
14 Reviews
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Bull (2016–2022)
Sad to see this outstanding show leave us
7 February 2022
Such a shame. Rare combination of actors/actresses who fit their characters like gloves. Scripts were solid as well.

We're losing a quality show forever only to be replaced with something much weaker, as always.

Networks. They just never stop making stupid mistakes.
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Mr. Mayor (2021–2022)
Ignore the haters - they never watched this
15 February 2021
I sure do miss 30 Rock. I'm in the 70+ age range, so I've been watching TV since close to it's "national" inception and to me 30 Rock was the funniest sitcom of all. I think it could have gone on another 3 seasons at least....but...anyway:

Tina Fey returns with that quick wit and those rapid one-liners that was 30 Rock's forte in "Mr. Mayor". Danson and (almost) the rest of the cast are spot-on perfectly cast and very very funny. I'm giving it a 9 instead of a 10 because I could live without 'Arpi' - she doesn't connect with me. But that's just my opinion. I know there are many who like her a lot.

Scroll by and ignore all the below "5" ratings you're seeing in here - it's just the MAGA clowns that hate Hollywood and haven't even bothered to seek this out.

This show is 'really' funny. Watch it.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
Boycott this show over the ridiculous camera-work
14 February 2020
It's time the networks got smart and GET RID OF THE ZOOMING CAMERAS! Give me a break! Who can possibly pay attention to what's going on in this (or any other show) that constantly ZOOMS in and out every 4 seconds?? It's beyond ridiculous!

In 30 years when people look back on these shows (it started with The Office) they will be as laughable as the silly 'zooming' that many films did back in the 1970's.

JUST STOP IT! Show us some class photography!
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Disconnect (I) (2012)
Flawless character study that locks you in...
7 September 2013
Outstanding in every way. Powerful film haunted me for hours after viewing it. Perfectly cast, superb writing and direction (for a director whose previous effort was an excellent documentary). Kudos to Henry Alex Rubin for a superb effort. There isn't a single minute that you won't be locked into what's going on, while building flawlessly to it's shattering climax. Suffice to say, with technology today changing as fast as it does, this movie will appear dated in the not too distant future. That is unavoidable. It's message will remain, but those kind of things can be distracting. So...see this as soon as you can. I try to watch at least 3-4 movies a week. 'Disconnect' was easily the best film I've seen so far this year.
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Outstanding study in style
20 July 2013
I'm like the handful of others in here who found this movie excellent in so many ways. It's short running time is a plus; it never even gets a chance to wear out it's welcome. The photography/cinematography is dazzling. Each shot is strikingly colorful in it's supremely unique way. The sparse plot and dialog only add to the stunning visual atmosphere. I often (because it's late at night when I get to watch movies) use headphones and the audio mix is another plus. In fact, along with the cinematography those are two categories of this film that are, to me, Oscar worthy. Don't let the naysayers in here keep you from seeing this. It's mesmerizing to the extreme and I loved every single minute of it.
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Stop bashing this film...if you weren't 'there'....
15 June 2012
Along with a few others, I too, must chime in with my 'thumbs up' opinion of this lost classic. I was fortunate to see nearly ALL of the horror/sci-fi 'Classics' in theaters during the 50's binge..when there was a new double feature nearly every other week.

This one, stands quite a bit above all the others. The creep factor is high and it has some truly haunting moments. The piano score just adds to the muted terror. Cheap? Yep. But I think that adds to the atmosphere.

Sure, I was a 'kid' when I saw all of these back then, but only a handful of these films were 'great'. 'Colossus' is hands-down one of the best of that era. If you watch it in the proper context, I'm sure you will agree.
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Despite what you may have heard, a well made film.
15 February 2012
Some of the reviews in here for this film are a hoot. It's hard for me to believe that the people who detest it so much weren't fully aware of its contents before viewing it. I'm not easily offended nor shocked, and although I was aware of the troubling scenes beforehand, I was curious as to how they could or might be executed.

I love film. And I'm not dead set against one that will challenge me. I knew that going in and remembered that throughout it's running time. Initially, I figured this would be sloppy, dark and badly done. But it's not. Well made, aptly directed and for the most part the acting is solid. Special effects were handled expertly as well.

Disturbing? Yes. Not for everyone? Judging from the comments in here, I'd have to say yes. Entertaining? Not for the majority. But I found myself immersed in this insane 'world' of these vile characters, quite comfortable in the knowledge that the director was willing to do 'anything' to move the story along. That made it work for me.

If you're the type who can handle something different, and can remember that everything that is graphically offensive 'is' simulated, and...after all, it IS only a horror MOVIE, then by all means see it. It is not quite the 'drek' that many in here claim it to be.
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Kill List (2011)
Waste of Time
27 December 2011
Terrible movie. I'm baffled by the high scoring reviews by the Press and IMDb members. We've come a long ways in Horror films and I'm not sure that's always a good thing. The first half hour is a total bore, the middle brutally violent scene could easily have been trimmed with no effect on the outcome - it's only there to appease the 'torture crowd'. And the finale is stupid and confusing. The thick accents make it impossible (for Americans) to decipher a majority of the dialogue, not helped by the fact that half of it is mumbled at a low volume. Well shot and aptly directed, but that only makes me give it a 2/10. A complete waste of time.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
Best of this genre I've seen in many years
12 July 2011
EXCEPTIONAL shocker. I was pleasantly surprised at how meticulously each 'shock' was carried out. Nearly every single one of them worked. As someone who has lived long enough to experience the horror/sci-fi craze of the 50's and 60's (where William Castle laid down the groundwork for the 'shock' sequence) this movie would make Bill proud. Ignore the 1 and 2 star reviews that are permeating this entry on IMDb. Those, apparently, are from viewers who revel in torture/gushing blood/and the thrill of intestines on the highway etc. etc. (which frankly, are beginning to bore me). None of the above appear in this film. They aren't in any way necessary to make it effective. It stands completely on it's own merits. Turn down the lights - and hang on. 'Insidious' is a winner - all the way.
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For US viewers - well done!
4 July 2011
I watched this last night and frankly, thought it was terrific. I was alive during this short period of musical history but was not aware of this story (and I ended up in the music business myself for the next 40 years). I see that a number of UK viewers are disappointed with the casting (apparently many are familiar TV stars) but for us in the USA this has no negative effect. Kevin Spacey is the only familiar face and frankly, I found his presence just a tad distracting, since 'anyone' could have played the part. Extremely well acted and directed. The musical segments are wonderful and I only wish they had been a bit longer. My only disappointment with the film is the thick British accent - a lot of dialog passed me by (there were no subtitles on the version I watched) but it's not a reason for US film lovers to pass this by. Fascinating story - and in my opinion, perfectly executed. See it!
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The Dead Girl (2006)
I don't write many reviews here, but just 'had' to chime in...
13 May 2011
Does anyone really read the 'last' pages of these reviews? I'll take that chance, and simply say that I agree with most folks in here regarding this fine film.

Just got a chance to see it last night and in a word, this movie is simply: Outstanding.

The performances are flawless and there isn't a single scene that doesn't ring true. It grabs you emotionally and never lets go. The fine score is equally effective.

Do yourself a favor. Put this high on your list if you haven't seen it yet and do so very soon.
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Why has this movie disappeared?
28 July 2006
I guess it was just pure luck that I caught an airing of this on the USA TV network back in the early 80's. But have never heard a word about this movie since! It was a marvelous, beautiful film and some of Vangelis' best soundtrack work. If it wasn't for the ONE other comment on this page, I would start to begin to think that I "dreamt" seeing this!

Why has this movie disappeared? How can something like this be so totally forgotten?

Please, may the powers that be reconsider the release of this on DVD...or at least another broadcast on TV. I can't imagine that filming animals was an easy endeavor, so let's give this director some credit where credit is due, and at least let people see it.
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Sadly forgotten Classic
18 January 2004
It's an absolute travesty that this wonderful movie is not available in any form to those who might wish to see it. Warm, sensitive...this is almost as good as it gets. Seek this one out!
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You'd be foolish to miss this...THIS MOVIE ROCKS!
2 July 2003
I enjoy the luxury of having a good friend who's in the theater business. We try to do at least one "private showing" (just the two of us) once a month. I just got home from one with "Terminator 3." Gotta wasn't on the top of my "want to see" list. But, dear friends....GO SEE THIS STELLAR FLICK! It simply SMOKES from minute one to minute last! Credible acting, decent script, and absolutely astounding action sequences that are practically non-stop. I couldn't have been more pleased. (and if you're one of the few like me who loved "Breakdown" with Kurt already know what this director is capable of.)

The word my friend the theater owner got late tonight, was that all sneak previews earlier tonight across Michigan did very poorly dollar-wise, which means people are obviously hesitant. I predict that word of mouth will keep this in the top 3 for at least a couple of weeks.

DON'T miss this one!!!
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