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Genius...Daring....One of the best films of this year
23 November 2016
There are not too many films I want to watch one time these days. This film, I have sat thru three times. This film is genius, creative, funny and goes so far to try and get me to flinch and be offended, while not losing it's own identity in the process. " Bunny, The Killer Thing" and "Night of Something Strange", horror will never be the same again. 2016 is the year when sanity goes out the window and in its place is this world where there are no rules in film anymore. When we get to see, how creative people truly are. Do not miss this film. Just do not eat before watching this film, or during, or after. This film has some scenes that are just plain absurd. This absurdity would be awesome with a group of friends in a theater. I love a director who is daring to jump in the deep end and attack the taboos this society take so seriously. There is a scene that is worth the price of admission. It involves a young male who thinks he is about to engage in anal sex with his passed out girlfriend. That one scene, I would love to see how it would play out in front of an audience of horror fans. : Bunny, The Killer Thing" and " Night of Something Strange" have brought the " Porky's" mentality to horror, and it so welcomed. This film is vulgar, disgusting, offensive, harsh, cruel and from start to finish absurdly dark humor. I feel this is the film that critics will feel they need to dislike, for the simple reason they forgot how to have fun with film. Film is not meant to be taken serious. It is meant to escape, to sit back and just enjoy. In the era of " everyone's a critic", people are so hard on films and they lose the true meaning of why film exists
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Bastard (I) (2015)
What a great horror film from After Dark
18 December 2015
2015 was not the best year for horror films. Hollywood gave us so much crap, and they added to the brain numbing with remakes, sequels, prequels and family friendly trash. Leave it to After Dark and the small little films that always seem to come out of left field and deliver something that gets us excited and talking. Bastard is a film that will win over most horror fans almost instantly. Rebekah Kennedy gives us the May for the 2015 age. She really showcases some serious talent. This film is bloody, fun and unpredictable. Films are meant to be fun and manipulate fear in you, this film is something really special that works on every level. This is what horror has been needing for so long. What a great film. Seek it out and enjoy it.
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A Great Indie Film for horror fans
7 July 2015
Review-American Backwoods has the honor of being the first film I have ever witnessed that made me feel like I was using drugs when I was not. One thing for sure, director Floor Reed is a much messed up individual but my god is he very creative and genius. This film has some of the most insane dialogue I have heard in a horror film; let me rephrase that, in any film this year. There is a scene in the film when the radio is playing a "sexy song", and that song is so absurd that you feel obligated to join in the catchy feel of it. You would never guess from the opening sequence this is a low budget film. Mixing a genre like horror with comical elements is always a hard pill for most horror fans to swallow. The results and reactions are usually mixed at best. I feel this film that film in the early stages had a direction, but as the film was filming that direction went out the window in favor of making the viewer guess where the film is heading.

This film revolves around the simplest premise, the premise of four college students making their way to a strip club. We learn as this film starts going, that the group has a past together. Bro it seems was injured one time when they were on snowmobiles. There is really not much in terms of substance and character development when we see the college guys interact, but this is horror and we sort of expect it. The film finds itself when it comes to both the horror element and also the humor element. What shocked me the most was as bloody and disgusting this film gets, you always feel like they are winking at you. Well our college boys find a bunch of redneck hillbilly types who seem to enjoy hunting for human beings. Well, they also practice the lost arts of raping and killing as well. As we think the hillbillies and being raped could be our worst hope in this side of the world, there is something out there as well that seems to be a bigger threat.

The one word that stuck out to me the most in this film was "unique". This film really does not mind taking gambles and hoping people can follow. This film is not afraid to test boundaries. This film gives you plenty of sick and disturbing moments that fans watch a film like this for. The pacing in this film was a small issue I had, it seemed that as the hour mark hit, the film lost some of its humor flare and felt a little too similar to other films like a Chainsaw Massacre or a Wrong Turn. I really liked the last ten minutes of this film, and felt that it made a good statement about what we just witnessed. This film to me was a great welcome to a director I feel has his head in the right place, and his heart firmly in this genre. This is a horror film that can only be pulled off by a true fan of the genre. While this film is far from perfect, it does deliver in good doses what we watch these little films for. With any justice, this film will get some good word of mouth from both buyers and critics. Slew Hampshire is a odd place but boy was it fun to visit.
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One of 2015's best films....
11 May 2015
The ad campaign for "It Follows" sold us on the fact that it was the so-called best indie film of 2015. I hate to rain on the campaign of the billion dollar Weinstein Company, but you have not seen How to Save Us. Shot for less than 20k, the new film by Jason Trost is something to really brag about. The premise may sound like a done to death very formulaic disaster film but the results is anything but. You have a brother named Brian who is traveling thru a plagued wasteland to find his brother Sam. How to Save Us takes that plot and gives us a twist that goes into both the supernatural and emotional. Brian seems to be one of the very few people left after this mass annihilation by plague. He knows his brother Sam is somewhere in Tasmania which is now being taken over by some kind of ghosts. Now before you start thinking hokey sheets or some done to death Poltergeist, these ghosts are a little bit different than what you would expect which leads to the horror element of the film. We learn early in the film that you have to hide from them like put human ashes on you so the spirits cannot find you or smell you. The spirits have this ability to change them that really adds to the creepy factor.

The most effective is when they take over the radio and warn Brian constantly about Tasmania, or try to manipulate him by giving him voices of his family. The last twenty minutes of this film throws us a huge curve ball that shows a very emotional finale that people will really get freaked out by and also feel for our main character and know why it was so important for him to take this journey to find Sam. Trost showcased his love of trying to change the formula of the normal with All Superheroes Must Die which to me was a very fun film and very underrated. How To Save Us is an early favorite for Film of the Year not only because it changed the normal but also for the simple fact from script to characters to how this film plays out, it is just simply brilliant. In the summer of all the giants, this small indie film is simply one of the best films you will see this summer. I will also say, this is an early contender for film of the year. What a brave statement, Jason Trost has arrived. I am simply blown away and I feel all of you who read this will be as well. Seek this film out immediately. How to Save Us is going to rock your world.
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Cindy Maples may be an indie actress but she has major talent
27 February 2013
All the people involved in this film really worked hard for this film to work for fans, and it does. This film is a great little start for something much bigger and better, but remember even the biggest goal started from the smallest thought, and this little film needs all your support and help so it can grow. Take a minute and read all the hype and find out more about Cindy, Rusty and all involved and go like their face book site and ask them how you can find out about seeing this film and helping this film grow.

If you like this film and want more, check out Cindy's IMDb page and look into some of these films, the lady never fails to ignite a spark and get fans talking, she may be an indie actress but she has Hollywood talent and appeal.
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Hayride (2012)
A new horror icon?
8 January 2013
Hayride is a story about a convicted serial killer who is being transferred and escapes. While this is happening a little ways down the road is the annual hayride event that is built around the legend of Pitchfork. Pitchfork's story is told to us as flashbacks at a campfire hang out, his story is not so much a serial killer one at first, he is a man who was over protected of his daughter and family and when his daughter ran away he went into a rage and started killing people to find her. The locals are not sure if this story is fake or real, and they are also unaware that a couple miles down the road an escaped serial is on the run. That is what makes this film such a fun little watch; it gives you two threats, one that is real and one that is an urban legend? This film plays out like the beginning of something more than an actual film, which is not a knock. This felt like the first chapter of a story that I hope we get more stories from. Like the original Halloween, a lot of the movie is story based and dialog based, but the dialog all seems like they are trying to build a franchise or at least a sequel, they are making the story so interesting that you know they were looking past part one.

This is a low budget indie slasher, and the film really kept a decent pace, though the story telling at times does seem to get a little heavy, but trust me the third act of this film makes up for it. While the kills are low budget, the suspense and music to the scenes really was a winner. This film builds a tense, and does not let up till it gets to the payoff to the scene, which for the most part was fun and jump worthy. The ending was smart and clever, and it will get you trying to think about everything you just watched, because it painted a scenario that has me hoping they give us more. This is a horror film made by a fan for the fans. This makes The Texas Chainsaw Massacre look like Sesame Street, the chainsaw is dead it is time for you to meet the Pitchfork. Horror has a new icon. Forget Hollywood, support the Indies they are still respecting you horror fans, wait till you see this one.

8.5 out of 10 wicked
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Do not be fooled by the title, this film is more fun than you would expect
9 December 2012
All American Zombie Drugs on the surface may sound like yet another one of those low budget zombie comedies, which at times it is, but this film with its odd little charm and very interesting characters and dialogue will win you over by the end of the film. This film centers around two slackers who are the kids that you knew in school would never really amount to anything, and that being Vinny and Sebastian who after a chance meeting with a kid they bullied in school named Barry, decide that they should get into the drug business. Well, as you can guess things do not go as planned and our hapless duo who with the help of Sebastian's insane girlfriend and her best friend seem to encounter geeks, gangsters and zombies.

This film starts off oddly enough, with some very odd humor that I am not sure whether I should have laughed or been scared to keep going with the film. To see a guy who claims he suffers from narcolepsy dry humping on anything was an odd way of introducing us to a character who we would want to invest in. The humor was hit and miss, the hit stuff was not really laugh out loud funny but maybe oddly amusing. The miss stuff was not as bad as it could have been, it was not irritating or boring, it was a comedian who you think can make a joke that will catch your attention trying to warm up with not so funny material. When the drug addicts turn to zombies is when this film really showcases what it can do, and that was the part I would recommend to anyone to give this film a shot. Alex Ballar who directed this film, also has a bit role as the deceased brother and conscience of one of the characters who is trying to make them stop using drugs and maybe growing up.

This film for the most part is really a fun ride. It has a few bumps here and there, but overall I really like this film. The title though is a bit deceptive because this film is not what you will expect if you think this is going to be Zombieland or even Mourning Wood. This film has so much charm and personality, that you can overlook the negatives because by the end of the film you know you are going to be very entertained. This film almost guarantees that Alex Ballar's best days are coming. This film is comedy, zombies and lots of fun. You are really going to be entertained by this film, and I really hope we see more from Alex soon.
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Trashology (2012)
John Waters would be proud
9 December 2012
This film is the reason why I think therapy is highly recommended. Trust me, after the 3 stories we get to see the closing moments with Tracy and her male friend, and they do something that is so vile and disgusting that I cannot even begin to describe how absolutely bizarre it came across as. John Waters himself would love this film, but I think he would hate himself afterwards for knowing he inspired this wave of film. This film without question is not for everyone and would more than likely offend anyone who watches it. But, the film was well written and very unpredictable. And, when you have Manoush singing your theme song, you almost know that this ride is going to be something that either you are going to praise and talk about a lot, or never tell a soul what you watched and when your whole house is empty rewatch it. This film is John Waters for 2012, and I absolutely had fun with it and think that people who are in the mood for a slice of the perverse would love this film as well. John Waters would really be proud.
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Silent Night (I) (2012)
Santa Claus is coming to town to kill you
2 December 2012
I remember when I was a teenager and I heard they were doing a slasher film with a killer Santa Claus. 20/20 and everyone was up in arms about this concept and Silent Night, Deadly Night's hype was born. And to any horror fan or movie nut in general, when people complain and try to ban a film, those are the ones you have to go see first. The sad news is most of us did get to see this film when it hit home video a year later we did not think it was warranted of what the uproar was about. Now that being said, if Silent Night which is directed by Steven C. Miller would have been the film coming out at that time, I would have seen what the uproar was about. While this is a very loose remake of Silent Night, Deadly Night make no mistake about it, this film is a million times better than any other Christmas slasher film I have seen so far. In a small quiet town in Wisconsin, Santa Claus seems to be coming to town a day early and seems to know who has been naughty and nice. This film has some of the weirdest yet amusing one liners I ever heard, like one I felt could describe this film to a tee. "Once you see it, you can't unsee it". This film is a gore hound's dream, and there is no lack of killing, death scenes and fun ways to kill someone. I mean, the film starts off with an electric chair made out of Christmas lights.

Malcolm McDowell plays the town sheriff and you talk about someone who is having a ball in his role, Malcolm uses so many dopey and silly one liners that you will find yourself just waiting for what gem he will say next. When he keeps on describing a situation as putting toppings on a hamburger, you just sit there and think this is dark comedy fun. Jaime King plays the deputy who we learn is going thru a crisis of her own, this is her first Christmas single and she is spent trying to piece the puzzle together and stop the evil Claus. Jaime I was ready to write off after she followed up Sin City, with so many bad films till she got a second life with Mother's Day. And now this, she may have found her calling with these horror remakes.

The funny thing about this movie is that Steven with his wide range of characters touched on everything a small town could never ask for. Also, this film breaks a lot of taboos, and this viewer blesses them for doing so. A foul mouthed little girl gets killed in one of the more fun scenes of the film and when the mother of the girl talks to the police she claims that she did not wish for this to happen she just was hoping for some kind of break or something. Then, you have the perverted priest, who is also another scene stealer especially when in this town; every woman looks either like she stepped out of a modeling agency or off the pages of Playboy. Did anyone else ever notice that in this town, there is no lack of beautiful women and guys who are either drug users, dealers, clueless, perverts or drunks? I think Steven made this film hoping for backlash, he wanted to give fans a fun horror film that had guts and did not care if it offended anyone. This film is what people expect when they see a slasher film and looks like all involved were having a blast with this film, and it shows when you watch it. This film gives so much fun, I mean I can go on and on about scenes that really shined in this film. When people think about Christmas films, they think of those films that your family or girlfriend drag you to with that feel good message and romance, thank god Steven made the cure for that with this film that is geared towards the horror fan. This film is insanity from start to finish, and if you sit there and you are not entertained by this very violent bloodbath full of hate, dark humor, cruelness and breasts then maybe you should seek out Four Christmases or something in that nature, this is by far the best Christmas themed horror film I have seen.

This is the rare case of someone following up a really great movie like The Aggression Scale with another great film Silent Night. In film much less horror, this feat these days is rare. All in all, this was a very fun film that offers something for every horror fan on your Christmas list. To me, this feels like the original and the one from the 80's feels like the inferior remake. This is a must see for all horror fans, perverts and anyone who is a fan of anything that pushes boundaries and does not conform to the norm. And fan boys, Steven heard your silent prayers he gives you a cameo of Jessica Cameron playing a nurse and Wanda from Todd and the Book of Pure Evil in some seductive outfit as well. This film has cult classic written all over it, and there is so much more I did not talk about like the topless chase scene, and the total brutality of the kills in this film. This film is vile, disgusting, perverted, cruel and full of humorous hate but damn if I was not entertained from start to finish.
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You have fun, action, suspense and Cindy Maples
16 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Two females who are room mates, one loses her job at the bookstore and the other is an escort. Well, we will learn that the unemployed wants to be an escort, but her friend says she is not capable of being one. So, while the roommate goes on a trick, the girl decides to take on a client to show she can be an escort. Well she picks the wrong client, because these guys are out to rape and murder her. Well, in comes her friend to save her and they kill the guys. Now, they have the wrath of the guy's mother who sends her other son and his friends out to settle the score.

Cindy Maples for all of us indie geeks, always love to see Cindy do something on screen because we know the magic she brings to her roles. Jakob Bilinski, before this short never heard the name in my life. Now, I have to see if this guy has any other films or is there going to be a full length to this film. The script alone is just so funny, and the action was cheesy but so fun. If you have no other selling point to buy this DVD, this is all you need. Bloody Hooker Bang Bang is 2012's answer to Roid Rage.
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Nailbiter (2013)
Hitchcock would be proud
24 July 2012
If Hitchcock was alive today, this is the film he would be putting out" Plot-A mother and three daughters get caught up in a tornado and take shelter in a storm cellar. While trapped inside the cellar, they quickly discover that they are not alone. Review-Patrick Rea, I first discovered thru his short films in August 2010.( If you have not seen a Patrick Rea short film, you are truly missing out on something amazing) This is a director who if The Twilight Zone was looking for ideas and fresh concepts they should call him up and fire up the series again. He is quite frankly one of the best new directors of 2012, with the film to beat in 2012. Patrick Rea is a very smart director, and he treats his audience with respect as well as the material. This is clearly a director, who knows his limits, but what he lacks in budget, he truly makes up for in old fashioned suspense and tension. They did not call this Nailbiter because the title was catchy. This film is definitely the edge of your seat, what is that noise, how they will make it out alive nailbiter. Patrick Rea, is becoming the second coming of Alfred Hitchcock. And I will go one further, if Hitchcock was alive today and making films Nailbiter would be his latest creation. Like Hitchcock in his time, Rea is very familiar with what is what in the genre right now, and instead of caving in and succumbing to it, he is trying to revolutionize it and take old concepts and make them feel new. And with Nailbiter, Patrick Rea created a film that may not change the genre overnight but with any justice in this world of film, should put him on the map. To describe NailBiter would be like taking Rear Window and mixing it with the Descent. And that does not even begin to do this film justice. This film is so much more than a monster film, so much more than a suspense or family drama. This film is a masterpiece and should be on every critic and fans top ten lists in 2012 easily. This film has so many twists and turns, and even hints along the way that it makes the audience pay attention. From the mom and her three kids on the road to go pick up dad, to the girls trying and avoid the tornado to them being trapped in a cellar. This film just creates such a tension, that you just want to fast forward so bad to see where it is all leading to. But, that is the fun of this film. It is like a Christmas tree full of presents. Each one you get to just makes you crave the next one and next one. This film from start to finish had me entertained, from the script to the characters there is not one flaw in this film. This film deserves an audience. If Bravo puts out another " Top 100 horror films of all time" show, like they seem to do once a year ( lord does number one film of all time change every time they do that show)this film should be on the list. This is Patrick Rea, wait till you guys see Nailbiter, and you will not be let down.
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The Commune (2009)
Give this film a shot...Elisabeth Fies has talent..
9 June 2012
Plot-this is a Greek tragedy mixed with a 70′s sexual thriller. This movie centers on the summer of Jenny's 16th birthday. Her mom wants her to spend some time with her deadbeat father in his commune. Jenny does not want to go or be part of her dad's life. Once she gets to the commune she starts to see things that disturb her, and does not know who is who.

Review-Elisabeth Fies is in the movie, and even does a nude scene. I am not sure if this is a first, the director being the only person to go nude but I had to mention this because for a film like this it is a brave move. The beginning of the movie has a disturbing scene, which I will not talk about but tell you guys it sells the film and what it will offer you. The movie does a great job of explaining how we get to certain parts of this film, in almost a way that would make Hitchcock smile. This movie is a very slow build, but the script is pretty good and keeps you the viewer involved and your attention, and the characters are not boring or one sided, that you question each one, and not sure who to follow or believe in. This film created paranoia about it that you feel like you are watching a very head scratching episode of the Twilight Zone. The movie has a few scenes that really are creepily awesome and very well done for a small budget indie, and for that the acting deserves so much respect. This is what M Night should have put out instead of the shitty Village, and it is sad to watch this film and know that if they had a much bigger budget what could have come out of it. Films like this make me question what Hollywood is putting their money into these days, and what they are ignoring. This movie is impressive if you think about the budget, and also you can see Elisabeth's heart and passion all over this film. This is not a typical horror movie as it is a thriller that would be good to show someone who wants mood over blood and a movie to make them think scene to scene and catches you on surprise as well. I also want to point out the bonus features that there was a lot of work put into them. And Elisabeth really shines throughout. I am impressed with Fies talent and thinks she has a bright future. Hollywood give this woman a budget and let's see what she can give us next. Plus any director who will do her own nude scenes and really go outside the box with her performance deserves a break.

The typical horror fan may or may not like this film; it depends on their attention span. If you can sit thru a film and can invest into a slow build and know that the payoff will be worth it, this is a film for you.

7 out of 10

Also, I want to tell the fans to keep Chauntal Lew is in their prayers.

A few years ago, the lead actress of this film lost her hand and is recovering day by day
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Spirit Camp (2009)
Spirit Camp is a fun time
30 May 2012
Plot-Think Friday the 13th meets The Breakfast Club with cheerleaders. Roxy Vandiver and Julin, among others in cheer leading outfit trying to not be killed by a slasher in the woods at Spirit Camp. This film really just sells itself.

Review-Kerry Beyer is truly a fan of horror. With references in this film to genre classics such as Halloween,( camp director's name is Miss Haddonfield)and kills very much like Friday the 13th. Spirit Camp is a prime example of what an indie film can do right, and a Hollywood film will always screw up. Kerry is another example of the talent that is coming out of Texas right now. Texas has become a hotbed for horror in the last few years, pretty much like when Nirvana put Seattle on the map. Where people will look at the cover art of this film and have their minds made up before even attempting to give this film a shot. I can tell you that this film delivers a very solid story, very well written characters, a decent amount of kills, and a huge amount of nudity. Make no mistake about it, this film was created for a certain demographic, and that is male between the ages of birth and death. You have Julin, Roxy Vandiver and etc running around in cheer leading outfits while being chased by a killer. Who else could you market this film to? Churches? What it lacks on kills, it makes up for with the ladies. And the shock, what it lacked on ladies and kills, it made up for with a well written script. Kerry actually made a smart script from a type of genre comic film that a smart script should not work on, and it worked. Look at Roxy playing Nikki, where most directors would be content letting Nikki be the bad ass misunderstood rebel. Kerry, as the film went on made her character a "don't judge a book by the cover" character. This is another example of the brilliance of this film. He lets the actors own their characters, instead of playing against the tongue and cheek feel of the film. He made them seem serious, funny but yet sympathetic that you would not want to watch anything bad happen to them.

This film has such a dark humor and very fan written script, that you cannot hate this film. It was made by a fan for the fans. You almost feel as though, Kerry had a proverbial check list as to what to include in this film. We have to have the male characters that have the appeal of someone from Porky's. We have to make a death scene even worst, why not get a snake to crawl on the girl while she is in fear. This film is such a fresh breath of air to the horror genre. Spirit Camp is a great example of how far indie films have progressed in the last few years. How are Julin and Roxy Vandiver not more famous by now? This film shows what these ladies are capable of, and shows you what Texas is becoming very well known for releasing. Spirit Camp is a fun time. This film is an example of do not judge the film by the box art. It is so much more than fun and exciting than the cover art shows you. This is definitely a must watch.
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A lot to love about this film
14 May 2012
Andrew Divoff stars as Vellich, he has to have that relic and will do anything to get it. Watching this film, I realized how much I missed him in the Wishmaster films. He truly makes this film a blast to watch. If you take away the vampire and zombie parts, this felt like Wishmaster 3 should have felt. This is true indie movie gold. What a fun film from start to finish, this film is just a treat to the genre. You get the bad wig worn by Divoff which made him look like a 70′s stoner with a weird touch of Col Sanders. You have Tom Savini, who plays Sebed, a vampire lord that really gives Divoff some of his best moments in this film. To watch those two icons act with each other is almost the equivalent of watching Robert Plant sing with Paul McCartney. There is a scene in the film where Gretchen opens the fridge and the food becomes reanimated. To watch the chicken act the way it did, was such a nod to Evil Dead, without feeling like it ripped it off. You also get a beer drinking zombie, hey zombies get thirsty also you know. The special effects were done by Robert Kurtzman, who a few of you may have heard of once or twice maybe? And get this, you get a Jessica Cameron cameo. Some of you guys may have heard that name before as well.

This is old school horror meets new school ideology with a twist. The script was fun, it was dark humor and it was smartly written. The characters felt fresh, as did the situations. And the nod to Fulci The Beyond. Kudos for having the guts to attempt it, and not only that, but succeeding where you know Fulci is in his grave clapping the effort. If you are going to rent this to be scared, you may be watching the wrong film. This film is not a scary horror film, it is a fun one. And such a breath of fresh air, that all horror movies can still be effective but yet has heart and humor. This film gives you a fair amount of gore and blood goodness. This is clearly a nod to us old school fans, and it is such a fresh breath of air in the lungs of people who suffer thru so much junk to get to good films like this. This is a must watch, and will enjoy film.

The extras on the DVD are very amazingly fun. There are two Midnight Syndicate music videos, three finalists' music videos from the Midnight Syndicate 13th Anniversary video contest, gag reels, audio commentary by Ed Douglas, Robert Kurtzman, and Gary Jones, a feature called Maximum Dead Matter that allows you to watch a scene in one corner of the screen while simultaneously watching the actual filming of the scene in another window, interviews with cast and crew members, locations, and concept art. Also included in this triple disc combo is 2 soundtracks.

All in all, this is so much fang for your buck
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A fun time with a lot of disturbing material...wicked
16 April 2012
Plot-Almost like a cartoon version of Creepshow with satanic overtones. Labby is a talking dog, that brings three people on a trip thru their minds and dimensions in 3 different stories. Story 1 is called Tainted Milk– On the night of a lunar eclipse, Labby informs little Tommy about the devil fetus living inside his mother. And wants Tommy to get the fetus out of his mom, and kill it, cause it is God's will. Story 2 is called Liquid Memories- a memory stealing junkie living inside an abandoned church, steals the memory of a dead prostitute. Story 3 is called The Masks that monsters wear-Labby attempts to help Ralph court the girl across the street, who is an unwilling participant in her father's child porn tape trading ring. What a sick and fun film. You will either love it so much to pass it on to your family or you will be praying at church on Sunday for someone to help you. ( to read the whole uncensored review of this film go to
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This is the indie answer to Scream
20 January 2012
I am James DePaolo...I write for a few and also so if you dig this check them out...

Plot-In this very low budget dark comedy, this is a story about two guys who get a hold of a camera from a debt, they decide to make a horror movie since most of them are so bad to them. They decide to hold open auditions to cast for this film, but little do the women know they are casting actually are really going to be killed in the film. Puts new meaning to paying your dues.

Review-This is Brain Damage films best film to date. This film had elements of difference but yet enough shades of things we have seen before to give it a similar feel without feeling like a total rip off. I mean, this is 2012′s indie answer to Scream. And like Scream, this film is almost like a social commentary about horror and the perception of what sells a film to fans. There our scenes in this film that Joel Paul Reisig is almost talking directly to the people watching. Early on, he shows he is not afraid to poke fun at his own past when he knocks his former film Fraternity House. He also shows a less is more attitude as well. Like he knows the obstacles he was against and almost focused on his strengths instead of trying to cheapen the stuff he felt the film needed. His strengths and lets be honest..he knows the crowd who will watch this film..young men and guys in general. And he catered to that crowd. Early on, he discovers people would like more realistic horror and he comes up with this horror 101 list. Which consists of Blood, Beast and Boobs. This film is almost like a Zucker Brothers take on auditions for indie horror. I mean, you have all these actresses auditioning and they range from overacting, to being not too bright, to just being so horrible, but instead of doing it serious, they are reading off written scripts on camera and not trying to be taken serious. And of course, each film role no matter what the dialogue is heading towards from Aliens raping both leads, it leads to the woman getting topless. And to me, where most films fail are a up and coming director or star, that thinks they are better than they truly are. This film avoided that obstacle all together and made it so tongue and cheek, where if someone says well they overacted, underacted or whatever..that you can point to them reading off cue cards, scripts and totally doing it on purpose. And for me that worked.

They tie the girls in the basement and play games from spin the knife,( which is almost like spin the bottle) and a take on Are you smarter than a 5th grader, which I know now a model may not know who Rosa Parks is. There is also a intermission, where our two kings go on this bromance thru a weird montage. And, this film has twists and also some very clever dialogue that keeps the viewer occupied and interested. A scene that has a lot of people smiling in our community is the scene, that at the hour mark they acknowledge they filmed for a hour and do not have a complete film yet.

All in all, do not expect the best acting, gore or the best storytelling. But, if you are asking for a small film that will deliver a huge punch to the balls or vagina for anyone watching it..this may be your film.

8.5 out of 10
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The Tunnel (I) (2011)
This is the best found footage film in quite a while
9 January 2012
Plot-The events depicted on this film were a culmination of police evidentiary material and a journalist and her own crew's personal tapes. In Sydney, an investigation into a government cover-up leads to a network of abandoned train tunnels. As a journalist and her crew go into the tunnels to find out about the cover up, they soon realize their is something else down there.

Review- The first 30 minutes of the film, we get the dialogue of two of the main characters as they run us thru the events that lead up to them going into the tunnel systems and why they did it. We learn this crew is investigating a network of tunnels underneath Sydney and discovering why the Government abandoned its plans to use an underground reservoir in the hopes of relieving Australia's water crisis. But, they start to dig further into this story, and wonder what happened to the homeless people who lived in these tunnels. This film goes back and forth from the two main characters sharing their take on what is going on, and us watching it for ourselves. Things pick up when they discover Trevor (or Trev as he likes to be called) he was one of the homeless who was in The Tunnel. As soon as they start to ask questions, he freaks out and runs into a corner. Then, Natalie who is the journalist and wants to get a story out of this situation in the tunnels, starts to go to you tube for her research and discover there is something going on underneath the train station which is the main series of tunnels in Sydney.

The next 30 minutes are the creep factor. You just know something is going to go down. As they head into these tunnels, that look like they were sets on Alien or Descent. This film just gives the viewer such a feeling, that something could go down at any time and has your attention. It builds the story and the suspense to such a point, that when it finally goes down, it feels like the letting go of a rubber band wrapped too tight around your wrist. And they do it so smart and creative, that you feel for the characters and are thrown into this situation with them. There is a scene that involves ringing a bell, that was such a simple yet effective scene. Esp. when they have the cutaway scene when Natalie gets to hear what the guys heard on the headphones when the bell rang.

The last 30 minutes was almost a Blair Witch meets Descent feel. I know there are so many found footage films and trapped in caves, tunnels or whatever films. But, the last 30 minutes of this film, with the scratched up camera lens and you having to get a glimpse of what may or may not be happening was just awesome. That this film almost felt like it owed the fans a slam ending that will get them talking, and it delivered. I had a blast with this little creep fest. This is a very slow burner, that picks up and delivers the goods for the patient fans.

All in all, this is one of the best found footage films I have seen in a very long time.

8.5 out of 10
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It was a little piece of heaven in zombie goodness
15 March 2011
You talk about a film that has a lot of indie buzz. Every website and every reviewer has mentioned this film. I had to see it. And thank god I did. This film is nothing short of a very fun time. Now, keep in mind this is very low budget DIY film making. And, if you are a fan of old school horror with new school charm. This film is for you. It is almost 3 hours total and the time goes by so fast, that at the end you are left with the thought, I cannot wait to see what Thomas can do with a bigger budget and more time. This is the blue print for someone who is going to be so major. Fans, if you want a film that is made by a fan of the genre who wont dumb you down or make you feel stupid. This is the film for you. Good job Thomas.
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The Reef (2010)
Forget Open Water..this is the real deal
15 February 2011
The Reef is the best shark film since Jaws and Jaws 2. A lot of people will look at the trailer and think it is like Open Water. Well, you know what it is about people stuck in the middle of the ocean, that is where the comparisons will stop. This film is more tense, and more shark moments. And has a ending that Open Water could never deliver. You will sit there and think about this film well into the credits. It leaves you with a lot to stomach, esp. the shark scenes. One involving a floating and someone swimming towards it and a shark fin racing, that will make you jump as will another scene that gets too close for comfort. This film is a must.
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Best Klown film yet
14 February 2011
What do you mean you have not seen Klown Kamp Massacre? Well, let me tell you what you are missing out on. This is the best Klown film yet. Better than Killer Klowns from Outer Space, 100 Tears, and all the other clown films. You get great humor, some fun nudity and a lot of blood. This film is just pure fun. You cannot watch this movie and not laugh and have a blast. You guys are so fast to take a date to a movie and spend 50.00 on something that you both will hate. This film you can buy for less than 20.00 and have a great time and watch it over and over with friends. The theme song alone is worth the price tag. They do the Klowny the 13th song. If you liked what Kung Fu Hustle did for karate films, you will love what these guys do for Klown horror. There are so many scenes that I want to talk about, but they are so beyond silly and awesome. Esp. the scene where one of the people run up a tree to hide from the killer klown. Support this film. This film has more heart than 99 percent of the crap pushes out and you give it billions.
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Absentia (I) (2011)
This film needs to be seen right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 February 2011
Absentia is the story of two sisters, Callie and Tricia. We find out 7 years ago Tricia's husband Daniel just one day vanished. She is now pregnant and still posting missing person bulletins. Callie, is a former drug user and an in and out of trouble lost soul. She comes to help Tricia out. Tricia is at the point now after all this time, that they can declare Daniel legally dead. But, Tricia is not so sure if he really is dead. She has been seeing visions of him. While Tricia has moved on with her life to some degree, she still questions what happened that night. Callie goes for a jog one day and goes through a tunnel that changes everything.

This is the film Paranormal Activity wanted to be. This film was well written and with a great bunch of actors. Absentia has so much to brag about. It had some great jump moments. It had a sub-plot that really added to the film. I was mad when this film ended. I wanted at least 30 more minutes. I loved this film that much. The running time was a little over 90 minutes but you get so into the story that the time flies by so fast. I did not want to talk about what happens with the tunnel.

As a fan, I would have been mad to read about a film I would like to see, and a critic just tell me everything about it, the twists and the end. The 2011 end of the year top ten is a long way off, but this film will be on it. I know right now it is playing some festivals and circuits. This is a good old fashioned thought provoking drama-horror. There is a tiny bit of blood, no nudity and some harsh language, but not too much. A film a family can watch together and not be worried about the content being too adult which is a breath of fresh air sometimes. I recommend everyone see this movie now.
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This is the wake up call cinema has needed
14 February 2011
Bunny Game is the injection film has needed for a long time to change what it puts out. Rodleen Getsic is the most important female actress in the last decade. This film is brave, no holds barred and challenges the viewer as to what it can take. Adam, paints a picture that some will say is far too real, well duh...this stuff happens everyday. This is that one of a kind, once in a lifetime film that you know you watched something special happen. I put Bunny as a character up there with Ripley from Aliens. Rodleen has just redefined female cinema. This is a must. Stop giving crap Hollywood films all your cash, support the little guys cause this film shows you. They are truly the original and true visionaries.
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Wound (2010)
Wound the best film of 2010
5 January 2011
OMG!!! What did I just watch? And how can I put this experience in words. I will say this, there are some things in this film, that I will not forget for a long while. One involving the two main characters Susan and her daughter Tanya, in masks also involving a guy in a mask and plastic wrap. The most mind messed up manipulating scenes I ever witnessed in any film. And a castration scene, that would not be happy until it made you really think you saw a real one. It was the most realistic you could make it, without it really happening and please David tell me that scene is not real. I am worried. The movie deals with Susan, who may or may not be suffering from mental illness. And it tackles a lot of subjects. Rape, Incest, Revenge, Death, Mind Control and just plain what is going to happen next. Tanya, the daughter was quite possibly the hottest female I have seen this year in any film. There is a scene in the beginning with a counselor and her that you know by the tone and words being exchanged if this truly is a movie for you. Susan, starts the movie normal enough, but within minutes you are thrown right into her world. She is a servant to Master John, and those scenes are so cruel. You feel for her. Or do you. You find out as the movie goes on she is no angel, and her past she is ridden with a lot of guilt from things she has done and decisions she made, and thru the beauty of this film David lets you live them all out with her. This film is no horror film in the terms of a Jigsaw, or Freddy Kruger, its a horror film in the feeling of a they wont do this scene, OK they did it, he wont take it further. Oh man he did. This film is shocking, controversial, sick, depressing, and cruel. I loved it all. I don't know who is worst. David Blyth for creating this film, or for me loving it so much. This is no art film, or a statement movie. This is pure nightmare. Its a manipulative, sad and very challenging movie to make you feel, react and trust me by the end you will either be loving it or hating it. This is the film all those people who think they have seen it all, well here it is. And trust me, this film is just as controversial if not a little more than a Serbian Film.
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