids will notice that right off. But who cares? It's the story that's important. Just tell them that all you have to do is put yourself in a 1990 mindset and enjoy it for its time period - that's the technology you would have had to deal with if you were living this story.

The children in the film are the central focus of course, but as an adult I could still enjoy that. Didn't you want to be a hero when you were a kid? You can live it again through this movie.
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Mickey (1948)
Much Better Than I Expected
10 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I will never forget the time when, after looking at some color photos from the 1930s, it suddenly dawned on me that people who lived in the '30s actually experienced those years in color! I guess watching black-and-white movies from that era had subconsciously conditioned me. Well, the charming movie "Mickey" reminds us that the late '40s were in color, too!

I got this movie in a Shirley Temple collection I bought in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart for five bucks. The fourth disk had some unrelated films which Mill Creek Entertainment thought Shirley Temple fans would like, and "Mickey" was one of them. The print and the audio were atrocious, but I can overlook that as long as the story and acting are good, and boy are they good in this movie! Like other reviewers have said, it needs to be cherished as a reminder of what life was like once upon a time here in America; but it is more than that as well.

The plot has plenty of twists and turns to keep you watching. Just when you think the action is pretty much over, something new turns up. And it has some humorous lines as double entendre that we find unexpected for that era (which I won't mention here to avoid being a spoiler, but see if you can find them).

I doubt if young people today could relate to this film, except those broadminded enough to realize that if they hopped into a time machine and went to 1948 things would be different. And that is why I like to watch old movies that are not considered "classics." Because they are not so artfully crafted, forgotten films sometimes reveal more of what real life was like. I hope you get to watch this film and enjoy it as much as I did, and may a remastered DVD be available soon.
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No Dagger, but a Great Cloak
16 July 2010
Thank goodness for TCM, because every once in a while we catch a forgotten gem not yet available on DVD, and this is one of those. Sure it's a somewhat lightweight film, but it has its heavy moments, and sometimes you don't feel like watching "War and Peace," you just want something entertaining and substantive enough to keep you watching. I thoroughly enjoyed this.

The setting in 1848 New York was interesting. I like stories with time periods and settings not usually thought of. When you mention the 1800s most Americans are thinking cowboys and Indians and the Old West, or else the Civil War. Yet there were whole regions and eras in our country's history not usually covered that surely are brimming with stories.

Some have criticized the movie for its stilted dialog, but hey, that's the way upper crust people talked back then. Just try reading a book written in 1848 by a more cultured author, and you'll see what I mean. I found it interesting to listen to. The cast was great, too. I have never thought of Joseph Cotten as a particularly handsome actor, but that mustache made him look rather dashing! He should have worn it more often. And then there's Jim Backus... Ususally stereotyped as Mr. Magoo or Thurston Howell III, here he showed us his depth as an actor by making the serious character of Flaherty seem so real and natural.

There's a murder in this mystery, but it's not at all what you would think. There are several plot twists that. while not spectacular, are still suspenseful and entertaining. You may or may not be caught by surprise by the revelation at the end, but many viewers will be. I highly recommend this film and hope it is soon available on DVD.
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The Power of Life
23 May 2010
I'm writing these comments from a man's point of view. "Rome Adventure" is a movie that most guys today would consider a "chick flick." But let me tell you something: this is a "guy flick" too, even though you may not know it yet.

I'm a red-blooded male who enjoys blood-and-guts action flicks with the best of 'em. "Bombs, bullets, and babes," oh yeah... Yet I turned on the TV one night and this film was just starting, so I watched it. I was mesmerized until the end. The scenery is great, and although I'm not usually too fond of Max Steiner's musical scores, he outdid himself here with a lush hypnotic atmosphere. And oh, what I would give to have an experience like this! I mean, c'mon guys, wouldn't you love to have a thing going with a babe like Suzanne Pleshette, especially in such awesome settings? If not, you must be a total meathead.

To me, the only thing that is weak in this movie is the title, which they could have made a little more interesting. But still, it says it all, and I think that this has got to be one of the most romantic movies ever made. It's never syrupy or sappy. It was made before my time, but 1962 was a good year for it to be released. People did not yet dress like slobs every day. The old sexual stuffiness was loosening up, and the "anything goes" Sexual Revolution had not yet steamrolled everything. In my opinion, the power of life exists when real committed love and uninhibited sexual desire are united in balance. I felt that in this movie.
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How Dry Was My Valley
21 April 2010
I just watched this movie on one of those $1 DVDs you get near the checkout at WalMart. I guess it was worth a dollar, mainly because it was packaged with another movie that was much more enjoyable. Still, I'm not sorry I watched it, even though it was hard to sit through. It was an experience. I agree with most of the reviewers here that the cast was a good one, and they tried really hard to make the seemingly pointless material come alive. On a more positive note: the movie is an unusual Western that deals with some real, late nineteenth century-early twentieth century history that most Westerns don't portray. And I'll say this for it... the script is so artless it actually makes the story more believable in a quirky sort of way. It has a kind of Reality TV feel to it. A lot of Dean Stockwell and Ronee Blakeley's family life was hard to watch though, because you just knew something was bound to go wrong to mess up their happiness. And besides that, Stockwell's character gets a crippling load dropped on him, and later gets run over by a car. Some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.
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Worth Watching
1 July 2006
In all of the multitudes of treatments of the JFK assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald's wife Marina is usually only briefly mentioned as a little-known figure in the background. What had been her journey, that led her to become involved with a man like Lee Harvey Oswald at this moment in history? Growing up in the Communist Soviet Union and then moving to the United States, what must her experiences have been like? I had wondered from time to time what her reaction must have been to the shattering events that were thrust upon her. This movie delivers a powerful and moving picture of her humanity, and for this I found it immensely interesting.
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The Norseman (1978)
Not Oscar Material, But Not Unbelievable
26 August 2003
I tend to cut movies a lot of slack, since I believe that the more sophisticated our movie-making abilities become the less people tend to use their imaginations. I bought a used VHS copy of "The Norseman," and watching it as an adult I actually enjoyed it. Sure, it's not a well-made movie, but it's a sad fact of life that often the smarter we get, the more jaded we get. I suspect the reason one viewer enjoyed the movie at ten and hated it as an adult is that watching it through eyes of childlike wonder he was able to suspend disbelief and see the movie's real meaning.

Besides, what's so "laughably stupid" about the plot, a conflict between Vikings and Native Americans? There is pretty good evidence that the Vikings were in North America; ever hear of Vinland? And as for the "black Viking," that was probably a pandering to '70s social consciousness; but still, could they not have picked up an African man in their travels? Everyone has their tastes, but I found this movie's theme unique and intriguing.
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