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Much better than your regular slasher
17 September 2023
This was actually really great. Great casting, really charming girls, really great suspense, it wasn't even that violent but the bad guy was pretty good. This movie caught me by surprise in a couple of scenes. The story is a little simple but the movie had great pacing and really great actresses. The cop was really good too.

There are some funny scenes in the movie as well. Even from the bad guy. It has some dark humor and the bad guy was pretty funny in his dialogue and scary at the same time, the story progresses really well and never gets boring. I really liked the main actress . She was really great.
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Black Adam (2022)
Interesting origin but wasted potential
31 May 2023
This movie was being created and worked on for like 2 decades or something, it was years in development, the Rock had a lot of faith in it and a lot of high stakes, it was supposed to start a new franchise, and then it goes nowhere.

The origin story was really cool and really interesting and Black Adam was a cool and charismatic character that had a great origin and I really loved how he had to learn about our time since he was so old.

But then the problem this movie had was a weak villain and a weak villain plot. Black Adam is so powerful and epic and larger than life, yet the villain was not interesting or threatening.

Black Adam needed a big strong, smart threatening scary villain and this didn't have it. It was a generic uninteresting villain.
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It was genetic but charming. Loved the team.
31 May 2023
So the plot of this movie was a little generic and " cookie cutter" but I enjoyed it a lot because of the super hero team and their great chemistry.

In this movie all the heroes work really well together and had some really funny moments, I loved the interaction between them and I really loved how they had to work with the problems they had as superheroes.

The heart and soul of this movie was the hero team and how they had to come together and rely on each other. ( The children actors were pretty great too) The only problem with the movie was with the villains and their genetic plot. The villains were pretty bad and didn't do much for most of the movie. The ending was cool but I wish the villains had a better plot.
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Old School (2003)
It was hilarious and entertaining
30 May 2023
This movie was very well written and had a great cast, I loved every single one of these guys, their parties looked really awesome and I loved how everybody bonded together. It was very funny and I really loved how they stood together and how they overcome the challenges they had to overcome.

The plot was really interesting and very wild to see these older guys party with the younger college guys.

And the ending was the best part, when everybody had to get serious and save their fraternity. I loved how they had to get serious and do their best.

I watch this regularly a d always enjoy it every time.
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One of the funniest comedies of the decade
30 May 2023
This movie was very funny but it surprisingly had a lot of heart. It had a lot of funny jokes but it also had a great message of friendship and courage.

I really loved the chemistry between the characters and I love all their unique personalities. The cast worked perfectly together. Every single gle actor did a great job and the team was really great when they trained. ( My favorite was the pirate guy. I loved him) And the villains were very funny too. Ben Stiller was perfect as the main bad guy. He made me laugh a lot in how weird and crazy his character was.

The dodgeball tournament itself was really cool and exciting to see.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
Bad acting, Bad CGI, Dull visuals, ugly songs.
29 May 2023
Disney live action remakes tend to be pretty bland and soulless, and this might be the worst one, CGI: The cgi looked really bad in some places, Ariel's face looked like it was floating in some places, reminded me of the live Action CATS movie, the hair looked really bad. The swimming scenes looked terrible in some places. Sometimes the actors didn't match to the cgi.

Acting: sometimes it was really awful. People felt like they were reading lines from a script without having real emotions, Ariel did not feel genuine. It felt like really bad overacting, it wasn't great.

Visuals: sometimes things looked too dull and dark, why do these Disney movies look like that? Dull colors in the sets and costumes. Why does disney do this?

They drain the color out of the visuals and everything looks dull. They wanted to make the movie realistic looking but they end up making it ugly looking. What's the point of cgi if everything looks dull.

The new songs were terrible. Really bad.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Probably the worst in the series. Awful characters
30 April 2023
This was really awful. I really didn't like it. The villains were obvious and annoying. Really really annoying. The reveal was dumb. And the other characters were really annoying. They weren't fun to watch or clever or entertaining. They were just really annoying.

The plot is very genetic even for this franchise. It was just boring. Gale was annoying, this movie didn't bring any interesting twists or anything important to say. The reason for Ghost face to act up was really dumb and contrived. It was a waste of legacy characters. The last one before this one had better characters and a better plot.
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Humor feels childish. Plot is very thin.
30 April 2023
The first toxic avenger was edgy. Had edgy humor. It was crass, offensive, it did not give a crap about pushing boundaries, it was over the top in violence, dialogue, it had very edgy jokes, extreme violence, and that's why people loved it. It was unlike anything else before it. A gory, extremely politically incorrect superhero movie. With edgy offensive jokes. It was great.

This sequel, the humor feels like it's made for kids,it's very weird. The humor is very tame. The jokes are very very silly and child ish. Like a kids cartoon, but it is still gory, so it doesn't make much sense. The plot and humor are childish and light hearted, but the action is still very gory. It is not entertaining. Just cringey.

The plot itself feels very boring and the movie feels aimless. The original movie had a tight plot, things moved quick, fast paced. It kept you entertained. This sequel wastes a lot of time while toxie just walks around in Japan... Also they had to recast toxic avenger and the new voice wasn't as cool.he was cooler in the first one.

I don't understand why this sequel was so slow and boring with child like humor, what happened?
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One of the WORST shows I have ever watched in my life
5 February 2023
What a complete waste of time. What awful production. Absolutely awful acting. Very awful story. Waste of time. What a waste of money this was for the studio.

These characters were so awful. I can't believe how boring this was. How do you make a show about monsters so boring? Is the book this awful? How was this greenlit? Who thought this was a good idea?

Cringe, cheesy, awful acting. Preachy. Boring.

A lot of nonsense, things don't make sense. Barely attached to anything having to do with Lovecraft. But even as its own story it was very bad. Awful I truly regret watching this trash. Stay away.
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Awful finale. waste of time.
13 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I know I shouldn't think too much about a meta comedy show that itself is not taking itself seriously, this show with this finale is literally saying " it's just a prank bro, don't take it seriously"

And there were some funny stuff in there,

But if she could talk to Kevin and change anything (it's like meeting with God or like the genie from Aladdin and ask for anything at all) then what was stopping Jen from asking for bigger things? Why not ask to take away Abomination's powers? Why not ask to make him a regular human again?

Why not have Jen asking to revive dead characters? Or Heal Hawkeye's hearing lol, bring back gamora etc.

But im not supposed to take it seriously, but then why bother watching this season at all if it gets swept under the rug? Because she could undo the sex tape that intelligencia leaked, or destroy their website, or erase everyone's memory of the tape,

But let's say no one is supposed to take it seriously,

But Jen says that abomination needs to take responsibility for his actions, but she hulk herself doesn't take responsibility for breaking the same law that abomination broke, ( turning to she hulk)

I know people liked it, but the show had no stakes, Jen was never in any danger, the entire show destroys itself with the ending.

But it was just a comedy that doesn't take anything serious, then why bother with the intelligencia plot? That was wasted time.
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Day Shift (2022)
Really good premise but awful ending and awful villain.
11 October 2022
This Movie had a great premise, it had a really really great set up and a great lead actor, a really great main character. I really loved the first 20 minutes of this.

But sadly this movie is completely ruined by a really cliche, really bad villain and a terrible story for the villain.

The main villain was just awful. Her story was very cliche and one note. Very simplistic The movie is also ruined by an uneven tone and going from genre to genre. ( From action to horror to comedy) it doesn't really work. It's too silly to be taken seriously and then too gory and scary to be a good comedy. It doesn't work well.

I understand they tried something new with vampires, but the villain was too cliche to work.
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The Munsters (2022)
Ruined by bad acting and bad dialogue.
11 October 2022
I actually liked the story, I enjoyed the main plot, I liked the jokes, I didn't hate Rob Zombie's writing, ( a lot of reviews seem to say that his writing was really bad, I didn't think so) I honestly liked the way Lily and Herman met , I really liked Grandpa, I liked the main story. It was kinda charming the way they fell in love, But, I am so sorry to say, but this movie is absolutely ruined by the acting, the way the characters talked to each other. It really was terribly miscast, I understand that Rob Zombie wanted to hire his friends and his wife, but the acting was really really bad.

Lily and Herman didn't act like the original versions at all, they didn't act or sounded anything like the original show.

Their acting was really off, it was really weird. Herman's voice was nothing like the original, it was really weird.
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The Sandman (2022– )
very boring, very dull. Style over substance.
9 August 2022
This show had some amazing visuals and special effects in the first 3 episodes, and a really great premise in the first couple of episodes. The first two episodes were very interesting.

But the show gets awful and boring really fast. The actor playing Morpheus is very monotone and hes not good or engaging in the role. The show starts to drag a lot and get really boring.

We are then moved from episode to episode following people that i just did not care about. Unrelated scenes that were very boring and hard to follow. The little crow is cute, but Morpheus is just really hard to care for and hes so one note that you stop caring.

The plot feels very thin and the show feels arrogant. Very very dull experience.
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Prey (I) (2022)
The best Predator Sequel ever made, INCREDIBLE
9 August 2022
This movie was quite amazing and incredible to see. One of the greatest sequels I have ever seen of any Franchise, This is much better than any of the recent sequels that franchises like Terminator and Alien have gotten. And literally the best predator sequel ever made.

The action is incredible. The suspense is extremely well done, the pacing is great, Very engaging movie, very very entertaining. It has a lot of great surprises and incredible amazing action scenes.

Amber Midthunder was very very incredible in the role and an amazing character to follow. She is as great as Ripley in Aliens or Sarah in Terminator, to mention those franchises again, a really amazing new survivor in the predator saga.

And the predator is completely BRUTAL. Very very awesome predator in this movie, hes fast, hes scary. Very wonderful job on the predator.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Very annoying characters, dull boring story. Bad cgi
18 July 2022
So my completely honest opinion, was that this was very dull and boring, the lead characters were very annoying and hard to watch or sympathize with.

This show spends a lot of time with two young girls in high school, and while this idea wasn't bad, The dialogue they gave them was pretty bad to hear, The same goes for the premise of the show, having these characters move to a new community was interesting, but it quickly becomes dull when nothing interesting happens.

The show jumps back and forth between the present and the future, and all of the zombie action happens in the future scenes, but these future scenes have to context or have no importance to the present plot.

The action of the future scenes is meaningless when you have no idea why things are happening.

And the scenes in the present plot are very dramatic and dull, so both the present and future scenes become pointless to watch. Boring. You lose interest in both. Neither part, not present or future, are interesting for you to become invested in the story.
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Boring genetic stale story. Awful voices.
27 June 2022
I understand that they gave them serious, lower male voices as a joke in this movie, but by changing their voices, they completely lost what made them special. And the new voices were annoying and made them feel unlikable. Wouldn't it have been funnier if the entire movie was done with the old squeaky voices? Awful changes. Why change the voices? Many lines would have been funnier with the old voices.

And, the plot is extremely genetic and dull. Very very stale and boring. Some jokes are funny but most of the movie is so dull and boring! Very very boring scenes with boring characters.

The cameos are not as many as "who framed Roger rabbit" and there were so many missed opportunities.

Some cameos weren't even funny or didn't add anything to the story. Wreck it Ralph 2 did it Much much better. Wreck it Ralph 2 is much better than this.

This was a very full, long, very anticlimactic movie.
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Red Rocket (2021)
I love Simon Rex, but this movie was a little messy.
9 June 2022
Simon Rex, the perfect choice for this role. Truly The best choice. He played the role perfectly, and while he was playing a villain kind of role in this story, he is so charming and likable that you end up rooting for him.

He does kind of impact people's lives negatively in the movie, he's not supposed to be a good guy, but Simon Rex makes you like the character a lot and fall for his schemes .

And I really loved the girl strawberry. She was incredible and very pretty The problem I have with this movie is that the plot was not as strong as the Florida project or tangerine.

The ending of this movie is messy and confusing.

It doesn't fully make sense why things happen or why some characters do what they do.

It almost feel like there were scenes missing or there was a lot of dialogue missing because some stuff didn't make sense. It kinda feels incomplete? In a way? The last part of the movie is messy.

I understand that the director likes to cast real people instead of actors. But the movie needed better and more clear dialogue. The Florida project was much better in that aspect.. a lot better

The ending kind of wrecks the whole thing. Characters actions and motivation doesn't make sense.
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Meridian (1990 Video)
It's basically like Beauty and The Beast, but with a twist
9 June 2022
To be honest I watched this because of Sherilyn Fenn and I am glad I did. She was gorgeous and incredible in this. I really felt her sadness in this movie. She did a great job. I loved her.

The story is good at first but became a little confusing at the end. It kind of just reminded me of beauty and the beast. Same kind of plot. Only the ending gets kind of confusing.

The sets and places this movie takes place in were pretty incredible and creepy.

They found these really big creepy statues and castle for the setting and it really added to the movie.

And the main song is pretty amazing as well.

I really loved the main theme.
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really strong performance from Forest Whitaker
25 January 2022
Forest Whitaker is an incredible actor. He is truly an amazing actor. One of the best actors of this generation.

And in this movie, he really shines. He does a really strong performance. His voice over is really good. He plays a very troubled hit man with an identity crisis and maybe a mid life crisis. He's very troubled by his job. Troubled by his purpose in life. He gets paid well for his hitman job and he's very good at his job.

But he's very tired and very troubled by his routine. We get a lot of monologues of his inner thoughts. And I really loved this part of the movie. Forest Whitaker is talking to himself and to the audience. We get to hear everything he's feeling. We get to hear his inner conflict. We get to connect with him and his inner feelings.

The second part of the movie all deals with him taking a job and having a hard time finishing the job, having an inner conflict in hurting innocents. The second part of the movie is the conflict and turmoil between him and Sherilyn Fenn. They have a very strong and dark confrontation and the dilemma of Forest Whitaker hurting two innocents.

He has a job to do but his conscience won't let him do it. There's a lot of money on the line but he is troubled by his morality.

I really liked this movie and everyone gave good strong performances. Even the smaller roles like the psychologist was very good.
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31 (2016)
constant shaky camera. constant close ups. awful cinematography.
20 January 2022
A lot of reviews are commenting on the trashiness of this movie or the lack of originality. Or the awful dialogue or characters (all of which is true) yes, the plot is genetic, the plot is very thin. Awful acting.

Bit the biggest sin that this movie commits is the AWFUL camera work and awful cinematography.

The camera will NOT stop shaking. Constantly shaking, or constantly close up on the actors' faces. Most of the movie cannot actually be watched. Rob Zombie chooses to shake the camera so much to the point that it makes you dizzy.

I understand that shaking the camera and having many close ups is done to hide the small budget, but many low budget indie directors do not have to shake the camera so much to hide a small budget.

All of the action in 31 is done with extreme shaky camera. Very amateur film making. I have seen YouTube shorts with higher quality than this. Shaky camera combined with a lot if close ups. You can't tell what's going on most of the time.

This is the worst looking, worst filmed rob zombie movie in his collection.
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boring. doesn't do anything interesting with the concept
16 January 2022
With the previous hotel transylvania movies it went like this: they all have a main plot, but all 3 movies have hilarious little jokes from background monsters or the background monsters will have small side stories that culminate in a joke.

The monster guests or the staff would have funny moments.

The new one does not do this, most of the movie removes all the background characters. Most of this movie removes all the background interactions that the monsters at the hotel had. This one is just a straight cliche adventure movie.

This is just a generic boring scavenger hunt movie.

They don't even do anything interesting with the monsters changing to humans, there are jokes about their change, but they never have to adapt to a human lifestyle or never have to deal with any human problems... everyone is just in the scavenger hunt looking for an item.

The concept of monsters becoming human is completely wasted and does nothing with it.

They didn't even struggle with being human. It stopper being funny after 15 minutes. It was just a gimmick.

The wit and cleverness of the other 3 movies is gone. This is just a boring jungle movie. It's almost like dora the explorer or jumanji 2.

Very generic jungle adventure with a cliche ending.
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a veryA cynical, self aware and distasteful take on the franchise.
24 December 2021
This movie is a combination of movies: Last Action Hero combined with Wes Craven's New Nightmare, and combined with Escape from LA. This movie Shares so much with Space Jam 2. Similar themes.

When watching this movie I got the strong feeling that it was almost like a hate letter towards reboots, sequels and Hollywood in general.

The first hour felt like a cynical mock documentary on movie-making and how studios force directors to create unnecessary sequels.

First hour mocks the older matrix movies, attacks and mocks its own mythology and it attacks the following the first matrix had.

It was like a documentary on video game making and the process that a video game company goes through when making a game. Video games play a big part on the story.

The second hour of this movie actually becomes like a real sequel to the matrix revolutions. Fully brings the mythology of the older matrix movies and follows the story of matrix 3. Explains what happened after matrix 3.

The action is very awful and had a lot of shaky camera. The movie looks very cheap. It felt like a movie from THE ASYLUM. It felt like a low budget parody of the matrix.

The cinematography looks cheap. The new bullet time is very awful looking the new characters are kind of annoying.

Bad acting, annoying characters, awful dialogue. Shaky cam, bad slow mo effects.

This is not a real movie. It is not a real sequel. This is a deconstruction of sequels.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
crass and gross, but then preachy and arrogant. a mess.
6 December 2021
"from the creators of SAUSAGE PARTY" Well yeah, it has the exact same problems as Sausage Party. The exact same problems here.

Problems like: using offensive humor to hide bad writing and cliche humor. Padding the screen time with dumb jokes and badly written moments.

Thinking that raunchy humor makes up for bad storytelling and awkward characterisation.

No. Sorry. Raunchy humor and raunchy animation doesn't make up for a bad story.

And after it is done being raunchy, it tries to be preachy, becoming hypocritical on itself. Doing play out cliche preachy moments or quips. Trying to have a "message" or trying to teach the audience a "lesson" but it doesn't work well. The show contradics itself often.

And while it is very raunchy and crass, doing jokes that would get other shows banned and cancelled, it also has sexist parts and scenes that if they were coming from anyone else would get them canceled.

I'm not sure why they contradict themselves and their messages when it is clearly very raunchy and overy offensive and even sexist (same problem Sausage party had) doing the exact same thing they were complaining about.

It reminds me a little bit of Team America a little bit in that sense.

And after watching it. It just feels like a waste if time. All they have is crass humor and not a lot of substance.

Also reminds me of the Happy time Murdersin that sense. Same problems.
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confused, messy movie. incoherent story
22 October 2021
This movie does not know what it wants to be. It is extremely messy. Very very messy story and plot. The Best part of the movie is the intro, it starts very strong with a montage of zombies attacking, i wish THAT was the movie, the opening montage was more interesting than anything in this movie. That opening montage was truly incredible. It was fast, the attacks were fast. Everything was fast and explosive. It was great.

Then the actual movie starts and everything falls apart. The heist did not make any sense, the plan makes no sense. The way they set up the entire plot of the movie is incoherent and nonsensical.

The characters are cool looking and iconic, but they are wasted and not used properly, you have this team of tough hardcore people and most of them dont do anything interesting or arent used for anything cool.

The movie gets rid of them very quickly and very clumsily.

The Vegas setting is kinda wasted and the zombies aren't used properly. They are barely in the movie, This zombie movie barely has zombies until the very end of the movie this movie tried to do 11 things at once and failed at all of them. Zombies arent properly used, the heist was incoherent, the characters are wasted, a real mess.
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out of all the marvel shows, it is the best
22 October 2021
Some people might not like this and call it generic or convoluted, but out of all the marvel shows that have come out recently. I liked this one the most. Much better than Loki or wandavision.

This one felt exactly like the movies and felt like a natural continuation to Winter Soldier and the captain america storyline. If they had cut this into three movies i think people would have loved it and would have praised it.

I think some of the hate is because of the tv show format. But it feels exactly like winter soldier in terms of cinematography and in terms of action and how the story develops.

I think this show fits perfectly with the MCU and fits much better than Wandavision which was weird.

Great action, great banter between Winter soldier and falcon, great drama, great commentary, great ending.
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