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would give a 5 or 6 had it been produced early 80s
21 June 2024
Unfortunately, it's not just the special effects that are very bad due to low budget. And frankly, I"m one who doesn't care about special effects, so when ppl downgrade a film for being low budget due to this, specifically, I ignore their complaints. At my own peril, in this case! The dialog and writing are also worse than most fan fiction on reddit. Acting is such a mixed bag - you have Doug Jones giving a reasonably good performance, given the circumstances, but his acting partner, Captain Kemmer, is a D-list actor who would be fine in a Xena Warrior or some D-list production, but drags this down even further. There is very little redeeming about the entire thing, and I am a scifi fan who pretty much loves all science fiction. How did this get made? It is laughably bad, but...if they were going for D-list film produced in 1980, they NAILED it!
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Dead Boy Detectives (2024– )
light, fun popcorn entertainment - for the CW crowd
28 April 2024
For fantasy and sci-fi geeks, this one's a miss, unless...you're an actual child or adolescent. It is a bit campy, but there are better campy shows in the genre (Mysterious Benedict Society, Killjoys, Vagrant Queen) with better scripts, plots, character development, production values and better acting. That is to say, the characters on this show are attractive, better than Xena Warrior Princess actors, but worse than anything NOT on the CW - and the soapy vibe to the show is also very CW reminiscent. I, personally, like LGBT characters being naturally interspersed in a show, just like IRL, and I think reviewers deducting points for that are neither objective, nor reliable reviewers. That said, the characters themselves are all remarkably one-note; getting into bed with Berlanti was a strategic error on the part of Gaiman. Sandman was far better than this, and it feels like a waste of possibly good material. But if you are the type of person who loves everything on the CW and has no complaints about it (and you're a teen), you'll agree with the people giving this mediocrity ten stars. There are enough people with low expectations and lack of critical analysis that this should get a second season...so let's hope they hire FAR better writers for S2, and like other reviewers said, keep the boy detectives front and center.
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BRILLIANT, with a touch of dementia
26 April 2024
Just like the title character, the film itself is the work of a great mind. The plot is original, unexpected, and emotionally moving, but slow pacing and many underdeveloped characters hinder it from being genius. So many scenes could/should have been cut in this lengthy run time to flesh out the ensemble cast a bit more, to enrich the meaning of Knox going away. It's categorized incorrectly and should have been marketed as drama genre ONLY. Sets and wardrobe were underwhelming. That is to say, it's impressive for Keaton's directorial debut, and the script is good, but both the writer and director can and probably will do better next time.

I'd have given this a 7 for the failure to better utilize the extremely well cast side characters and for the slow drag, even if it does symbolize the slow drag of dementia, but...both Keaton and Marsden's performances are so phenomenal, this flick gets an extra star for them. I hope they are nominated for acting awards. This one is Marsden's career best; I like him quite well, but it's often difficult to see past his pretty face - it's so mesmerizing. In this one, his acting stood out, scared me at times, and he met Keaton in every scene, upped his game and rose to another level. Worthy performances in a very interesting drama.
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horrific plot script, dialog, creature design, effects
25 April 2024
The ONE & ONLY redeeming aspect of this entire fiasco is Christian Slater's devastating performance, worthy of a real cast, crew, writers, producers and directors. If the last episode would have shown us that there was science fiction involved, and Slater had been transported into a D-list production from an A-list one, THAT would have felt far more believable. OK, actually, the actress who played Lucinda was pretty charming, as well, so who's to say how she might have done with adult-written dialog? The remaining cast could have been good; it's hard to say - the material they had to work with was so atrocious, repetitive and grating, it is almost impossible to watch. I did watch the whole thing - and, unfortunately, there is zero character development. So a character who says an annoying thing in the first episode will continue to spout the same time of thing throughout all of the whole 8 episodes - bar none. There's no relief from a gorgeous CGI fairy world, bc the producers largely felt it wasn't needed in this production. So you have Slater, the actress who played Lucinda, portaled into the worst television fantasy series to have been produced in decades. Watch the 2008 film or Willow or House of the Dragon or pretty much ANYTHING else, bc this is a dumpster fire.
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formulaic, relies on tropes, bad acting, still a bit of charm
15 April 2024
It's hard to say what's worse - the lack of originality and predictability or the truly bad dialog and acting. There's nothing new here - nothing. Even the few actors we expect more from, like Graham Greene, are given poorly defined tropes instead of characters, and disappoint. There's something charming about it, nonetheless, but it's like a mockery of a southern town, rather than a real one. The soundtrack is so jarring, it seems obvious that the showrunners wanted to promote the bands of their friends and family and somehow got away with it. Unless they step up the plot, soundtrack, dialog, fight choreography and acting going forward, this is a one season series.
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Alert: Missing Persons Unit: Maya (2024)
Season 2, Episode 4
the gayborhood concept was cute, but...
28 March 2024
The show is still suffering the same problems. Episode of the week is meh, with the cops finding the person too easily, without any special talent or insight, and the overarching story just slowly drags on, like the writers could only conceive of two plot points: the new big boss is possibly corrupt and the exes will they won't they drags on, despite fiance being an obviously better match. Some side characters like the past lives lady got old in an episode or two of season one; why do they write her as so horrible? The new girl went from annoying to tolerable in one episode. Do they want viewers to hate the show. How did this dreck get renewed when genuinely entertaining and well written shows got canceled? Perhaps all cast and crew are volunteers, so this is pure profit for the studio?
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Argylle (2024)
poor production ruins what could have been a fun concept
9 March 2024
Bad casting, bad CGI, bad hair & wardrobe could still have turned up an enjoyable enough film if this had been intended as parody with comedy peppered throughout. That might have saved it, bc all of this film's faults could be explained away by 'parody'. Unfortunately, it's not campy and the dialog and script is not smart and witty comedy - and it's oddly not intended as parody, even though Bryce Dallas Howard plays the role like this is a Hallmark romance movie. I genuinely think that's where she should focus her energy, going forward - sign a nice, long contract with Hallmark. She wouldn't have been believable as an action star, as the relatable size 14 American mom that she appears to be, in any case, but the way they've done her hair and costume, combined with her Hallmark-affected performance, are so disorienting that it's hard to focus on the plot. I say this as someone who normally thinks she is a very beautiful woman and I never thought her acting particularly egregious before, certainly never this bad. Weirdly, Henry Cavill is not in his best form, and whatever they've chosen to do with his hair IS WRONG and the hair stylists for this show should find new career paths, stat; it is a crime against nature (and one would have thought impossible) to make Cavill look bad, but somehow they have achieved it. Even Samuel Jackson gives a bad performance in this - and that is mind boggling; dude is reliable! Bryan Cranston, John Cena and Sam Rockwell are OK, but even the epic Catherine O'Hara is not her best in this. If Vaughn instructed them to give their worst performances to date, and we, the viewers, simply don't understand the subplot of that, then OK, that's the only thing that makes any sense here. Alas, the actors I watched this for, Cena and Cavill, are barely on screen.

If it had been a parody, they also should have had Cena and Cavill kiss at the end - would have been fun. Or sitting in the theater balcony as Statler and Waldorf, laughing at all the actors throughout and mocking their terrible performances - that also would have been fun. THIS, however, was no fun. It was just bad. No redeeming nothing, except for possibly the cat.
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Death and Other Details: Vanishing (2024)
Season 1, Episode 8
Best episode YET! and absolutely stunning final scene!
28 February 2024
If there were moments throughout this series where we felt like we were bingeing filler, in the absence of good television, in a season where only Resident Alien makes us feel like television is worth watching...suddenly the payoff! One clue after another leads to its clear conclusion, after conclusion, and so many plot lines are wrapped up to the satisfaction of a professional gift wrapper on Boxing Day. Dropped characters come back to the forefront just at the right moment, and I began to sympathize with characters I disliked and vice versa. HOW MUCH FUN IS THIS? Well, the final scene would be a phenomenal poster, but it would be missing the perfect song/soundtrack to play those last moments out. Just brilliant, like a great music video, right at the end - ha!
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An American in Austen (2024 TV Movie)
Standout of the HM Austen films - British production?
22 February 2024
I'm more of a Jane Austen fan than a HM one, so I was interested in this series of HM films, but didn't expect much - and so far, HM did not disappoint - it was the traditional Hallmark formulaic script and C-list casting...until now. I'm American, so I feel like a bit of a traitor in saying this, but I suspect it's because this production would be more appropriately called "A Brit in Austen" - and not just bc the one "American" is actually a British actress, but bc it appears the whole thing was shot across the pond, and the Brits did do HM better, from the script to the costumes to the sets to the cast, this was elevated HM fare. Enough so that I wished it had had a slightly longer runtime, to flesh out some of the side stories more fully....so my only criticism would be that it was a bit too short and that the bookstore ending was a return to HM cliche, and felt a little bit like a letdown after having reached a higher level of film-making. If the budget works for British productions, HM should do more of these, but...give the writers/directors an extra hour of run time. Carry on with the royal cameos, though! That's hilarious and unexpected!
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Love & Jane (2024 TV Movie)
reasonably intriguing plot, bad casting for female lead
14 February 2024
With a different female lead, I might have really liked this for a Hallmark 'film'...I was particularly impressed when the classic Hallmark telltale sign that the final scene has arrived and you just know the credits will roll immediately...passed right by and the story continued, to provide a proper conclusion. Vaguely better writing with this Austen outing, and the odd fantasy elements meshed well with the book club, fan obsessed background. The fantasy element also consistently helped drive the plot along; Jane pushed the lead to make better choices in her life. Who wouldn't want Jane around to help us do that?

I'm pretty sure I've been a fan of Alison Sweeney in my younger years, on Days, but she's stilted and awkward throughout, and it is beyond distracting. She's not the ONLY poor actress (the "Jane" actress seems to be putting on a British accent - couldn't they find a Brit for the role? Otherwise, her acting is fine) in the cast, but as the lead, it's egregious. There were only a few moments of authenticity with her, like the popcorn fight with Jane. The bookseller's initial business idea was poorly conceived, to the point that nobody got it, but unlike others, I loved the sexy lead actor with the gravelly voice - or grew to love him, as we're meant to. Mr. Whitcomb was delightful! The Punjabi coworker/friend was good, too - both her acting skills and realistic subplot elevated the film's overall level and I wouldn't be surprised to see her in non-Hallmark fare. That is to say, there were a few bright spots, even among the actors, but the casting was...inconsistent.
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Paging Mr. Darcy (2024 TV Movie)
Hallmark with Subway cheese & deli meats
5 February 2024
This is your usual Hallmark fare, with downgraded food intended as a humorous, but poorly conceived, plot point, inadequate and inconsistent costume work for an Austen conference, and little to no research as to the type of women or vendors that might actually be at such an event invested, prior to the writing phase of the script. Some Austen quotes and character references are peppered throughout, for good measure, but the characters are as one-note and predictable as those of any Hallmark show, and not worthy of a Jane Austen tribute. There were a few redeeming moments: the field trip to the exhibit of Austen correspondence and the preparation of somewhat accurate period piece deserts (which could/should have been brought in on silver platters to cooing of the attendees, but NO) by the leads, but there was no need to devolve all the way to off-brand-Subway deli meats for an elegant garden party just for humor - when trays like that could have easily been arranged at Whole Foods or any local gourmet market. It didn't add humor - it just emphasized the lack of class and substance in the film production itself.

I'm still planning to watch the other Jane Austen movies this month, and I really, genuinely hope they hired a real film writer for at least one of them - I'm a big Austen fan and it would be such a shame if all the films are this much of a missed opportunity. Alternately, if the budget doesn't allow for "Hollywood" writers, hire an Indie writer - someone up and coming, but out of work, just like they do with actors, and tell the writer the script does NOT need to fit the Hallmark tropes, formula and mold to a T. My advice to Hallmark, for any future female author tribute: show RESPECT, ala Aretha Franklin, and put a little more legwork into the script by also hiring outside costumers, outside hair stylists, caterers. Make a bit of an effort. They know how - some Hallmark productions are better than the formula; Hallmark: we can see how your films are all the same and we welcome a bit of creativity. Put in some effort instead of churning them out, particularly when it doth seem of great import to your guests.
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incomprehenisble + reviews for BAD ACTORS
1 February 2024
I understand most book readers feel it's closer to the source material, but this does not save it in ANY way, shape or form. The cast from the films were at least reasonably good actors - there are almost NO redeeming performances in this entire series. It's so glaring, it's actually hard to watch. Sure, they're kids, but there are talented child actors, and these are NOT them, but moreover, many of the adults, like the Hades and Ares actors, are so bad it's like they hired the crew who'd done a table read to just suit up. Why watch this when there are cat videos on the internet.

I added a star, to go from one star to two stars, because I felt the finale was decent, for a very poorly written, cast and acted production.
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Truelove (2024– )
watched due to + reviews, but a DUD
21 January 2024
I LOVE the idea of the ensemble cast being older pensioners and the reviews drew me in; it felt well cast, too. Having watched the WHOLE thing...yes, there's a twist. But it comes too late, penultimate episode. And it's not enough to save what was dragged out for too long; the repetitive nature of the dialog, the poor pacing and editing - were the writers, producers and editors all significantly OLDER than the main cast? Had the producers decided to get a better writer to edit the first draft dialog that somehow made it to screen, add in a glimpse of character development, had uber repetitive bits been cut and the whole thing 4 episodes instead of 6, it might have been great. As is, it's unwatchable. So YES to films or series with older casts, but NO to writers and producers who are one foot in the grave.
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cast, plot, cinematography - from a time machine!
17 January 2024
This is so beautifully shot it's surprising to watch. Even the first scene, as Spade looks at a house uphill and the cameraman shoots him from below, so we're also looking up at Spade...is a surreal experience. The location does help, but oh, this is pretty to watch. Usually, period pieces from eras OTHER than the 60s or 70s are better done, but this one is as it should be; again, it probably helps that it's set in France. I don't even like France, and I've been there several times, but this makes me want to give it another go, but to a rural locale next time. In one episode, we are so drawn in to the character development and plot arcs that, by far, the only annoying issue here is the weekly episode release. Owen gives a good performance, but it's an ensemble piece and they are ALL phenomenal - this impresses me bc I knew none of them, came for him, stayed for them. Though there is a nude scene that I will be re-watching a FEW times. Thank you to the writers, producer, director, cameramen, crew: the pool scene is a gift to the world.

As to the noir mystery element, I've read this style of literature and watched these types of films for decades - and just wow. Please, money-people in the studios: more of THIS.
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Beacon 23 (2023– )
lead cast good, writing & production - high school bad
14 November 2023
Agree with others who question how this script was greenlit. Lena and Stephan are above this garbage and I have to hope future episodes will redeem their choice to participate in this trainwreck. It's reminiscent of a Doctor Who episode that takes place all in one room. It's not about special effects, it's not about any actual plot line (the plot that is there is such unoriginal derivative tripe let's just pretend it's not there), it's not even about character development, which is also nonexistent. No: everything around them in this one setting is just there to spin very pointless and monotonous dialog. One has to wonder if some studio exec had a child, grandchild or nephew dreaming of become a television producer. It's inconceivable how else this script didn't get edited and rewritten prior to filming. If episode three isn't drastically improved, this will be a single season dud. This is a shame, primarily because we're always happy to have more science fiction series being produced. What a waste!
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Fingernails (2023)
they don't sell the premise well & it DRAGS
6 November 2023
If this story had been well written, I'd have liked the leads together very much. Sadly, it was not well written. I'm a scifi geek and I normally can suspend disbelief and don't care about the science, nor the premise, all that much. In this case, the way this story is written, a five year old child would question the test. I agree with other reviewers that the fact that none of the film's own characters question it strains the disbelief several steps too far, particularly considering how low tech this particular method of this trope is portrayed here. Since most of the characters appear miserable (agree with 'bleak world'), it's extremely depressing and drags on so badly. I cannot imagine a GOOD reason to watch this film. Further, if a large number of people watched it together, say in a theater, I would suggest putting the group on suicide watch.
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SurrealEstate (2021– )
poor writing, editing, cinematography, effects, directing
2 November 2023
I like the premise and the actors. FULL STOP. If the showrunner, director, writers and all film crew could be replaced entirely, it's possible this could be a good show. I *think* - even these actors are pretty cheesy and awful in this, but, knowing a few of them from other things and considering the dialog they're given, they could definitely do better with better material.

It is worse than a high school production - no question. The writers should definitely find a new career. But the premise, the actors and the locations...it's kind of like a hot mess of a trainwreck and a guilty pleasure to watch. It's like reading very very poor romance novels or gossip rags, but as a scifi tv series. If you have NOTHING else to do and you have a weakness for trashy guilty pleasures, give this a go, with low-to-the-floor expectations.
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a few episodes of an ongoing tv series...a film? no
17 September 2023
This felt relatable. Watching the lives of a few people, of an extended family and their successes and failures. The message is that we often try to encourage each other, but in doing so, we tell white lies that end up setting each other up for failure - and a little more direct honesty, even if it causes a twinge of hurt, is better for our relationships. But then the cast doesn't always do this, even after agreeing that honesty is the best policy.

If this was a television series, we might say it's just a bit too mundane. If this script was being dissected by Dreyfus' character's writing class, they might say the entire subject matter is too mundane to get printed. Yet the actors are all really well cast and the dialog is well written enough that it is a pleasure watching them. It's just...at the end...it feels as though there should be another half-hour episode after bingeing three episodes. It does not feel like a stand-alone film, in any way, shape or form. Sorry to be discouraging.
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Moon Garden (2022)
bizarre & wild, but...epilepsy WARNING: do not watch this if prone to seizures
16 September 2023
If you have been diagnosed with epilepsy or have ever had a seizure induced by strobe lights, this is NOT FOR YOU. If the idea of that is disturbing for you, even though you are not epileptic, this is NOT FOR YOU. The cinematographer was given the leeway to produce a film that is consistently jarring, from the moment the audience enters the 'fantasy world' - the film style flashes.and jumps in absurdly rapid stop motion. Used more sparingly, this could have been effective as a scare tactic, but as it is, it is over-utilized, hard to watch and ruins the experience. Further, the production values are such that portions of the fantasy world feel as though (and probably were) filmed in someone's basement, with discarded hot water heaters and the like used to create monsters, some of it I believe was actually the filming of some kid's diorama project; even for an Indie film, this feels low end, like a first time passion project, rather than a professional film.

All of that said, the young actress is phenomenal, showcasing a sense of wonder, even among the horror elements and carries the film, but could carry a good film with a stronger script and production. The very picture of innocence, in stark contrast to just about everything else portrayed. The mother is also absolutely terrifying, even when it's not the intention of the scene. The fantasy world actors surpass expectations, but...

I would avoid this director and the mother actress again at all costs. The last few minutes are an uplifting redemption arc for the film, but it's too little, too late, in terms of quality.
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Givens & Mansell two-man show
2 September 2023
While there were a few epic side characters (Sweetie and his partner should have had more screen time), there were too many who were poorly cast to 'justify' this outlandish and unrealistic detour to Detroit. Raylan Givens in Kentucky, Miami, or on side trips to transfer a prisoner, makes sense. Givens in Detroit? Not so much. Carolyn and Willa were both SO BADLY MISCAST that they practically ruined the show, even had the showrunners made the correct decision to produce this Elmore Leonard book without Timothy Olyphant. That said, a good thing they left him in because Givens and Mansell had such chemistry, it did hail back to the days of Boyd Crowder and Raylan Givens. The performances of these two actors did carry the show, enough to make it watchable. However, had they not forced Givens into the storyline just because fangirls like me want to see Timothy Olyphant, and preferably naked, and had they cast Carolyn better (actress is great, but both of her love interests act like she's a 10 - and she might have been at a younger age, but in this, she's an overweight middle aged woman who looks it). Instead, they should have focused on local charm, like they did with Justified (local moonshine, apple pie, BBQs, charismatic preachers, etc) and showed the general public more of what there is to actually LOVE about Detroit, in the midst of a series showcasing its criminal underbelly. Sweetie and his man are not enough to prop this up and we're left to imagine that crime is all there is in Detroit, with no silver lining. For this reason, this series was underwhelming.
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The Old Man (2022– )
great acting, extremely uneven writing, editing, casting
2 September 2023
I made it through episode four, and was so shocked by the utter destruction of the series with the decision to prolong Zoe's story. Like taking a Frank Lloyd Wright house and setting fire to it. I went to read IMDB reviews, and alongside other reviewers of episodes four, five and six, I do not understand how producers, showrunners and editors didn't put a halt to whatever arsonist did that. Without her continued presence in the story, this series could be deserving of its high rating. But bc of it, the storyline is so uneven, rambling so far out of its lane and genre as to have driven over a cliff. Why anyone keeps watching after the story's been completely torched is beyond me. My guess is that one of the writers discovered they were going to be fired, became disgruntled, added the ongoing super off-topic Zoe story line, and then the directors, show runners, producers all checked out or decided to acquire an addiction to hard drugs at around the same time, and so, failed to notice. It is impossible to fathom why people wouldn't try to call the fire department and grab a hose once the whole thing was burning to the ground, but watch to the end and here's an example of people who did just that. Stood by and watched a wonderful thing burn to the ground.
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The Afterparty: Ulysses (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
Best episode yet of a disappointing S2
17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
John Cho really shone in this campy episode which finally revealed what Funcle has been up to all these years abroad. Over-the-top acting, dancing, etc still didn't make me laugh out loud, but brought back some of the amusing vibes of the wonderful first season. Alongside Funcle Ulysses, I even vaguely enjoyed Grace; until now I could not for the life of me figure out why other cast members were so enamored with her. Even worse, this season's writers wrote Zoe into an unlikable hole that flips the script on S1 - now we're left wondering how Aniq ever liked her.

More of this Cho actor, please, Hollywood. I'm off to watch whatever else he's done.
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What Remains (III) (2022)
drawn out slog of a Christian religious film
12 August 2023
The positives: almost all of the casting/acting was good, with the sole exception of the son character and one sheriff deputy. I did fall in love with the pastor and his wife's characters, though I am not a Christian; those two are inspiring to anyone.

The negatives: almost everything else. Yes, there's a moral message that they're trying to convey, but not enough plot or character development to accompany it. So the whole thing drags on...way too slowly, and we barely get to know most of the main cast. It would have been a richer story if they'd showed us (perhaps even via flashbacks) some of the family's life prior to the incident. If they'd delved into the son and the sheriff a little bit...instead of painting caricatures with no depth whatsoever. It would have filled out the time and kept a more reasonable pace. This was a turtle's slow trek through a long sermon. Good for church Sunday schools, perhaps - not for general audiences.
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amateur hour w/strip club actors - vaguely entertaining, though
11 August 2023
I don't understand the other reviewers here. The acting is objectively VERY bad, across the board, with no exceptions. The script was written either by a high school kid or by someone who works at a strip club. I genuinely believe most of the cast work at the same strip club IRL, and this 'indie flick' was their passion project. The costumes and sets are worse than I've seen in any high school or indie production, and no - there's no redeeming CGI effects. There is nothing redeeming...sadly. I adored Farscape, so the reviews here crediting the acting and the campy 70s 80s scifi vibe actually won me over - that is a BALD LIE. You're better off watching Farscape or even. Xena Warrior Princess. Unless you're personal friends with someone at the strip club that made this film, and you just want to see what they came up with. If you are this unicorn, you might be very VAGUELY entertained, but you will still wish you had that time back.
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Bad screenplay, bad direction - sweet concept + eye candy
2 August 2023
I love Luke Grimes and watched this for him, and he is tender and sweet and lovable, but his co-lead is badly miscast with Kemper. She's great in other things, but she is not a believable love interest for Grimes and her character is irksome, at best, almost throughout, with only momentary glimpses of redemption. The screenplay, adapted from a book, fails to portray her character growth alongside him, fails to show enough of their shared moments prior to THE HIKE, and indeed seems to leave out a lot of the most inspirational stuff from the book itself. If this screenwriter had some childish concept that she was a better writer than the book author, let us disabuse her of that silly notion. I liked the supporting cast, but they weren't fleshed out enough. At the end of the day, it was pretty to watch but Kemper was mostly very grating, the romance was unbelievable, and there wasn't enough material regarding how to be happy for this to truly feel like a feel-good flick. Only one character who brought up 3 things we're grateful for even seemed like a vague reference to the title, the book, and presumably the entire point. It seems a shame, bc the setting was so lovely and you had Grimes ON SET as well. They should have just shot him walking around on those trails sharing his personal thoughts...that would have earned a higher rating.
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