
2 Reviews
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Sudden Fury (1997)
nothing good
19 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Resubmitted after an abuse report by some-one with a vested interest in the film caused it to be deleted. I'm sorry but if you make bad films you must expect unfavourable comments.

cheap and nasty, 9 February 2011 1/10 (This review was deleted by IMDb based on an abuse report filed by another user)

There is not much to say about Sudden Fury. I got a copy because I like Dave Warbeck and find he always gives a good performance no matter what rubbish he appears in. Unfortunately Warbeck would appear in just about anything and is probably in more simply awful movies than any other actor I can think of.

Sudden Fury is scraping the bottom of the barrel even by Warbeck's standards- a zero-budget disaster with literally nothing going for it.

I would like to say something good to give some balance to this review but there is nothing positive to say.

There is nothing to build on for the future- Darren Ward has no talent as a director, the script is pathetic and the actors are embarrassing (Warbeck excluded).

I didn't enjoy this one bit and if you're foolish to waste time and money on this I doubt you will either.
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15 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This comedy failed to amuse me in the slightest.

The funniest thing about it is the character name Pervo the Clown- which for some reason brought a wry grin to my face. Nothing else about it is funny.

Its also just bizarre and tasteless for the sake of it- there are things here that are weird or unpleasant but never interesting, dramatic, scary or funny.

Its ineptly made, cheap and has no plot. I keep reading reviews that mention all the glamorous females- there were none in the version I saw.

The zombie women are deeply unattractive, as are the rest of the actresses.

I use the word actresses loosely because there is no-one with any talent on screen here with the possible exception of Victoria Hopkins. She gives a one-note performance and her character is unlikable but at least she brings some energy and emotion to her part, which is more than anyone else can manage.

To give an example of how bad the acting is: Is Marysia Kay's character supposed to be retarded? It's impossible to tell because her portrayal in this is exactly the same as it is in other things I've seen her in: wooden. Marysia is unlikely ever to be mistaken for an actress.

Another example: (spoiler) Red's kidnapped sister- the one all the fuss is about- spends most of the movie hypnotized, lobotomized or drugged or something. Yet at the end when she is finally rescued and unbrainwashed her performance is exactly the same!!.

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