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Poor Things (2023)
22 March 2024
I can hardly believe this is being described as a feminist movie. How so? Was it in all the pointing out of the bleedin' obvious? Apart from all the sexual scenes which didn't make a huge point that I could discern this could have been a movie made by kids. The acting was appalling, the script puerile and no where near as clever or insightful as it thinks it is unless you're a 17 year old or something and have only just realised that there is and always has been gender inequality. If you really wanted to make that point... If you really want to sum that up then put a pair of boxing gloves on a woman and a man and put them in a ring and tell them to duke it out. Who do we think will win? Yep it will be the stronger, more aggressive of the species. End of story. All the books, all the philosophising by allegedly clever, literate people and all it comes down to is men are bigger and stronger than women and thus they dominate and as such are reluctant to give up their ground. It's not that women are any less intelligent or capable than men, they simply can't win a physical fight against one! The only poor things here were the audience.
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Difficult to watch
14 November 2023
Yes difficult to watch but very convincing. My daughter who is a psychologist works for a charity that counsel teenage Mothers and I know from talking to her how difficult and sometimes impossible it is to make these people see that the relationship they are in is really toxic. It doesn't always come from a particular type of girl some have a reasonable back story in as much as it isn't full of trauma and neglect but still they are attracted to a wrong'un and they won't be talked out of it. I don't know if some were not happy with an unsatisfying ending but that's how it goes in real life, people don't just suddenly wake up and see the mistake they made. Abusers are not always pimptastic and obviously abusive, some are very practiced and subtle and sadly that keeps their victim where they want them.
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Not this woman again!
13 May 2023
For the life of me I cannot get why people are so fascinated with this not especially good actress. Sure she was attractive but they all were back then or quite frankly they wouldn't get any work. Why are there people obsessed with her who's parents probably weren't born when she was actually relevant ? It does actually remind me of the ridiculous obsession with Princess Diana. But for all that what really bothers me are all the countless people still making a living off of her corpse. She's only important to people want her to be and it seems to me she lived her life like a candle in the wind.... Is she really that different from many other Hollywood stars? Pretty girl who got on her knees and climbed to the top with minimal talent and then blew it all up the wall because she had "issues", nothing special in the great scheme of things but made into myth thanks to her seedy demise. I hope she is at peace and I wish people would leave her alone.
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Dead Ringers (2023)
Dead indulgent
13 May 2023
Look I am not a fan of David Cronenberg I may have even just spelt his name incorrectly. For me he was someone who made schlock horror movies for people who thought they were too intellectual to like that sort of thing. Rachel Weisz is massively over-rated in my opinion, she plays Rachel Weisz in everything and if it wasn't for the pony tail you wouldn't know which character was which. She has zero range! I have only watched 2 episodes so far and I think I can see how exactly how it is going to go. Guessing twin who likes to live it up turns deadly? Is it all that shocking really? So far the plot is pretty stupid but maybe I haven't given it a fair go.... That's not going to happen I'm afraid.
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For Love or Money (2019–2022)
People with a lack of reality
11 January 2023
While I do feel some sympathy for these people and the only crooks here are those extorting money from them I cannot help but think there is a lack of reality on the part of people. Let's be brutally honest and take a look in the mirror and then look at the babe online that is desperate for you? Why would some 30 year old blond looker be single and find herself falling for some 70 year old widower or something, Same for the ladies, when you're clearly past your best why do you think this handsome and successful young guy made a bee-line for you? Don't they recognise African accents over the phone?
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The Lost City (2022)
The lost talent
3 November 2022
This is absolutely dire! I expected to look on this page and see people panning it. Where is the comedy? What action? I thought that Sandra Bullock could act but that proved to be untrue. Not high expectations for Channing Tatum but actually he has comic timing, he just had a God awful lame script. Seriously I can't believe that there are people on here giving this a score of 10 who thought it was hysterical and that there was chemistry between the leads. I found myself double checking that I had the right movie! I resented giving this pile even one star but perhaps it was worth that for casting Harry Potter as a bad guy.
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Messiah (2020)
It's a great idea.
23 October 2022
What would we do? How would the World react? I'm an atheist by the way but I still know the story. I gather they are not going to do season 2 for fear of upsetting Muslims so that's that. I am not sure how they would have taken it forward. Many of us (understatement) know the Bible story of Jesus Christ so It's not like they can take us too far off piste. I would have liked to have seen them try. If you liked this there is an Italian show called The Miracle (Il Miracolo) that is on a similar kind of theme. If you can deal with subtitles it is well worth a watch. But just as with Messiah there is only the one season.
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Lou (I) (2022)
Mind your hip, love.
26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They're surely not going to make a second one? It's harsh to say it but there is a certain reality at play here. Men will not want to watch movies with female leads unless said female is severely do-able and takes her clothes off a lot. So an action movie who's lead actor is an older lady is not going to find as large an audience as they might hope. Sure there will be some WOKE guys out there that will claim they are completely down with it and maybe they would be but this predictable pile wouldn't do it. It's ridiculous and no amount of decent actors can change that. We want good roles for actresses but this sort of thing just looks like more tokenism.
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Oh no this is hard
13 September 2022
I rated it a 7 for the music. The original is one of my favourites so I haven't exactly rushed to see this despite considerable faith in Spielberg. I'm not sure what It was that didn't really do it for me. It must be something of a challenge to cast a movie about tough street gangs with dancers and have them appear especially macho. The actor playing Rif reminded me of that character called Jack from Will and Grace and I kept picturing him dropping into camp mode everytime Spielberg said cut. The actor playing Bernardo didn't convince me with his accent. Some numbers lacked the energy of the original, America and Officer Krupke particularly. However the story remains (Romeo and Juliet essentially) and It's hard to fault that!
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Police Interceptors (2008– )
1 September 2022
I watch this show sometimes, mainly when there is nothing else on. I have to be honest I find it depressing. I've read comments here about bad policing, racism (of course) and wastes of tax payers money but the truth is people do not accept authority anymore. Our police force is under funded, under-staffed and has had its teeth pulled for fear of offending anyone. Don't get me wrong I would never support police officers who over step the mark or fit people up but Christ on a bike if I had to go into work everyday and take the shizz that they get thrown at them while they try to parent other peoples kids, attend to the mentally ill and the addicted and then solve the multitude of crimes that include everything from minor traffic offences to gangland murder and then at the end of the day see the people they deal with often let off with a slap on the wrist because trying to convict is too costly and there is no where to put them! Honestly I'd kill myself! The police are not responsible for the way society is, that is where we come into it.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
9.0 Already? Based on what?
25 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I scored it a slightly hopeful 7, hopeful that it will improve. At the moment it is looking a little predictable, The King is ill so presume he's going to kark it, they're throwing the young daughter of the Kings hand in front of him so that's going to go somewhere, might she get pregnant and give him a son? Then there is Dr Who skulking around waiting to cause no end of problems. Did I miss anything? It's early days so we will have to wait and see but one of the strong points of GoT was that it could be unpredictable.... Hope they know that.
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Black Bird (2022)
Good because of Hauser
9 August 2022
This wasn't bad at all. Possibly not as satisfying as you hope it might be and I would have liked to have known a lot more about Larry's background which leads me to Paul Walter Hauser's performance here which was absolutely fantastic. I hope he is considered for some awards because he is definitely worthy in my opinion.
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Tehran (2020– )
You're all going to die!
17 June 2022
We started out really liking this show, still do I guess and will give a third season a try but to be honest we've got to a point where we have developed a drinking game where we down shots every time someone gets killed because Tamar refuses to follows orders. Realistically Mossad would have hung her out to dry the first time she messed up on such a scale but in the show we keep ploughing on and people keep dying because of it.
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The Northman (2022)
7.5 for this pile?
18 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Could you even understand the dialogue because I only got about a third of it. Was this meant to be Hamlet lite? I learnt nothing about these people or these characters and found some of the action sequences really unconvincing. So it's a basic vengeance movie dressed up as something about Viking mythology. I think there is a TV show on a similar theme that made a better and less pretentious job of it and at the risk of seeming like I enjoy picking on Nichol Kidman she was the scariest looking thing in this!
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
It's got it all!
4 April 2022
Just watched what is said to be the last season but it looks like it is open for returns if the money arrives.

You've got to hand it to them they've thrown everything into this show, we've had WW1 trenches, Churchill, Mosely, the Mitfords, the Russians, the IRA, the Mafia, gypo curses, the Wall street crash, Tom Hardy and Adrian Brody over-acting like mad, presume director was so pleased to get them that he didn't dare tell Tom to wind his neck in or point out that Adrian was channelling Brando in The Godfather. One too many slow-mo walking scenes for my liking. Having said that I have stuck with it more or less, occasionally losing interest but coming back. Not even close to Boardwalk empire but a brave effort.
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A Violent Man (2021)
Bravo Fairbrass
24 March 2022
I said else where that I thought Craig Fairbrass had a decent performance in him if he got right role and this might be it. OK he's not going to turn up in a Merchant Ivory type offering any time soon but in this role he was very believable and believable without being over the top.

This is a movie with a serious message and I am worried that the kind of men it is trying to reach will simply get off on the violence and the teenage boy type machismo that seems to keep them in an extended childhood. I guess it's about choices really, choices and what you're willing to sacrifice in order to carry on living like an animal with no conscience.
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Oh come on!
21 February 2022
Honestly what is wrong with human beings? Why are we becoming more superstitious? There are so many things wrong with this absolute pile that I hardly know where to begin! Let's ignore the D list celebs who are desperate to get on TV or people who are related to D list celebs and concentrate on our Ghostbusters. One of them is "an ordained exorcist"!!!! Ordained by who? Given that the Catholic church is touchy on the subject who ordained this man? So much of this show is utter suggestion and pre-researched BS. Come on people lets stop being so gullible.
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Servant (2019–2023)
13 February 2022
This was way too long. There were periods where it was just treading water. The plot was frankly absurd and watching it just made me feel uncomfortable. Made the mistake of thinking it might come to life, kind of like a doll but no.
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Same old story.
15 January 2022
Are there really still people out there that think that those who do porn and or prostitution are actually happy well adjusted people? Everything about both activities are going to chew you up and spit you out and sadly that is what these people want. It's the same with drug addicts in my opinion.. Everyone knows that drug addiction will bring you to ruin, it always has it always will and yet they choose it.. It is self abuse. This docu follows the trials of this attractive gay man while he punishes himself for other peoples mistakes. It's an old story and a sad one. I read somewhere that he left the porn/sex industry so I hope that is true. At some point you have to let go of the past and live in the present. You are not your past, you are not your childhood, you are not their mistake.
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Silent Hours (2021 TV Movie)
So bad it's annoying.
6 January 2022
Friends of mine watched this and loved it. I watched it on their recommendation just to be polite. I wanted to turn it off after the first sex scene because I felt like this was a B movie using porn actors to flesh it out, no pun intended.

The acting is appalling. The script is laughable. You know that when the lead actor touches blood on a dead body and then wipes it all over the front of his sweater things are only going to get worse... And they did.

As others here have mentioned it is so old fashioned. I mean I hate all these WOKE/PC for the sake of it movies but this is offensive. Utter amateur night dross. And now I have to go away and think of a way of telling me friends what I thought about this turkey without hurting their feelings!
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You need to be in the mood
26 December 2021
For this slowly drawn out western of sorts. It looks good where ever it was filmed, I gather that was Otago NZ. There's a lot of detail and it could possibly be cropped by 15 minutes. My take on it was that it is a stab at this "toxic masculinity" thing via the implication of closet homosexuality. It is well acted and it has a nice satisfying twist in the tale. If you're in the mood for sitting quietly and enjoying a well played out slow simple story then this is one for you.
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20 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Really underwhelming and unrealistic. Seen it all before and it's all predictable throughout. The action hero of the piece is a heavily pregnant black woman who manages to instantly identify the bad guys so she's got one up on her sheriff husband already! Then she single-handedly fights off the baddies and gallops off on a horse and for good measure she manages to find her husband in the middle of a forest fire and still finish the bad guys off. The only surprise here was that they didn't make the character bi-sexual and disabled so they covered all the food groups!
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The devil made this movie
12 November 2021
The only really scary thing here is that this is based on a true story where by a man was only charged with manslaughter after getting drunk and murdering some poor guy that was housing him and his girlfriend.

I found the documentary about the case offensive enough. There was hardly a mention of the victim and even in this piece of nonsense he is portrayed as a bit of a jerk.

If the incarnation of evil (to Christians) is predominantly only interested in the children of highly religious households I guess they don't have much to fear. If a child in a village in Africa started exhibiting weird behaviour do you think they would see and react to all this Christian iconography?

If all this stuff was going on with the kid where is the documentary evidence of it? Wouldn't normal people have had the kid to a hospital? Oh wait there was a little recording of a child speaking in a voice a child might make if it was trying to sound possessed by a demon!

Yes this movie was terrifying.... It happened in a modern so called super power.
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The Larkins (2021–2022)
11 October 2021
I know it seems racist to say this and I don't want to be that way but as others have said this would not have been a multi-cultural society at that time. For some of us and what we know about the Darling buds of May etc adding characters of non-Caucasian ethnicity is just more tokenism and sometimes we could live without it. Not that it doesn't have its place it's just lets make it appropriate. Anything else is patronising.
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Modern Family: Dear Beloved Family (2018)
Season 9, Episode 12
4 August 2021
All of Modern Family is a 10 out of 10 for me. Even when it is not LOL funny it is still engaging. But in this episode Michael charven who is playing Superman delivers his line in such a way it is perfection. Hysterical!
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