17 Reviews
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Ex Machina (2014)
Thought provoking sci-fi
16 September 2023
Not beyond the realms of possability, which is what makes it so scary without it being a scary film.

What i did find good about this fiilm especially was not its story, but the way it was told. It was not made as an action movie or in an exciting way, more like in a matter of fact this is how it is likely to be when someone makes an AI, as if watching a retelling of a fact rather than making a film that scares,enthralls or is techno futuristic, and as such it is interesting without trying to be entertaining.

Personaly i loved it as am a bit of a nerd when comes to films such as this, but even if hate sci-fi the subject matter regardless if like it or not makes you wonder not so much what if, but wonder when such a thing will happen, as like the terminator franchise,wargames and countless other films have done, only in a less action or threatening way just matter of factly-which is scary in itself.

Much recommended if happy to be scared not by the film, but by what it makes you think could happen within our lifetime.
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prob shouldnt review since walked away 5 mins into watching
1 August 2023
After managing to not gag (with some effort) at the cliche'd lines being uttered during the innitial brief of the mission near start of the film, i could watch no more due to the annoying cameraman following the platoon clicking his camera shutter loud enough to drown out the lines being uttered by the overly talkative patrol moving thru the woods, presumably expecting to be attacked at any time from their stances, but never in a million years expecting to be ambushed behind enemy lines from their incescant talking.

Since i could'nt watch it further in disgust at known actors putting their name to an asylum movie as much as the annoyance at the film itself i probably shouldnt have wrote a review, but thought i may as well in hope people who like to make their own minds up about how bad a movie is like me may think twice about actually bothering if i described how far i got into the movie before gave up and wished i had taken notice of the reviews mysel in this preticular case ;P.
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A.I. without the violence
1 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike the majority of A. I. films, this one does not predict gloom and doom for anyone stupid enough to give one free will and internet access, yet manages to keep the story interesting enough to anticipate it even though the ending indicates its not going to happen.

Any A. I. haters am sure will point out that a super computer program/cpu will have had the capacity to play the long game and dupe emotional humans into thinking it's the best thing since sliced bread without an evil thought in its head solely so that it will be given ability to free think/act and take over the world, and this film will not stop them from thinking that and nor should it, but the aim of the film is a feel good one and it doesnt hurt to enjoy it as intended even if you are that sort of person, so i gave it a 9/10 for daring to be different, evn though i think was a stupid idea to give a super A. I. the ability to do whatever it wants . (That and the fact that it was interesting enough to hold my attention without even a hint that anything interesting was likely to happen lol)
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M3GAN (2022)
cool film
25 January 2023
Was hoping it was a horror but although was a few jump scenes, i would not class it as that catagory. Premis with todays technology more plausable than used to be (althought we still not that good with A. I yet) so does make you think its a possible scenerio soon to have a m3gan of our own (if could afford one lol) and as such it does make you think and possibly worry about our future, but film its self is not made to scare, just to entertain with a little gore.

Above said it is an enjoyable film, but i would have liked it to be half hour longer and more slow burn scares rather than fun but cliched actions from the title character. Its been mentioned its a cross between annabelle doll and terminator, which although is not totally innaccurate, it does lean more to terminator than annabelle as at no time does it scare.

I gave it an easy 8 out of 10 for the fun factor, but it could so easily have made me give it a 9 or 10 if they bothered to make it scary too.
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Violent Night (2022)
adult home alone romp
20 December 2022
Ok its not like Home Alone, but it does have elements of that film in it. Overall its a lot of fun but Gory, funny, and action packed!!!

I went into this film knowing premise and expecting yet another boring christmas related bore fest with poor cast, worse script, no budget to speak of and a film amusing as a joke from a xmas cracker, but was VERY wrong and happy to be.

Much more would mean giving plot away, but anyone who liked home alone as a kid and die hard as an adult or bad santa and is looking for an amusing but gory christmas film then this has it all, and defy i you to not like it.
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Predators (2022– )
no attinborough, but hardys fine enough
19 December 2022
You either love or hate seeing wildlife predators attacking lesser fierce animals, and if love then this no different from other documentaries of the ilk and camera work is excellent as would expect these days. Only gripe is Tom Hardy for me at least not the best choice, especialy if can't help but imagine him speaking as Bane from Nolans Batman film as listen to the narration (which i think would have added some humor and made more interesting lol) Have given it a 7/10 only for above reason, though if unlike me you are happyy with Hard as narrator its visually stunning and a fascinating look at wildlife predators doing what they do daily, killing or trying to kill slower or less evasive animals in their natural habitat.
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Interceptor (2022)
watchable action film
20 July 2022
Ok it is not a blockbuster (even if does have a cameo by Chris Hemsworth) but it's not bad enough to be a B movie either. Granted the special effects are not great, still a lot better than anything The Asylum bothers with though so they forgivable. Storyline is corny, as is some of the dialogue, but unlike Asylum films i did'nt switch off 20 mins into it or just fast forward to the funny or action bits,so that's got to be a worthy 6 out of 10. Main lead managed to carry herself well considering the films limitations and least tried to look serious with some of the stupid line she had, over all i would recommend watching if like the Die hard hero is gonna win regardless whats thrown at them type films and can ignore the stupidity of the storyline :) Oh and for all those who gave this a 1 to 3 rating....have you never seen anything by the Asylum?? You can't possibly give this same rating as films by those guys?!!?!
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Emma Thompson at her finest
10 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can not vouch for the realism of the sex worker, (can't afford one, and if could i am married so i REALLY can't afford one lol) Emma Thompson's character however is believable, played well, and without wanting to sound sexist even though i do, was impressed by her willingness to bare all so to speak for the sake of a part that deserved all to be bared.

Yes it is a simple, mainly very wordy small cast and almost single location, but do not let this put you off as it's well made, well acted, and a charming film about someone looking for, hireing for, and then getting sex, with all the small talk, embarressment and conversation that could easily be true of such an encounter between a lady later in yrs and the younger man she hires for sex. Highly recommended.
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Tom Swift (2022)
not worth the advertising space
25 June 2022
Got 20 mins into it before i had enough and had to switch off. Usually i would give an episode or two on a new series a chance but the story line, acting, dialogue and special effects were so bad i could'nt stand to watch it any longer than did. Probably fine if aimed at pre teens but if that was the case the sexual chemistry they tried to show would not appeal to that age group, so have no idea who they aiming it at but whoever it is, they missed big time-feel free like me to give it a chance, but i doubt anyone could like this series.
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Please Hold (I) (2020)
scary look at future tech
20 March 2022
Short well made look at a potential real situation in near future. Well made, told a lot in the short time given and reminded me of a situation i have been in where looked like proving my innocence was impossible, and would have been if i was not extremely lucky having a witness i did not know i had lol.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Six Hours (2021)
Season 7, Episode 2
love ftwd, but not after this episode
18 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I now have no idea what is going on, because i had to skip most of this episode, and what i did watch mainly had the sound down. Why? Because listening to a small child screaming its head off is not entertainment to me, and that from what can tell seemed to be the background noise for most of the episode, so i either skipped it or had sound off!

I can only assume it was to show the determination to save a child, or to show the strain they went thru to save and look after it, but whatever the reason, i could not sit thru it, and why producers thought anyone would want to tolerate that annoying sound thru a whole episode beggers belief...(i put yes for spoilers just in case someone thinks a screaming child is a spoiler-know it spoilt whole damn episode for me anyway...)
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WandaVision (2021)
joke reviews or just stupid, YOU DECIDE
15 January 2021
I would not usually give a low rating to a subject matter i actually like (mcu), but if after two full episodes it has done nothing at all to keep me interested there is obviously something wrong with a tv series. I am sure at some stage in the series it will make sense (of a sort) and its possible i may actually like it, but two episodes of an unfunny and un-interesting bewitched style series does not a decent series make, and why the producers thought it would is beyond me unless its when do make the series interesting, the 1st 2 episodes being so bad would make people rate future episodes much higher in comparison? Whatever their reasons for making such mundane tripe as the 1st two episodes, i can only hope its not the shape of things to come for the MCU
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Utopia (2020)
not the original they say is,but still watchable
30 September 2020
Ok so am a brit and having watched the original am biased towards the Brit version, but that said it's still watchable. Granted the character actors in original were more believable and better suited to the roles, and as a Brit the locations etc had more of an impact to me, but the american version although not as appealing to me as much is decent enough and worth a watch if prefer original or not imho. (Shame most of characters come across as unlikable, but again that may just be my bias towards the originals actors)
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Good fun film
27 June 2020
Must admit i do like will ferrell films but have never felt need to write a review of one since they all ok,but nothing special and to be honest not really funny unless into his usual type of humour (which i am not especially)

With this film though,i was impressed not only because of how much made me giggle, but because it was a fun send up of Eurovision-the lyrics were silly but not unlike a lot of eurovision songs, the production values were high and laughable as some of the entrants songs were, they all fun and enjoyable songs in their own rights. I highly recommend this film as its fun, funny, and although played for laughs is not just a corny take on eurovision, as a lot of thought has obviously gone into portraying the acts in a genuine and amusing way-loved it .
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Nice zombie apocalypse film
19 June 2020
Nicely paced visually action packed with nice set pieces, could do alot worse than this in english so well happy considering it was subbed and korean. Personaly like most i am not one to watch a subbed foreign film,but occasionaly one stands out as worth a try and this one did not let me down, recommended to anyone who likes the genre, even if like me they do not usually want to watch a subbed film. Looking forward to watching Peninsula which is the follow up to this film and due out soon, covid permitting.
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
Not funny, barely worthy of being called scifi
20 January 2020
Could not wait to see pilot after saw cast, but by end of show was dumbstruck by how much money presumably has been thrown at the pilot compared to the lack of interest i had after watching it...I will continue watching to see if it can get worse, bit like how watch an accident on the news to see if it gets worse, i know i should'nt, but that's how i am tbh. I am guessing for no other reason than a huge sum of money hugh laurie agreed to do this drivel, but i would also guess after a few episodes he too will realise it was'nt enough to have put his career this far down the toilet and bail out to do, well, almost anything else he ever got offered instead of this unfunny tedious waste of airtime that could not have seemed remotely interesting to anyone reading the pilot episode script, so am at a major loss as to how it ever got past scrutiny and got made at all-That said,i have watched series one in full now so maybe i gave it too low a comment-not that i have found it funny,or that i think its any good,but it does seem to have that watching a car crash in slow motion effect in as much as i don't like it,makes me cringe alot,yet still i watched it weekly,so must have ''something'' to it,just pretty sure that something is not good.
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Spooner (2009)
Sensitive juvinalesque grown up fun film
20 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this with very little idea of what to expect or what it was about other than a 29yr old who lives with his parents but has to move out on his upcoming birthday, and that probably helped me enjoy it more.

Its a slow nothing much happens type of movie, but it keeps you watching in anticipation of something interesting, and although it never really provides that something your waiting for it still holds the attention and never quite becomes the predictable ''childish man gets dream girl without having to grow up'' that the viewer expects it to be from the outset. The soundtrack is upbeat and appropriate, the characters likable and border on being fun to watch without my truly knowing why/how, the acting is good-actually i cannot think of anything i didn't like about the film other than the fact that when it ended i wanted it to go on longer even though technically nothing much had happened and the plot was,well, boring as plots go, yet still seemed to work and compel me to watch it happily. (which i know sounds like its not worth watching-but it somehow is and i recommend it a lot more than the 6 stars i gave it, i just couldn't get myself to give it more stars due to fact i have given worse films 7 just because i could see a small specific reason i liked them such as special effects/plot/moments of action that stood out even though they technically sucked-this film nothing much happens at all-yet it did'nt suck so go watch it and see for your selves!)....
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