11 Reviews
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Surprisingly Good!
24 April 2022
We watched the new West Side Story last night. I was all set to not like it, I mean how can you improve on the great original version? Why even remake it?

It turned out to be pretty good! The only thing I really wasn't happy about was when they spoke Spanish and had no subtitles... We always have the subtitles turned on as I have a hard the hearing it, but when the Puerto Ricans spoke Spanish it would have been nice to know what they were saying!

The music and dancing were great though 😊 It was so colorful and I was glad they stayed true to the original songs.

Rita Moreno did a great job and it was nice to see her still part of the show.

Overall I was impressed.
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Turn of the Screw
28 March 2022
Why not just call it what it is? We rented it not knowing it was the same story we just watched on Prime the night before...Nowhere on the cover does it mention it's the same story with the same characters...
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Queen Bees (2021)
27 August 2021
I wanted to like this movie. Lots of great actors, even if they are all in the 80s...It had the potential to be a fun movie, but it just wasn't.

I laughed a couple of times, but it just didn't have any magic. It made me sad that such fine talent was wasted on such a poorly written script. It was no "Golden Girls", for sure...Luckily we got it from our library and didn't have to pay for it.
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I Feel Cheated
13 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"SPOILER ALERT" Glad I didn't pay to see this. The monsters are pretty creepy, the acting was ok, but I feel like I only saw half of a movie. John Krazinski disappears, you don't see it happen, he just isn't there with no real explanation. The daughter goes off to "Save" them, but there is no explanation how a deaf person "Hears" music...then the movie ends all the sudden, with us wondering what happens next! Do they go back and rescue Mom and the Boys? Did all the monsters get killed on the island? Looks like they are planning a part 3, which I won't bother going to see...
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Oh Boy!
8 May 2021
This has to be one of the most incredibly bad movies Nicholas Cage has been in yet! He doesn't say a single word all through this mess...Cheesy sets, terrible teen actors, just all around terrible...Yet we did watch it until the end if only to see if he would ever say anything...
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No subtitles!
17 August 2020
As a hard of hearing person I was very disappointed to find this has no subtitles...I could not understand what was being said. Instead of suffering through trying to figure out what they were saying on top of the loud music, I quit watching. In this day and age to not have subtitles just doesn't make sense, especially in a movie where the actors have strong accents. Very disappointed after waiting so long to get to see this.
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Grand Isle (2019)
No Subtitles!
5 March 2020
First negative was that there are no subtitles, a sure sign of a cheaply made movie. How is somebody with poor hearing supposed to enjoy a movie if they cannot understand what is being said? Nicholas Cage hasn't been in a great movie in a long time as far as I can remember...this one would have been OK if I could have understood what was being said... The best part of the movie was the fabulous house it was filmed in :-) It was relatively good acting as far as that goes, even Nicholas Cage was a little better then usual :-) I did actually watch the whole thing even if I couldn't hear what they were saying...so that's saying something!
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First Man (2018)
Don't bother!
2 February 2019
What a waste of time...I liked seeing behind the scenes what took place throughout the mission. Ryan Gosling 's acting was so wooden and emotionless...it was hard watching this! It felt like he hated his role and didn't feel like putting any effort into it. It could have been done better...Glad I got it from the library and didn't pay to see it!
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Why the high rating?
29 August 2017
I gave this 2 stars only for the scenery. This could have been a really exciting movie if it had been written by somebody else...The story itself should have been fascinating. Unfortunately, the dialogue was stilted, the characters were not very believable, and the story jumped between years in a way that I found annoying. They should have spent more time on the actual search for the City of Z instead of showing all the history leading up to it. There was so little detail in each chapter of the story we started fast forwarding to get to the unsatisfying end...

Glad we got it for free from the library and didn't waste money going to the theater to see it! There would have been no benefit to seeing it on the big screen, it just wasn't that good...
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Bordertown (2016)
I think it is funny!
3 April 2017
To joeywieberg-92286, the guy who tried to say Seth Mcfarlane has nothing to do with the show..."Seth MacFarlane ... executive producer (13 episodes, 2016)" "Seth MacFarlane ...

Peter Griffin (1 episode, 2016)" maybe he should read the credits before making statements.

Maybe you have to actually live in a border town to think this is funny. We do, and love this show! Where we live could be Mexifornia! Sometimes it's like living right in Mexico with all the billboards in Spanish, grocery store fliers in Spanish and having to speak Spanish to get a job...
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Don't waste your time!
2 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one of the stupidest movies I have attempted to watch in quite awhile. It made absolutely no sense to me or my Husband.... The only reason we watched it was because Keanu Reeves was in it, and his part is pretty small actually. We really tried watching it and gave up after about 1/2 hour...Terrible script, terrible acting all around...Elle Fanning looked like she was a vapid idiot most of the time...We kept wondering how a 16 year old girl had enough money to live in a hotel, have such nice clothes etc. It just didn't make any sense...Why was there a mountain lion in her room? Did I miss something there, or was that some kind of symbolism for something I was supposed to figure out ? I just could not stand to watch it long enough to find out...We even tried to fast forward it to see if it got any better...It didn't...
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