
37 Reviews
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Serial Lover (2022)
a 4 for the 4 women a 0 for the writing
8 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How can 2 women write such a superficial drivel based on internalized misogyny, 4 women that fall in love with we are supposed to believe is an irresistible man, lol he just has to smile at them and they are smitten, of course a woman secretly longs for a man to take care of her, lol and one even commits suicide over him, the man is a genius, in minutes he finds out what he needs to know about all of them, knows exactly where they are at any time, has knowledge about prescription drugs, he uses on a nurse, lol knows everything about IT and social media, lol lol lol knows how to have everybody talk to him about their inner most secrets even his father in law, and he knows how to get the man arrested or close, lol lol lol he finds out who's the women's attorney and knows exactly what taxi at what time and where she is going to take it, how convenient she doesn't have her own car, drivel drivel on the wall who am i fooling most of all? The women are so deeply in love with him even after he ruined their lives lol lol lol but hey he got convicted yay le sigh there is no context, no perspective, women even successful ones fall for a sort of gigolo after one smile, no just no STOP just STOP.

But the worst part is why the 'poor lad' turned out this way : an 18y old girl was pregnant with him and didn't keep him, of course it is a woman's fault, who could have guessed : i mean it STOP.
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Sherwood (II) (2022– )
great actors though but lazy writing sheer drivel
5 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It starts off with great actors and not too woke, so you do get involved, it is slow and that is always suspect because it usually means they are dragging it out and they did, the writing is awfully lazy, real drivel from episode 4 on, they could have shown more of how those infiltrators got vetted, it is all old school conspiracy, and all of us the sheople are their puppets. And they always forget to show how 'they', (mr global lol) need new blood, how they recruit and stuff, you only see the established ones, all following orders because that is what we all do, sigh.

Oh and then the poor boy turned killer because the writers wanted to be original as usual, le sigh.

Or keats, oh dear, all the writers little plots i assume to confuse us, geez embarrassing, great actors though, but yet again the writers failed out of the usual laziness and well, looking down from their misogynistic pedestal sure doesn't help. When a man left to die in the fire another man died too trying to rescue him, when a woman got hit by an arrow, wow, just wow, nah ugh, just ugh. And of course keats is a woman, lol. That was obvious from the start, because they try so hard to be original and want to fool us but they never do really, all that is always more important then the actual development of the story line, such a waste.
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Trigger Point (2022– )
another jed mecurio's drivel
30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Oh wow, lol first season of lod was somehow right at the time, second one has keeley in it and it became great, then some up and downs, last season was beyond meh, then there was vigil, same pulling rank stuff, suranne should be sooooo embarrassed, i have no words, and now this, um, can u even call it an attempt, nah just cashing in on a paycheck, just the first 5 minutes : they arrive in separate cars NOT in gear, because with bombs there is no urgency LOL, and close-ups LOL, they enter the appartment, supposedly cleared by the local squat team LOL, oh no they overlooked a spot, is it the bomber LOL nope LOL and who realizes at the very last second there is no menace, and gets to talk to the mother and the daughter, yup u guessed it the unbombies LOL, all while there is a bomb somewhere and it should be there ONLY job to find it and to neutralize it, well we the viewers won't notice will we, we the sheople LOL.
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Deep Water (2019– )
steep water
15 April 2022
Can somebody give anna friel a proper acting job, why waste her on this drivel. Her talent needs better, please. Pretty please. Really!!!!!!!!!!

Who wrote this embarrassing dialogue anyways, aren't there any good writers left?
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
its ok i guess, well actually it isn't
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Elliot (jamie dornan) carries this, so a 6 um nope a 1, he gives depth to the character, luci, well there is no chemistry so that's sad, helen is fine, typecast but she pulls it off too, the rest mehhh, writing is bad, jokes are unfunny, dialogue is cringy, characters are clichés, not so much interested in the story, but a good actor making something out of thin air is better than nothing, only 3 episodes in but i'll stick around. Binging it while waiting for storm to calm down.

Update : into episode 6 and they just felt the need to explain that luci placed the bomb, some writers are so full of themselves when they think they have a great idea (it was not) they have this urge to explain it in case we missed it, yawn.

The corrupt cop oh dear, so boring.

Hellen's fiancé ughh lol.

And now we get to meet his sister?

Whatever... yes jamie carries this series so it stays watchable, well if you don't invest in the dialogue lol and every episode had a meaning, there is that afraid the ending will be embarrassing lol.

It was le sigh.
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Kin (2021– )
1 episode in, will watch it maybe fastforwarding
13 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Cast is great, writing not so much. Poor dialogue that points out they are mobsters lol. As if that wasn't clear. Written by an 80y old? Women have only submissive roles, family is everything, one son is the favourite, one is invisible, one is an embarrasment but hey full of testosterone. Yawn. A bigger mobster getting more greedy with age, having some thug reign over his realm lol, the actor that they chose for the thug role looks like your next door neighbour lol, the one you wouldn't recognize if you bumbed into him some other place lol. Some out of place wokeness as usual but nothing too cringy (in a few years the woke part won't be bothering but we are not there yet alas, writers are still struggling). Slow paced, predictable by choice as if the writers think we might not get it. Big yawn. Do the writers think we are hooked now that a mobster's son accidentally got killed, i am not. Why would i bother about mafia, and their supposed rivalry yawn. Will there be revenge, a bloodbad, will the women wake up? I might be back with an update, as i said i'll watch it, some interesting actors in it, thin roles, no story, doesn't seem that will change, it seems like a lot of writers nowadays just can't be bothered with writing a decent script anymore, or maybe it is the producers that order them to stay shallow, avoid depth, just be entertaining, don't involve the audience, keep them numb? Feels like it.
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Sacha (2021– )
not bad at all
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After the first episode i thought how are they going to make this last, but they did, yes the dialogue was a little weak, and yes they pointed out the obvious more than once which was annoying, the writing was a little lazy, but the cast worked well, good directing, good acting made up for those little weaknesses, it is about weak men, parasites that abuse even more weak women and get rich off them. Why these women fall for them and cannot get out of their toxic realtionships with these loser men i give up. Yes it was a little much all these fragile women and abusive parasites but in prostitution i suppose it is possibly like that.

It felt exagerated, but i get it, the pressure of society is in our dna and fear of failure and hope for happiness are too, so in the end it didn't bother me that much. That the brother had a bigger role, as the biggest loser and abusive parasite was also made obvious with yes some weak dialogue, as for the parents, especially the mother, she was a bitter woman trying to have her daughter follow in her loser footsteps not only to justify her own failure of a life but also because seeing her daughter succeed would destroy her.

Was police involved, of course, you always find people you can bribe for one or another reason, very movie like. A little old fashion writing but it passed.

Luckily the daughter has more self-esteem so as a mother anne did a good job.

Was the love affair necessary, nope, but a little romance sells i guess.

Was it a little farfetched that anne from hooker went to her current position, absolutely, if they had made her assistant maybe it would have passed better, women had a better place in the '80, where did it go wrong, i still wonder.

Now all society does is divide us, put us all in smaller boxes than before and call it wokeness, it won't end well. I am all for inclusion and i am happy to see more people represented, but i fear it is all but a ruse and it will not last. Hope i am wrong though. Anyhow in this series the wokeness feels natural YAY.
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Ragdoll (2021)
only 3 episodes in well almost
22 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not bad acting, not bad story, but the supposed killer, geez super intelligent, unlimited funds, resources, abilities, just way too much, he can abduct a child while planning a double murder, involving a lunatic rose knows, to get the child back to rose after the murder, knows about cctv, how to insert a pill with lsd of sorts into a package of i guess gums a driver of a van with prisonners is consuming, yeah so easy, he has access to everything and everyone le sigh, i am losing interest, he can predict reactions of just anybody too, insert a serpent in a bag and of course oh what the heck, pure nonsense, gonna finish the series and shut up now, afraid of the end though, cheers.
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wow so beautiful
14 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am in awe : it is simple, about people in a small town, they all know each other, they all have their problems, they all know each other's problems, there is an accident, a mother in coma, a boy taken in by a young couple, the young woman is needy, she has a very bad aura, she is a bad seed, she prays on good people's energy, she completely destroys her husband, yup not very woke of me to accuse her and not the serial killer, he knows how to talk to children which is so very rare, the child will live with so much trauma for the rest of his life, but the mother of the young woman says some very comforting words that will help him, she tried to protect her daughter but there is only so much you can do, all the actors are soooo good, the director captures their energy in such a true way, yes i do not like the young girl, but the actress plays her well, it could have been just another french version of your walmart movie, but it really rises above it, it is not woke and yet there is lot of representation in a good way, never overbearing just as in real life, the characters could have been your usual stereotypes but they all have depth, nothing is ever black or white, no happy ending, no suiting the public, but then again its a french movie lol, there are some false leads as to who dunnit but its not annoying, people follow their instinct, not always knowing where it will lead them, barely judging, yes the young man, the serial killer is guilty of horrendous murder, he was played as a good guy, that will scare a lot of people away, makes it too close to home, it is kinda scary to see a good guy, yes with trauma end this way, is it the girl's fault, no it is not, is she a bad seed yes she is, that is me judging her, this character made me cringe from the very beginning, the killer was triggered and all his trauma resurfaced, very dangerous to realize one didn't get past the trauma but just kept it hidden, the result here is terrifying, it is a movie so, yes, murder sells better, producers would not have greenlighted it without it, i guess, too bad, i think, but still i sincerely recommand this movie, go watch it. Well actually i hope you watched before you read this lol.
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greed and resentment
7 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So one fraud wants to make money off another fraud plus a bunch of other parasites all attracted to this morbid situation : pathological liars and narcissists and bitter ones out for revenge. Jane is the worst, just my opinion, still making money off the whole situation. But she is not alone. I am a jew and resent the jane's of the world, they can convince themselves they do what they do for the right reasons, but they only know greed. Despicable. If jane didn't lose that lawsuit she would have collected her money and go on with her greedy life.
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Annika (2021– )
almost a 7 but the end ...
5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This series is fun to watch, nicola is perfect for the role, her daughter, the rest of the cast, it works, the chemistry is there, except for her collegue wingman , father of her daughter, total miscast and way too much screentime, of course this is just my opinion but he stood out and not in a good way, the writing slipped towards the last episodes, became lazy and predictable, making him the father was for me just more proof they wanted him to overshadow the generous nicola, it bothered me just to give it a 6 not a 7. The series is fresh enough despite his presence. I recommand it.
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Anna (2021)
beginning is beautyful then compromise tainted it
14 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first 2 episodes were captivating, the atmosphere, the innocence. You have a pandemic, adults die, children surviving as best as they can. Nature is build on beauty and cruelty living in harmony. Nature is ephemeral. Then episode 3 happened : a wet dream for pee do viles. I guess that probably got him the money to even make the movie. Episode 4 is pure brainwashing. Even though as in so many movies/series it seems to be about the rebel that has difficulties blanding in, the real lesson here is that we need a leader, oh and being enslaved is so much fun. The notions of good and evil live in eternity. They do not belong on earth. They do live in episode 5, more brainwashing. Her 'boyfriend' wants to join the angels sigh. The sixth episode has anna and her brother reunited because family...yes more brainwashing. But you have that everywhere not just in this gem of a series, so i just found it slightly annoying. I also turned a blind eye to the fact they cut anna's arm and she went on living the life. She is on long journeys with hardly any luggage but she looks showered and fed, even in the flashbacks there is debris everywhere but no insects or nasty rodents. The last episode is still on, they are going to the mainland, some more brainwashing by (the controlling or is it caring) mother through flashbacks. Are they going to bring dead to it or are we brainwashed in believing there is hope and anna will be saved. They are pedalling for their lives lol. Overall the soundtrack is magnificent, so is the atmosphere, the photography, nature wow. I like anna, her little brother is already portrayed toxic, because that's woke i guess. Flashbacks are there to be endearing? Oh some more symbolism and romance. Anna is a child though. Leave her be. Some more of mother's instructions, do as you're told child, sigh. I guess anna is growing up becoming the adult, and die? Boom they hit a boat. It's a containership full of, you guessed it, food, oh there are people, adults, not sick, a newborn, a small family : the world can live on. I guess, hahahaha no 8 stars from me though lol. The religious undertone in the final scene just killed it for me. But watch it and enjoy.
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Mother Is Wrong (2018– )
surprisingly good
12 September 2021
I really enjoyed this series it was fresh interesting well acted. More please.
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J'ai menti (2021)
12 September 2021
I liked it, it had substance, some minor plots. Good acting. Maybe the last episode and the reveal were a little less surprising, is all. I recommand it.
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Vigil (2021– )
utter nonsense
12 September 2021
The first episode was cringy, the second was beyond bad, the third, well i like suranne jones so i played cards while it was on, the typical i pull rank line of duty style, i started the fourth but 2 minutes in and i had to stop even suranne was embarrassing to watch, enough already.
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Broadchurch (2013–2017)
except for third series that's just a 1
9 August 2021
I loved the first series, didn't dislike the second one but couldn't finish the third, what a mess. The dialogue was stale, superficial, the hints were so blatantly obvious, olivia coleman gave it her usual depth but other than that it looked like an easy paycheck for the rest of them. I read that the woman playing the victim got a lot of praise, i honestly think some producer badly wants to make her happen, zero empathy and i saw her in different roles, a total miscast at best, in every role i watched her in, can i say this? Sorry just my opinion. Sad useless third series apparently about toxic masculinity, but as in lets take this hot topic and be woke, i read the ending was cowardly disappointing, as i said i couldn't finish it.
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Departure (2019–2022)
too bad
9 August 2021
I love at least 4 of the actors but this series seems like a synopsis mistaken for a script, it's not even one dimensional.
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Butterfly (2018)
one is for itv's intend to make money over this
1 August 2021
Acting is good, script not so much, maxine has a narcissitic father that can't cope when it isn't always about him, hey lets try a kinda goodlooking actor, it will pass. Sigh. Anna friel's character has so much going for her but she seems to think her life is a complete failure because her sad excuse of a toxic husband left. Her eldest daughter seems to know adoring men is toxic, but then she gets this moment where the authors make her realize she should get more love, so she flees into her yet another poor excuse of a human being known to her as her granny. Sigh. Then itv makes it all about happy ending, happy family. Just made me think about those massages with a happy ending. Sigh.

In the end visibility to transgender people is necessary and i applaud that.

It's hard for some people to understand how lost u can feel in your own body. Experiments need to help understanding. I think youngsters now will be able to give more insight in about 20 years. For now we can only go with their gut feeling. I just hope society is not weighing in too heavily. Some decisions will be regretted, others applauded, it's still very much about the individual. Me personnally i think that when you're born into a body maybe you should give it a chance, find ways to embrace it. Society feeds us the distinction between male and female as only examples and therefore it scares me to think this brainwashing may have something to do with the not accepting of one's own body. But i am not in their position and i am not being judgemental. I would not reject my body right away, i would see if it could fit me somehow since it is mine. But then again i am not in their position and i am aware i am in no way capable of fully understanding their uncomfort, their dissarray, their profound confusion and yes unhappiness. I wish all transgender people find a way to be, to be happy.

I didn't write about maxine because so many others did, did it well too.
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Line of Duty (2012–2021)
from ten to one
24 May 2021
I was intrigued with the first season and blown away by keeley's performance in the second one, i liked newton, but last season was pure rubbish and the latest one is just embarrassing. If these powerful people are everywhere so why not in ac12 lol, there is just no grounds for these amateurs to be. They are so superficial and incompetent. Also they learn nothing from past mistakes. All they ever do is call rank sigh no more thanks.
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i watched the entire first season
29 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Is the swedish police really that incompetent? A guy with psychotic problems is head of a department? An alcoholic, a bureaucrat and a guy that has no interest in the job are his team? Really? Of course they solve everything with an ease that is just creepy lol, i liked most of the female characters, they did a good job with the little they had to go on, swedish women seem to have come a long way but their men not so much, the psycho cop has a daughter that lives with him? Really? The killer has his reasons, i think they spent 2 lines on it, and as in so many series they are all interconnected, they all had the same psychiatrist, the killer, the psycho cop, the once thought killer, and she is friends with all the guys that put away the once thought killer, i hoped she was going to be the serial killer, using her patients as shields or so but no she is just as almost all of them really incompetent and full of herself, i think they tried to make the real killer human but without giving him a real context, bits and pieces only, i kinda liked the atmosphere, like with the snowman so i kept watching but is that enough to recommand it?
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beyond bad
28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Some actors really tried to make something with the litlle they had, but they all are portrayed as evil low lifes, lily in the end is kind of the less evil one sigh, a bunch of narcissistic sadics, some kill for pleasure, some abuse people, none are good. Stories are unbelievable, writers are a disgrace, there was some atmosphere but to what good? So many subplots that didn't go anywhere, shallow characters, i did finish season 1, but the end was even more disappointing, no depth makes everything so ridiculous. This could have been good, no this should have been good. Le sigh.
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
good first 7 episodes last one ruined it for me but worth the watch
31 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was sometimes over the top, all that happy family business and EVERY single person would do just ANYTHING to save their families, killing in series is really a hobby sigh, cast was brilliant, i liked the series up to the last episode, that one totally ruined it but fo me but i still rate it a 7. It remains entertaining, their writers just don't have a clue what happy families are about LOL, those happy videos and stuff is just romanticing what they probably never experienced, it's just not real, definitely not convincing, and here too people are just selfish, and repeating that anyone would do anything for their families doesn't make it real at all, lots of people are empathic and would always think of the consequences of their actions on others, especially on their children, here everyone snaps, too bad, characters do have depth though, there is context, but the selfishness as in so many series spoils it for me, it's like a disease almost, sad. In the end it's worth the watch.
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Luna Nera (2020)
i join the bad reviews
30 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the italian version, the acting is really stiff like in their soaps, halfway through the second episode i had to stop, its just about 2 girls that dream of boys because being the chosen one and have all this announced 'power' is, well, irrelevant i guess, i read some of the reviews before watching and i must admit i didn't realize the boy and ade fell in love at first sight LOL, she had to spell it out for me LOL, i did read about it in a review but it didn't occur to me there was any sort of chemistry between any of the actors in the first episode, so when she has the little talk with the hatted one, i couldn' t deny this was another soap,full of meaningless dialogues, vague context : you have these powerfull women and all it took was one man to annilihate them, if those witches were really that powerfull that darkhearted man would not have had access to their book and so on, he kills mother witch in a split second, her 3 most talented younger versions are useless, one is/was his lover and promises she will harm him if he hurts her sisters, but the ambitious, ruthless man goes on to kill the mother witch anyways, well he politely waited for his lover to finish her warning LOL, of course she let him go and only cries because that is what women do i suppose, i repeat all it took was one man to dissolve their coven, but no worries, it is announced the 'new' chosen one will come and deliver them, deliver them from what since there is no reason whatsoever they were defeated, they just let ONE man overpower them once, why dissolve their coven, beats me, do i want to know where this story goes, hell no LOL, this is just another failure of a story based on nothing, no plot, no character development, just appearances, and some stuff said as contour LOL, writers don't even bother no more these days, what actually annoyed me the most was when ade at the delivery of a baby feels its soul die, if she is to be the chosen one couldn't she 'awaken' and feel the danger the baby was in and deliver the boy/girl as by miracle, if ade was a boy he would have had the role of the hero, but no its just a girl so let her be passive and let her feel the dead soul, more then enough right? Sigh i dunno if the writers were female but if so they write as if women really are second rate citizens, second rate heroes, i read somewhere in a review here ade goes 'dark' near the end of the season, why not just turn her into a boy and get it over with sigh, this should have been about powerful women in a time women had no power at all, but it turned out to be an insignificant soap about gals dreaming of boys le sigh, so disappointing deep sigh.
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19 March 2021
The french are really good at casting teenagers. the cast works well together, it's nice to see flawed adults trying to care about teenagers in a good way, it's apparently based on a spanish series, have yet to check it out. liked this one, had fun watching it. The granmom finally has a role that she is enjoying again, nice.
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Bloodlands (2021–2022)
14 March 2021
Wow this was embarassing, i suppose they are aiming for a second season sigh. do we have to be in awe now or something? main character void of emotions playing the empathy card oh dear. written by someone who craves controle and power as signs of intelligence? just seems very sociopathic is all sigh
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